# the devill haue þat Reccheth
M.6.123KD.6.120And þo.wgh ȝye deiȝe for do..el . þe deuel haue þat reccheth
Cr1.6.123KD.6.120 And though ye dye for dole , þe deuyl haue that retche .
C.6.121KD.6.120 And þouȝ ye dye for dole · þe deuel haue þat recches
R.6.122KD.6.120 And þouȝ ȝe deyedeR.6.122:
R's deyede is unique. All other B manuscripts show a
present-tense form here, as do the A and C
versions. for deul þe deuel haue þat recche .