Cr1.9.22KD.9.22 And syr Godfray Gowel , gret lords for sothe
C.9.22KD.9.22 And sir godfray go wel · grete lordes for-sothe
R.9.22KD.9.22 And sire godefrey go-wel a grete lordR.9.22:
In place of alpha's singular (a grete lord), beta opts for the plural: gret lordes. Beta's choice agrees with the reading of both Ax and Cx. for-sothe
F.6.146KD.9.22& sire Goweel on groundeF.6.146:F's reading is unique. Other witnesses have "Godefray Go-wel" in place of "Goweel on grounde." / a gret LordF.6.146: Alpha is responsible for singular "a gret Lord." Beta witnesses have "grete lordes." for-sothe.