Readings for line KD.8.6

Was neuere wiȝte as I went · þat me wisse couthe
# the questioun askyn of Freris of dowell
Was neuere wiȝte as I wente  þat me wisse couthe
Was neuer wyght as I went , that me wyshe could
Was neuere wiȝt as I wente . þat me wisse kouþe
...?...was neuer wythHm.8.6: Wyth, "person, anyone." as y wente · that me wysse cowde
Was neuere wiȝt as I wente · þat me wisse kouthe
was neuer wyght as I went þat me wvysse couvlde
Was neuere wiȝt as I wente  þat me wisse kouþeO.8.6: OC2 alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "Where þis leode lenged lasse ne moore."
AndR.8.6: R's And is unique. F begins the line with But þere was, while beta simply begins with Was. Both Ax and Cx agree with beta. was neuere in þis worldeR.8.6: R uniquely omits wiȝt immediately after neuere. R's in þis worlde, though supported by Cx, is also unique among the B copies; beta and F agree instead on as I went, which is also the reading of many A copies (others have wene rather than wente).  þat me wisse couthe .
But þere waswas [neuere] wyght as y went / þat me wysshe cowthe.