Cr1.20.124KD.20.126 Symony him sent to assayle conscience
C.20.123KD.20.126 Symonye hym sente to assaille conscience
R.20.100KD.20.126 Symonye hym seudeR.20.100: R uniquely deploys this apparent nonsense word; almost all other B manuscripts read sent. However, on the basis of R's
apparent metathesis of a very plausible reading unanimously attested in C manuscripts, Kane-Donaldson proposed emending B to that
reading, suede. to assaile consience .
F.16.126KD.20.126& Symonye he sente / to a-soyleF.16.126: FY alone read a-soyle. Bx and Cx have assaille. conscience.