Cr1.6.304KD.6.298 With grene poret & pesen , to poison him thei thought
C.6.299KD.6.298 With grene porrettes and pesen · hunger þey thoughte
G.7.305KD.6.298 wyth grene porrett & peasone to poysone þem ..hym þei thoghtG.7.305: The added words hym þei have had to be squashed in. Note the virgule inserted after þei in order to separate it from thoght.
R.6.303KD.6.298 With grene poret and pesesR.6.303: R's plural is the same alpha form attested in
F (pesis); the beta plural, also found in a majority of A copies, reads pesen. to poyson hunger þei
thouȝte .