L.5.492KD.5.480 ¶ Now god quod he · þat of þi goodnesse · gonne þe worlde make
M.5.493KD.5.480Now god quod he þat of þiney goodnesse gunne þe worlde make
Cr1.5.488KD.5.480 Now god quod he , þat of thi goodnes coud þe world make
W.5.490KD.5.480 ¶ Now god quod he þat of þi goodnesse . bigonneW.5.490: W alone reads bigonne. Other B manuscripts read gonne. þe world to make
C.5.493KD.5.480 Now god quod he of þy goodnesse · þat gonne þe worlde make
¶¶R.5.493: The rubricator failed to
notice the "cc" paraph marker. Now god quodR.5.493:
R agrees with the beta manuscripts about most of this phrase but uniquely omits he at this point (F completely reworks the phrase as & seid
god). þat of þi goednesse gonne þe worlde make .