Cr1.8.93KD.8.94 And suffreth the vnwise with you for to lyue
W.8.93KD.8.94 ¶ And suffreþ þe vnwise . wiþ yow for to libbe W.8.93:nota
C.8.92KD.8.94-95 And to þe vnwise ye do goode · for so god yow beddis
G.9.93KD.8.94 and suvffer þe vnwysse wythe you toG.9.93: A high proportion of A manuscripts share the G F reading to (for remaining B manuscripts forto),and this is the reading which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. lyuve
O.8.91KD.8.94And suffrenO.7.91: OC2 alone have the form suffren; most other B manuscripts have suffreþ. þe vnwyse wiþ ȝow for to libbe
F.6.90KD.8.94He seyþ ȝee sholde gladly suffre þe vnwyse / with ȝow to lybbe.