Cr1.20.134KD.20.136 And to the arches in hast he yede anone after ,
W.20.135KD.20.136 ¶ AnAn[d]W.20.135: W alone reads An; all other manuscripts have And. The W scribe nowhere else uses this form for And. to þe Arches in haste . he yede anoon after
C.20.133KD.20.136 And to þe arches in haste · he yede anon after
R.20.110KD.20.136 And in-toR.20.110: Beta
copies (except for Hm, which agrees with alpha), read to. Among the C manuscripts, the P family agrees with beta while the X family agrees with
alpha. þe arches in haste he ȝede anon after .
F.16.136KD.20.136¶ & þanne in-toF.16.136: F's þanne is unique. Alpha and Hm, as well as a number of C manuscripts, have into where most beta and some C witnesses have to. þe Archis / in haste he wente after.