M.20.151KD.20.152Lyf l...eep a-side . and cauȝteM.20.151: M shares the reading cauȝte with Cr1; other B manuscripts have lauȝte. hym a lemman .
Cr1.20.150KD.20.152 Lyfe lept asede and caught him a lemman ,
C.20.149KD.20.152 ¶ Lif lep a-side · and laughte hym a lemman
R.20.126KD.20.152 Lif seith
occideR.20.126: For R's non-alliterating seith occide, F has seyde occide, but beta (agreeing here with C) reads leep asyde. and lauȝte hym a lemman .
F.16.152KD.20.152¶ Lyf seyde occideF.16.152: Alpha is responsible for "seyde occide." Beta and C witnesses have "lepte aside." / & lawhte hym a lemman.