Readings for line KD.4.193

So conscience be of owre conseille · I kepe no bettere
So connscience be of ȝyowreM.4.195: M and C2 agree in reading yowre, corrected from ȝowre in M; all other B manuscripts have oure, except for H which has my. The majority of A manuscripts have ȝour. conseille . I kepe no bett.rere
So conscience be of oure councell I kepe no better
So Conscience be of oure counseil . I kepe no bettre
so conscyence be of oure conseyl · y kepe no bettreHm.4.192: After this line, all other manuscripts contain a line not found in Hm, here given in the spelling of L: And I graunt quod the kynge goddes forbode it faile. Perhaps the omission is due to an eye-skip, for both the omitted line and the next begin (in most manuscripts) with the letter A. Despite the omission, the lines make perfect syntactic sense, though now the final line would have to be spoken by Reason rather than the King, whose words begin the omitted line. ·
So conscience be of oure conseil · I kepe no bettre
so conscyence be off couvnseyle I kepe no better
So concience be of oure counceyl  I kepe no bettere
So consience be of oure conseil  I kepe no bettere .
F [Not found.]