Readings for line KD.9.181

And þanne gete ȝe þe grace of god · and good ynogh to lyue with
And. þanne gete .ye þe grace of god  and good ynowgh to liuen with
And than get ye þe grace of god & good I-nough to liue wyth
And þanne gete ye þe grace of god . and good ynouȝ to lyue wiþ          W.9.189:nota
and þanne gete ȝe the grace of god · & good y-now to lyue wyth ·
And þanne gete ye þe grace of god · and goode ynough to lyue with
and þen gett ye þe grace off god & good ynoghe to lyuve wyth
And þanne getenO.9.188: O alone has geten in place of gete. ȝe þe grace of god  & good ynow to lyue wiþ
And þanne gete ȝe graceR.9.184: In place of alpha's grace, beta reads þe grace. of god  and god Inow to lyue with .R.9.184: Hereafter alpha omits seven lines found in beta (and in slightly revised form in the C version):
And euery maner seculer þat may nouȝt continue
Wysly go wedde and war hym fro synne
For leccherye in likyng is lymeȝerde of helle
Whiles þow art ȝonge and þi wepne kene
Wreke þe with wyuynge ȝif þow wil ben excused
Dum sis vir fortis ne des tua robora scortis
Scribitur in portis meretrix est ianua mortis

Whan ȝe haue wyued bewar and worcheth in tyme
Nouȝt as Adam & Eue whan caym was engendred
& þanne gete ȝee grace of god / & good y-nou to welde.F.6.307: Alpha omits nine lines present in beta witnesses:
And euery maner seculer þat may noȝt continue
Wisely go wedde and ware hym fro synne
For lecherie in likynge is lymeyerd of helle
Whiles þow art yong and þi wepene kene
Wreke þee wiþ wyuyng if þow wolt ben excused
Dum sis vir fortis ne des tua robora scortis
Scribitur in portis meretrix est ianua mortis

Whan ye han wyued beþ war and wercheþ in tyme
Noȝt as Adam and Eue whan Caym was engendred