M.19.18KD.19.18A-noon as men nompned . þe heiȝe name ofM.19.18: M's reading heiȝe name of is shared with Cr. Most other B manuscripts have name of god. Ihesu .
Cr1.19.18KD.19.18 Anon as men named this highe name of Iesus
C.19.16KD.19.18 Anoon as men nepned ˜ the name of god Ihesu
O.19.16KD.19.18Anoon as men nempnedenO.19.16: O alone has nempneden; most B manuscripts have nempned. þe name of god iesu
[Not found.]
F.15.19KD.19.18.1For In nomine Iesu omne genu flectitur celestia terrestria / ¶ & infernorum.F.15.19: This line appears uniquely in F. Kane and Donaldson call attention to its similarity to F15.83. Note that the scribe
at F15.82 adds first as an apparent reference back to this line.