Cr1.5.395KD.5.388 Were I brought abed but if my talende it made
W.5.397KD.5.388 Were I brouȝt abedde . but if my tail-endeW.5.397: The spacing is ambiguous, and this could be read as two words. Cf. W8.82 (fol. 46r) where the word is clearly written
as one word, in the sense "tallying" but with a pun on tail-ende. it made
C.5.401KD.5.388 Were I brouȝt a-bedde · but if my taillende it made
F.5.397KD.5.388But where y browht in bedde / but my belyF.5.397: F's bely is unique. Bx has tailende. it made.