L.P.40KD.P.40 Bidders and beggeres · fast aboute ȝedeL.P.40: The Laud librarian has added in the bottom margin the following inscription: Liber Guilielmi Laud Archiepiscopi Cantuarij
: et Cancellarij Vniuersitatis Oxoniensis
Cr1.P.40KD.P.40 Bydderis and beggeris faste aboute yede
C.P.40KD.P.40 ¶ Bidders and beggers · faste aboute yede
O.P.40KD.P.40 ¶ Bidderis & beggeris faste aboute ȝiedenO.P.40: OC2 alone have the form ȝieden; all other beta witnesses have yede.
[Not found.]
F.1.37KD.P.40Boþe bidderis & beggeris / faste a-bowtyn wentynF.1.37: F omits the following line from Bx: "Wiþ hire bely and hire bagge of breed ful ycrammed."