Cr1.20.53KD.20.55 And false spring and spred and sped mens nedes
C.20.54KD.20.55 And fals sprynge and sprede · and spedde mennes nedes
ipsa papaG.21.52:The gloss ipsa papa has been added in black ink above the word "false." The addition is smudged and may have been added in the wrong place and
then partially deleted. See G.21.52 above.
G.21.54KD.20.55 & falsce sprangG.21.54: The preterites in this line result from the loss in β manuscripts of RF made (compare F & made fals springe etc.). All C manuscripts have "made". & spredde / & spedde mennys nedys
R.20.29KD.20.55 And madeR.20.29:
Beta omits made but the C witnesses include
it. fals springe and sprede & spede mennes nedes .
F.16.55KD.20.55& made fals springe & sprede / & schendeF.16.55: F's schende is unique. Bx has spede. mennys nedysF.16.55: The curl following <d> is ambiguous, and we have resolved to Bx's plural form, but the scribe may have intended singular nede.