Readings for line KD.3.168

For pore men mowe haue no powere · to pleyne hem þouȝ þei smerte
For pore men mowe haue non power  to playne þouȝ þei smerte .
For pore men mai haue no powr to plain hem when they smarte
For pouere men may haue no power . to pleyne hem þouȝ þei smerte
for poore men mowe haue · no power hem to pleyneHm.3.167: Hm divides the line here, creating a new line to follow and thus demanding the creation of a b-verse for the newly made line. Hm.3.168 takes what may have been the last three words of its exemplar's 167 tyl þey sore smerte and fills the line out with the bland, unalliterating and lowe a-downe falle. ·
tyl þey sore smerte · and lowe a-downe falle
For pore men mowe haue no power · to pleyne hem þouȝ þei smerte
for poere men may not pleyne þem allthogh they smerte
For pore men mowen haue no power  to pleyne hem þouȝ þei smertenO.3.168: OC2 alone have the form smerten in place of smerte. .
For pore men mow haue no powere  to pleyne hem þoȝ þei smerte .
For poore men have no powher / to pleyne þeyhȝ þey smerte.F.4.157: F omits the following line from Bx: "Swich a maister is Mede among men of goode."