Cr1.3.133KD.3.131 For she is Tikel of her tayle , talewyse of her tonge
W.3.132KD.3.131 For she is tikel of hire tail . and talewis of hire tonge W.3.132:nota
C.3.132KD.3.131 For she is tikel of hir tail · talwis of hir tonge
O.3.131KD.3.131For sche is fikilO.3.131: OC2 alone have fikil in place of tikil. of hir tayl tale-wijs of hir tunge
R.3.123KD.3.131 For sche is tykil of hire taile tale-wise of tongeR.3.123: R's phrase at the end of this line represents the alpha reading; beta has talwis of hir tonge. However, Cx
clearly agrees with alpha's phrasing while the A manuscripts are split
between the alpha and beta lections. .