Readings for line KD.20.260

Wil no tresorere hem paye · trauaille þei neure so sore
WolOr þei wilM.20.260: M's revised reading Or þei wil is shared only with Cr. Most B manuscripts have Wol, which was M's original reading, but F has Ellys will and B has And þerfore wollen. no tresour hem paye . trauaille þei neuere so soore
Or they wil no treasure hem pay , trauaile they neuer so sore
Wol no man tresoreW.20.262: W alone reads no man tresore; most other manuscripts have no tresorer. hem paie . trauaille þei neuer so sooreW.20.262: Apart from WHmB, the other scribes copied this line after W20.259.
wol no tresorer hem paye · trauayle þey neuere so soreHm.20.262: WB agree with Hm's line ordering; however, most B manuscripts supply this line, Hm20.262, two lines earlier, after Hm20.159. (The Kane and Donaldson numbering reflects this different ordering.) ·
Wol no tresore hem paye · trayuaille thay neuere
wole no treysorer þem pay / trauveyle þei neuer so long
Wole no tresourerer hem paye  traueyle þei neuere so sore
Wil no tresorere taken hymR.20.233: Once more F agrees with beta in reading the plural pronoun (hem) against R's singular; however, the entire phrase in which the pronoun occurs (take hem wages) has been corrupted in beta to read hem paye. The C version reads the phrase in exact agreement with F. wages  trauaile þei neuer so sore .R.20.233: The final punctuation here appears ambiguous because it has been partially rubbed away; it may have been a punctus elevatus originally. After this line, the R scribe omits his customary practice of inserting a blank line to divide poetic strophes, presumably because the next line is the last one ruled for this side.
Ellys wille no tresorer take hem wages / trauayle þey ner so sore