L.20.235KD.20.236 And sithen þei chosen chele · and cheytifteL.20.235: LWR read cheytifte; most B witnesses have chaytyf. pouerte
Cr1.20.234KD.20.236 And syth they chosen chele and cheitif pouertie
C.20.233KD.20.236 And seyn they chosen chele · and cheitif pouerte
O.20.233KD.20.236And seyenO.20.233: GO alone have seyen; most B manuscripts have siþen. þei chosen chele & chaytijf pouert
R.20.210KD.20.236 And sitthen þei chosen chele and cheytifteR.20.210: F is
uniquely garbled in this b-verse, reading this variant as chastite. The
most commonly attested reading in beta manuscripts at this point is cheitif (MCrHmCO); but the original beta reading is probably that of LW, which agrees
with R and Cx: cheytifte. The widespread misreading
of this word is probably owed to its comparative rarity relative to the adjective—as
well as to the unexpected syntax. pouerte .
F.16.236KD.20.236& sytthe þey chosen chele / & chastite & pouertF.16.236: F's b-verse is unique. There is a good bit of variety among beta and C witnesses. LRW have "cheitiftee pouerte."