Readings for line KD.20.100

Deth cam dryuendeL.20.99: LRF have the -ende form of the present participle; most other B witnesses read dryuynge. See the Linguistic Description § III. after · and al to doust passhed
Deth cam dryuynge after . and al to dust passhed
Death came driuynge after , and to dust pashed ,
Deeþ cam dryuynge after . and al to duste passhed
Deþ cam dryuynge after · and all to dust paisched ·
deþ cam dryuynge after and al to dust passhed
deathe came dryuvyng after / & all to duvst passhed
Deþ cam dryuynge after  & al to dust passchede
¶ Deth cam driuende after  and al to duste pdaschte .R.20.74: Once more, R began with the correct reading, paschte (cf. beta's passhed and Cx's paschte) but was "corrected" by Hand2 to the erroneous reading attested in F. The likeliest cause for this seemingly bizarre series of "corrections" (cf. R5.178 and R18.53) is that Hand2 was comparing R to a debased alpha copy; in this particular instance, the scribe of that debased copy would have found daschte appealing on grounds of extra alliteration (aa|aa) as well as greater familiarity.
Þan cam deeþ dryvende / & alle to dust he daschede hem.F.16.100: F's "he daschede hem" is unique. Beta and C witnesses have "passhed."