M.20.102KD.20.103That he hit euene . þat euere stoodM.20.102: M's stood agrees with Cr; other B manuscripts have stired. aftur
Cr1.20.101KD.20.103 That he hitte euen , he neuer stode after
C.20.100KD.20.103 That he hitte euene · þat stirred neuer after
G.21.100KD.20.103 that he hytt euven / styrryd nere neuver after G.21.100: The mark in the bottom right hand margin is just a smudge.
O.20.100KD.20.103Þat he neO.20.100: YOC2Cot alone include ne. hitte euene þat neuereO.20.100: CrO alone have neuere in place of euere. sterede after