L.6.308KD.6.301 With good ale as glotoun tauȝte · and gerte hunger go slepe
M.6.308KD.6.301With gode ale as glotoun tauȝte . and gerte hungre goo slepe
Cr1.6.307KD.6.301 With good ale as Gloton taught , & gart hungre a slepe
[Not found.]
G.7.308KD.6.301 wyth good ale as gloton taght & garte hongre toG.7.308: The majority of A manuscripts share the G Cr3 Hm C2 reading to, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read go. slepe
R.6.306KD.6.301 With good ale as glotoun tauȝte and
gerte hunger go slepe .
F.5.956KD.6.301& with good ale / as glotoun tawhte / þan gan he goo to slepe.