Cr1.20.48KD.20.50 Ne neuer none so nedy ne poore died ,
C.20.49KD.20.50 Ne neuere non so nedy ne pouerer deyede
G.21.49KD.20.50 ne neuer non so nedye / ne so poereG.21.49: Both agreements between G and Hm in this line (ne so for most manuscripts ne, and poere (as also Cr C) for remaining manuscripts pouerere) result from correction in Hm. dyed
O.20.49KD.20.50Ne neuere noon so nedy ne alsoO.20.49: Only O has ne also; most B manuscripts have ne alone. porer deyede
F.16.50KD.20.50Ne neuere noon so needy / ne noon porereF.16.50: A pale punctus, perhaps scraped, appears after porere, suggesting that the scribe prematurely ended the line and changed his mind. dyȝede.