L.20.286KD.20.287 Ȝerne of forȝifnesse · or lenger ȝeres leueL.20.286: LR alone read leue (or perhaps lene); most other B manuscripts have loone.
Cr1.20.285KD.20.287 Yerne of fogifenesfo[r]gifenes or lenger yeres loone
C.20.284KD.20.287 yerne of forgyuenesse · or lenger yeres loone
R.20.259KD.20.287 Ȝerne of forȝyuenesse or
yere leue .R.20.259: R's unmarked possessive (=yere) is completely unique. For
the entire phrase, the beta majority reads ȝeres loone. F's bleve seems an obvious editorial conjecture. R's leue is
uniquely shared with L and is almost certainly the original B reading.
It is shared with Cx.
F.16.285KD.20.287FulF.16.285: The scribe began to write an <a> and overwrote the beginning of its upper lobe with <u>. ȝeerne forȝevenesse / or lengere þey bleve þere.F.16.285: Bx reads "Yerne of forȝifnesse or lenger yeres loone," though the agreement of LR in reading leue (or lene) complicates the matter. It is not clear what F intended by bleve. For bleve, see MED, s. v. bilēven (v.1) 3., "remain, tarry."