Readings for line KD.6.89

Til I come to his acountes · as my credo me telleth
Til I come to his acomptus  as my Credo me telleþ
Tyl I com to my counts as my Credo me telleth
Til I come to hise acountes . as my Credo me telleþ
tyl y come to his accountes · as my crede me telleth
Til I come to hise acountes as my credo me telles
tyll I come to hys acomptes as credo me tellythe
Til I come to hise acountis  as me?y credo me telliþ
Til I come tilR.6.91: R's til before his acountes is unique among the B witnesses. Ax, like beta and F, shows to here, but Cx agrees with R. his acountes  as my crede tellethR.6.91: Beta adds me before telleth. A majority of A manuscripts agrees with beta on this addition, but a minority (ChHaLaEWaMa) supports alpha's omission of the pronoun. Moreover, Cx clearly supports alpha in omitting me. .
Tyl y come to hise a-cowntys / as my credeF.5.743: Alpha lacks beta's me after crede. F's spelliþ is unique. Bx has telleþ. spelliþ.F.5.743: F omitted the following line from Bx: "To haue relees and remission on þat rental I leue."