Cr1.20.60KD.20.62 Whiche foles were well leuer to dye than to lyue
C.20.61KD.20.62 Wiche foles were wel leuere · to dye and than to lyuye
R.20.36KD.20.62 Whiche foles were gladdereR.20.36: Beta reads wel leuer. The C manuscripts agree here with alpha. to deye þan to lyue .
F.16.62KD.20.62Whiche were gladdere to dyȝe / þan to gon on lyve.F.16.62: F's reading is unique. Beta has "Whiche foolis were wel leuere to deye." F alone omits foolis. Alpha and C have gladdere for beta's leuere. Alpha and G omit beta's and C's wel.