Cr1.5.283KD.5.277α Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti & cetera .
C.5.287KD.5.277α Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti & cetera.
¶ Þere is no laborere
wolde leue with hem þat knoweth peres þe plowman .R.5.288: Kane-Donaldson dismiss this alpha line as spurious because of
its reference to Piers Plowman, who has not yet been introduced into the
F.5.287KD.5.277.1Þer ys no Laborer þat wil leveF.5.287: The scribe initially wrote love and corrected to leve. þe / þat longiþ to pers plowhman.F.5.287: This line appears only in alpha.