L.6.176KD.6.173 Awreke me of þise wastoures quod he · þat þis worlde schendeth
M.6.176KD.6.173A-wreke me onM.6.176: M shares the reading on with Hm, for of in other B manuscripts. þes wastours quod he þat þis worlde schendeth
Cr1.6.176KD.6.173 Awreke me of these wastors quod he , þat this world shendeth
Hm.6.175KD.6.173 a-wreke me on these wastours quod he · that the . worlde schendeth
C.6.174KD.6.173 A-wreke me of þise wastours quod he · þat þis world shendes
O.6.177KD.6.173A-wreke me of þeise wastouris quod he þat þis werld schenden
R.6.175KD.6.173 Awreke me of þis wastoures quod he þat þis
world schenden .R.6.175: Though manuscripts O and G agree with R's terminal inflection for this verb,
( a feature also mirrored by several A witnesses), beta itself, as with
Ax, presumably read schendeth. F has shende.