L.6.50KD.6.48 For in charnel atteL.6.50: LHmM read atte, "at the," against all other B manuscripts' at. Since Hm routinely writes atte for at, only the agreement of LM is significant. chirche · cherles ben yuel to knowe
M.6.50KD.6.48For in CharnelesM.6.50: M shares plural Charneles with G. Other B manuscripts have the singular. atte churche . cherlus ben .euele to knowe
Cr1.6.50KD.6.48 For in þe charnel at churche cherls be ful euel to know
W.6.50KD.6.48 For in Charnel at chirche . cherles ben yuel to knowe
Hm.6.50KD.6.48 ¶ For yn a charnel atteHm.6.50: Though Hm appears to agree with LM in reading atte, "at the," against at or & in in other B manuscripts, usually Hm means only "at." cherche · c......herles ben euyl to knowe
C.6.48KD.6.47a.1 Þan þow bot þou do bette · And lyue as þow shulde
C.6.49KD.6.48 For in charnel and in cherche · churles ben yuele to knowe
G.7.50KD.6.48 for In chernels at chuvrches cherles been yll to knowe
O.6.50KD.6.47α.1Þan þou but þou do bette & lyue as þou schuldistO.6.50: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which appears only in Cr23YOC2CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal.
O.6.51KD.6.48For in charnel &O.6.51: Only O has & unaccompanied by any other word, rendering the line unintelligible. It is unintelligible as well in the reading of Cr23YC2CB, & in. WHmCr1GLMRF have at(te) alone. cherche cherlis been yuel to knowe
R.6.50KD.6.48 For in a
chanel, "charnel house." For the spelling, see MED, s.v.
charnel n.(1). at cherche clerkesR.6.50:
Beta reads cherles, which clearly reflects Bx (and
agrees with C). Alpha's variant (F = a clerk) is
deficient in alliteration as well as less suitable to the context (levelling of social
classes beyond death). ben euel to knowe .
F.5.702KD.6.48For in aF.5.702: Alpha is responsible for a, a reading shared by Hm. chapelF.5.702: F's reading is unique. R has chanel, leaving the <r> out of Bx's Charnel. or in a chirche / a clerkF.5.702: Alpha substituted clerkes for original cherles. F uniquely has "a clerk." is evel to knowe.