M.8.72KD.8.72What artow quod I þo þatM.8.72: M alone among B manuscripts omits þou at this point, but it is the reading of A and most C manuscripts. Most B manuscripts read þat þou; Cr reads thou þat. myn name knowest
Cr1.8.72KD.8.72 What art þou quod I tho , thou þat my name knoweste ?
C.8.72KD.8.72 ¶ What artow quod I þo · þat þow my name knawest
R.8.68KD.8.72 ¶ What art þow quod IR.8.68:
R uniquely omits þo after quod I. However, this adverb
in the other B copies may well be a scribal addition since the same
omission as found in R characterizes Cx and half of the A witnesses. þat þow my name knoweste .
F.6.68KD.8.72¶ What art þou quod y þo / þat þowhȝ my name knowist