Readings for line KD.5.396

Ac neither of owre lorde ne of owre lady · þe leste þat euere was made
Ac nowther of oure lorde ne oure lady  þe leeste þat euere was madeked
But of our lorde or our lady , I lerne nothyng at all .
Ac neiþer of oure lord ne of oure lady . þe leeste þat euere was maked
ac neythur of oure lorde ne of oure lady the leste that euere was maked ·
And nouþer of oure lorde ne ourdour lady · þe lest þat is made
but neþer off our lorde ne our ladye þing þat euer was made
Ac neiþer of oure lord ne oure lady  þe leest þat is maad
Ac noþer of oure lorR.5.409: R's clipped form for lord is unique among the B manuscripts both here and in R18.61. See Richard Jordan, Handbook of Middle English Grammar: Phonology, translated and revised by Eugene Joseph Crook (The Hague: Mouton, 1974): §199, remark 3. ne of oure lady  þe leste þat euere was maked .R.5.409: Here the scribe omits his customary line break before a new verse paragraph, presumably because the next line will be the final one of this side.
But non of oure lord ne oure lady / þe leeste þat is makyd.