The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive, Vol. 3: Oxford, Oriel College, MS 79 (O) version of 30 December 2003 William Langland Edited by Katherine Heinrichs Graduate Research Assistants Patricia Bart, Michael Blum, John Ivor Carlson, Peter Eubanks, Paul Fyfe, Paul Gaffney, Janice McCoy, Chloe Smith, Timothy L. Stinson, Jordan Taylor, and Keicy Tolbert. Computer Consultants and Programmers Shayne Brandon, Kirk V. Hastings, Richard A. Peterson, Daniel Pitti, Jonathan Rodney, and John Unsworth. Published for the Medieval Academy of America and The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts (SEENET) by Boydell and Brewer Ltd. Cambridge ISBN: 1843840251

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Oxford, Oriel College, MS 79

late 14th or early 15th century Source copy consulted: Oxford, Oriel College, MS 79

brown ink anglicana bastarda italic Lombard Cap ornamented capital, N lines high rubricated touched in red textura underlined underlined in red green ink blue ink

Latin French German May, 2001 cataloger Patricia Bart New header created
P ers plowman

O.P.000: A vertical line, hooked at the top, three line-spaces in height, precedes the title. The following lines appear at the head of the text: Et s in e v erbo rum  sonitu . fit doctor eo rum Ip se tua m me nte m  regat & faciat sapie nte m Recte c redente m  monitos q ue bonos retine nte m Vt b en e viue ndo  ma ndata q ue sana sequendo Leticia m v ere  luc is . m erearis habere Q ue teneb ras nescit  miro q ue decore nitescit Et cuicu m que dat ur  s in e fine beatificat ur H oc t ibi det mun us  q ui regnat t rin us & vn us . ame n.

In the endleaves of the manuscript, Skeat describes these lines as "the tag-end of a Latin poem of small merit" which "has no connection whatever with Pers Plowman." They are the final eight lines of the <foreign lang="lat" TEIform="foreign">Carmen Paraeneticum ad Rainaldum</foreign> , a twelfth-century poem of unknown authorship ( PL 184, 1307A-1314C). Thanks are owed to Michael Blum for the research that led to the identification of this fragment.

I N a somer sesoun  whanne soft was þe sunne I schope me in schroudes  as I a scheep were In habyt as an heremyt  vnholi of werkis Wente wyde in þis world  wondres to heere Ac on a may mornyng  on Maluerne hillis Me befel a ferly  of fayrie me þouȝte I was wery for -wandrid  and wente me to rest Vndir a brood bank  bi a bornes syde And as I lay & lenede  & lokede in þe watris I slumbrede in a slepyng  it sweyuede O.P.10: This word caused scribal confusion. YC 2CL share the reading of O; other variants include sweyd (G), swyȝed (HmCRF), sweyed (WM), and sweuenyd (H). Although the MED relates the form swiȝede in the corresponding line of the C-text (Trinity MS) to swevenen, "to dream," Skeat's gloss on sweyued as meaning "flowed, rippled along" (Dan. svæve) accords better with the sense of the line. However, the MED lists no forms of sweien with a medial <u>. Schmidt (363) adopts the reading of ZA, sweyed, which he glosses as "sounded." Kane and Donaldson adopt this form as well. so myrie Þanne gan I to meten  a merueylous sweuene Þ at I was in wildernesse  wiste I neuere where As I behelde in -to þe est  on hyȝ to þe sunne I sawȝ a toure on a toft  triedliche O.P.14: The form triedliche, meaning "excellently," appears in ME only here and in The Destruction of Troy 3054, 9786, 10583 (cited in MED). Variants include trieliche (WGYLF), trychlych (Cr 3), ryaly (H), rieliche (CM), rychely (HMCR 12), and reallecle (C 2). Kane and Donaldson adopt trieliche. I -maked A deep dale byneþe  a dongeou n þ er -Inne Wiþ depe dichis & derke  & dredeful of syȝt A faire feeld ful of folk  fonde I þere bitwene Of al man ere of men  þe mene & þe riche Worchynge & wandrynge  as þe world askiþ Su mme putte hem to þe plow  pleyede ful seelde In settynge & souwynge  swonken ful harde And wonnen þat wastouris  in O.P.22: GOC 2 alone have in in place of correctly alliterating with. glotenye distroyen And su mme putten hem to pride  apparayleden hem þ er -after In countenaunce of cloþing  coomen disgysed In preyere O.P.25: OC 2 alone have the singular form. & in penaunce  putten hem many Al for loue of oure lord  lyueden ful streyte In hope for to haue  heuene -riche blisse As ancres & heremytis  þat holde n he m in her selles And coueyten not in contre  to cayren aboute For no likerous lijflode  her lickam to plese And su mme chosen chaffare  þei cheuen þe better As it semet to oure siȝt  þ at swiche O.P.32: OC 2 alone lack a word between swiche and þryuen; most B manuscripts have men. þryuen Minyst ralis And su mme myrþes to make  as mynyst rales ku nnen And geten gold wiþ her gle  not O.P.34: OC 2 alone include the negative. synles I leue As iapers & iangeleris  Iudas children Þat O.P.36: YOC 2M alone include Þat. feynen hem fantasies  & foles hem maken And han her witt at her wille  to wirche if þei schulden O.P.37: OC 2 alone have the form schulden; most B manuscripts have schulde. Q ui no n laborat no n ma nducet O.P.38: This line is divided after laborat , so that it appears opposite ll. 38-39. Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this gloss, which occurs only in OC 2, on the grounds that it is scribal. Þat poul prechiþ of hem  I nyle not preue it heere Qui turpiloq uiu m loq uit ur  is lucifers knaue Bidderis & beggeris  faste aboute ȝieden O.P.40: OC 2 alone have the form ȝieden; all other beta witnesses have yede. Wiþ her bely & her baggys  of breed ful I -cra mmyd Faiteden for her fode  fauȝten at O.P.42: OC 2 alone lack þe before ale. ale In glotenye . god it woot  goon þei to bedde And rysen wiþ ribaudie  þe O.P.44: OC 2 alone have þe; most B manuscripts have þo. roberdis knaues Sleep & sory slouþe  suen he m euere Pilgrymys & palmeris  pliȝteden O.P.46: OC 2 alone have the form pliȝteden; variants include plyght (Cr), plighted (YLM), pyghtyn (F), pyth (H), gedir (C), and pliȝten (WHmG). hem to -gyderes Pilg rimys To seke seynt Iames  & seyntis in Rome Þey wenten forþ in her wey  wiþ many wise tales And hadden leue for to lye  al her lijf after I seyȝ su mme þat seyden  þei hadden I -souȝt seyntis To iche a tale þat þei tolden O.P.51: OC 2 alone have the form tolden in place of tolde.  her tunge was te mperid to lye More þan O.P.52: OC 2 alone lack to before the infinitive. seye soþ  it semede . bi her speche Heremytis on an heep  wiþ hoked staues Wenten to walsyngh am  & her wenchis after heremytis Grete lobyes & longe  þat loþ weren to swynke Cloþeden hem in copis  to be knowen from oþ ere And schopen hem heremytis  her ese to haue I fonde þere freris  alle þe foure ordres Freris Precheden þe peple  for p rofiȝt of hem -seluen Gloseden þe gospel  as hem good likede For coueytise of copes  construeden it . as þei wolden O.P.61: OC 2 alone have the form wolden; most B manuscripts have wolde. Many of þeise maystre freris  mowen cloþen he m at likyng For her money & marchaundises O.P.62: OYC 2C alone have the plural form.  marchen to -gyderis For siþ charite haþ ben chapman  & cheef to schryue lordis charitas Many ferlies han fallen  in a fewe ȝieris But holi chirche & þei  holde bettre to -gyderis Þe moost myscheef on erþe O.P.67: OC 2 alone have erþe in place of molde.  is mountynge vp wel O.P.67: OC 2 alone include both vp and wel. faste Perdonneris Þere p rechede a p ardoner  as he a preest were Brouȝte forþ a bulle  wiþ bischoppis seelis And seyde þ at hym -self myȝte  assoylen he m alle Of falshed of fastyng  & of vowes Ibroken Lewede men leueden O.P.72: O alone has the form leueden; most B manuscripts have leued. hy m wel  & likeden hise wordis Comen vp knelynge  to kissen hise bulles He bunchede hem wiþ his breuet  & blerede her yen And rauȝte wiþ his ragman  rynges & broches Þus þei gyuen her gold  glotounes to kepe And louen O.P.77: OC 2 alone have louen; most B manuscripts have leneþ. siche loselis  þat leccherie haunten Were þe bischop Iblessid  & worþ hise boþe O.P.78: O alone transposes boþe hise. eres His seel schulde not be sent  to disceyue þe peple Ac it is not bi þe bischop  þ at þe boye prechiþ For þe parisch preest & þe p ardoner  parten þe siluer Þat þe pore porayle O.P.82: YOC 2M alone have pore porayle; variants include pore men (F), poraille (WHmCL), and pouerty (Cr). Kane and Donaldson emend to pouere peple. of þe parisch  schulde haue . if þei ne were Curatis Persounes & p arisch prestis  pleyneden O.P.83: O alone has the form pleyneden; most B manuscripts have pleyned. hem to þe bischop Þ at her parisches weren pore  siþ þe pestelence tyme To haue a licence & leue  at london to dwelle And syngen þere for symonye  for siluer is swete Bischoppis & bacheleris  boþe maystres & doctouris Þat han cure vndir crist  & crownyng in tokene And signe . þ at þei schulden  schryuen her parischenes Prechen & preye for hem  & þe pore fede Liggen in london  in lente n and ellis Su mme s eruen þe kyng  & his siluer tellen In checker & in chauncerie  chalengen hise dettis Of wardis of O.P.94: HmOC 2H alone have of; variants include & (CrGYCLM) and and of (WRFH). wardmotes  of weyues of O.P.94: HmOC 2 alone have of in place of and before streyues. streyues And su mme s eruen as s eruauntis  lordis & ladyes And in stede of stiwardis  sitten & demen Her messe & her mateyns  & many of her ouris Arn doon vn -deuoutliche  drede is at þe last Lest crist in consistorie  curse O.P.99: OC 2 alone have curse; most B manuscripts have acorse. ful many I p arceyuede of þe power  þat peter hadde to kepe To bynde & to vnbynde  as þe book telliþ How he . it self O.P.102: OC 2 alone have self; most B manuscripts have lefte. wiþ loue  as oure lord hyȝte Among ys foure v ertues  þe best of alle vertues Þat cardynalis ben clepid  & closyng ȝatis Þere crist is in kyngdam  to close & to schitte And to opene it to hem  & heuene blis schewe Ac of þe cardynalis at court  þat cauȝten of þat name Ac O.P.108: O alone has Ac; all other beta witnesses have And. power p resumeden O.P.108: O alone has presumeden; all other beta witnesses have presumed. in hem  a pope to make To haue þat power þat petir hadde  Impugne it O.P.109: OC 2 alone include it before I. I nylle For in loue & lettrure  þe elecciou n bilongeþ For -þi I can & I O.P.111: OC 2H alone include I before the second occurrence of can. can not  of court speke more Þanne cam þ er a kyng  knyȝthod hym ladde Myȝt of þe comunes  made hym to regne And þanne kam kynde witt  & klerkis he made For to counceyle þe kyng  & þe comune saue Þe kyng & knyȝthod  & clergye boþe Casten þ at þe comune  schulden O.P.117: OC 2 alone have the form schulden in place of sholde. hem -self fynde Þe comune contreuede  of kynde witt . craftes And for p rofiȝt of al þe peple  plowmen ordeyneden O.P.119: O alone has the form ordeyneden; all other beta witnesses have ordeyned. To tilie & trauayle  as trewe lijf askeþ Þe kyng & þe comune  & kynde witt . þe þridde Schopen lawe & leute  iche man to knowe his owne Þanne lokede vp a lunatyk  a lene þing wiþ -al And knelynge to þe kyng  clergiali he seyde Crist kepe þee sir kyng  & þe þi kyng -riche And lene þee to O.P.126: OYC 2M alone include to before lede. lede þi lond  so leute þee louye And for þi riȝtful rewlyng  be rewardid in heuene And siþþen in þe eir on hyȝ  an aungel of heuene Lowede to speke in latyn  for lewede men ne kouden O.P.129: OC 2M alone have the form kouden; all other beta witnesses have koude. Iangle ne Iugge  þat Iustifie hem schulde But suffren & s eruen  for -þi seyde þe aungel v ersus Su m rex su m p rinceps  neutru m fortasse deinceps O q ui iura regis  cristi . sp ecialia regis Hoc quod agas meli us  iust us es . esto pius Nudu m ius a te  vestiri vult pietate Qualia vis metere  talia g rana sere Si ius nudat ur  nudo de iure metat ur Si serit ur pietas  de pietate metas O.P.138: A bracket in the right margin connects the preceding seven lines; horizontal wavy lines join each line of text to the bracket. Þa nne greuede hym a goliardeys  a glotoun of wordis And to þe aungel on hyȝ  answerede after v ersus Cu m O.P.141: YOC 2C alone have Cum in place of Dum . rex a regere  dicat ur nomen habere Nomen habet sine re  nisi studet iura tenere O.P.142: A bracket in the right margin connects the preceding two lines; a wavy line joins l. 141 to the bracket. Þanne gan alle þe comunes  crie . in vers of latyn To þe kyng ys counceyl  construe . who -so wolde v ersus Precepta regis  sunt nobis vincula legis O.P.145: This line is followed by three ticks. Ratounes . Wiþ þat ran þer a route  of ratounes at ones And smale myce wiþ hem  moo þan a þousand And comen to a counceyl  for her comune p rofiȝt For a cat of a court  cam whanne hym likede And ou erleepe hem lyȝtly  & lauȝte hem at his wille And pleyede wiþ he m p erelouslich  & possede he m aboute For doute of dyuerse dedes O.P.152: OC 2 alone have dedes in place of drede(s).  we doren O.P.152: O alone has doren; all other beta witnesses have dar. not wel loke And if we grucchen of hys gamen  he wole g reue vs alle Cracche vs & clawe vs  & in hise cloches holde Þ at vs loþeþ þe lijf  or he lete vs passe Myȝten O.P.156: OC 2 alone have the form Myȝten; all other beta witnesses have Miȝte. we wiþ any witt  his wille wiþ -stonde We myȝten be lordis a -loft  & lyuen at oure ese A Ratou n of renou n  moost renable of tunge Seyde for a souereyn  help . to hym -seluen O.P.159: OC 2 alone have hym-seluen; all other beta witnesses have hymselue. I haue seyn segges quod he  in þe cite of london Beren byes ful bryȝt  abouten her neckis And su mme colers of crafty werk  vncoupled þei wenden Boþe in wareyn & in wast  where hem leue likiþ And oþ er -whyle . þei arn ell is -where  as I here telle Were þ er a belle on her byes O.P.165: YOC alone have the plural form.  bi iesu as me þinkeþ Men myȝten wite where þei wenten O.P.166: OC 2 alone have the form wenten in place of wente.  & awey renne And riȝt so quod þe O.P.167:   GOC 2F alone have þe in place of þat. ratou n  resou n me schewiþ To bigge a belle of brasse  or of bryȝt siluer And knytte on a koler  for oure comune p rofiȝt And hange it vp -on þe cattis hals  þa nne . here we mowen O.P.170: This and the preceding line are encompassed by a very lightly written red parenthesis in the right margin. Where he rit or restiþ  or renneþ to pleye And if hym liste for to layke  þa nne loke we mowen And peren in his p resence  þ er -while hym pleye likiþ And if hym wraþþeþ be ywar  & his weye schonye Al þis route of ratounes  to þis resou n assenteden O.P.175: O alone has the form assenteden in place of assented. Ac þoo þe belle was I -bouȝt  & on þe bye hangyd Þ er ne was ratoun in al þe route  for al þe rewme of fraunce Þat durste haue bounde þe belle  aboute þe cattis necke Ne hangen it aboute þe cattis hals  al Englond to wynne O.P.179: The letter <E> has been rewritten in the right margin in the main scribal hand, apparently because the <E> in Englond is ill-formed. And helden hem vnhardi  & her counceyl feble Myce And leeten her labour lost  & her longe studie A mous þat myche good  couþe . as me þouȝte Stroke forþ sterneli  & stode bi -forn hem alle And to þe O.P.184: OC 2 alone here lack the object of the prepositional phrase, and thus the first alliterating stave. Most B manuscripts have route of. ratounes  rehercede þeise wordis aiij Þouȝ we killeden O.P.175: O alone has the form killeden; variants include haddyn kyllyd (F), had Iculled (R), kylled (C 2), kulled (CLM), killen (WHmG), and kylle (HYCr). þe cat  ȝet schulde þ er come an -er To cracche vs and al oure kynde  þouȝ we cropen vnd er benchis For -þi I cou nceyle al þe comune  to latte þe cat worthe And be we neu ere so bold  þe belle hym to schewe For I herde my sire seyn  is seuene ȝer ypassed Þere þe cat is a kitou n  þe court is ful elenge Þat witnessiþ holi writ  who -so wole it rede Ve t erre  vbi puer est Rex O.P.192: HmOC 2R alone transpose Rex est . & c etera . For may no renke þere rest haue  for ratou ns bi nyȝt Þe whyle he cacchiþ conynges  he coueitiþ not oure careyne But fet hym wiþ venysou n  defame we hym neuere For better is a litil losse  þan a longe sorwe Þe mase among ys vs alle  þouȝ we mysse a schrewe For many me nnys malt  we myce wolden distroye And also þe route of ratou ns  rende me nnys cloþis Nere þat cat of þat court  þat can ȝow ou er -lepe For hadden O.P.201: O alone has the form hadden in place of hadde or omission. ȝe rattis ȝoure wille  ȝe couþen O.P.201: O alone has the form couþen in place of kouþe. not reule ȝow -selue I seye for me quod þe mous  I se so mykil after Schal neuere þe cat ne þe kitou n  bi my cou nceyl be greuyd Ne carpyng of þis coler  þat costede me neuere And þouȝ it hadde cost me catel  biknowe it . I nolde But suffre . as hym -self wolde  to do as hym likiþ Couplid & vncouplid  to cacche . what þei mowen For -þi . iche a wyse wyȝt  I warne . wite wel his owne What þeise O.P.209: YOC 2 alone have the plural form. metels bemenett O.P.209:It would seem that O alone has bemenett, which Kane and Donaldson do not record. C 2 has bemenet.  ȝe men þat ben myrie Dyuyne ȝe . for I ne dar  bi dere god in heuene Ȝet houeden O.P.211: O alone has the form houeden; most B manuscripts have houed. þere an hundred in howues of silk Sergeauntis it semeden  þat s erueden at þe barre Plededen for penyes  & poundis . þe lawe And not for loue of oure lord  vnlose her lippis ones Þow myȝtist better . mete þe myst  on malu eren hillis Þan gete a mu mme of her mouþe  but money be schewid Barou ns & burgeys  and bonde -men also I seyȝ in þis assemble  as ȝe schul here after Baxters & brewsters  and bocheris manye Wollen websteris  and weueris of lynnen Taylouris & tynkeris  & tolleris in markettis Masou ns & mynouris  & many oþere craftis Of alle kyn libbynge laboreris  lopen forþ su mme As dykers & deluers . þat doon her dedis ille O.P.224: In the top right margin of this folio is a mark resembling an <n>, partially effaced by smearing with water. The hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty, but resembles hand 2. And dryuen forþ þe longe day . wiþ dieu vous saue dame Emme Cookes Cookes & her knaues  cryeden hote pyes hote Goode gees & grys  go we dyne go we Tau erners vn -til hem  tolden þe same Whyte wiyn of Oseye  & rede wiyn of Gascoigne Of þe Ryne & of O.P.230: O alone lacks þe before Rochel. Rochel  þe roost to deffye Al þis sawe I slepynge  & seuene syþes more .
Primus passus O.1.000: The heading is divided after Primus , so that it appears as two lines. w W Hat þis mountayn bemeneþ  & þe merk dale And þe feeld ful of folk  I schal ȝow fayre schewe A louely lady of lere  i n lynnen I -cloþed Come doun from a castel  & callede me fayre And seyde sone slepist þou  seest þ ou þis peple How bisy þei been  aboute þe mase Þe moost p artie of þis peple  þat passen on þis erþe Haue þei worschip i n þis world  þei wilnen no better Of oþ er heuene þan here  holden þei no tale I was a -feerd of hir face  þouȝ sche fayr were And seyde m ercy ma -dame  what is þis to mene Þe tour vp þe toft quod sche  truþe is þ er -i nne And wolde þat ȝe wrouten  as his word techiþ For he O.1.14: O alone lacks is before fadir. fadir of feiþ  formede ȝow alle Boþe wiþ felle & wiþ face  & ȝaf ȝow fyve wittis For to worschipe hy m þ er -wiþ  þe whyle ȝe been here And þ er -fore . he hyȝte þe erþe  to helpe ȝow ichone Of wollen . of lynnen  of lyflode at nede In mesurable maner  to make ȝow at ese And comaundede of his c urteisie  i n comune . þre þing ys Arn noon nedeful but þoo  O.1.21: OC 2 alone lack and before nempne. nempne he m I þinke And reckene he m bi resou n  reherce ȝe he m after Þat oon . is vesture  from chele þee to saue And mete at meele  for myseise of þi -selue And drynk wha nne þ ou dryest  ac do not out of resou n Þ at þ ou worþe þe werse  wha nne þ ou worche schuldest For loth in his lijf -dayes  for likyng of drynk Dide bi hise douȝtres  þat þe deuel likede Delitede hy m i n drink  as þe deuel wolde And leccherie hy m lauȝte  & lay bi hem boþe O.1.30: OC 2 here lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "And al he witte it wyn þat wikked dede." Ineb riem us eu m vino . dormiam usq ue cu m eo vt s eruare possim us de p atre n ostro semen . Þoruȝ wiyn & þoruȝ wo mmen  þ ere was loth acombred And þ ere he gate in glotenye  gyrles þat weren cherles For -þi drede delitable drynk  & þ ou schalt do þe better Mesure is medicyne  þouȝ þ ou myche ȝerne It is not al good for þe goost  þat þe gutte askeþ Ne lijflode to þi likham  þat leef is to þi O.1.37: Of the manuscripts which include the line in this form, OC 2RF alone have þi in place of þe. soule Leeue þ ou not O.1.38: OC 2 alone have þ ou not in place of nauȝt. þi likham  for a lyer hym techeþ Þat is a O.1.39: OC 2 alone have a in place of þe. wrecchid world  wolde þee bitraye For þe feend & þi flesch  folewen þe e to -gydere Þis & þat seeþ þi soule  & seiþ O.1.41: OC 2 alone lack it before i n . i n þin herte And for þ ou schuldest been I -war  I wisse þee þe bettre O.1.42: OC 2 alone have bettre in place of beste. Ma -dame m ercy quod I  me likeþ wel ȝoure wordes Ac þe money of þis moold  þat men so fast holden Telle me to whom ma -dame  þat tresore appendeþ Go to þe gospel quod sche  þat god seyde hym -seluen peple O.1.47: A solidus/punctus above temple and another above the marginal addition indicate that it is intended as a substitution, although such a reading is unattested elsewhere and to adopt it would destroy the sense of the line. To O.1.47: OC 2 alone have To; most B manuscripts have Tho. þe peple þat O.1.47: OC 2 alone include þat. hy m apposede  wiþ a peny in þe temple Wheþ er þei schulden þ er -wiþ  wo rschipe þe kyng Cesar And god askede of he m  of whom spake þe lettre And þe ymage Ilike  þat þ er -inne O.1.50: An otiose tilde appears above the <i> in inne. stondiþ Cesaris . þei seyden  we seen hy m wel ichone Reddite cesari . quod god  þat cesari bifalleþ Et que su nt dei . deo  or ellis ȝe doon yuele O.1.53: OC 2 alone have yuele in place of ille. For riȝtful resou n  schulde rule ȝow alle And kynde witt be wardeyn  ȝoure welþe to kepe And tuto ur of ȝoure tresore  & take it ȝow at nede And O.1.57: OC 2 alone have And in place of For. housbondrie & þei O.1.57: GOC 2 alone have þei in place of a correctly alliterating pronoun beginning with <h> ( he, heo, hij, hy).  holden to -gydere Þa nne I fraynede hir faire  for hy m þat hir made Þat dongeou n i n þe dale  þat dredeful is of syȝt What may it be to mene  ma -dame . I ȝow bis eche Þat is þe castel of care  who -so comeþ þ er -inne O.1.61: An otiose tilde appears above the <i> in inne. May banne . þ at he born was  to body & O.1.62: GOC 2H alone have & in place of or. to soule Þ er -inne wonyeþ a wyȝt  þat . wrong . is I -hote Fadir of falshed  and foundede it hy m -selue Adam and Eue  he eggede to ille Counceylede Caym  to killen his broþ er Iudas he iapede  wiþ Iuwen syluer And siþen on an eller  hangede hy mselue after He is letter of loue  & lyeþ hem alle Þat tristen on his tresore  bitrayeþ he su nnest Þa nne hadde I Þa nne hadde I wonder i n my witt  what wo mman it were Þat swyche wyse wordis  of holi writ schewede And askede hir i n O.1.73: HmOC 2C alone have in; most B manuscripts have on. þe hye name  er sche þe nnys ȝede What sche were wittirli  þat wissede me so faire Holi chirche Holi chirche I am quod sche  þou ouȝtest me to knowe I vnd erfonge þee first  & þee O.1.76: O alone has the form þee; most B manuscripts have þe. feiþ tauȝte And þ ou O.1.77: HmOC 2 alone have And þ ou in place of And or Thou alone. brouȝtest me borwes  my biddyng to fulfille And to loue me leelli  þe while þi lijf dureþ Þa nne I courbede on my knees  & cryede hir of g race And preyede hir pitousli  preye for my synnes And also . kenne me kyndeli  on crist to beleeue Þ at I myȝte worche his wille  þat wrouȝte me to man Teche me to no tresore  but telle me þis ilke How I may saue my soule  þat seynt art yholden Wha nne alle tresores been I -tryed O.1.85: OC 2 alone have I-tryed; most B manuscripts have tried quod she.  truþe is þe best I do it on deus caritas  to deme þe soþe It is as derworþe a drurye  as dere god hy m -seluen Who -so is trewe of his tunge  & telliþ noon oþ er And O.1.89: OC 2 alone lack some variant of doþ before þe werkis, obscuring the sense of the line. þe werkis þ er -wiþ  & wilneþ no man ille He is a god bi þe gospel  on ground & on loft And Ilike to oure lord  bi seynt lukes wordis Þe clerkis þat knowen þis  schulde n kenne it aboute For cristen & vncristen  cleymen it ichoou n Kyngys & knyȝtis  schulden kepen it bi resou n Riden & rappen adou n  in rewmes aboute Knyȝthode And take transgressouris  & tyen hem fast Til truþe hadde I -t ermyned  her trespasse to þe eende And þat is þe O.1.98: A small round hole in the vellum, present at the time of copying, appears between is and þe. p rofessiou n ap ertli  þat appendiþ to knyȝtis And not to fasten a fryday  i n fyue score wynter But holden wiþ hy m & wiþ hir  þat wolde n al truþe And neu ere leue he m for loue  ne for lacchyng of sylu er For dauid i n his dayes  dubbede knyȝtis And dide he m swere on her swerd  to s erue truþe eu ere And who -so passede þe O.1.104: OC 2 alone have þe in place of þat. poynt  is O.1.104: YOC 2M alone have the present-tense form. apostata i n þe ordre But crist kyngen kyng  knyȝtede ten Cherubyn & Seraphyn  swyche seuene & an -er And ȝaf he m myȝt i n his mageste  þe myrier he m þouȝte And ou er hise mene meyne  made he m archaungelis Tauȝte he m bi þe t rinite  truþe to knowe a 1 To be buxu m at his biddyng  he bade he m nouȝt ellis Lucifer wiþ legiounes  lernede it in heuene But for he brake buxu mnesse  his blis gan he tyne And fel fro þat felawschipe  i n a feendis liknesse In -to a depe derk helle  to dwelle þ ere for eu ere And moo þouȝsandis wiþ hy m  þa n man couþe nou mbre Loopen out wiþ lucifer  in loþeliche forme For þei leeueden vp -on hy m  þat lyede i n þis manere Pona m pede m meu m O.1.118: GOC 2 alone include meum with pedem , although H has the reading sedem meam. i n aq uilone & si milis ero altissi mo And alle þat hopede n it myȝte be so  noon heuene myȝte he m holde But fellen out i n feendis liknesse  nyne dayes to -gydere Til god of his goodnesse  gan stable & stynte And garte þe heuene to stekye  & stonden i n quiete Wha nne þeise wickide wenten out  wonderwyse þei fellen Su mme i n þe erþe O.1.124: OC 2MF alone have þe erþe in this position in the line. Variants include Eyr (HmCrGL), þe eyr (WCH), and erthe (YR). . su mme i n þe eyre  & su mme i n helle depe Ac lucifer lowest  liyþ of hem alle For pride þat he puttede O.1.127: OC 2 alone have the form puttede; most B manuscripts have putte. out  his peyne haþ noon eende And alle þat worchen wiþ wrong  wenden þei schulle Aft er her deþ -day O.1.128: A double solidus over each word indicates transposition of original day deþ.  & dwelle wiþ þat schrewe Ac þoo þat worchen wel  as holi writ telleþ And eenden as I erst O.1.130: OC 2 alone have erst; most B manuscripts have er. seyde  i n truþe þat is best Mowen be siker þ at her soule  schal wende to heuene Þ ere truþe is i n t rinite  & troneþ he m alle For -þi . I seye as I seyde eer  bi siȝt of þeise textis O.1.133: OC 2 alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "Whan alle tresors arn tried truþe is þe best." Lereþ it þeise O.1.134: WYOC 2 alone have þeise; variants include this (HmCrCLR), thys ye (GF), and ye (M). lewede men  for lettred me n it knowen Þ at truþe is tresore  þe triest on erþe Ȝit haue I no kynde knowy ng q uod I  ȝit mote ȝe kenne me bett er Bi what craft i n my coors  it comseþ & where O.1.137: A small round hole in the vellum, present at the time of copying, appears in the right margin. Þ ou doted daffe quod sche  dulle arn þi wittis To litel lateyn þ ou lernedest  leode in þi ȝouþe Heu m ichi q uia sterile m  duxi vita m Iuuenile m It is a kynde knowyng q uod schehe O.1.141: A solidus/punctus above sche and the marginal addition indicate that it is intended as a substitution. As he is not the feminine singular pronoun used by the main scribe, the correction may represent either an error or an attempt to bring the text into conformity with the corrector's own dialect.  þat kenneþ i n þin herte For to louye þi lord  leuere þan þi -seluen No dedli sy nne to do  deye þouȝ þou schuldest Þis I trowe be truþe  who can teche þee bette O.1.144: O alone has bette in place of bettre. Loke þ ou suffre hy m to seye  & siþen lere it after For þ us witnessiþ his word  worche þ ou þ er -after For truþe telleþ þ at loue  is triacle in O.1.147: YOC 2 alone have in; most B manuscripts have of. heuene May no sy nne be on hy m sene  þat vseþ þat spice And alle hise werkis he wrouȝte  wiþ loue as hym liste And lernede it Moyses for O.1.150: OC 2F alone lack þe before leuest. leuest þi ng  & moost like O.1.150: A solidus/punctus above like, accompanied by a marginal caret/punctus, mark like for deletion. i n O.1.150: OC 2 alone have i n in place of to. heuene And also þe plente of pees  moost p recious of v ertues For heuene myȝte not holde it  it was so heuy of hy m -selue Til it hadde of þe erþe  eten his fille And wha nne it hadde of þe folde  flesch & blode O.1.153: OC 2 alone lack take(n) at the end of this line. Was neu ere leef vp -on lynde  liȝter þ er -after And portatyf & p ersau nt  as þe poynt of a nedel Þat myȝte noon armure it lette  ne noon hye wallis For -þi . is loue leder  of þe lordis folk of heuene And a mene as þe meyr is  bitwixe þe kyng & þe comou ns Riȝt so is loue a leder  & þe lawe schapiþ Vp -on man for hise mysdedis  þe m ercyment he taxiþ And for to knowe it kyndeli  it comseþ bi myȝt And i n þe herte . þ er is þe hed  & þe hye welle For i n kynde knowyng i n herte  þ ere a myȝt bigynneþ And þat falliþ to þe fadir  þat formede vs alle Lokede on vs wiþ loue  & leete his sone deye Mekeli for oure mysdedis  to amende vs alle And ȝit wolde he he m no woo  þat wrouȝte n hy m þat peyne But mekelich bi O.1.169: OC 2 alone have bi in place of wiþ. mouþe  m ercy he bisouȝte To haue pite on þat peple  þat peynede hym to deþ Here myȝtist þ ou se ensau mples  i n hym -seluen O.1.171: OC 2 alone have hym-seluen in place of hymself. one Þ at he was myȝtful & meke  & m ercy gan g raunte To he m þat hongen hy m on hyȝ  & his herte þirled For -þi I rede ȝow riche  haue reuþe of þe pore Þouȝ ȝe been myȝtful to mote  beþ meke i n ȝoure werkis For þe same mesures þat ȝe meten  amys oþ er ellis Ȝe schul be weyen þ erwiþ  wha nne ȝe wenden hennys Ead em me nsura q ua mensi fu erit is  remeciet ur vobis For þouȝ ȝe be trewe of ȝoure tunge  & trulich wy nnen And as chaast as a chiyld  þat i n chirche wepiþ But if ȝe loue lellich  & lene þe pore Swich good as god ȝow sente  goodelich parteþ  Ȝe ne han no more m eryte  i n masse ne i n oures Þan malkyn of hir maydenhood  þat no man desireþ For Iames þe gentil  iuggede in hise bokis Þ at feiþ wiþ -outen þe feite  is riȝt no -þi ng worþi And as deed as a dore -tre  but if þe dedis folewen O.1.187: OC 2 alone have the form folewen; all other beta witnesses have folwe. Fides s in e op erib us  mortua est . a 2 For -þi . chastite wiþ -outen charite  worþ cheyned i n helle It is as lewed as a lau mpe  þat no liȝt is Inne Many chapeleyns arn chaast  ac charite is a -weye Arn no men auerouser þan þei  wha nne þei been auaunced Vnkynde to her kyn  & to alle cristen Chewen her charite  & chiden after more Swich chastite wiþ -oute n charite  worþ cheyned i n helle Many curatouris kepen he m  clene of her bodies Þei been acombred wiþ coueytise  þei cun not do it from hem So harde haþ auarice  yhasped he m to -gyderis And þat is in O.1.199: OC 2 alone have in, which has been added above the line. All other beta witnesses have no. truþe of þe t rinite  but treccherie of helle And lernyng to lewede men  þe latter for to deele For -þi . þeise wordis  ben writen i n þe gospel Date & dabit ur vobis  for I deele ȝow alle And þat is þe lokke of loue  & lateþ out my g race To cou nforte þe careful  acombrid wiþ synne Loue is leche of liyf  & next oure lord seluen O.1.205: OC 2 alone have seluen in place of selue. And also þe greiþ gate  þat goþ in -to heuene For -þi I seye as I seyde erst O.1.207: OC 2 alone have erst; most B manuscripts have er. .  bi þe trewe O.1.207: OC 2 alone include trewe, which is marked for deletion by a solidus/punctus above and a caret/punctus in the right margin. textis Wha nne alle tresores been ytried  truþe is þe best Now haue I told þee what truþe is  þ at no tresore is better I may no lenger lenge þee wiþ  now loke þee oure lord Secundus Passus . O.2.000: The heading is divided after Secundus , so that it appears as two lines. 2 us pass us ȝ Ȝ it I courbede on my knees  & criede hir of g race And seyde m ercy ma -dame  for marie loue of heuene Þat bare þat blisful barn  þat bouȝte vs on þe rode Kenne me bi su m craft  for O.2.4:  GOC 2 alone include for. to knowe þe fals Loke vp -on þi left half  & lo where sche O.2.5: OC 2 alone have sche; most B manuscripts have he. standiþ Boþe fals & fauel  & her feres many I lokede on my left half  as þe lady me tauȝte And was war of a wo mman  worþili I -cloþed Purfilid wiþ pelure  þe fynest vp -on erþe I -crownyd wiþ a crowne  þe kyng haþ noon better Fetislich hir fyngres weren  fetrid O.2.11: OC 2C alone have fetrid in place of fretted. wiþ gold wire And þ er -onne reede rubies  as reede as any glede And dyamauntis of derrest price  & double man ere saphers Orientalis & ewages  envenymes to distroye Hir robe was ful riche  of reede scarlet engreyned Wiþ ribans of reed gold  & of riche stonys Hire aray . me raueschede  swich richesse sawe I neu ere I hadde wondir . what sche was  & whos wijf sche were What is þis wo mman quod I  so worþili atired Þat is mede þe mayden quod sche  haþ noyed me ful ofte And Ilackide my lemman  þat leute is hoten And bilowen hir to lordis  þat lawes han to kepe In þe popis paleys sche is  pryue as my -selue But soþnesse wolde not so  for sche is a bastard For fals was hir fadir  þat hadde O.2.25: YOC 2 alone have the preterite form. a fikel tunge And neu ere soþ seyde  siþ he come to erþe And Mede is man ered after hy m  riȝt as kynde askeþ Q ual is p ater tal is fili us . Bona arbor bonu m fructu m facit I auȝte been heyer þa n sche  I cam of a better My fadir þe greet god is  & ground of alle g races O god wiþ -outen gynnyng  & I his good douȝter And haþ ȝyuen me m ercy  to marie wiþ . me -selue O.2.32: OH alone have me-selue in place of myselue. And what man be m ercyful  & lelli me loueþ Schal be my lord & I his leef  i n þe hye heuene And what man takeþ mede  my lijf O.2.35: YOC 2M alone have my lijf in place of myn heed. dar I legge Þ at he schal lese for hir loue  a lappe of caritatis How co nstrueþ dauid þe kyng  of men þat taken mede And men of þis moold  þat mayntenen truþe And how ȝe schul saue ȝow -seluen O.2.39: OC 2 alone have ȝow-seluen in place of ȝow-self.  þe saut er beriþ witnesse D omine quis h abitabit in tabernac ulo tuo & c etera And now worþ þis mede I -maried  al to a mansed O.2.41: The scribe has written the gloss i d est cursid above the line. O.2.41: OC 2 alone lack sherewe at the end of this line. To oon fals fikel tunge  a feendis biȝete Fauel þoruȝ his faire speche  haþ þeise folk enchauntid And al is liers ledyng  þ at sche is þ us Iweddid To -morwe worþ ymaad  þe maydenes brydale And þ er myȝtist þ ou wite if þ ou wilt  whiche þei been alle Þat longen to þat lordschipe  þe lesse & þe more Knowe hem þ ere if þou canst  & kepe wel þi tunge O.2.48: YOC 2F alone have wel þi tonge; variants include þow þi tonge (WHmCrGMH) and thy tonge (CLR). And lacke he m not but late he m worþe  til leute be iustise And haue power to punysche he m  þa nne putte forþ þi resou n Now I bike nne þee crist quod sche  & his clene modir And late no co nscience acombre þee  for coueytise of mede Þus lafte me þat ladi  liggyng a -slepe And how Mede was ymaried  in metels me þouȝte And O.2.55: OC 2 alone have And in place of That. al þe riche retenaunce  þat regneþ wiþ þe fals Weren boden to þe bridale  on boþe two sydes a 3 Of alle manere of men  þe mene & þe riche To marie þis mayden  was many man assembled As of knyȝtis & clerkis  & oþ ere comune peple As sisours & sumpno urs  scherreues & her clerkis Bedellis & baylifs  & brokouris of chaffare Forgoeris & vitayleris  & vocates of þe arches I can not reckene þe route  þat ran aboute mede Ac symonye & Cyuyle  & sisouris of courtis Weren moost p riue wiþ mede  of any men me þouȝte Ac fauel was þe first  þat fette hir out of boure O.2.66: OC 2 alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "And as a Brocour brouȝte hire to be wiþ fals enioyned." Wha nne symonye & Cyuile  saw her boþ er wille Þei assentede n O.2.68: O alone has the form assenteden in place of assented. for syluer  to seye as boþe wolden O.2.68: OC 2 alone have the form wolden in place of wolde. Þa nne leepe lier forþ  & seyde . lo here a chartre Þat gyle wiþ hise grete oþis  gaf he m to -gyderis And p reyede Cyuyle to see  & symonye to rede it Þa nne Symonye & Cyuyle  stonden forþ boþe And vnfolden þe feffement  þat fals haþ I -makid And þus bigy nnen þeise gomes  to greden ful hye Sciant presentes & futuri & c etera Carta . Witeþ & witnesseþ  þat wonyeþ vp -on þis erþe Þat Mede is maried  more for hir goodes Þan for any vertu of fayrnesse  or for O.2.78: YOC 2M alone have or for; most B manuscripts have or. any fre kynde Falsnesse is fayn of hir  for he woot hir riche And fauel wiþ his fikel felaw O.2.80: OC 2 alone have felaw in place of speche.  feffeþ bi þis chartre To be p rincesse O.2.81: OC 2H alone have princesse; most B manuscripts have princes. i n pride  & pouerte to dispise To bacbite & to boste  & bere fals witnesse To scorne & to scoolde  & sclaundre to make Vnbuxum . & boold  to breke þe ten heestes And þe eerldom of e nuye  & wraþþe to -gyd eres Wiþ þe chastilet of Cheest  & chateryng out of resou n Þe Countee of Coueytise  & alle þe coostes aboute Þat is vsure & auarice  alle I hem graunte In bargey ns & i n brocages  wiþ al þe boruȝ of þeft And al þe lordschip of lecherie  i n lengþe & i n breede As in werkis & in wordis  & waytyngys wiþ yen And i n wedes & wisschyngys  & wiþ ydel þouȝtis Þere as wille wolde  O.2.93: YOC 2C alone lack and (the) before werkmanschip, which is essential to the sense of the line. werkmanschip fayliþ Glotenye he gaf hem eke  & grete oþes to -gyderes And al day to drynke at dyuers tauernes . And þere to iangle & to iape  & iugge her euene -Cristen And i n fastyng -dayes to frete  er ful tyme were And þa nne to sitte & to O.2.98: OC 2 alone include to before soupe. soupe  til sleep hem assayle And breden as boruȝ swyne  & bedden hem esyli Til sleuþe & sleelp sleep  slike n hise sydes And þa nne wanhope to a -wake hym so  wiþ no wille to amende For he leueþ . he O.2.102: OC 2 alone include the second he. be lost  þis is her last ende And þei to haue & to holde  & her eires after A dwellyng wiþ þe deuel  & da mpned be for eu ere Wiþ al þe p urtenau nce of p urgatorie  i n -to þe pyne i n O.2.105: O alone has in in place of of. helle Ȝeldynge for þis þing  at oon ȝeres ende O.2.106: The letter <d> is rewritten in the left margin, apparently because the <d> in Ȝeldynge is spoiled by an inkblot. Her soulis to sathan  to suffre wiþ hym peynes And wiþ hym to wonye i n woo  whyle god is i n heuene In witnesse of which þing  wrong was þe first And pers þe p ardouner of paulynys doctryne Bette þe bedel  of bokyngham -schyre Reynold þe reue  of Rutelan d sokene Munde þe myluer  & many moo oþ ere In þe date of þe deuel  þis dede I assele Bi syȝt of sir symonye  & Cyuelis leeue . Teologia Þa nne tenede hym theologie  wha nne he þis tale herde And seyde to Cyuyle  now sorwe mote þow haue Sich weddyng es to worche  to wraþþe wiþ truþe Ac O.2.119: O alone has Ac in place of And. er þis weddyng be wrouȝt  woo þee be -tyde For Mede is Mulirie O.2.120: O alone has the form Mulirie; most B manuscripts have muliere.  of amendis engendrid And god grauntede to gyue  Mede to truþe And þow hast gyuen hir to a gylo ur  now god gyue þee sorwe Þi text telliþ þee not so  truþe woot þe soþe For dignus est ep erarius [o]p erarius  his hyre to haue And þow hast fest hir to fals  fy on þi lawe For al . bi lesyng ys þow lyuest  & lecherouse werkis Symonye & þi -self  schenden holi chirche Þe notaries & ȝe  noyen þe peple Ȝe schul abiggen it boþe  bi god þat me made Wel ȝe witen wernardis  but if ȝoure witt fayle Þ at fals is feiþlees  & fikel in hise werkis And was a bastard I -born  of belsabubbes kyn And Mede O.2.133:  HmOC 2 alone lack is (a) before Mulere. Mulere  a mayden of goode And myȝte kysse þe kyng e  for cosyn & sche wolde a 4 For -þi worcheþ bi wisdam  & bi witti O.2.135: OC 2 alone have witti; most B manuscripts have wit. also And ledeþ hir to london  þere lawe is I -schewid If any lawe wole loke  þei ligge to -gyderes And þouȝ iustises iugen hir  to be ioyned wiþ fals Ȝit beþ war of weddyng  for witty is truþe And concience is of his cou nceyl  & knowiþ ȝow ichone And if he fynde ȝow i n defaute  & wiþ þe fals holde It schal bisitte ȝoure soulis  ful soure at þe last Her -to assentiþ Cyuyle  ac symonye ne wolde Til he hadde siluer for his s eruyse  & also þe notaries Þa nne fette fauel forþ  floreyns I -nowe And bade Gyle go gyue  gold al aboute And nameli to þe notaries  þ at he m noone O.2.147: The ne in noone seems to have been added over an erasure after the initial copying, in a hand too similar to that of the main scribe to be attributed with certainty to another. fayle And feffe false witnesse  wiþ floreyns I -nowe For þei may Mede amaystrye  & maken at my wille Þoo þis gold was gyue  greet was þe þankyng To fals & to fauel  for her faire ȝiftes And comen to cou nforte  from care þe fals And seyden . certis sire  ceece schal we neu ere Til Mede be weddid þi O.2.154: OCr 23C 2 alone transpose þi wedded. wijf  þoruȝ wittis of vs alle For we han Mede amaystryed  wiþ oure myrie speche Þat sche graunteþ to goon  wiþ a good wille To london to loke  if þ at þe lawe wolde Iugge ȝow ioyntli  in Ioye for euere Þa nne was falnesse fal[s]nesse fayn  & fauel as bliþe And leeten sumpne alle segges  i n schires aboute And bade hem alle be boun  beggers & oþ ere To wende wiþ hem to westmynystre  to witnesse þis dede Ac þa nne carede n O.2.163: O alone has the form carede n ; most B manuscripts have cared. þei for caples  to carien hem þider And fauel fette forþ þa nne  foolis ynowe And sette Mede vp -on a schirreue  schod al newe And fals sate O.2.166: A double solidus above each word indicates transposition of original sate fals. on a sisour  þat softelich trottede And fauel on a flaterer  fetislich atired Þoo hadden notaries noon  anoyed þei weren O.2.168: The letter <d> is rewritten above the line, apparently because the <d> in anoyed is spoiled by an inkblot. For symonye & Cyuyle  schulden on her feet gange Ac þa nne swore symonye  and Cyuyle boþe Þ at sumpnouris schulde n O.2.171: OC 2 alone have the form schulde n in place of sholde. be sadelid  & s erue hem ichoon And late appareyle þeise p rouysouris  in palfreys wyse Sire symonye hym -seluen  schal sitte vp -on her bakkis Denes & sudenes  drawe ȝow to -gyderes Erchedekenes & officialis  & alle ȝoure Registreris Official Late sadele hem wiþ syluer  oure synne to suffre As auoutrie & deuorces  & derne vsure To bere bischoppis aboute  a -brood in visytynge O.2.178: The letter <d> is rewritten above the line, apparently because the <d> in a-brood is spoiled by an inkblot. Paulynes preues  for pleyntis in þe consistorie Schul serue my -seluen O.2.180: OC 2 alone have my-seluen in place of my-self.  þat Cyuyle is nempned And Cartesadele oure Comyssarie  oure cart schal he lede And fecchen vs vitaylis  at fornicatores And makeþ of lyer a longe cart  to lede alle þeise oþ ere Freris As freris & fautouris O.2.184: O alone has fautouris in place of Faitours. The terms are distinct. The MED defines fautour as "an adherent, supporter, follower," "one who encourages or connives in reproachable action or belief," and faitour as "a deceiver, imposter, cheat; esp., a beggar or vagabond who feigns injury or disease."  þat on her feet rennen And þus fals & fauel  fareþ forþ to -gyderes And Mede in þe myddis  & alle þeise oþ ere after I haue no toom to telle  þe tayl þat hem folewiþ Of many man ere man  þat on þis molde libbeþ Ac gyle was forgoer  & guyede hem alle Soþenesse sawȝ hym wel  & seyde but a litil And prikede his palfrey  & passede hem alle And come to þe kyng ys court  & concience it tolde And concience to þe kyng  carpede it after Now bi crist q uod þe kyng  & I cacche myȝte Fals or Fauel  or any of hise feres I wolde be wroken of þoo wrecchis  þat worchen so ille And do hem hange bi þe hals  & alle þat hem mayntenen Schal neu ere man on molde  maynprise þe leeste But riȝt as þe lawe wole loke  late falle on hem alle And comau ndede a cunstable  þat come at þe first To atache þoo tirauntis  for any þing I hote And fetereþ fast falsnesse  for any kyns ȝiftes And gyrdeþ of . gyles hed  & late hym goo no ferþer And if ȝe lacche lyer  late hym not ascapen Er he be put on þe pilerie  for any preyer I hote And bryngeþ Mede to me  maugrey hem alle Drede at þe dore stode  & þe doom herde And how þe kyng comau ndede  cunstables & s ergeauntis Falsnesse & his felawschip  to feteren & to bynden Þa nne drede wente wyȝtlich  & warnede þe fals And bade hym flee for feer  & hise felawis alle how falsnesse fley to þe freris . O.2.212: This rubric is divided after falsnesse, and the two lines of the rubric are connected by a bracket on the right. Falsnesse for feer þa nne  fley to þe freris And gyle dooþ hym to goo  agast for to dye Marchau ntis Ac marchauntis metten hym wiþ O.2.214: OC 2 alone transpose wiþ hym.  & maden hym abide And bischetten hy m in her schop  to schewen her ware And apparayleden O.2.216: O alone has And apparayleden n ; variants include Apparayleden (HmHm 2), And apparailled (YC 2CLMRH), & paraylid (F), and Apparailed (WCrG). hym as a prentise  þe peple to s erue Liȝtlich lyer  leepe awey þa nne Lorkynge þoruȝ lanes  to -lugged of many He was nouȝwher welcome  for hise many talis Ou er -al I -howted  & I -hote . trusse P ardoun eres Til pardoun eres hadden pite  & pulleden hym i n -to house Þe Þe[i] wesschen hym & wipede n hym  & wounden hy m i n cloutes And sente hym wiþ seeles  on sundayes to chirche O.2.223: YHmOC 2 alone have the singular form. And gaf p ardou n for pens  poundmele aboute Leches Þa nne loureden leches  & lettres þei senten Þ at he schulde wonye wiþ he m  watris to loken O.2.226: OC 2 alone have the form loken in place of loke. Spiceers Spiceers spoken wiþ hym  to spien her ware For he kouþe of her craft  & knewe many gomesgommes O.2.228: The marginal addition is apparently intended as a substitution for gomes; it is gums, or pastes, and not men, of which spicers have knowledge. The error is shared by GC 2. Ac mynystralis & messageers  metten wiþ hym ones And helden hym an half ȝeer  & elleuene dayes Freris Freris wiþ faire speche  fetten hym þennes And for knowyng of komers  kopede hym as a frere Ac he haþ leeue to lepe out  as ofte as hym likeþ And is welcome wha nne he wole  & woneþ wiþ hem ofte Alle fledden for feer  & flowhen in -to hirnes Saue Mede þe Mayden  no moo dursten abide Ac truli to telle  sche tremblede for drede And eke wepte & wronge  wha nne sche was attached Passus tertius O.3.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears as two lines. n N Ow is Mede þe mayde  & no mo of hem alle pass us 3 us de visione The guide words are divided after de , so that they appear as two lines. Wiþ bedellis & baylis  brouȝt bifore þe kyng Þe kyng callede a clerk can I not his name To take mede þe mayde  & make hir at ese I schal assaye hir my -self  & soþelich appose What man of þis molde  þat hir were leuest And if sche worche bi my witt  & my wille folewe I wole forgyue hir þis gylt  so me god helpe ¶ Curteyslich þe Clerk þa nne  as þe kyng hyȝte Toke Mede bi þe myddil  & brouȝte hir i n O.3.10: OC 2 alone have in; most B manuscripts have into. chaumbre And þere was myrþe & mynystralcie  Mede to plese Þei þat wonyen i n westmynstre  worschipede n hir alle Ientilich wiþ ioye  þe iustises comen O.3.13: OC 2 alone have comen; variants incude some (Hm 2Cr 1C), sone (B), came (Cr 23G), þan (H), manye (F), and somme (WHmYLMR). Buskede hem to þe boure  þere þe bryde dwellide To cou nforte hir kyndeli  bi clergise leue And seyde morne þ ou not Mede  ne make þ ou no sorwe For we wissen O.3.17: OC 2 alone have the form wissen; most B manuscripts have wisse. þe kyng  & þi weye schapen O.3.17: OC 2 alone have the form schapen; most B manuscripts have shape. To be weddid at þi wille  & where þee leue likiþ For al concience cast  or craft as I trowe Mildelich þa nne Mede O.3.20: OC 2 alone transpose Mede þa nne .  m ercyede hem alle  Of her greet goodnesse  & gaf hem ichon  Coupis of clene gold  & cuppes of syluer Ryngys wiþ rubies  & richesses many Þe leest man of hir meyne  a motou n of gold Þa nne lauȝten O.3.25: O alone has the form lauȝten; most B manuscripts have lauȝte. þei leue  þeise lordis at Mede Clerkis Wiþ þat comen clerkis  to cou nforte hir þe same And beden hir be bliþe  for we been þine owne For to wirche þi wille  þe while þ ou myȝte laste Heendelich sche þa nne  bihyȝte hem þe same To loue hem lelli  & lordis to make O.3.31: OC 2F alone lack a conjunction at the beginning of this line; most B manuscripts have And. In þe consistorie at court  do calle ȝoure name O.3.31: OC 2F alone have the singular form. Schal no lewidnesse lette  þe lede þat I loue Þ at he ne worþ first auau nced  for I am biknowen Þere ku nnynge clerkis  schul clokke bihynde Confesso urs Þa nne come þ ere a confessour  coped as a frere To Mede þe mayde  he medelede O.3.36: OC 2 alone have he medelede; variants include he melled (CCrBLMRH), & meelyd (F), he medled (Y), he mened (WHmHm 2), and he mouthed (G). þeise wordis How freris schryue n folk O.3.37: The rubric is divided after freris, so that it appears as two lines. And seyde ful softelich  in schrift as it were Þouȝ lewid men & lered men O.3.38: The original reads lered men & lewid men; a double solidus above both lered and lewid indicates transposition.  hadde n leyn bi þee boþe And falsnesse hadde I -foulid O.3.39: OCr 3C 2 alone have I-foulid; variants include folwed (YGM), yfouloed (Cr 2), fowled (HmHm 2H), defoulyd (F), and yfolwed (WGBLR). þee  al þi s fifti wynter  I schal assoyle þe my -self  for a seem of wheete And also be þi bede -man  & bere wel þi message Amongys knyȝtis & clerkis  concience to turne Þa nne Mede for hir mysdedis  to þat man knelede And schroue hir of hir schrewidnesse  schameles I trowe Tolde hym a tale  & toke hym a noble For to be hir bedeman  & hir brocour als Þa nne he assoylede hir soone  & siþen he seyde We han a wyndow i n wirchyng  wil sitten vs ful hye Woldist þ ou glase þat gable  & graue þ er -i nne þi name Siker schulde þi soule be  heuene to haue Wiste I þat quod þat wo mman  I wolde not spare For to be ȝoure freend frere  & fayle ȝow neu ere Whyle ȝe louen lordis  þat leccherie haunten And lakken not ladyes  þat louen wel þe same It is a frelete of flesch  ȝe fynden it in bokis And a cours of kynde  wher -of we comen alle Who -so may scape þe sclaundre  þe scaþe is soone amendid It is sy nne of þe seuene  is O.3.58: OC 2 alone repeat is. sonnest releced Haue m ercy quod Mede  of men þat it haunten And I schal keu ere ȝoure kirke  & ȝoure cloystre do make O.3.60: OC 2 alone have the form do make; most B manuscripts have do maken. Wowes do whyten  & wyndowes glasyen Do peynten & purtreye  & paye for þe makyng Þ at euery segge schal seye  I am sister of ȝoure hous Ac god to alle goode folk  sich grauyng defendiþ To writen in wyndowes  of her wel -dedis On auenture pride be peyntid þere  & pompe O.3.66: The letter <p> is rewritten above the line, perhaps in hand 3, apparently because <p> in pompe is spoiled by an inkblot. of þe world For crist knowiþ þi co ncience  & þi kynde wille And þi cost & þi coueytise  & who þe catel ouȝte For -þi I lere ȝow lordis  leueþ siche werkis To writen in wyndowis  of ȝoure wel -dedis Or to greden after goddis men  wha nne ȝe delen doles On auenture ȝe han ȝoure hyre heer  & ȝoure heuene als Nesciat sinist ra quid faciat dextra Late not þi lift half  late no O.3.74: OL alone have no; most B manuscripts have ne. raþe  Wite what þou worchest  wiþ þi riȝt syde And O.3.76: OC 2 alone have And in place of For. þus bit þe gospel  goode men do her almesse Meires & maystres O.3.77: OCr 23C 2 alone have maystres; most B manuscripts have Maceres.  þat menes been bitwene  Þe kyng & þe comunes O.3.78: OGC 2F alone have the plural form.  to kepe wel O.3.78: OC 2F alone include wel. þe lawes To punyschen on pyleries  & pynynge stoolis Breusters & bakesters  bochers & cokis For þeise arn men on þis molde  þat moost harm worchen To þe pore peple  þat p arcelmele biggen For þei punyschen O.3.83: OC 2 alone have punyschen in place of (en)poisone. þe peple  p riueylich & ofte Þei richen þoruȝ regraterie  & rentis hem biggen Wiþ þat þe pore peple  schulde putte i n her wombe For toke þei on truli  þei tymbreden not O.3.86: OC 2 alone have tymbreden not; most B manuscripts have tymbred nouȝt. so hye Ne bouȝte noon burgages  be ȝe ful certeyn Ac Mede þe mayde  þe Meir haþ bisouȝt Meyres . Of alle siche sellers  syluer to take Or p resentes wiþ -oute pens  as peces of syluer Ryngys or oþ er richesse  þe regrateris to mayntene For my loue quod þat lady  loue hem ichone And suffre hem to selle  sumdel aȝeyn resou n Salomon þe sage  a s ermou n he made For to amende Meyris  & men þat kepen lawes And tolde hem þis teme  þat I telle þenke Ignis deuorbit O.3.97: OC 2 alone have deuorbit; most B manuscripts have deuorabit. tabernac ula m eo rum q ui libent er accipiu nt mun era & c etera O.3.97: OC 2H alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "Among þise lettrede l[or]des þis latyn [amounteþ]." Þat is O.3.98: OC 2 alone include is. . fijr schal falle & bre nne  al to bloo askes Þe housis & þe homes  of hem þat desyren  Ȝiftis or ȝeresyues  bi cause of her offices Þe kyng fro cou nceyl cam  & callede aft er Mede And ofsente hir als swyþe  wiþ s ergeauntis manye Þat brouȝten hir to boure  wiþ blis & wiþ ioye Curteyselich þe kyng þa nne  comsede to telle To Mede þe mayde  melleþ þeise wordis Vnwittili wo mman  wrouȝt hast þow ofte Ac wers wrouȝtist þ ou neu ere  þan þoo þ ou fals toke O.3.107: A dash followed by double virgules appears in the right margin, in ink too faint for the hand to be identified. But I forgyue þee þis O.3.108: OC 2 alone have þis in place of þat. gylt  & graunte þee my grace Hennys to þiy O.3.109: This revision of þi to þy is odd. The corrected form appears only here. deþ -day  do so no more I haue a knyȝt co ncience  cam late fro biȝonde If he wilneþ þee to wijf  wilt þow hym haue Ȝhe lord quod þat lady  lord forbede ellis But I be holly at ȝoure heest  latte hange me soone An An[d] O.3.114: Although an is recorded by the MED as a variant form of and, it is not used elsewhere by this scribe and appears to be an error. þa nne was co ncience called  to come & apere Bifore þe kyng & his cou nceil  as clerkis & oþ ere . Knelynge concience  to þe kyng lowtede To wite what his wille were  & what he do schulde Wilt þ ou wedde þis wo mman  quod þe kyng . If I wole assente For sche is fayn of þi felawschip  for to be þi make Concience Quod Concience to þe kyng  crist it me forbede Er I wedde sich a / wijf  woo me be -tyde For sche is frele of hir feiþ  fikel of hir speche And makiþ men mysdo  many score tymes Trust of hir tresore  treyeþ ful many Wyues & wydewes  wantownesse sche techeþ And lereþ hem leccherie  þat louen hir ȝiftis Ȝoure fadir O.3.127: OC 2 alone lack the subject pronoun here; most B manuscripts have sche. felde  þoruȝ fals biheest And haþ a -poysowned popes  & peyrid holy chirche I s not a better bawde  bi hym þat me made . Bitwene heuene & Helle O.3.130: The ascender of the <H> in Helle is about two lines in height and decorated with bars.  in erþe þouȝ men souȝten O.3.130: OC 2 alone have the form souȝten in place of souȝte. For sche is fikil O.3.131: OC 2 alone have fikil in place of tikil. of hir tayl  tale -wijs of hir tunge As comune as a cartewey  to ich a knaue þat walkiþ To monkys . to mynystralis  to meseles in heggis Sisouris & sumpnouris  siche men hir preysen Schirreues of schires  weren schent . if sche nere For sche dooþ men lese her lond  & her lijf boþe Sche leteþ passe p risouneris  & payeþ for hem ofte And gyueþ þe gayleris gold  & grotes to -gyderis To vnfetere þe fals  flee where hym likiþ And takiþ þe trewe bi þe top  & tieþ hym faste And hangeþ hym for hatered  þat harm dide neu ere To be cursid in co nsistorie  sche countiþ not a rische For sche copiþ þe comyssarie  & coteþ hise clerkis Sche is assoylid as soone  as hir -self likiþ And may nyȝ as myche do  in a moneþ ones As oure O.3.146: OC 2 alone have oure in place of ȝoure (i.e., the king's). secret seel  in sixe score dayes For sche is pryue wiþ þe pope  prouysouris it knowen For sire symonye & hir -self  seleþ her bullis Sche blessiþ þeise bischoppis  þouȝ þei been lewide Prouendreþ p ersounes  & preestes maynteneþ To haue le mmans & lotebies  alle her lijf -dayes And bryngen forþ barnes  aȝeyn forboden lawes Þ ere sche is wel wiþ þe kyng  woo is þe rewme For sche is fauerable to þe fals  & fouliþ truþe ofte Bi iesus wiþ hir Iuelis  ȝoure iustises sche scheendiþ And lyeþ aȝeyn þe lawe  & lettiþ hym þe gate Þ at feiþ may not haue his forþ  hir floreynes goon so þikke Sche lediþ þe lawe as hir liste  & loue -dayes makiþ And dooþ men lese þoruȝ hir loue  þat lawe myȝte wynne Þe mase for a mene man  þouȝ he moote heer O.3.160: YOC 2 alone have moote heer; variants include moote (GF), mote hire (WCBLMR), mote hure (Hm), mote her (Cr), and mote with hyr (H). eu ere Lawe is so lordlich  & loþ to make an O.3.161: OC 2CotF alone include an. ende W-outen p resentis or pens  sche plesiþ wel fewe Barounes & burgeyses  sche bryngeþ in -to O.3.163: OC 2 alone have in-to in place of in. sorwe And al þe comunes O.3.164: OC 2F alone have the plural form. i n -to O.3.164: OC 2 alone have in-to in place of in. care  þat coueyten lyue in truþe For clergye & coueytise  sche coupliþ to -gyderes Þis is þe lijf of þat lady  now lord ȝyue hir sorwe And alle þat mayntenen hir men  meschau nce hem be -tide For pore men mowen haue no power  to pleyne he m þouȝ þei smerten O.3.168: OC 2 alone have the form smerten in place of smerte. . Sich a maystre is Mede  amongys men of goode Þa nne mornede Mede  & menede hir to þe kyng To haue space to speke  spede if sche myȝte Þe kyng grau ntede hir grace  wiþ a good wille Excuse þee . if þ ou canst  I can no more seggen For co ncience accuseþ þee  to congeye þee for eu ere Nay lord quod þat lady  leueþ hym þe werse Wha nne ȝe witen wittirli  where þe wrong liggeþ Þ ere þat mescheef is greet  Mede may he lpe And þ ou knowist co ncience  I cam not to chyde Ne depraue þi p ersoone  wiþ a proude herte Wel þou wost wernard  but if þ ou wilt gabbe Þ ou hast hanged on myn half  elleuene tymes And also gryped my gold  gyue it where þee likide And why þou wraþþist þee now  wondir me þinkiþ Ȝit I may as I myȝte  menske þee wiþ ȝiftis And mayntene þi manhod  more þan þ ou knowist Ac þ ou hast famed me foule  bifore þe kyng heer For killede I neu ere no kyng  ne cou nceylede þ er -after Ne dide as þou demest  I do it on þe kyng In normau ndye was he not  noyed for my sake Ac þ ou þi -self soþeli  schamedest hym ofte Crope in -to a caban  for cold of þi naylis Wendist þ at wynt er  wolde haue durid O.3.192: OC 2 alone have durid in place of (y)last(ed). eu ere And dreddist to be deed  for a dym cloude And hyedest þee O.3.194: OC 2 alone include þee. homward  for hungre of þi wombe W- oute pite pilour  pore men þou robbedist And bare her bras at þi bak  to caleys to selle Þ ere I lafte wiþ my lord  his lijf for to saue I made hise men myry  & mornyng lettede And O.3.199: OC 2 alone include And. I baterede hem on þe bak  & boldede her hertis And dide hem hoppe for hope  to haue me at wille Hadde I be marschal of O.3.201: OC 2 alone lack his before men. men  bi marie of heuene I durste haue leyd my lijf  & no lesse wed He schulde haue be lord of þat lond  a lengþe & abrede And also kyng of þat kiþþe  his kyn for to helpe Þe leest brolle of his blood  a barou ns pere Cowardlich þ ou concience  cou nceyledist hym þa nne O.3.206: YOC 2M alone have þa nne ; most B manuscripts have þennes. To leue his lordschip  for a litil syluer Þat is þe richest rewme  þat reyn ou er -houeþ I t bicomeþ to a kyng  þat kepeþ þe rewme To ȝyue mede to men  þat myldelich O.3.210: OC 2 alone have myldelich; all other beta witnesses have mekely. hym s eruen To alienys & to alle men  to honoure he m wiþ ȝiftes Mede makiþ hym beloued  & for a man holden Emp erouris & Erles  & alle man ere lordis For ȝiftes han ȝonge men  to renne & to ride Þe pope & alle p relatis  p resentis vnderfongen And meden men hem -seluen  to mayntene her lawis S eruantis for her seruyse  we seen wel þe soþe Taken mede of her mayster O.3.218: OC 2LF alone have the singular form.  as þei mowen acorde Begg ers for her biddyng  bidden men mede O.3.219: A double solidus over each word indicates transposition of original mede men. Mynyst ralis for her myrþe  mede þei asken Þe kyng haþ mede of his mene O.3.221: OC 2 alone have mene in place of men.  to make pees in londe Men þat techen children  crauen of hem mede Preestis þat p rechen þe peple  to goode asken mede And masse -pens & her mete  at þe male -tymes O.3.224: OC 2 alone have at þe male tymes; most B manuscripts have at þe meel tymes. Alle kyns crafti men  crauen mede for her p rentises Marchau ntis & mede  mote nede go to -gyderes No wyȝt as I wene  wiþ -out mede may libbe Quod þe kyng to co ncience  bi crist as me þinkeþ Mede is wel worþi  þe maystrie to haue Nay quod co ncience to þe kyng  & knelede to þe erþe Þ er arn two man ere of medis  my lord wiþ ȝoure leue Þat oon . god of his grace  grau ntiþ in his blisse To þoo þat wel wirchen  whyle þei been heer Þe p ropheet p recheþ þ erof  & puttiþ O.3.234: OC 2 alone have the form puttiþ; all other beta witnesses have putte. it in þe sauter D omine q uis h abitabit in tabernac ulo tuo & c etera Lord who schal wonye i n þi wones  & wiþ þin holi seyntis Or resten in þine holy hillis  þis askeþ Dauid And dauid assoyliþ it hym -self  as þe sauter telliþ Q ui i ngredit ur s in e mac ula  & op erat ur iusticia m Þoo þat entren of o colour  & of oon wille And han wrouȝt werkis  wiþ riȝt & wiþ resou n And he þat ne vseþ not  þe lijf of vsure And enformeþ pore men  & pursueþ truþe Q ui p ecunia m sua m no n dedit ad vsura m & mun era s uper i nnocente er i nocent e[m] amp; c etera And alle þat helpen þe i nnocent  & halt wiþ þe riȝtful W-oute mede dooþ hem good  & O.3.246: OC 2F alone lack þe before truþe. truþe helpiþ Sich man ere men my lord  schul haue þe first mede Of god at The box containing the catchwords is touched in red at the top right and bottom left corners. Of god at greet O.3.248: GOC 2 alone lack an article or possessive pronoun before nede. nede  wha nne þei goon hennys Þ er is an -er mede mesureles  þat mayst ris desyren To mayntene mysdoers  mede þei taken And þ erof seiþ þe sauter  in a salmes eend In q uo rum manib us i niq uitates su nt  dext ra eo rum repleta e st mun erib us And he þat gripeþ þather gold  so me god helpe Schal abie it bittirli  or þe book lyeþ Preestis & p ersou ns  þat plesyng desiren Þat taken mede & money  for messis þat þei syngen Taken her mede heer  as Matheu vs telliþ O.3.257: HmOC 2F alone have telliþ in place of techeþ. Amen amen recep eru nt m ercedem sua m Þ at laboreris & low folk  taken of her mayst ris It is no man ere mede  but a mesurable hyre In marchau ndise is no mede  I may it wel auowe It is a p ermutac iou n aperteli  a penyworþ for an -er Ac reddist þ ou neu ere Regu m  þ ou recreyed mede Why þe ve niaunce fel on saul  & on hise children God sente to saul  bi samuel þe p rophete Þ at agag &of amalek  & al his peple after Schulden dye for a dede  þat doon hadde n O.3.267: O alone has the form hadde n in place of hadde. her eldris For -þi seyde samuel to saul  god hym -self hotiþ  O.3.268: In the right margin of this line occurs the first of many marginal crosses, this one slanting and about three characters in height. The hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty, but resembles hand 3. Þee to O.3.269: HmOC 2 alone include to before be. be buxu m at his biddyng  & O.3.269: OC 2H alone include & before his. his wille O.3.269: OH alone lack to before fulfille. fulfille Wende to amalek wiþ þin oost  & what þ ou fyndist þ ere . slee it Bernes & beestis  brenne hem to dede Wydewis & wyues  wo mmen & children Mebles & vnmebles  & al þat þ ou myȝte fynde Brenne it . bere it not awey  be it neu ere so riche For Mede nor for money  loke þ ou distroye it Spille it & spare it not  þ ou schalt spede þe better And for he coueytide her catel  & þe kyng sparede Forbare hym & hise beestis boþe  as þe bible witnessiþ Oþ er -wise þan he was  warned . of þe p rofeet God seyde to samuel  þ at saul schulde dye And al his seed for þat sy nne  schenfullich ende Swich a mescheef mede made  saul þe kyng to haue Þ at god hatede hym for eu ere  & alle hise eires after Þe culo rum of þis caas  kepe I not to schewe On auenture it noyede men  noon eend wolde O.3.285: OC 2 alone have wolde in place of wol. I make For so is þis world went  wiþ hem þat han power b 1 O.3.286: This quire signature is almost entirely illegible, having been cropped off except for the top of the <b>. Þ at who -so seiþ hem soþes  is sunnest I -blamed I concience knowe þis  for kynde witt me tauȝte it O.3.288: OC 2 alone place it at the end of the line; most B manuscripts have me yt taughte. Þ at resou n schal regne  & rewmes gou erne And riȝt as agag hadde  happe schul su mme Samuel schal slee hym  & saul schal be blamed And dauid schal be diademed  & daunten hem alle And oon cristen kyng  kepen hem alle Schal no more Mede be mayst er  as sche is nouþe Ac loue & lownesse  & lewte to -gyderis Þeise schul be mayst ris on moold  truþe to saue And who -so trespasseþ aȝeyn truþe  or takiþ aȝeyn his wille Lewte schal doo hym lawe  & no lijf ellis Schal no seriaunt for her s eruyse  were a silken howue Ne no pelure in his cloke  for pledyng at þe barre Mede of mysdoeris  makiþ many lordis And ou erlondislordis O.3.302: A solidus/punctus above londis and above marginal lordis indicate substitution. The uncorrected reading is shared with C 2. lawes  ruliþ þe rewmys Ac kynde loue schal come ȝet  & co ncience to -gyderes And make of lawe a laborer  swich loue schal arise And swich a pees amonge þe peple  & a p arfiȝt truþe Þ at Iues schul wene in her witt  & waxe wondir glad Þ at Moyses or Messye  be comen in -to þis erþe And haue wondir in her hertis  þ at men been so trewe Alle þat beren basalard  brode swerd or launce Ax oþer hachet or any wepene ellis O.3.310: A cross appears in the left margin of ll. 309-310. Schal be demed to þe deþ  but if he do it smyþe O.3.311: OC 2C alone have smyþe; most B manuscripts have smyþye. In -to sikil or to syþe  to schar or to culter Conflabu nt gladios suos in vom eres Ich man to pleye wiþ a plow  pikeys or spade Spynne or sprede dung  or spille hy mself wiþ sleuþe Preestis & p ersounes  wiþ placebo to hunte . n ota . huntynge curatis . O.3.317: The rubric is divided after nota and huntynge, so that it appears as three lines. And dynge vp -on dauid  ich a day til euen Huntynge or haukyng  if any of hem vse His boost of his benefice  worþ bynome hym after Schal neiþ er kyng ne knyȝt  cunstable ne meyr Ou er -lede þe comune  ne to þe court sompne Ne putte hem in panel  to do hem plyȝte her truþe But after þe dede þat is doon  oo doom schal rewarde Mercy or no mercy  as truþe wole acorde Kyngys court & comune court  consistorie & chapitle Al schal be but o court  & o barou n be iustise Þa nne worþ trewe tunge a tidy man  þat tenede me neu ere Bataylis schul noon be  ne no man bere wepen And what smyþ þat any smyþeþ  be smyten þ er -wiþ to deþe Non leuabit gens con tra gente m gladiu m O.3.330: OC 2FH alone lack & c etera at the end of this line. And er þis fortune falle  fynde men schul þe werst Bi sixe su nnes & a schippe  & half a scheef of arwes And þe mydele of a mone  schal make þe Iues to turne And sarasenys for þat syȝt  schul synge . Gl oria i n excelsis For . Machometh & Mede  myshappe schul þat tyme For . melius est bonu m nomen  q uam diuicie multe Also wroþ as þe wiynd  wex Mede in a whyle I can no latyn quod sche  clerkis woten O.3.338: OC 2 alone have the form woten; most B manuscripts have wote. þe soþe See what salomon seiþ  in sapience bokis Þ at he þat O.3.340: Cr 23OC 2 alone have Þ at he þat ; variants include That þei that (WHCr 1GB), they that (Hm), þat þei (H), That hij that (YCLMR), and Of hem þat (F). ȝyueþ ȝiftes  þe victorie wynneþ And myche worschip hadde þ erwiþ  as holi writ telliþ Honorem adquiret  qui dat mun era & c etera I leue wel lady quod concience  þ at þi latyn be trewe Ac þ ou art like a lady  þat redde a lessou n ones Was O mnia p robate  & þat plesede hir herte For þat lyne . was O.3.346: OC 2 alone lack no before leng er . leng er  at þe leues eend Hadde sche lokid þat oþ er half  & þe leef turned Sche schulde haue founden fele wordis  folwynge þ er -after Quod bonu m est tenete  truþe þat text made And so ferde ȝe madame  ȝe coude no more fynde Þoo ȝe lokede on sapience  sittynge in ȝoure studie Þis text þat ȝe han told  were good for lordis Ac ȝow faylede a cu nnynge clerk  þat couþe þe leef haue t urnyd O.3.353: A solidus/punctus above turnyd accompanied by a caret/punctus in the right margin mark it for deletion. And if ȝe seke sapience eft  fynde schul ȝe þat folewiþ A ful teneful text  to hem þat taken Mede And þat is A ni mam aute m aufert accipientiu m & c etera And þat is þe tayl of þe text  of þat þat ȝe scheweden O.3.357: O alone has the form scheweden; most B manuscripts have shewed. Þ at þouȝ we wynne worschip  & wiþ Mede haue victorie Þe soule þat þe soude takiþ  bi so myche is bounden O.3.359: OC 2 alone have the form bounden; most B manuscripts have bound. . pass us iiij us O.4.000: The passus heading was never entered, though the marginal instructions to do it appear in the right margin well within the preceding passus. pass us iiij us c C Eceþ seiþ þe kyng  I suffre ȝow no leng er Ȝe schul sauȝtle for -soþe  & s erue me boþe Kisse hir quod þe kyng  concience I hote Nay bi crist quod concience  cungeye me raþer But resou n rede me þ erto  raþer wole I dye b 2 O.4.5 This quire signature is almost entirely illegible, having been cropped off except for the top of the <b>. And I comaunde þee quod þe kyng  to concience þanne Rape þee to ride  & Resou n þ ou fecche Comaunde hym þ at he come  my cou nceyl to here For he schal reule my rewme  & rede me þe beste Of Mede & of moo oþ ere  & what man schal hir wedde And acounte wiþ þee concience  so me crist helpe How þ ou lernest þe peple  þe lered & þe lewid I am fayn of þat forward  seyde þe freke þa nne And rit ryȝt to resou n  & rowneþ in his ere And seyde as þe kyng bade  & siþen toke his leue I schal araye me to ride . quod Resou n  reste þee a w hyle And callede catou n his knaue  curteys of speche And also to mme trewe tunge  telle me no tales Ne lesyng ys O.4.19: OGC 2F alone have the plural form. to lauȝhe at O.4.19: OC 2H alone have at in place of of.  for I louede hem neu ere And sette my sadel vp -on suffre  til I see my tyme And lete werroke it wel  wiþ witty wordis gerþes And hange on hym þe heuy bridel  to holde his hed lowe For he ................wole make we -he  twyes or he be þere Þa nne concience vp -on his caple  cayreþ forþ faste And resou n wiþ hym rit  rownynge to -gyderes Whiche maystries Mede  makiþ on þis erþe Oon waryn wisdam  & witti his fere Foleweden O.4.28: O alone has the form Foleweden; most B manuscripts have Folwed. hem faste  for þei hadden to done In þe checker & in þe chauncerie  to be discharged of þing ys And riden fast for resou n  schulde rede O.4.30: OC 2 alone lack hem before þe. þe beste For to saue hem for syluer  from schame & from harmes And concience knewe hem wel  þei loueden coueytise And bade Resou n ride fast  & recche of her neiþ er Þei arn wyli O.4.34: YOC 2 alone have Þei arn wyli; most B manuscripts have Ther are wiles. in her wordis  & wiþ Mede þei dwellen Þ er as wraþþe & wranglyng is  þere wynnen O.4.35: OC 2 alone have the form wynnen; most B manuscripts have wynne. þei syluer Ac þ er is loue & lewte  þei wolen O.4.36: O alone has the form wolen; most B manuscripts have wol. not come þere Cont ric io & infelicitas in vijs eo rum & c etera Þei ne gyuen not of god  oon goos weenge Non e st tymor d omini an te oculos eo rum & c etera For woot god . þei wolden O.4.40: O alone has the form wolden; most B manuscripts have wolde. do more  for a doseyn chykenes Or as many capou ns  or for a seem of otis Þan for loue of oure lord  or alle hise leue seyntis For -þi Resou n . latte hem ride  þoo riche bi hem -seluen For concience knowiþ hem not  ne crist as I trowe An d þa nne Resou n rode faste  þe riȝt hye gate As concience hym kennede  til he O.4.46: GOC 2 alone have he in place of þei. He is not the form of the plural normally used by the O-scribe, and the context suggests the singular may have been intended. come to þe kyng Curteyslich þe kyng þa nne  come aȝeyn resou n And bitwene hym -self & his sone  sette hym on benche And wordeden wel wiseli  a greet whyle to -gyderes And þa nne come pees in -to p arlement  & puttede O.4.50: O alone has puttede; most B manuscripts have putte. forþ a bille How wrong aȝens his wille  hadde his wijf taken And how he rauyschede rose  reynoldis loue And margarete of hir maydenhood  maugrey hir chekis Boþe my gees & my grijs  hise gadelyng es fecchen I dar not for feer of hym  fiȝte ne chide He borwede of me bayard  he brouȝte hym hoom neu ere Ne no ferþing for hym O.4.57: YOC 2 alone have for hym in place of þerfore.  for ouȝt þat O.4.57: GOC 2 alone include þat. I coude plede He maynteneþ hise men  to murþere myne huen Forstalleþ my feyres  & fiȝtiþ in my chepyng And brekiþ vp my berne dores  & bereþ awey my whete And takeþ me but o tayle  for ten quart ers of otis And ȝit he bet me þ erto  & lijþ bi my mayde I am not hardy for hym  vnneþe to loke Þe kyng knewe . he seyde soþ  for concience hym tolde Þ at wrong was a wickid lift  & wrouȝte myche sorwe Wrong was a -feerd þa nne  & wisdam he souȝte To make pees wiþ hise pens  & p roferede hym manye And seyde hadde I loue of my lord þe kyng  litil wolde I recche Þouȝ pees & his power  pleynede hym eu ere Þoo wente wisdam & sire  waryn þe witty For þ at wrong hadde I -wrouȝt  so wickede a dede And warnede wrong þoo  wiþ swich a wise tale Who -so worcheþ bi my O.4.73: OC 2M alone have bi my; most B manuscripts have by alone. wille  wraþþe makiþ ofte I seye it bi þi -self  þ ou schalt it wel fynde But if Mede it make  þi mescheef is vppe For boþe þi lijf & þi loond  lijþ in his grace Þa nne wowede wrong  wisdam ful ȝerne To make his pees wiþ hise pens  handi -dandi payed Wisdam & witt þa nne  wenten to -gyderes And toke Mede myd hem  m ercy to wynne Pees put forþ his hed  & his pa nne blody W-outen gylt . god it woot  gate I þis skaþe Concience & þe comune  knowen þe soþe b 3 This quire signature is almost entirely illegible, having been cropped off except for the top of the <b>. Ac wisdam & witt  weren aboute faste To ou ercome þe kyng  wiþ catel if þei myȝten Þe kyng e swore bi crist  & bi his crowne boþe Þ at wrong for hise werkis  schulde woo þolie And comaundede a cunstable  to caste hym in Irnes And latte hym not þis seuene ȝer  seen hise feet ones God woot quod wisdam  þat were not þe beste And he amendis mowe make  latte maynprise hym haue And be boruȝ for his bale  & biggen hym bote And so amende þat is mys -doon  & eu ere -more þe better Witt acordede þ er -wiþ  & seynde þe same Better is þ at bote  bale adou n brynge Þan bale be Ibete  & bote neu ere þe better And þa nne gan Mede to mengen hir  & m ercy sche besouȝte And p roferede pees a p resent  al of pure gold Haue þis man of me quod sche  to amende þi scaþe For I wole wage for wrong  he wole do so no more Pitousli pees þa nne  preyede to þe kyng To haue m ercy of O.4.102: OG alone have of in place of on. þat man  þat mysdide hym so ofte For he haþ waged me wel  as wisdam hym tauȝte And I forgyue hym þat gylt  wiþ a good wille So þ at þe kyng assente  I kan seye no better For mede haþ maad me amendis  I may no more aske Nay quod þe kyng þoo  so me crist helpe Wrong wendiþ not so awey  erst wole I wite more For lope he so O.4.109: The scribe has added the same word in the left margin as well. liȝtli  lauȝwhen he wolde And efte þe balder be  to bete myne huen But Resou n haue ruþe on hym  he schal reste i n my stokkis And þat as longe as he lyueþ  but lownesse hym borwe Su mme men radden Resou n þoo  to haue ruþe on þat schrewe And for to cou nceyle þe kyng  & concience after Þ at Mede muste be maynp ernour  Resou n þei besouȝten O.4.115: OC 2 alone have the form besouȝten in place of bisouȝte. Rede me not quod Resou n  no ruþe to haue Til lordis & ladyes  louen alle truþe And haten al harlotrie  to here it or to mouþen it Til p ernelis purfyle  be put in hir hucche And children cherischyng  be chastysyng wiþ ȝerdis And harlottes holynesse  be holden for vnheende O.4.121: YO alone have vnheende; most B manuscripts have an hyne. Kane and Donaldson emend to an [heþyng]. Til clerken coueytise be  to cloþe þe pore & to fede And religious romers  recordare in her cloystres As seynt benet hem bade  bernard & fraunceys And til p rechouris p rechyng  be p reued on hem -seluen Til þe kyng ys cou nceyl  be þe comune p rofiȝt Til bischoppis bayardes  be beggers chaumbres Her haukis & her houndes  helpe to pore religious Pylg rimage And til seynt Iames be souȝt  þ ere I schal a -sygne Þ at no man goo to galis  but if he go for eu ere And alle rome renners  for robbers of biȝonde Bere no syluer ou er sehe  þat signe of kyng schewiþ Neiþ er grauen ne vng rauen  gold neiþ er siluer Vp -on forfeture of þat fee  who -so fynt hym at Dou ere But if he be marchaund or his man  or messager wiþ letteris Prouysour or preest  or penaunt for hise synnes And ȝit quod resou n bi þe rode  I schal no ruþe haue Whyle Mede haþ þe maystrie  in þis moot -halle Ac I may schewe ensaumples  as I see oþer -whyle I seye it bi my -self quod he  & it so were Þ at I were kyng were wiþ corown  to kepen a rewme Schulde neu ere wrong in þis world  þat I wite myȝte O.4.142: A line of dashes extends from the end of this line across the right margin. Be vnpunyschid in my power  for p erel of my soule Ne gete my grace for gyftis  so me god saue Ne for no Mede haue meurcy  but mekenesse it make For nullu m malu m þe man  mette wiþ impunitu m And bade nullu m bonu m . be irremuneratu m Latte ȝoure confessour sir kyng  construe þis vnglosid And if ȝe worken it in werk  I wedde boþe O.4.149: OC 2H alone include boþe. myne eris Þ at lawe schal been a laborer  & lede a -feeld dunge And loue schal lede þi lond  as þee leef likiþ Clerkis þat weren co nfessouris  coupleden hem to -gyderes Alle to co nstrue þis clause  for þe kyngys p rofiȝt Ac not for counfort of þe comune  ne for þe kyng ys soule For I syȝ Mede in þe moot -halle  on men of lawe wynken And þei lawȝhynge lopen to hir  & lafte resou n . manye Waryn wisdam  wynkede vp -on Mede And seyde . ma -dame . I am ȝoure man  what so my mouþ iangleþ I falle in floreyns quod þat freke  & fayle speche ofte Alle riȝtful recordeden O.4.160: O alone has the form recordeden; most B manuscripts have recordede.  þ at resou n truþe tolde And witt acordede þ er -wiþ  & co mmendede hise wordis b 4 And þe moost peple in þe halle  & many of þe grete O.4.163: YOC 2H alone lack an introductory conjunction or pronoun; most B manuscripts have And. Leten mekenesse a mayster  & Mede a mansed O.4.163: The scribe wrote in the right margin the gloss cursid for mansed. schrewe Loue lete of hir liȝt  & lewte ȝit lasse And seyde it so hye  þ at al þe halle it herde Who -so wilneþ hir to wijf  for welþe of hir goodis But he be knowen for a cokwold  cutte of my nose Mede mornede þoo  & made heuy chere For þe moost comune of þat court  callede hir an hore Ac a sisour & a su mpnour  sueden hir faste And a schirreues clerk  beschrewede al þe route For ofte haue I quod he  holpen ȝow at þe barre And ȝit ȝyue O.4.173: O alone has the form ȝyue; most B manuscripts have yeue. ȝe me neu ere  þe worþe of a rische Þe kyng callede concience  & aft erward resou n And recordede þ at Resou n  hadde riȝtfullich schewed And modilich vp -on Mede  wiþ myȝt þe kyng lokede And gan waxe wroþ wiþ lawe  for Mede almost hadde schent it And seyde . þoruȝ ȝoure lawe as I leue  I lese many chetis Mede ou er -maystrieþ lawe  & myche truþe letteþ Ac Resou n schal reckene wiþ ȝow  if I regne any whyle And deme ȝow on abi þis O.4.181: A solidus/punctus above on a and above the marginal addition indicate that it is intended as a substitution. The uncorrected reading is shared by C 2 alone. day  as ȝe han deserued Mede schal not meynprise ȝow  bi þe marie of heuene I wole haue lewte in lawe  & lete be ȝoure Ianglyng And as moost O.4.184: OC 2 alone lack the subject of this clause; all other beta witnesses have folk. witnessen wel  wrong schal be demed Quod concience to þe kyng  but þe comune wole assente It is ful hard bi myn hed  her -to . to brynge it Alle ȝoure lege lordis  to lede þus euene Bi hym þat rauȝte on þe rode  quod Resou n to þe kyng But if I rule þus ȝoure rewme  rende out my guttis If ȝe bidden buxu mnesse  be of myn assent And I assente quod þe kyng  bi seynt marie my lady Be my cou nceyl comen  of clerkis & of erles Ac redili Resoun  þow schalt not ride fro me For as longe as I lyue  lete þee I nylle I am a -redy quod Resou n  to reste wiþ ȝow eu ere So concience be of oure cou nceyl  I kepe no bett ere And I graunte quod þe kyng  goddis forbod it fayle As longe as oure lijf lasteþ  lyue we to -gyderes Passus quintus O.5.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears as two lines. þ Þ E kyng & hise knyȝtes  to þe kirke wenten To here mateyns of þe day  & þe masse after Þa nne wakede I of my wynkyng  & woo was wiþ -alle Þ at I ne hadde slepid sadder  & I -sye more Ac er I hadde faren a forlong  a O.5.5: OC 2FG alone include the article. feyntise me hente Þ at I ne myȝte ferþ er a fote  for defaut of slepyng And sate softli a -dou n  & seyde my beleue And so I babelede of O.5.8: OC 2 alone have of; most B manuscripts have on. my bedis  þei brouȝten me a -slepe why pestilence And þa nne sawȝ I myche more  þan I bifore tolde For I saw þe feeld ful of folk  þat I bifore of seyde And how resou n gan arayen hym  al þe rewme to p reche And a O.5.12: OC 2 alone have a; all other beta witnesses have wiþ a. crosse a -fore þe kyng  comsede þus to teche He p reueþ O.5.13: OC 2 alone have p reueþ ; all other beta witnesses have preued. þ at þise pestelences  was for pure synne And þe souþwest wijnd  on saterday at euene Was p ertlich for pure pride  & for no poynt ellis Piries & plu mtrees  weren puffed to þe erthe In ensau mple . ȝe segges  ȝe schulden do þe better Beches & brode okes  weren blowen to þe grounde Turneden O.5.19: O alone has the form turneden in place of turned. vpward her tayles  in tokenyng of drede Þat dedli sy nne er domes -day  schal fordo hem alle Of þis mater I myȝte  mamele ful longe Ac I schal seye as I saw  so me god helpe How p ertlich bifore þe peple  resou n gan to p reche n ota s ermo He Bade wastour . go wirche  what he best couþe Quom odo rac io p redicat And wynnen his wastyng  wiþ su mme man ere craft . O.5.25: The rubric is divided after rac io , so that it appears on two lines. And preyede p eronelle  hir purfile to lete And kepe it in hir cofer  for catel at hir nede Tomme stowe he tauȝte  to take two staues And fecche felice hom  from þe wyuen pyne And O.5.30: OC 2 alone lack the subject he. warnede watte  his wijf was to blame Þ at hir hed was worþ half mark  his hood not worþ a grote And bade bette kutte  a bowȝ oþ er tweyen And bete betou n þ er -wiþ  but if sche wolde wirche And þa nne he chargede chapmen  to chastisen her children Latte no wynnyng hem forwenye  whyle þei be ȝonge Ne for no pouste of pestilence  plese hem not out of resou n My sire seyde so to me  & so dide my dame Þ at þe leuer child  þe more lore bihoueþ And salomon seyde þe same  þat sapience made Qui p arcit virge  odit filiu m . Þe englisch of þis latyn  is . who -so wole it knowe O.5.41: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. Who -so spariþ þe spryng  spilliþ hise children And siþen he preyede p relatis  & preestis to -gyderes Þat ȝe p rechen to þe peple  p reue it on ȝoure -seluen And doþ it in dede  it schal drawe ȝow to goode If ȝe lyuen as ȝe leren vs  we schul leue ȝow þe better And siþen he radde religiou n  her reule to holde Lest þe kyng & his cou nceyl  ȝoure comunes appeyre And been stywardis of ȝoure stedis  til ȝe been rulid better And siþen he cou nceylede þe kyng  þe comunes to louye It is þi tresore if tresou n ne were  & triacle at þi nede And siþen he p reyede þe pope  haue pite on holi chirche And er he gyue any grace  gou erne first hym -seluen And ȝe þat han lawes to kepe  latte truþe be ȝoure coueytise More þan gold & oþ er O.5.55: C 2 alone shares the uncorrected form of this phrase. gyftes  if he O.5.55: OC 2 alone have he in place of ȝe. wole god plese For who -so cont rarieþ truþe  he telliþ i n þe gospel  Þ at god knowiþ hym not  ne no seynt of heuene O.5.57: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. Amen dico vobis  nescio vos . O.5.58: This line is followed by three ticks in red. Pylg rimes . And ȝe þat seken seynt iames  & seyntis of rome Sekeþ seynt truþe  for he may saue ȝow alle Q ui cu m patre & filio  þat faire hem befalle Þat suen my s ermou n  & þus seyde resou n . Amen . Þa nne ran repentaunce  O.5.63: OC 2 alone lack and before reherede. reherede reher[c]ede O.5.63: OC 2 alone have reherede in place of rehercede. his teme And gerte wille to wepe  water . wiþ hise yen Perenel proude -hert  platte hir to þe erþe Sup erbia . And lay longe er sche lokede  & lord m ercy criede And bihyȝte vn -to O.5.67: YOC 2M alone have vn-to in place of to. hym  þat vs alle made Sche schulde vnsewen hir serk  & sette þere an heyre To affayten hir flesch  þat fers was to synne Schal neu ere hye hert me hente  but holde me lowe And suffre to be mysseyd  & so dide I neu ere But now wil I meke me & m ercy beseche For al þis I haue  hatid in myn herte Þa nne lecchour seyde allas  & on oure lady criede luxuria To make m ercy for hise mysdedis  bitwene god & his soule Wiþ þat he schulde þe satirday  seuene ȝer þ erafter  Drynke but myd þe doke  & dyne but ones Envie wiþ heuy herte  askede after schrifte Envie . And carfullich mea culpa  he comsede to schewe He was as pale as a pelet  in palsie he semede And cloþed in a caurymaury  I couþe it not disc riue In kirtil & courtebi  & a knyf bi his syde Of a freris frokke  weren þe forsleues And as a leek hadde I -ley  longe in þe sunne i d est empti O.5.85: The marginal gloss is for lere. So lokede he wiþ lere O.5.85: OC 2 alone have lere, "empty," in place of lene. chekis  lourynge foule His body was to -bollen for wraþþe  þ at he bote hise lippis And wryngynge he ȝede wiþ his O.5.87: OC 2Cot alone have his; most B manuscripts have þe. fist  to wreke hy mself he þouȝte Wiþ werkis or wiþ wordis  wha nne he saw his tyme Ich a word þat he warpe  was of an addres tunge Of chydyng O.5.90: OC 2 alone lack and between the prepositional phrases. of chalengyng  was his cheef lijflode Wiþ bacbytyng & bismere  & beryng of falswytnesse fals wytnesse Þis was al his curteysie  where þat eu ere he schewede hym I wolde be schryuen quod þis schrewe  & I for schame durste I wolde be gladder bi god  þ at gybbe hadde meschaunce Þan þouȝ I hadde þis woke I -wonnen O.5.95: OC 2 alone have the form I-wonnen in place of (y)wonne.  a weye of Esex chese I haue a neiȝbore nyȝ me  I haue enuyed hym ofte And lowen on hym to lordis  to do hy m lese his syluer And made hise frendis be hise foon  þoruȝ my fals tunge His grace & hise goode happis  greuen me ful sore Bitwene many & many  I make debate ofte Þ at boþe lijf & lym  is lost þoruȝ my speche And wha nne I mete hym in market  þat I moost hate I haylse hym heendelich  as I his freend were For he is douȝtier þan I  I dar do noon oþ er Ac hadde I maystrie & myȝt  god woot my wille And wha nne I come to þe kyrke  & schulde knele to -for O.5.106: OC 2F alone have to-for in place of to. þe rode And preye for þe peple  as þe preest techeþ For pilgrymes & for palmers  for al þe peple after Þa nne I crye on my knees  þ at crist ȝyue hem sorwe Þat baren awey my bolle  & my broken schete Awey fro þe auter  þa nne turne I myne yen And biholde how eleyn  haþ a newe cote I wissche þa nne . it were myn  & al þe web after And of mennys leesyng I lawȝhe  þ at myn herte akeþ And for her wynnyng I wepe  & wayle þe tyme And deme þ at þei doon ille  þ er I do wel wers Who -so vndirnymeþ me her -of  I hate hym dedli after And O.5.118: OC 2 alone include And. I wolde þ at ich a wyȝt  were myn owne O.5.118: OC 2 alone have myn owne in place of my. knaue For who -so haþ more þan I  þat angreþ me sore And þus I lyue loueles  lijk a liþer dogge Þ at al my body bolneþ  for bittre of my galle I myȝte not ete many ȝeris  as a man ouȝte For enuye & yuele wille  is yuele to diffye May no sugre ne swete þing  asswage my swellyng Ne no diapendion  dryue it fro myn herte Ne neiþ er schrift ne schame  but who -so schrape my mawe ÞisȜis rede I O.5.127: OC 2 alone have rede I; most B manuscripts have redily. quod repentaunce  & radde hym to þe beste Sorwe of synnes  is sauaciou n of soulis I am sory quod þat segge  I am but selden oþ er And þat makiþ me þus megre  for I ne may me avenge Amongys burgeycis haue I been  dwellynge at lundou n And gerte bacbityng be a brokour  to blame mennys ware Wha nne he solde & I not  þa nne was I redy To lye & to loure on my neiȝbore  & lakke his chaffare I wole amende þis if I may  bi myȝt of god almyȝti Ira . Now awakiþ wraþþe  wiþ two whyte yen Freris And nyuelynge wiþ þe nose  & his necke hangynge I am wraþþe quod he  I was sum -tyme a frere And O.5.139: OC 2 alone lack þe before couentis. couentis gardener  for to graffen Impes On lymytouris & legistreris O.5.140: OCr 23C 2 alone have legistreris in place of some variant of listre(s).  lesyngys I Impede Til þei bere leues of lowe speche  lordis to plese And siþen þe i blosmeden O.5.142: OC 2 alone have the form blosmeden; all other beta witnesses have blosmede. abrode  in boure to here schryftes And now is fallen þ erof a fruyt  þ at folk han wel leu ere Schewen her schryftes to hem  þan schryue hem to her p ersou ns And now han p ersou ns p arceyued  þ at freris p arten wiþ hem Þeise possessioners prechen  & deprauen freris . And freris fynden hem in defaute  as folk beren witnesse Þ at wha nne þei p rechen O.5.148: OC 2 alone have the form p rechen in place of preche. þe peple  in many places aboute I wraþþe walke wiþ hem  & wisse hem of my bokis Þus þei speken of spiritualte  þ at eiþ er dispiseþ oþer Til þei been boþe beggers  & bi my spiritualte libben Or ellis alle riche  and riden aboute I wraþþe reste neu ere  þ at I ne muste folewe  Þeise wickide folk  for swich is my grace I haue an aunte to Nunne  & O.5.155: OCot alone lack a word or words between Nunne and abbesse; all other beta witnesses have an. abbesse boþe Hir were leu ere swowe or swelte  or O.5.156: OC 2 alone have or; most B manuscripts have þan. suffre any peyne I haue been cook in hir kychen  & þe couent seruede Many moneþis wiþ hem  & wiþ monkes boþe I was þe prioresse potager  & oþ ere pore ladies And made hem iowtes wiþ iangelyng  þ at dame Ione was a bastard And dame Clarice a knyȝtis douȝter  & a cokwold was hir sire And dame p eronel a p reestis file  p rioresse worþ sche neu ere For sche hadde child in chirie -tyme  al oure chapitre it wiste Of wickide wordis I wraþþe  her wortes I -made O.5.164: OC 2LR alone include the metrically required second I. Til þ ou lixt & þou lixt  loupen out at ones And eiþ er hitte oþ er  vndir þe cheke Hadden O.5.167: O alone has the form Hadden; most other B manuscripts have Hadde. þei had knyues bi crist  eiþ er hadde killed oþ er Seynt gregori was a good pope  & hadde a good forwit Þ at no p rioresse were p reest  for þat he ordeynede Þei hadden þa nne been infamis  þei O.5.170: Only YOC 2M have þei alone; most B manuscripts which contain the line in this form have þe firste day þei. kun so yuele holde cou nceyl Among munkes I myȝte be  ac many tyme I schonye For þei been many felle frekis  my feres to aspye Boþe priour & suppriour  & oure pater Abbas And if I telle any tales  þei taken hem to -gyderes And do me faste fridayes  to breed & to water And am chalengid in þe chapitre hous  as I a child were And baleysed on þe bare ers  & no breech bitwene O.5.177: OC 2 alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "Forþi haue I no likyng, [leue me], wiþ þo leodes to wonye." I ete þere vnheende fisch  & feble ale drynke Ac oþ er -whyle wha nne wiyn comeþ  & I drynke it at euene I haue a flux of a foule mouþ  wel fyue dayes after Al þe wickidnesse þat I woot  bi any of oure breþ eren make knowe O.5.182: The scribal gloss in the right margin is to couþe. I couþe it in oure cloyster  þ at al þe couent woot it Now repente þee quod repentau nce  & reherce þow neu ere  Cou nceyl þat þ ou knowist  bi contenau nce ne bi syȝt O.5.184: OCr 23 alone have syȝt; most B manuscripts have riȝt. And drynke not ou er -delicatly  ne to depe neiþ er Þ at þi wille be cause þ erof  to wraþþ myȝte turne O.5.186: A caret/punctus, indicating intended deletion, appears in the extreme right margin, but no word or phrase on the line is marked for deletion. Esto sobrius . he seyde  & assoylede me after And bade me wilne to wepe  my wickidnesse to amende Auaricia And þa nne cam coueytise  I can hym not discryue So hungryli & holewe  sire heruy hym lokede He was bitilbrowed  and babirlippid also Wiþ two blered yen  as a blynde hagge And as a leþeren purs  lolleden hise chekis Wel sydder þan his chyn  þei ryueledenchyueleden O.5.194: O alone has the forms ryueleden or chyueleden; most B manuscripts have chyueled. for eelde And as a bonde -man of his bakou n  his beerd was bidrauelid Wiþ an hood on his hed  a lousy hat a -boue And in a tawney taberd  of twelue wynter of O.5.197: YOC 2F alone include the second occurrence of of. age Al to -torn & baudy  & ful of lijs crepynge O.5.198: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. But if þ at a lous kouþe  haue lopen þe better Sche schulde not haue walked þ er -on O.5.200: GYOC 2 alone have þ er-on ; variants include on þat welche (LR), on þat welþe (WCr 1M), on þe welte (Cr 23), on þat web (F), and there (HmCB).  so was it þreed -bare I haue been coueytous quod þis caytyf  I beknowe it heer For su m -tyme I s eruede  sy mme at þe style And was his prentice I -pliȝt  his p rofyt to wayte First I lernede to lye  a leef oþ er tweyen Wickedlich to weye  was my first lessou n fare O.5.206: A solidus/punctus above marginal fare and a caret/punctus beside it indicate that it was intended as a substitution for feyre, although the reading is unattested elsewhere. To wye & to wynchestre  I wente to þe feyre Wiþ many man ere marchaundises  as my mayst er me hyȝte Ne hadde þe g race of gyle  goo among my chaffare It hadde been vnsold þis seuene ȝer  so me god helpe Þa nne drowȝ I me among drapers  my donet to lerne To drawe þe lesere a -long  þe lenger it semede Among þe riche rayes  I rendride a lessou n To broche hem wiþ a pacnedel  & playtede hem to -gyderes And put hem in a presse  & pynnede hem þ er -i nne Til ten ȝerdis or twelue  hadde told O.5.215: OC 2 alone have hadde told; variants include tolled (LMRF), hadden tollid (B), and hadden tolde (Hm). out þrittene My wijf was a webbe  & wollen cloþ made Sche spake to spynsters  to spynnen it oute Ac þe pound sche payede bi  weyede a quartrou n more Þan myn owne aunser  who -so weyede truþe I bouȝte hir barli malt  sche brewe it to selle Peny ale & puddyng ale  sche pourede to -gyderes For laboreris & lowe folk  þat lay bi hem -seluen Þe best ale lay in my boure  or in my bed -chaumbre And who -so bu mmyd þ erof  he bouȝte it þ er -after A galou n for a grote  god woot no lesse And ȝit it come in . cupmele  þis craft my wijf vsede Rose þe regrater  was hir riȝt name Sche haþ holden hukrie  al hir lijf -tyme Ac I swere now . so the ik  þ at synne wole I lete And neu ere wickydlich weye  ne wickide caffare O.5.230: caffare, "dealings." A dialectal variant of chaffare. vse But wenden to walsyngham  & my wijf als And bidde þe rode of bromholm  brynge me out of dette Repentist þow eu ere quod repentau nce  or restituciou n madiste Ȝis ones I was herborwid quod he  wiþ an heep of chapmen I roos wha nne þei weren a -rest  & riflede her malis Þat was no restituc iou n quod repentau nce  but a robbers þeft Þow haddist been bett er worþi  to be O.5.237: Cr 3YOC 2 alone have to be in place of ben. hangyd þ erfore Þan for al þat þow hast  heer now schewid O.5.238: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. I wende riflyng were restituc iou n quod he  I lernede neu ere on book And I can no frensch in feiþ  but of þe ferþest eend of norþfolk Vsedist þow eu ere vsurie quod repentau nce  in al þi lijf -tyme Nay soþeli he seyde  saue in my ȝouþe I lernede among ys lumbardis  & Iues a lessou n To weye pens wiþ a peys  & pare þe heuyest And lene it for loue of þe crosse  to legge a wed & lese it Swiche dedis I dide write  if he his day brook I haue mo man ers þoruȝ rerages  þan þoruȝ mis eret ur & comodat I haue lent lordis  & ladies my chaffare And been her brokour after  & bouȝte it my -selue Eschaunges & cheuysaunces  wiþ swich chaffare I dele And lene folk þat lese wole  a lippe at eu ery noble And wiþ lumbardis lettres  I ladde gold to Rome And toke it bi tayle heer  & tolde O.5.253: OC 2 alone among beta witnesses lack hem before þere. þere lesse Lentist þ ou eu ere lordis  for loue of her mayntenau nce Ȝhe . I haue lent lordis  þat loueden me neu ere after And haue maad many knyȝt  boþe m ercer & draper Þat payede neu ere for his p rentyshod  not a peyre gloues Hast þ ou pite on pore men  þat moten nedis borwe I haue als myche pite on hem  as pedler haþ of kattis Þat wolde kille hem if he myȝte  for coueytises coueytise of her sky nnes Art þ ou manlich a -mong þi neiȝbores  of mete & of drynk I am holden as heend quod he  as hound is in kychyn Among my neiȝbores namelich  swich a name ich haue God lene neu ere quod repentau nce  but þow repente þee þe raþer Þe grace on þis ground  þi good wille O.5.265: HmCr 1OC 2 alone have wille; most B manuscripts have wel. to bisette Ne þine eyres after þee  haue ioye of þat þ ou wynnest Ne þine exsecutours bisette þi O.5.267: GYOC 2 alone have þi in place of þe. sylu er  þat þ ou hem leuest And þat was wo nnen wiþ wrong  wiþ wickide men be dispendid For were I frere of þat hous  þ ere good feiþ & charite is O.5.269: The right margin contains the first of a number of similar marginal designs that appear throughout the manuscript: a cross composed of four dots, with an additional flourish at the bottom. The hand responsible is probably the main scribal hand, but the function of this addition, whether emphasis or ornament, is unclear. I nolde cope vs wiþ þi catel  ne oure kirke amende Ne haue a peny to my pitau nce of þin  bi my soule hele For þe best book in oure hous  þouȝ brent gold were þe leues And I wist witterli þ ou were  swich as þ ou tellist Or ellis þ at I koude knowe it  bi any skyns wise O.5.274: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which occurs only in Cr 23YOC 2CB, as scribal. Seruus es alt erius cu m fercula pynguya queris Pane tuo pocius  vesc ere . liber eris Þ ou art an vnkynde creature  I can þee not assoyle Til þ ou make restituc iou n  & reckene wiþ hem alle And siþen þ at resou n rolle it  in þe registre of heuene Þ at þ ou hast maad ich man good  I may þee not assoyle No n dim ittit ur p ecc atum  donec restituat ur ablatu m & c etera For alle þat han of þi good  haue god my truþe Been holden at þe hye doom  to helpe þee to restitue And who -so leueþ not þis be soþ  loke in þe sauter glose In Mis erere mei d eus wher I mene truþe Ecce eni m v eritate m dilexisti & c etera Schal neu ere werkman in þis world  þryue . wiþ þat þ ou wy nnest O.5.287: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. Cu m s anc to  s anc tus eris & c etera construe me þat on englisch Þa nne wexe þat schrewe in wanhope  & wolde haue hangyd hy mself Ne hadde repentau nce þe raþ er  recou nfortede hy m in þis man ere Haue m ercy in þi mynde  & wiþ þi mouþ beseche it For goddis m ercy is more  þan alle hise oþ ere werkis O.5.292: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. Mi sericordia eius sup er om nia op era eius O.5.293: YOC 2 alone lack & c etera at the end of this line. And al wickednesse of O.5.294: OC 2 alone have of in place of in. þis world  þat man myȝte do or þenke Nis no more to þe m ercy of god  þan in þe sehe a glede O mnis i niq uitas q uantu m ad mi sericordiam dei  e st q uasi sintilla i n medio maris For -þi haue m ercy in þi mynde  & m erchaundise leue it For þ ou hast no good ground  to gete þee wiþ a wastel But if it were wiþ þi tunge  or ellis wiþ þi two handis For þe good þat þ ou hast geten  bigan al wiþ falshed And as longe as þ ou lyuest þ er -wiþ  þ ou ȝe ldist not but borwyst And if þ ou wost neu ere to whiche  ne whom to restitue Bere it to þe bischop  & bidde hym of his g race Bisette it hymself  as best is for þi soule For he schal answere for þee  at þe hye doom For þee & many moo  þat man schal ȝyue a reckenyng What he lernede ȝow in lenten  leue ȝe noon oþ er And what he lente ȝow of his good  to wite ȝow fro sy nne For he schulde helpe ȝow  of oure lordis good O.5.309: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which occurs only in Cr 23YOC 2CB, on the grounds that it is scribal. Gula Now bigynneþ glotou n  for to goo to schryft . And kaires hym to kyrkeward  his coupe to schewe Ac Betou n þe breuster  bade hym . good morwe And axede of hym wiþ þat  whyderward he wolde To holi kirke quod he  for to here masse And siþen And siþen I wole be schryuen  & synne no more I haue good ale gossip quod sche  glotou n wilt þ ou assay Hast þ ou ouȝt in þi purs  any hote spices I haue peper & pionyes quod sche  & a pound of garlyk A ferþingworþ of fenel seed  for fastynge -dayes Þa nne gooþ glotou n in  & grete oþes after Cesse þe sout eresse  sate on þe benche Watte þe warner  & his wijf after O.5.322: OC 2 alone have after in place of boþe. Tymme þe tynker  & tweyen of hise p rentices Hicke þe hakeney -man  & hue þe nedeler Clarice of cokkislane  & O.5.325: OC alone lack þe before clerk. clerk of þe chirche Dawe þe diker  & a doseyn oþere Sire peers of pride  & p eronel of flaundris A ribibour a ratouner  a raker of chepe A roper a redyngkyng  & rose þe discher Godfrey of garlikhyþe  & griffyn þe walsche And vpholders an heep  erli bi þe morwe Gyuen glotou n wiþ good chere  good ale to ansel Clement þe cobler  caste of his cloke And at þe newe feyre  he nempnede it to selle Hikke þe hakeney -man  hitte his hood after And bade bette þe bocher  been on his syde Þere weren chapmen chosen  þis chaffare to preyse Who -so hadde þe hood . schulde  haue amendis of þe cloke Two risen vp in rape  & rounede n to -gyderes And preyseden þeise penyworþis  a -part bi hem -selue Þei couþen not bi her concience  acorden in truþe Til robyn þe roper  aroos bi þe souþe And nempnede hy m for a nou nper  þ at no debate nere For to trye þis chaffare  bitwixen hem þre O.5.344: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which occurs only in Cr 23YOC 2CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal. Hikke þe hostler  hadde þe cloke In couenaunt þ at clement schulde þe cuppe fille And haue hikkis hood hostler  & holde hym s erued And who þ at repentiþ raþer  schulde arise after And grete wel sire O.5.349: YOC 2F alone include both wele and sire. glotou n  wiþ a galou n ale Þ ere was lawȝhyng & louryng  & latte goo þe cuppe And so seten O.5.351: O alone has so seten; variants include sytten so (Cr 1GR), so satten (C 2), so seten they (YC), so sytten they (Cr 23), so þei setten (B), and seten so (WHmLMF) til euensong  & sungen oþ er -whyle O.5.351: OYC 2C alone have er-while ; most B manuscripts have vmwhile. Til glotou n hadde glubbed  a galou n & a gylle Hise guttis bigune to gurlegotheli O.5.353: O alone has the form gurle; variants include gothely (YC), godly (LMR), gowle (GF), grouly (B), gotheli to grulle (C 2), and goþelen (WHmCr).  as two gredy sowes d 2 He pissede a potel  in a pater -noster whyle And blewe his rounde ruet  at his rigge -bonys ende Þ at alle þat herden þat horn  helden her nose after And wischede n it hadde be waxed  wiþ a wispe of firses He myȝte neiþ er steppe ne stonde  er he his staf hadde And þa nne gan he to goo  lijke a glewmannys bicche Sum tyme a -syde  & sum tyme a -rere As who -so leiþ lynes  for to lacche foules And wha nne he drowȝ to þe dore  þa nne dymmeden hise yen He stumblede on þe þreschold  & þrewȝ to þe erþe Clement þe cobler  cauȝte hym bi þe myddel For to lifte hym a -lofte  & leyde hym on hise knees Ac glotou n was a greet cherl  & grymme in þe liftyng And cowȝhede vp a caudel  in clementis lappe Is noon so hungry hound  in hertford -schire Durste lape of þat leuyngesleuenynges O.5.369: A solidus/punctus above both leuynges and marginal leuenynges indicate substitution. The word leuenynge, which appears in connection with this line only in O, is glossed by the MED as "lightning" or "shining," which has no application to this context. The scribe's motive for this substitution is unclear.  so vnlouelich þei smauȝten O.5.369: O alone has the form smauȝten; most B manuscripts have smauȝte. Wiþ al þe woo of þis world  his wijf & his wenche Baren hym hoom to his bed  & brouȝten hym þ er -i nne And after al þis accesse  he hadde an accidie Þ at he slepe saterday & sunday  til sunne wente to rest Þa nne wakede he of his wynkyng  & wipede hise yen O.5.375: YOC 2C alone lack The before first. First word þat he warpe was  where is þe bolle His witt gan edwite hym þoo  how wickidlich he lyuede And repentau nce riȝt þoo  so O.5.377: OC 2 alone incude both þoo and so. rebukede hym þat tyme As þ ou wiþ wordis & werkis  hast wrouȝt ille in þi lyue Schryue þee & be a -schamed þ erof  & schewe it wiþ mouþe I glotou n quod þe goom  gylti me ȝelde Þ at I haue trespassed wiþ my tunge  I can not telle how ofte Sworen goddis soule  & so god me helpe & halidam Þere no nede ne was  nyne hundrid tymes And ou ersey me at O.5.384: OC 2CotF alone lack an article, demonstrative, or possessive pronoun before soper; most B manuscripts have my. soper  & sum -tyme at nones Þ at I glotou n gyrd vp  er I hadde goon a myle And spilte þat myȝte be spared  & spendid on sum hungry Ou er -delicatli on fastynge -dayes  dronken & eten boþe And sate sum -tyme so longe þ ere  þ at I slepte & ete at ones For loue of tales in tau ernes  to drynke þe more I dynede And hyede to þe mete er noon  wha nne fastynge -dayes weren O.5.390: OC 2 alone have the form weren; all other beta witnesses have were. Þis schewynge schrift quod repentau nce  schal be m eryte to þee And þa nne gan glotou n grete  and greet deel made For his liþer lijf  þat he lyued hadde And vowede to faste  for hunger or for þrist Schal neu ere fisch on fryday  diffyen in my wombe Til abstynence myn aunte  haue ȝyuen me leue And ȝit haue I hated hir  al my lijf -tyme . Accidia . Þa nne cam sleuþe al beslabred  wiþ two slymy yen I muste sitte seyde þe segge  or ellis I schulde O.5.399: OC 2BmBo alone transpose sholde I; other variants include must I (G), I most (Cot), I must nedes (Cr), and omission (F). nappe I may not stonde ne stoupe  ne wiþ -outen a stool knele Were I brouȝt a -bedde  but if my tayl -eend it made Scholde no ryngyng do me rise  or I were ripe to dyne He bigan benedicite wiþ a bolk  & his brest knokkede And roxede & rorede  & rutte at þe last A -wake renk quod repentau nce  & rape þee to schrift If I schulde dye bi þis day  me liste not to loke I can not p arfiȝtli my pat er -nost er  as þe p reest syngeþ But I can rymes of robyn hood  & randolf of chester Ac neiþ er of oure lord ne oure lady  þe leest þat is maad I haue maad vowes fifty  & forȝeten hem on morwe I p arfornede neu ere penaunce  as þe preest me hyȝte Ne riȝt sori for my synnes  ȝit was I neu ere And if I bidde any bedes  but if it be in wraþþe Þat I telle wiþ my tunge  is two myle fro myn herte I am occupied ich day  halyday and oþer Wiþ ydel talis at þe ale  & oþ er -whyle in chirches Goddis peyne & his passiou n  ful selden O.5.417: OC 2 alone have selden in place of selde. þenke I on O.5.417: Only OC 2 conclude this line with on alone; most B manuscripts have theron. I visitede neu ere feble men  ne fetered folk in pittis I haue leu ere here an harlotrie  or a som er game of souters Or lesyngys to lawȝhe at  & bilye my neiȝboris Þan al þat eu ere mark made  Matheu Ion & lucas And vigilies & fastynge -dayes  alle þeise late I passe And ligge a -bedde in lenten  & my le mman in myne armes Til mateyns & messe be doon  & þa nne goo to þe freris Come I to Ite missa est  I holde me serued I nam not schryuen sum -tyme  but seeknesse it make Not twyes in two ȝer  & þa nne vp gesse I schryue me I haue been p reest & p ersou n  passynge þritti ȝer Ȝit can I neiþ er solfe ne synge  ne seyntis lyues rede But I can fynde in a feeld  or in a furlong an hare O.5.430: A small cross appears in the left margin; the hand cannot be identified with certainty, but resembles hand 3. Better þan in Beat us vir  or in beati omnes Construe o clause wel  & kenne it to my p arischenes I can holde loue -dayes  & here a reues rekkenyng Ac in canou n ne O.5.434: OC 2 alone lack in (þe) before decretalis. decretalis  I can not rede a lyne If I bigge & borwe it  but if it be tayled I forȝete it as soone O.5.436: Cr 23OC 2 alone have soone; most B manuscripts have yerne.  & if men me it axe  Sixe syþes or seuene  I forsake it wiþ oþes And þus tene I trewe men  ten hundrid tymes And my s eruau ntis sum -tyme  her salerie is bihynde Reuþe is to here þe rekkenyng  wha nne we schul re de acountis So wiþ wickide wille & wraþþe  my werke -men I paye If any man do me a benfeet  or helpe me at nede I am vnhende O.5.443: O alone has vnhende ( vnhynde C 2) ; most B manuscripts have correctly alliterating vnkynde. aȝens his curtesye  & can not vnderstonde it For I haue & haue had  sumdel haukes maneres I nam O.5.445: OLM alone have nam in place of am. not lered O.5.445: YGOC 2 alone have lered; most B manuscripts have lured. wiþ loue  but if ouȝt lye vnder þe þumbe O.5.445: A cross appears in the left margin, in a hand which, although not identifiable with certainty, resembles hand 3. It may represent an attempt by a corrector to point out the error of lered for lured. Þe kyndenesse þat myne euene -c ristene  kydden O.5.446: OC 2 alone have the form kydden in place of kidde. me ferne -ȝer Sixti siþes I sleuþe  haue forȝeten it siþþe In speche & in sparyng  I spilte many tyme Boþe flesch & fisch  butter mylk & chese Boþe breed & ale  & many oþ ere vitaylis Forsleuþede in my s eruyse  til it myȝte s erue no man I ran aboute in ȝouþe  & ȝaf me not to lerne And eu ere siþ haue I been O.5.453: WHmOC 2 alone have haue I been; variants include be (LR), haue be (YcrCM), I haue be (GBmCot), I haue iben (Bo), and I am þe (F). begg er  for my foule sleuþe Heu m ichi q uia sterile m  vitam duxi iuuenilem Repentist þ ou not quod repentau nce  & riȝt wiþ þat he swownede Til vigilate þe veyl  fette water at hise yen And flatte it on his face  & fast on hym criede And seyde . war þee for wanhope  wolde þee bitraye I am sori for my synnes  seye to þi -selue And bete þi -self on þe brest  & bidde hym of grace For is no gylt heer so greet  þ at his goodnesse is more Þa nne satte sleuþe vp  & seynede hym swyþe And made avow to -for god  for his foule sleuþe Schal no sunday be þis seuene ȝer  but seeknesse it lette Þ at I ne schal do me er day  to þe dere chirche And here mateyns & messe  as I a monke were Schal noon ale after mete  holde me þennys Til I haue euensong herd  I bihote to þe rode And ȝit wole I ȝelde aȝeyn  if I so myche haue Al þat I wickidlich wan  siþen I witt hadde And þouȝ my lijflode lakke  leten I nylle Þ at ich man schal haue his  er I hennys wende And wiþ O.5.473: OC 2 alone lack þe before residue. residue & þe remenaunt  bi þe rode of chestre I schal seke truþe erst  er I se Rome Robert þe robber  on reddite lokede And for þ er was not wher -of  he wepede swyþe O.5.476: OC 2 alone lack soore following swyþe. Ac ȝit þe synful sch rewe  seyde to hym -selue Crist þat on þe O.5.478: OC 2 alone include þe. caluarie  vp -on þe crosse dyedist dismas Þoo dismas my broþ er  bisouȝte ȝow of grace And haddist m ercy of O.5.480: YOC alone have of in place of on. þat man  for Memento sake O.5.480: Four dashes follow this line, becoming a continuous line below dismas which extends to the end of the margin. So rewe on þis robber  þat reddere ne haþ Ne neu ere wene to wynne  wiþ craft þat I owe But for þi mykel m ercy  mytigac iou n O.5.483: OC 2 alone lack a first-person pronoun before biseche; all other beta witnesses have I. biseche Ne dampne me not at domesday  for þat I dide O.5.484: Cr 23OC 2 alone lack so before ille. ille What bifel of þis schrewe O.5.485: OC 2 alone have schrewe in place of a correctly alliterating word; most B manuscripts have feloun.  I can not faire schewe Wel I woot he wepte fast  water . wiþ boþe hise yen And knowlechede his gylt to c rist  ȝit efter -soones O.5.487: O alone has the form efter; most B manuscripts have eft. Þ at penytencia his pijk  he schulde polische newe And lepe wiþ hym ou er lond  al his lijf -tyme For he hadde leyn bi latro  lucifers aunte And þa nne hadde repentaunce ruþe  & radde hem alle to knele For I schal beseche for alle synful  oure saueour of grace To amende vs of oure mysdedis  & do m ercy to vs alle Now god quod he of þi goodnesse  þat gu nne þe world make And of nouȝt madest ouȝt . & man  moost lijk to þi -selue And siþen suffrest for to synne  a seeknesse to vs alle And al for þe best as I beleue  what -eu ere þe book telliþ O felix culpa o necessariu m ade p ecc atum & c etera For þoruȝ þat synne þi sone  sent was to þis erþe And bicam man of a mayde  mankynde to saue And madest þi -self wiþ þi sone  & vs synful yliche O.5.501: A solidus/punctus above wiþ marks it for deletion. Faciam us ho mi nem ad ymagyne m & si militudine m n ostram Et alibi Q ui manet in caritate  in deo manet & c etera O.5.503: YOC 2 alone have & c etera in place of & deus in eo . oure sute And siþ wiþ þi self sone  in oure sute deydist On good fryday for mannys sake  at ful tyme of þe day Þ ere þi -self ne þi sone  no sorwe in deþ feledist But in oure secte was þe sorwe  & þi sone it ladde Captiuam duxit captiuitatem & c etera Þe sunne for sorwe þ erof  lees hys liȝt for a tyme Aboute mydday wha nne moost liȝt is  & meel -tyme of seyntis Feddest wiþ þi fresch blood  oure forfadris in derkenesse Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris vidit lucem magnam And þoruȝ þe liȝt þat leepe out of þee  lucifer was blent And blewe alle þi blessede  in -to þe blis of p aradice Þe þridde day after  O.5.515: OC 2 alone lack þow before ȝedist. ȝedist in oure sute And synful marie þee seyȝ  er seynt marie þi dame And O.5.517: OC 2 alone lack al before to. to solace synful  þ ou suffredist it so were Non veni vocare iustos  s et p ecc atores ad penitencia m And al þat mark haþ I -maad  matheu jon & lucas Of þi douȝti dedis  weren doon in oure armes V erbu m caro f ac tum est  & h abitauit in nobis And bi so myche me semeþ  þe sikerer we mowe  Bidde & biseche  if it be þi wille Þat art oure fadir & oure broþ er  be m erciable til vs And haue ruþe on þis ribawdis  þat repenten hem heer sore Þ at eu ere þei wraþþeden O.5.526: OC 2 alone have the form wraþþeden; most B manuscripts have wraþed. þee in þis world  in word . þouȝt or dede Þa nne hente hope an horn  of deus tu co nu ersus viuificabis And blewe it wiþ Beati quo rum  remisse su nt i niq uitates Þ at alle seyntis in heuene  sunge n at ones Ho mi nes & Iumenta saluab is q uemadmo dum m ultiplicasti mi sericordiam tua m d eus & c etera A þousande of men þoo  þrungen to -gyderes Cryeden vpward to crist  & to his clene modir To haue grace to go wiþ hem  truþe to seke Ac þ er was wyȝt noon so wijs  þe weye þidir couþe But blustreden forþ as bestes  ou er bankes & hilles Til late was & longe  þ at þei a lede metten Apparaylid as a paynym  in pilg rimys wise He bare a burdou n ybounden  wiþ a brood liste In a swiþe wyndes O.5.539: YOC 2C alone read swiþe wyndes, a nonsense reading perhaps reflecting scribal unfamiliarity with wythewyndes, "woodbines," which is preserved in various spellings by WHmGLMR. wise  ywounden aboute A bolle & a bagge  he bare bi his syde An hundryd of ampulles  on his hat sete Signes of synay  & schellis of galis And many a crouche on his cloke  & keyes of rome And þe v ernycle bifore  for men schulden O.5.544: OC 2 alone have the form schulden in place of sholde. knowe  And se bi hise signes  whom he souȝt hadde Þeise folk freyneden O.5.546: OC 2 alone lack an object pronoun before first; most B manuscripts have hym. first  from whennys he come Fro synay he seyde  & fro oure lordis sepulcre In bedlem & in babiloyne  I haue been in boþe I n Ermonye in alisaundre  in many oþ ere places Ȝe mowen se bi my sygnes  þat sitten on my hat Þ at I haue walked ful wyde  in wete & in drye And souȝte goode seyntis  for my soulis helþe Knowist þ ou ouȝt a corseynt  þat men callen truþe Koudist þ ou wissen vs þe weye  where þ at he dwelliþ Nay so me god helpe  seyde þe goom þa nne I seyȝ neu ere palm er wiþ pijk  ne wiþ scrippe wende O.5.556: OC 2 alone include wende. Axen after hym  er now in þis place Petre quod a plowman  & putte forþ his hed I knowe hym as kyndeli  as clerk doþ his book Concience & kynde witt  kennede me to his place And dide me swere sikirli  to s erue hym for eu ere Boþe to sowe & to sette  þe whyle I swynke myȝte I haue been his folewer  al þis fifti wynter Boþe sewe O.5.564: OC 2 alone have sewe; most B manuscripts have sowen. his seed  & fedde O.5.564: OC 2CCot alone have fedde; most B manuscripts have some variant of correctly alliterating suwed. hise bestes W-i nne and wiþ -oute n  waytede his p rofiȝt I dyke & I delue  & do þat truþe hotiþ Sum -tyme I sowe  & sum -tyme I þresche In taylouris craft & tynkers craft  what truþ e can deuyse I weue & I wynde  & do what truþe hoteþ For þouȝ I seye it my -self  I s erue hym to pay Ich haue myn hyre wel  and oþ er -whyles more He is þe p restest payer  þat pore men knowen He wiþhalt non hewe his hyre  þ at he ne haþ it at eue He is as lowe as a loomb  & louelich of speche And if ȝe wilneþ to wite  where þ at he dwelliþ I schal wisse ȝow wittirli  þe weye to his place Ȝ he leue peers quod þeise pilg rimys  & p rofreden hym hyre For to wende wiþ hem  to truþis dwellynge place O.5.578: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. Nay bi my soule quod peers  & gan for to swere I nolde fonge a ferþing  for seynt thomas schryne Truþe wolde loue me þe lesse  longe tyme after . no ta . how þ ou schalt goo on pilgrymage Ac if ȝe wilneþ to wende wel  þis is þe weye þidir . O.5.582: The rubric is divided after goo, so that it appears as two lines. Short flourishes in red appear at the left and right of no ta . Þat I schal seye to ȝow  & sette ȝow in þe soþe O.5.583: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which occurs only in Cr 23YOC 2CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal. Ȝe moten goo þoruȝ mekenesse  boþe men & wyues Til ȝe come to concience  þ at crist wite þe soþe þe ten comaunde mentis . O.5.586: The rubric is divided after comaunde-, so that it appears on two lines. Þ at ȝe loue O.5.586: OC 2 alone have the form loue in place of louen. oure lord god  leuest of alle þing ys And þa nne ȝoure neiȝboris next  in noon wise appeyre Oþ er -wise þan þ ou woldest  he wrouȝte to þe -selue þ[i] -selue And so boweþ forþ bi a brook  beþ buxu m of speche Til ȝe fynden a foorþe  ȝoure fadris ȝe honoure honora prtrem p[a]trem & matre m & c etera O.5.591: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after patrem , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Wadeþ in O.5.592: OC 2 alone lack þat before water. water  & wasche ȝow wel þere And ȝe schul lepe þe liȝtlier  al ȝoure lijf -tyme And so schalt þ ou O.5.593: HmYOC 2 alone lack se before swere. swere not  but if it be for nede And namelich in ydel  þe name of god almyȝti Þa nne schalt þ ou come bi a croft  but come not þ er -Inne Þat croft hatte coueyte not  mennys catel ne her wyues Ne noon of her s eruauntis  þat noyen hem myȝte Loke ȝe breke no bowes þ ere  but if it be ȝoure owne Two stokkis þ er stonden  ac stynte ȝe not þere Þei hatten stele not ne slehe not  strike forþ bifore And leue hem on þi left half  & loke not þ er -after And holde wel þin haliday  hye til euene Þa nne schalt þ ou blenche at a beruȝ O.5.604: OR alone have beruȝ; variants include burgh (M), berch (Cr), berneȝ (C 2), beech (F), brygge (GCot), and Bergh (WHmYCBL).  bere no fals witnesse He is fryþid in . wiþ floreyns  and oþ ere foos many Loke þ ou plukke no plante þ ere  for p erel of þi soule Þa nne schul ȝe se . seye soþ  so it be do O.5.607: OC 2 alone have do in place of to. done In no man ere ellis not  for no mannys biddyng Þa nne schalt þ ou come to a court  as cleer as þe sunne Þe moot is O.5.610: OC 2 alone lack of before mercy; C 2 has þe in place of is. m ercy  þe man ere aboute Alle þe wallis been of witt  to holde wille oute And kirneled wiþ c ristendoom  mankynde to saue Botraced wiþ beleue so  or þ ou beest not saued O.5.614: OC 2 alone lack introductory And. Alle þe housis been hiled  halles & chaumbres Wiþ no leed but wiþ loue  & lowe speche as breþ eren Þe brigge is of bidde wel  þe bette may þ ou spede Ich piler is of penaunce  of preyer to seyntis Of almesdedis arn þe hokis  þe gates hangen onne Grace hatte þe gateward  a goode man for -soþe His man hatte amende ȝow  for many men hym knowen Telleþ hym þis tokene  þ at truþe wite þe soþe I p arfornede þe penaunce  þe preest me enioynede And am ful sori for my synnes  & so I schal eu ere Wha nne I þenke þer -on  þouȝ I were a pope Biddeþ . amende ȝow . meke hym  to his mayst er ones To wayue vp þe wiket  þat þe womman schette Þoo adam & eue  eten appelis vnrosted P er Eua m cuntis O.5.627: The misspelling of cunctis is shared by WGCLF and may therefore result from copying rather than a slip of the pen. clausa e st  & p er maria m v irgine m patef ac ta e st & c etera For he haþ þe keye & þe cliket  þouȝ þe kyng slepe And if grace g raunte þee  to goo in þis wise Þ ou schalt se in þi -self  truþe sitte in þin herte In a cheyne of charite  as þ ou a child were To suffre hym & segge nouȝt  aȝeyn þi sires wille Ac be war þa nne of wraþþe O.5.634: O alone has the form wraþþe; no other variants include two thorns.  þat is a wicked schrewe He haþ enuye til hym  þat in þin herte sittiþ And poukeþ forþ pride  to preyse þi -seluen Þe boldenesse of þi beenfetis  maken O.5.637: OC 2 alone have the form maken; variants include make (GYCBmBoF) and makeþ (WHmCrCotLR). þee blynde þa nne And O.5.638: OC 2F alone lack þanne between And and worþest. worþest þ ou dryuen out as dew  & þe dore closed Keyed & cliketid  to kepe þee wiþ -outen Happeli an hundrd hundr[e]d wynter  er þ ou eft entre Þus myȝtist þ ou lesen his loue  to lete wel bi þi -seluen And neu ere happeli eft entre  til O.5.642: OC 2 alone have til; most B manuscripts have but. grace þ ou haue Ac þ er been seuene sistren  þat s eruen truþe eu ere And been port ers of þe post ernes  þat to þe place longen Þat oon hatte abstynence  & humylite an -er Ccharite Charite & chastite  been hise cheef maydenes Pacience & pees  myche peple þei helpen Largenesse þe lady  sche lete out O.5.648: OC 2F alone have out in place of in. ful many Sche haþ holpen a þousande  out of þe deuelis pynfold And who -so is sibbe to þeise seuene  so me god helpe He is wondirlich . welcome  & fayre vndirfongen And but if ȝe be sibbe  to su mme of þeise seuene It is ful hard bi myn hed quod peers  for any of ȝow alle To gete ingong at þe gate þ ere  but grace be þe more A Cutpurs . Now bi crist quod a cutpurs  I haue no kyn þere Non No[r] I quod an apeward  bi ouȝt þat I knowe Wite god quod a waferer  wiste I þis for soþe Schulde I neu ere ferþ er a fote  for no freris prechyng Ȝis quod peers þe plowman  & poukede alle O.5.659: Only in OC 2 does alle appear without a preceding pronoun or article. to goode Mercy is a mayden þere  haþ myȝt ou er alle And sche is sibbe to alle synful  & hir sone also And þoruȝ þe help of hem two  hope þ ou noon oþ er Þ ou myȝtist O.5.663: OC 2 alone have myȝtist in place of myȝt. gete grace þ ere  bi so þ ou go bi -tyme A p ardoner Bi seynt poule quod a p ardoun er  p arauenture I be not knowe þer e . I wole fecche my box wiþ my breuettis  & a bulle wiþ bischoppis le ttres ..... A comune womman O.5.666: The rubric is divided after comune, so that it appears as two lines. Bi c rist quod a comune wo mman  þi companye wole I folewe Þow schalt seye I am þi sister  I ne woot where þei bicomen O.5.667: OC 2 alone have the form bicomen; most B manuscripts have bicome. Passus Sextus O.6.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears as two lines. þ Þ Is were a wickide weye  but who -so hadde a guyde Þat wolde folewe vs ich a fote  þus þeise folk hem meneden O.6.2: O alone has the form meneden; most B manuscripts have mened. Quod p erkyn þe plowman  bi seynt peter of rome I haue an half acre to erie  bi þe hye weye Hadde I eried þis half acre  & sowen it after I wolde wende wiþ ȝow  & þe weye teche Þis were a longe lettyng  quod a lady in a sleyre What schulden we wo mmen  worche þe whyles Su mme schul sowe þe sakke quod peers  for schedynd schedyn[g] of þe whete And ȝe loueli ladies  wiþ ȝoure longe fyngris Þ at ȝe haue silk & sendel  to sewe wha nne tyme is Chesibles for chapeleyns  chirches to honoure Wyues & wydowes  wolle & flex spynneþ Makeþ cloþ I cou nceyle ȝow  & kenne so ȝoure douȝtres . no ta . O.6.15: The word no ta is accompanied by a flourish at the bottom. Þe nedy & þe nadkyd  nyme O.6.15: O alone has the form nyme; most B manuscripts have nymeþ. heed . how þei liggen And casteþ hem cloþis  for so biddiþ O.6.16: OC 2 alone have biddiþ in place of some variant of correctly alliterating comaundeþ. truþe For I schal lene hem lijflode  but if þe loond fayle Flesch & breed boþe  to riche & to pore O.6.18: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. As longe as I lyue  for oure O.6.19: OC 2M alone have oure in place of þe. lordis loue of heuene And alle man ere of men þat þoruȝ  mete & drynk libben Helpeþ hym to worche wyȝtliche  þat wynneþ ȝoure fod e O.6.21: The word fode is written in a different ink, possibly over an erasure; the supralinear <e> is written above a faded <e>. Bi crist quod a knyȝt þoo  he kenneþ vs þe best Ac on þe teem truli  tauȝt was I neu ere Ac kenne me quod þe knyȝt  & I wole assaye Bi seynt poule quod p erkyn  ȝe p roferen O.6.25: OC 2 alone have the form p roferen in place of profre. ȝow so faire Þ at I schal swynke & swete  & sowe for vs boþe And oþ ere labouris do for þi loue  al my lijf -tyme . þe lyuyng of trewe knyȝtis O.6.28: The rubric is divided after of, so that it appears as two lines. A flourish (two rays and a central punctus, arranged vertically) appears at its left. The hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty, but the flourish resembles those surrounding words written in the main scribal hand. In couenaunt þ at þ ou kepe  holy kirke & my -selue Fro wastouris & wikkide men  þat þis world stroyen And go hunte hardili  to hares & to foxes To bores & to brokkes  þat breken adou n myn hegges And go affayte þi faukou ns  wylde bestis O.6.32: OC 2 alone have bestis; most B manuscripts have correctly alliterating foweles. to kille For swyche comen to my croft  & croppen my whete Curteyselich þe knyȝt þa nne  comsede hise O.6.34: OC 2 alone have hise in place of þise. wordis Bi my power peers quod he  I pliȝte þee my truþe To fulfille þis forward  þouȝ I fiȝte schulde As longe as I lyue  I schal þee mayntene Ȝhe & ȝit a poynt quod peers  I preye ȝow of more Loke ȝe tene no tenaunt  but truþe wole assente And þouȝ ȝe mowe amercye hem  latte m ercy be taxour And mekenesse þi mayster  maugrey Medis chekis And þouȝ pore men p roferen O.6.42: OC 2 alone have the form p roferen in place of profre. ȝow  p resentis & ȝiftis Nyme it not in auenture  ȝe mowen it not deserue For þ ou schalt ȝelde it aȝeyn  at oon ȝeris eende In a ful p erelous place  purgatorie it hatte Mysbede not þi bonde -men  þe bett er mayst þ ou spede Þouȝ he be þin vndirlyng heer  wel may happe in heuene Þ at he worþier sitte  & wiþ more blysse Amice ascende sup erius O.6.49: This line is written in the right margin. Þan þ ou but þ ou do bette  & lyue as þ ou schuldist O.6.50: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which appears only in Cr 23YOC 2CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal. For in charnel & O.6.51: Only O has & unaccompanied by any other word, rendering the line unintelligible. It is unintelligible as well in the reading of Cr 23YC 2CB, & in. WHmCr 1GLMRF have at(te) alone. cherche  cherlis been yuel to knowe Or a knyȝt from a knaue  knowe þis in þin herte And be trewe of þi tunge  & loke þ ou talis hatye But if it be of wisdam or witt  þi werkemen to chastise Holde wiþ noon harlottes  ne here not her talis And namelich at mete  swiche men eschewe For it been þe deuelis disouris  I do þee to vndirstonde I assente bi seyn Iames  þe knyȝt seyde þa nne For to worche bi þi wordis  þe whyle my lijf dureþ how peers gooþ on pilg rimage . . O.6.60: The rubric is divided after gooþ, so that it appears on two lines. Two ticks in black, underlined in red, follow the rubric. I schal apparayle me quod p erkyn  in pilg rimes wise And wende wiþ ȝow I wole  til we fynde truþe And caste on my cloþes  ycloutid & hole My cokeris & my cuffes  for coold of my nayles i d est a seed leep O.6.64: A rubricated solidus/punctus above hoper and above seed identify the latter as a gloss. And hange myn hoper at myn hals  in stede of a scrippe A busschel of breed -corn  brynge me þ er -inne For I wole sowe it my -self  & siþen wole I wende To pilg rimage as palmers doon  p ardou n O.6.67: GOC 2F alone lack for before to. to haue Ac who -so helpiþ me to erie  or sowe . er I wende  Schal haue leue bi oure lord  to lacche hire in heruest And make myrie þ er -myd  maugrey who -so grucchiþ And alle kyn crafti men  þat ku nnen lyue in trouþe I schal fynde hem fode  þat feiþfulliche libben Saue iakke þe iogelour  & ionet of þe stues And danyel þe dees player  & enot þe bawde And þe frere O.6.75: A double solidus over each word indicates transposition of original frere þe. faytour  & folk of his ordre And robyn þe ribaudour  for hise rusti wordis Truþe tolde me ones  & bade me telle it after Deleant ur de libro viuenciu m  I schulde not dele wiþ hem For holi chirche is hoten O.6.79: OC 2 alone have the form hoten; all other beta witnesses have hote.  of hem no tiþe to take Quia cum iustis non scribant ur Þei been ascaped good auenture  but O.6.81: OC 2 alone have but in place of now or nothing at all in this position. god hem amende Dame worche wha nne tyme is  Peers wijf hyȝte His douȝt er hiȝte do riȝt so  or þi dame schal þee bete His sone hiȝte suffre  þi sou ereynys O.6.84: OC 2RF alone lack to before haue. haue her wille Deme hem not . for if þ ou do  þ ou schalt ful O.6.85: OC 2 alone have ful; most B manuscripts have it. dere abigge Latte god worþe wiþ al  for O.6.86: YOC 2 alone lack so before his, obscuring the sense of the line. his word techiþ For now I am oold & hoor  & haue of myn owne þeise O.6.88: The marginal word is apparently intended as a substitute for þis, but it is not marked for change. To penau nce & pilg rimage  I wole passe wiþ þis oþ ere For O.6.89: OC 2 alone have For; most B manuscripts have Forþi I wole er I wende  do write my biquest Testame ntum petri . Plowm an O.6.90: The rubric is divided after Testame ntum , so that it appears as two lines. In dei no mi ne amen  I make it my -selue He schal haue my soule  þat best haþ ys erued it And fro þe fee nd it defende  for so I beleue Til I come to hise acountis  as me?y credo me telliþ To haue a relees & remissiou n  on þat rental I leue Þe kirke schal haue my careyn  & kepe my bones For of my corn and catel  he crauede þe tiþe I payede it hym p restli  for p erel of my soule For -þi is he holden I hope  to haue me in his messe And mengen in his memorie  amonge alle cristen My wijf schal haue of þat I wan  wiþ truþe & no more And dele among my douȝtres  & my dere children For þouȝ I dye to -day  my dettes arn quytte I bare hoom þat I borwede  er I to bedde ȝede And wiþ þe residue & þe remenau nt  bi þe rode of lukes I wole worschipe þ erwiþ  truþe bi my lyue And be his pilgryme at O.6.106: YGOC alone have at in place of atte. plow  for pore mennys sake My plowfoot schal be my pijkstaf  & picche atwo þe rotis And helpe my cultur to kerue  & clense þe forwes Now is p erkyn & hise pilg rimes  to þe plow faren To erie þis half acre  holpen hym manye Dikers & deluers  diggeden vp þe balkes Þ er -wiþ was p erkyn appayed  & preysede hem faste Oþ ere werkemen þ er weren  þat wrouȝten ful ȝerne Ich man in his man ere  made hym -self to done And su mme to plese p erkyn  pikeden vp þe wedis At hye pryme peers  lete þe plow stande To ou erseen hem hym -self  & who -so best wrouȝte He schulde be hyred þ er -after  wha nne heruest tyme come And þa nne seten su mme  & sungen at þe nale And holpen erie his half acre  wiþ hey trolly lolly Now bi þe p erel of my soule quod peers  al in pure tene But ȝe arise þe raþ er  & rape ȝow to worche Schal no greyn þat growiþ  glade ȝow at nede And þouȝ ȝe dye for deel  þe deuel haue þat reccheþ Þoo weren faytouris a -feerd  & feynede hem blynde Su mme leyden her leggys a -liry  as swiche loseles ku nnen And made her moone to peers  & preyeden hym of grace For we han no ly mmes to laboure wiþ  lord y -gracied be ȝe Ac we preyen O.6.129: O alone has the form preyen; most B manuscripts have preie. for ȝow peers  & O.6.129: OC 2 alone lack for before ȝoure. ȝoure plow boþe Þ at god of his grace  ȝoure greyn multiplie lyue O.6.130: A solidus/punctus above ȝyuen and marginal lyue indicate that the latter is intended as a substitution. And ȝelde ȝow of O.6.131: OC 2 alone lack youre before almes. almes  þat ȝe ȝyuen vs heer For we mowen not swynke ne swete  swich seeknesse vs eyliþ Of ydel beggers If þis be soþ quod peers  I schal it soone aspye Ȝe been wastours I woot wel  & truþe woot þe soþe And I am his olde hyne  & hyȝte hym to warne Whyche þei weren in þi s werld  hise werkemen appeyreden O.6.136: O alone has the form appeyreden; most other B manuscripts have apeired. Ȝe wasten þat men wynnen  wiþ trauayle & tene Ac truþe schal teche ȝow  his teem to dryue Or ȝe schul ete barli breed  & of þe brook drynke But if he be blynde or broken -legged  or bolted wiþ Irnes He schal ete swete O.6.141: OC 2 alone have swete; all other beta witnesses have whete. breed  & drynke wiþ my -selue Til god of his goodnes  amendement hym sende Ac ȝe myȝten O.6.143: O alone has the form myȝten; most B manuscripts have myȝte. trauayle as truþe wolde  & take mete & hyre To kepe kijn in þe feeld  þe corn fro þe bestis Diken or deluen or deluen  or dyngen vp -on scheues Or helpe make morter  or bere muk a-feeld In leccherie & losengerie  ȝe lyuen & in sleuþe Of heremytis And al is þoruȝ sufferau nce  þ at veniaunce ȝow ne take O.6.148: OC 2 alone have the form take in place of takeþ. Ac ancres & heremytis  þat eten not but at nones And no more er morwe  my n almesse schul þei haue And catel to cope hem wiþ  þat han cloystres & chirches Ac roberd renne -aboute  schal not haue of myn Ne posteles but þei p reche ku nne  & haue power of þe bischop Þei schul haue payn & potage  & make hem at ese For it is an vnresounable religiou n  þat haþ no þing in certeyn Þa nne gan a wastour to wraþþe hym  & wolde haue yfouȝten O.6.156: OC 2 alone have the form yfouȝten; variants include fought (CrHmGCBF) and yfouȝte (WYLMR). And to peers O.6.157: OC 2F alone lack þe before plowman. plowman  O.6.157: OC 2 alone lack he before proferede. proferede his gloue A britoner a bragger  a O.6.158: a, "he." bostede peers als And bade hym go pisse hym O.6.159: GOC 2 alone include hym. wiþ his plow  forpyned schrewe Wilt þ ou or nylt þ ou  we wole haue oure wille Of þi floure & of þi flesche  fecche wha nne vs likeþ And make vs myrie þ er -myd  maugrey þi chekes Þa nne peers O.6.163: OC 2 alone lack þe before plowman. plowman  pleynede hym to þe knyȝt To kepe hym as couenaunt was  fro curside schrewis And fro þeise wastours wolf -skynnes  þat maken þe werld dere For þoo wasten & wynnen nouȝt  & þat ilke whyle  Worþ neu ere plente amonge þe peple  þe whyle my plow liggeþ Miles Curteyslich þe knyȝt þa nne  as his kynde wolde Warnede wastour  & wissede hym þe O.6.169: Cr 3OC 2 alone include þe. better Or þ ou schalt abigge bi þe lawe  bi þe ordre þat I bere wastour I nas O.6.171: OC 2 alone have nas in place of was. not wont to wirche quod wastour  & now I nylle bigynne And lete liȝt of þe lawe  & lesse of þe knyȝt And sette peers at a pese  & his plow boþe And manacede peers & hise men  if þei mette eft -soone Now bi þe p erel of my soule quod peers  I schal appeyre ȝow alle And houpede after hungur  þat herde hym at þe first A -wreke me of þeise wastouris quod he  þat þis werld schenden Hungur in hast þoo  hente wastour bi þe mawe And wronge hym so bi þe wombe  þ at boþe hise yen wattreden O.6.179: O alone has boþe hise yen wattreden; most B manuscripts have boþe hise eiȝen watrede. He buffatede þe britoner  aboute þe chekis Þ at he lokede lijk a lant erne  al his lijf after He bette hem so boþe  he braste neer her guttis Ne hadde peers wiþ a peyse loof  preyede hungur to cece Þei hadden been doluen boþe  ne deme þ ou noon oþ er Suffre hem lyue he seyde  & latte hem ete wiþ hogges Or ellis benes & bran  ybaken to -gyderes Or ellis mylk & meyne ale  þus preyede peers for hem O.6.187: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. Fawtours O.6.188: O alone has this form in place of some variant of Faitours. See the note at 2.184. for feer þ erof  flowen in -to bernes And flappeden on wiþ fleyles  fro morwen til euen Þ at hungur was not so hardy  on hem for to loke For a potful of pesen  þat peers hadde y -maked An heep of h eremytis  henten hem spades And kitten her copis  & curtbies hem made And wenten as werkemen  wiþ spades & schouelis And delueden & dikeden  to dryue awey hungur no ta how beggers & wastouris been chastised O.6.196: The rubric appears in the top right margin, divided after nota , & and been, so that it appears as four lines. The word nota is accompanied by flourishes at left, right, and bottom. Blynde & bedered  weren botened a þousande Þat seten to begge syluer  soone weren þei heled For þat was baken for bayerd  was bote for many hungry And many begger for benes  buxu m was to swynke And ich a pore man wel payed  to haue pesen for her O.6.200: OC 2 alone have plural her in place of his or omission. hyre And what peers p reyede hem to do  as prest as a sp erauk And þ erof was peers proude  & putte hem to werke And ȝaf hem mete as he myȝte aforþe  & resou nable O.6.203: Cr 3OC 2 alone have resounable in place of correctly alliterating mesurable. hyre Þa nne hadde peers pite  & preyede hungur to wende  Hoom . in -to his owne erþe  & holden hym þere For I am wel awroken now  of wastouris þoruȝ þi myȝt Ac I p reye þee er þ ou passe  quod peers to hungur Of begg ers of O.6.208: Only OC 2 have of alone; variants include and (CrYCBM) and and of (WHmGLRF). bidders  what best be to done For I woot wel . be þ ou went  þei wolen do O.6.209: HmOC 2 alone have do in place of werche or worchen. ful ille For myscheef it makiþ  þei been so meke nouþe And for defaute of her fode  þis folk is at my wille And ȝit þei O.6.212: Only YOC 2 have And ȝit þei; all other beta witnesses have Thei alone. arn my blody breþ eren quod peers  for god bouȝte vs alle Truþe tauȝte me ones  to loue hem ichone And to helpe hem of al þing  ay as hem nediþ And now wolde I wite of þee  what were þe best And how I myȝte amastrie hem  & make hem to worche Bolde begg ers Here now quod hungur  & holde it for a wisdam Bolde beggers & bigge  þat mowen her breed biswynke Wiþ houndis breed & hors breed  holde vp her hertis Abate hem wiþ benes  for bolnyng of her wombe And if þei grucche þa nne  bidde hem go swynke And he schal soupe swetter  wha nne he it haþ deserued And if þ ou fynde any freek  þat fortune haþ appeyrid Or any man ere fawti O.6.224: Cr 3OC 2 alone include some variant of fawti; most B manuscripts have false. man O.6.224: Cr 3OC 2 alone have the singular form.  fonde þ ou swiche to knowe Cou nforte hem wiþ þi catel  for cristis loue of heuene Loue hem & lene hem  for so þe lawe techiþ Alt er alterius on era portate & c etera And alle man ere of men O.6.228: OC 2C alone lack þat before þou.  þ ou myȝtist O.6.228: OC 2 alone have the form myȝtist in place of myȝt. aspye Þat nedy been & nouȝti  helpe hem wiþ þi goodes Loue hem & lakke hem not  latte god take þe veniaunce Þouȝ þei doon yuele  latte god worthe Michi vindictam & ego retribuam Ac O.6.233: O alone has Ac in place of And. if þ ou wilt be gracious to go O.6.233: A solidus/punctus above go, accompanied by a caret/punctus in the right margin, indicate deletion, but no substitute is supplied. The error is shared by Cr 3C 2.  do as þe gospel techiþ And biloue þee among ys low men  so schalt þ ou lacche grace Facite vobis amicos  de mammona iniquitatis I wolde not greue god quod peers  for al þe good on ground Myȝte I synneles do as þ ou seyst  seyde peers þa nne Ȝhe I bihote þee quod hungur  or ellis þe bible lieþ Go to genesis þe geaunt  þe engendrour of vs alle In sudore & in swy nk  þ ou schalt þi mete tilie And laboure for þi lijflode  & so oure lord hiȝte And sapience seiþ þe same  I seyȝ it in þe bible Pig er p ro frigore  no feeld nolde tilie And þ erfore schal he begge & bidde  & no man bete his hungur Mathew wiþ mannys face  mouþed þeise wordis Þ at s eruus neq uam hadde a nam  & for he nolde not chaffare He hadde maugre of his mayst er  for eu ere -more after And bynam hym hys nam  for he ne wolde worche And ȝaf þat nam to hym  þat ten nammes hadde And wiþ þat he seyde  þ at holi chirche it herde He þat haþ schal haue  & helpe þ ere it nediþ And he þat nouȝt haþ schal not haue  & no man hym helpe And þat he weneþ wel to haue  I wole it hym bereue Kynde witt wolde  þ at ich a wyȝt wrouȝte Or in dykyng or in deluyng  or trauaylynge in preyeris Contemplatijf lijf or actijf  crist wolde þei wrouȝten Þe sauter seiþ in þe salme  of beati omnes Þe freek þat fediþ hym -self  wiþ his feiþful labour He is blessid bi þe book  in body & in soule Labores manuu m tuaru m & c etera O.6.260: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after manuu m , and a red parasign appears at the beginning of the second line. Ȝit I preye ȝow quod peers  p ur charite & ȝe ku nne Any leef of leche -craft  lere it me my dere For su mme of my s eruauntis & my -self  been seek oþ er -whyle O.6.263: YOC 2 alone have ben seke otherwhyle in place of boþe. Of al þe O.6.264: OC 2F alone have þe in place of a. weke worchen not  so oure wombe akeþ I woot wel quod hungur  what seeknesse ȝow eyliþ Ȝe han manged to myche  & þat makeþ ȝow to grone And I hote þee quod hungur  as þou þin hele wilnest Þ at þ ou drynke no day  er þ ou dyne sum -what Ete not I hote þee  er hungur þee take And sende þee of his sauce  to sauere wiþ þi lippis And kepe sum to soper tyme  & sitte not to longe And rise vp er appetijt  haue eten his fille Latte not sire surfayt  sitten at þi boord Leeue hym not for he is leccherous  & likerous of his tunge And after And after many man ere metis  his mawe is a -fyngred And if þ ou diete þee þus  I dar legge my eres Þ at phisik schal his furred hood  for his fode selle And his cloke of calabre  wiþ alle þe knappis of gold And be fayn bi my feiþ  his phisik to lete And lere to laboure wiþ loond  for lijflode is swete For murþerers arn many leches  lord hem amende Þei doon men dye þoruȝ her drynkis  er destyne wolde Bi seynt poule quod peers  þeise arn p rofitable wordis O.6.284-285: These lines are transposed. Wende now hungur wha nne þ ou wilt  þ at wel be þee eu ere For þis is a loueli lessou n  lord it þee forȝelde Bihote god quod hungur  hennys wole I not wende Til I haue dyned bi þis day  & ydrunke boþe I haue no peny quod peers  polettis for to bigge Ne neiþ er goos ne grijs  but two grene chesis A fewe cruddis & creem  & an hauer cake And two loues of benes & bran  ybaken O.6.291: OC 2 alone have the form ybaken; variants include bake (CrG), y bok yt (F), I take (CB) and ybake (WHmYLMR). for my fauntis And ȝit I seye bi my soule  I haue no salt bakou n Ne no cokeney bi crist  coloppis to O.6.293: OC 2 alone have to; most B manuscripts have for to. make Ac I haue p ercel & porettis  & many cole plantes And eek a cow & a calf  & a cart mare To drawe a -feeld my dung  þe whyle þe wedir is drye And bi þis lijflode we moten lyue  til heruest -tyme come O.6.297: YOC 2 alone include come. And bi þat I hope to haue  heruest in my croft And þa nne may I dyȝte þi dyner  as me dere likeþ Al þe pore peple  þoo pescoddis fetten Benes & baken appeles  þei brouȝten in her lappis Chibolles & cheruelles  & ripe chiries many To make peers a present  to plese wiþ his hungur Al . hungur eete in hast  & askede after more Þa nne pore folk for feer  fedden hungur ȝerne Wiþ grene porettis & pesen  to poysen hungur þei þouȝten By þat neyȝhede it O.6.307: OC 2 alone transpose it neyȝhede. heruest  newe corn come to chepyng Þa nne was folk fayn  & fedde hem O.6.308: OC 2CF alone have hem in place of hunger. of þe best Wiþ good ale as glotou n tauȝte  & gerte hungur go slepe And þoo wolde wastour not wirche  but wandrede aboute Ne no begg er ete breed  þat benes Inne weren But of coket or cleer -matyn  or ellis of clene whete Ne noon halpeny ale  in no wise drynke But of þe best & þe brounest  þat in boruȝ is to selle Laboreres þat hadde O.6.315: OC 2 alone have the preterite form. no loond  but lyue wiþ O.6.315: YOC 2F alone have but lyue wiþ in place of to lyue on but. her handis Wolden ete no nyȝt -olde O.6.316: An otiose mark appears above the <o> in olde. wortis  ne drynke no peny -ale O.6.316: YOC 2 here spoil the alliteration by conflating the following two lines: "Deyne[þ] noȝt to dyne a day nyȝt olde wortes. May no peny ale hem paie, ne no pece of bacoun." But fresch flesch oþ er fisch  fryed oþ er baken O.6.317: O alone has fryed oþ er baken ; variants include fryed ouþer ybake (WBo), fryed othur bake (HmCr 3YCBmL), Fried oþer bakon (C 2), fryed or bake (GCot), fried ether or bake (Cr 12), rosted or baken (M), and omission. And þat chaud or plus chaud  for chillyng of her mawe And but he be hye O.6.319: OC 2 alone have hye in place of heiȝliche. hyrid  ellis wole he chyde Aȝens catou ns cou nceyl  comseþ he to iangle Paup ertatis onus pacient er ferre memento He greueþ hym aȝeyn god  & grucchiþ aȝeyn resou n And he curseþ þe kyng  & al his cou nceyl after Swiche lawes to loke  laboreris to greue And whyles hungur was her mayster  wolden þei not O.6.325: O alone has wolden þei not; variants include þanne wolde none (F), þer wolde noon of hem (WHmLMR), non off þem wold (G), not one of hem wold (Cr), and wolde they nat (YC 2CB). chyde Ne stryue aȝens his statute  so sternelich he lokede Ac I warne ȝow werkemen  wynneþ while ȝe mowen For hungur hidirward  hastiþ hym faste He schal awake wiþ water  wastouris to chastise O.6.329: OC 2 alone have chastise; most B manuscripts have chaste. Er fyue ȝeer be fulfild  swich famyn schal arise Þoruȝ flodes & foule werdis O.6.331: OC 2Bm alone have werdis; most B manuscripts have wedres.  frutes schul fayle And so seyde saturne  & sente ȝow to warne Wha nne ȝe seen þe sunne amys  & two monkes hedis And a mayde haue þe maystrye  & multiplye bi eyȝte Þa nne schal deþ wiþdrawe  & derþe be iustise And dawe þe dyker  deye for hungur But if god of his goodnesse  g raunte vs a trewe Passus . 7 us septim us . O.7.000: The hand which wrote this passus heading, one contemporary with the main scribe, is not seen elsewhere in the manuscript. T Ruþe herde tell her -of  & to peers sente To taken hys teem  & tilie þe erþe A pena & a culpa O.7.3: The rubric is divided after a, so that it appears as two lines. Three ticks, the first underlined in red, follow it. And p urchacede hym a p ardou na pena & a culpa For hym & for hise eires  for eu ere -more after And bade hym holde hym at home  & erien hise leyes And alle þat holpen hym to erie  to sette or to sowe Or any oþ er myster  þat myȝte peers auayle P ardou n wiþ peers plowman  truþe haþ yg rauntid Kyngys & knyȝtis  þat kepen holy chirche And riȝtfulli in rewmes  rulen þe peple Han p ardou n þoruȝ p urgatorie  to passe ful liȝt Wiþ pat riarkes & p rophetis  in p aradice to be felawe Bischoppis yblessid . if þei been . as þei schulden Legistres of boþe þe lawes  þe lewid . þ er -wiþ to p reche O.7.15: OC 2 alone lack introductory And. In as myche as þei mowen  amende alle synful Arn peres wiþ þe apostelis  þis p ardou n Peers schewiþ And at þe day of doom  at þe hye deys to sitte Marchauntis O.7.18: Another hand, apparently hand 3, has substituted a supralinear <d> for the <t> in Marchauntis. Marchauntis in þe margyne  hadden many ȝeres Ac noon a pena & O.7.19: CrO alone lack a second a before culpa . culpa  þe pope nolde hem graunte For þei holden not her halidayes  as holi chirche techiþ And for þei sweren bi her soule  & so god muste hem helpe Aȝens clene concience  her catel to selle Ac vndir her O.7.23: OC 2 alone have plural her in place of his. secreet sehel  truþe sente hem a lettre Þ at þei schulden bigge boldli  þat hem likede best O.7.24: OC 2 alone transpose best likede. And siþen selle it aȝeyn  & saue þe wynnyng How þ ou schalt do þin almes O.7.26: The rubric is divided after do, so that it appears as two lines. And amende mesondeux þer -myd  & myseyse folk helpe And wikkide weyes  wyȝtliche hem amende And do bote to brygges  þat to -broken weren Marien maydenes  or maken hem nunnes Pore peple & prysones  fynde hem her lijflode And setten scolers to scole  or to su mme oþ ere craftes Releue religiou n  & renten hem better And I schal sende ȝow my -self  seynt Myhel myn archaungel Þ at no deuel schal ȝow dere  ne fere ȝow in ȝoure doynge And wite ȝow fro whanhope  if ȝe wole þ us worche And send ȝoure soulis in -to O.7.36: OC 2 alone have in-to in place of in. sauete  to my sey ntis in Ioye Þa nne weren marchaundis myrie  & O.7.37: YOC 2M alone have and in place of correctly alliterating manye. wepten for Ioye And preyseden peers þe plowman  þat p urchacede þis bulle Men of lawe leest p ardou n hadde  þat pletede n for mede For þe sauter saueþ hem not  swyche as taken ȝiftis And nameli of Innocentis  þat noon yuel kunnen Sup er Innocentem mun era non accipies Pledours schulden O.7.43: O alone has the form schulden; most B manuscripts have sholde. pyne hem  to plede for swiche & helpe Prynces & p relatis schulden  paye . for her trauayle A regib us & p rinci pib us erit m erces eo rum Ac many iustises & iurour  wolden for ion do more Þan p ro dei pietate  leue þ ou noon oþ er Ac he þat spe ndiþ his speche  & spekiþ for þe pore Þat is Innocent & nedy  & no man appeyreþ Counfortiþ hym in þat caas  wiþ -outen coueytise of ȝiftis And schewiþ lawe for oure lordis loue  as he it haþ lerned Schal no deuel at his deþ -day  deren hym a myte Þ at he ne worþ saaf & his soule  þe sauter bereþ witnesse D omine quis habita ... bit in tabernaculo tuo . Ac to bigge water ne wijnd  ne witt ne fijr þe ferþe Þeise foure þe fadir of heuene  made to his folde in comune Þeise bee n truþis tresoris  trewe folk to helpe Þat neu ere schul waxe ne wanye  wiþ O.7.58: OC 2 alone lack oute(n) after wiþ, so that the sense of the line is destroyed. god hym -selue Wha nne þei drawen vn -to þe deþ  & Indulgences wolden haue His p ardou n is ful petyt  at her p artyng hennys Þat any mede of mene men  for his motyng takiþ Ȝe legistres & lawyers  holden þis for truþe Þat if þ at I lye  mathew is to blame For he bade me takemake O.7.64: OC 2 alone have take. ȝow þis  & þis p rou erbe me tolde O.7.64: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. Quodcu m que vultis vt faciant vobis ho mi nes  facite eis Alle libbynge laborers  þat lyuen wiþ her handis Þat trulich taken  & truliche wynnen And lyuen i n loue & in lawe  for her lowe hertis Han O.7.69: OC 2 alone have Han; variants include Haueþ (WCrYLMR), haue (HmG), þey have (F), Has (C), and Haþ (B). þe same absoluc iou n  þat sent was to peers Begg ers ne bidders  ne been not in þe bulle But if þe suggestiou n be soþ  þ at schapiþ hem to begge For he þat beggyþ or bit  but if he haue nede He is fals wiþ þe feend  & defraudiþ þe nedy And also he bigyleþ þe gyuer  aȝeynys his wille For if he wiste he were not nedy  he wolde it gyue an -er Þat were more nedy þan he  so þe nedyest schulde be holpen Catou n kenneþ me þus  & þe clerk of stories catou n of almes -dedis O.7.78: The rubric is divided after of, so that it appears as two lines. Cui des videto  is catounys techyng e And in þe stories he techiþ  to bestowe þin almes S Si[t] elemosina tua in manu tua don ec studes cui des Ac gregori was a good man  & bade vs ȝyuen O.7.81: OC 2 alone have the form ȝyuen in place of gyuen. alle Þat asken for his loue  þat vs alle leneþ No n eligas cui miserearis ne forte p retereas illu m q ui m eret ur accip ere / Quia Incertu m est p ro quo deu m magis placeas For ȝe woten neu ere who is worþi  ac god woot who haþ nede In hym þat takeþ is þe trecherie  if any tresou n walke For he þat ȝyueþ ȝeldiþ  & ȝarkeþ hym to rest And he þat biddiþ borweþ  & bryngeþ hym -self in dette For begg ers borwen eu ere -moo  & her boruȝ is god almyȝti To ȝelden hem þat ȝyuen hem  & ȝit vsure more Q uare no n dedisti p ecunia m mea m ad mensa m vt ege O.7.91: OC 2 alone have ege in place of ego . venie ns cu m vsuris exig ere & c etera Of false O.7.92: The <l> and <s> in false are connected by a ligature because of a cut in the vellum. beg geris O.7.92: The rubric is divided after beg-, so that it appears as two lines. For -þi biddeþ not ȝe begg ers  but if ȝe han nede For who -so may bigge hym breed  þe book beriþ witnesse He haþ ynow þat haþ breed ynow  þow ȝ he haue not ellis Satis dyues est qui non indiget pane Latte vsage be ȝoure be ȝoure solace  of seyntis lyues redyng Þe book banneþ beggrie  & blameþ in þis man ere Iunior fui eteni m senui & no n vidi iustu m derelictu m n ec seme n ei us q uere ns pane m & c etera For ȝe lyuen in no loue  ne no lawe holden Many of ȝow ne wedden O.7.100: OC 2 alone have ne wedden; most B manuscripts have ne wedde. not  þe womman ȝe wiþ delen But as wylde beestis wiþ we -he  & O.7.101: OC 2 alone include this ampersand, which weakens the sense of the line. worþ vp & worchen And bryngen forþ barnes  þat basterdis men callen Or þe bak or sum boon  he brekiþ in his ȝouþe And siþþen goon faiten wiþ her O.7.104: OC 2 alone have her; most B manuscripts have youre. fauntis  for eu ere -more after Þ er is moo mysschappid peple  among ys þeise beggers Þan of alle man ere men  þat on þis moolde walken And þei þat lyuen þus her lijf  mowen loþe þe tyme Þ at eu ere he was man wrouȝt  wha nne he schal hennys fare Ac olde men & hore  þat helples been of strengþe Þe p ardoun of peris Plowman . O.7.110: The rubric is divided after p ardoun and peris, so that it appears on three lines. And wommen wiþ childe  þat worche ne mowen Blynde & bedrede  & broken her membres Þat taken þeise mescheues mekeliche  as meseles & oþ ere Han a O.7.113: OC 2F alone have a; most B manuscripts have as. pleyn p ardou n  as þe plowman hym -seluen For loue of her lowe hertis  oure lord haþ hem grauntid  Her penaunce & her p urgatorie  heer on þis erþe Peers quod a pr eest þoo  þi p ardou n muste I rede For I wole construe ich a clause  & kenne it þee on englisch And peers at his preyer  þe p ardou n vnfoldiþ And I bihynde hem boþe  bihelde al þe bulle Al in two lynes it lay  & not a leef more And was writen riȝt þus  in witnesse of truþe Et qui bona eg eru nt ibu nt i n vita m et erna m . q ui v ero mala in ignem et ernu m Peter quod þe preest þoo  I can no p ardou n fynde But do wel & haue wel  & god schal haue þi soule And do yuele & haue yuele  hope þ ou noon oþ er But after þi deþ day  þe deuel schal haue þi soule And peers for pure tene  pullede it atweyne And seide . si ambulau ero in medio vmbro mortis no n timebo O.7.128: OC 2 alone lack mala or malum following timebo . q uoniam tu mecu m es O.7.128: Line 128 is divided after tu , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. I schal cecen of my sowyng q uod peers  & swynke not so harde O.7.129: Line 129 is divided after not, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Ne be aboute my beli ioye  so bisili no more Of preyeris & pen . aunce my plow  schal be her -after And wepe whan I schulde slepe  þouȝ whete breed me fayle d 2 Þe p rophete his payn eete  in penaunce & in sorwe Bi þat þe sauter seiþ  so diden many oþ ere Þat loueþ god lelly  his lijflode is ful esye Fueru nt m ichi lac rime mee panes die ac nocte And but if luke lye  he lereþ vs bi foulis We schulde n not be to bisye  aboute þe werldis blis Ne soliciti sitis  he seiþ in þe gospel And schewiþ vs bi ensau mples  oure -seluen to wisse Þe foules in þe feeld  who fynt hem mete at wynter Haue þei no gerner to go to  but god fynt hem alle What quod þe preest to p erkyn  peter as me þinkeþ Þ ou art letterid a litil  who lernede þee on booke Abstynence þe abbesse quod peers  myn a b c me tauȝte And concience come afterward  & kende me myche more Were þ ou a preest peers quod he  þ ou myȝtist p reche wh ere þ ou schuldist As dyuyno ur in dyuynyte  wiþ dixit insipiens to þi teme Lewid lorel quod peers  litil lokest þ ou on þe bible Or O.7.150: OC 2 alone include Or. on salomons sawes  selden þ ou biholdist Eice derisores & iurgia cu m eis ne crescant & c etera Þe preest & p erkyn  apposede eyþ er oþer And I þoruȝ her wordis  a -woke & waytede aboute And seyȝ þe sunne in þe souþ  sate þat tyme Meteles & monyles  on maluerne hilles Musynge on þeise metelis  & my weye ich ȝede Many tyme þeise metelis  han maad me studie Of þat I seyȝ slepynge  if it so be myȝte And also for peers þe plowman  ful pensyf in herte And whych a p ardou n peers hadde  alle þe peple to cou nforte And how þe preest impugnede it  wiþ two p ropre wordis Ac I haue no sauour in sompnewarie O.7.162: OC 2F alone have the form sompnewarie in place of songewarie.  for I see it ofte fayle Catou n & canonystres  cou nceylen vs to leue To sette sadnesse in sompnewarie  for sompnia ne cures Ac for þe book of þe bible  bereþ wittenesse How danyel dyuynede  þe dremes of a kyng Þat was Nabugodonosor  nempned of clerkis Danyel seyde sire kynge  þi dremelis bitokenen Þ at vnkouþ e knyȝtis schul come  þi kyngdam to cleue Amongys lower lordis  þi loond schal be dep artid And as danyel dyuynede  in dede it fel after Þe kyng lees his lordschip  & lower me n it hadde And Ioseph mette m erueylouslich  how þe mone & O.7.173: OC 2F alone lack þe before sunne. sunne And þe elleuene sterres  haylesede hem alle Þa nne iacob iuggede  iosephs sweuene Bew fitz quod his fadir  for defaute we schullen  I my -self & my sones  seche þee for nede It bifel as his fadir seyde  in pharaoes tyme Þ at ioseph was iustise  egypt to loken It bifel as ahis fadir tolde  hise frendis þ ere hym souȝten And al þis makiþ me  on þeise meteles to þenke And how þe preest preuede  no p ardou n to do -wel And demede þ at . do -wel  indulgences passede Byennalis & tryennalis  & bischoppis lettres And how do -wel at þe day of doom  is dignelich vndirfonge And passeþ al þe p ardou n  of seynt peteris chirche O.7.186: OC 2 alone lack the following nine lines attested by all other B manuscripts: "Now haþ þe pope power pardon to graunte [Th]e peple wiþouten penaunce to passen [to ioye] This is [a leef of] oure bileue, as lettred men vs techeþ Quodcumque ligaueris super terram erit ligatum & in celis & And so I leue lelly, lor[d] forb[e]de ellis, That pardon and penaunce and preieres doon saue Soules þat haue synned seuen siþes dedly. Ac to trust [on] þise triennals, trewely, me þynkeþ It is noȝt so siker for þe soule, certes, as is dowel." now haþ þe p er . O.7.187: The marginal addition is divided after þe, so that it appears as two lines. Any text that may have followed has been lost to cropping; it would have appeared as a continuation of the first marginal line, since p er appears alone on the second with blank space following it. It would seem to have been a version of the first missing line following l. 186, "Now haþ þe pope power pardon to graunte." For -þi I rede ȝow renkes  þat riche been on þis erþe Vp -on trist of ȝoure tresore  triennalis to haue Be ȝe neu ere þe balder  to breke þe ten hestis And namelich ȝe mayst ris  meyres & iugges Þat han þe welþe of þis werld  & wise men been holden To p urchace ȝow p ardou n  at O.7.192: OC 2 alone have at; all other beta witnesses have and. þe popes bulles At þe dredeful doom  wha nne dede schul arise And come O.7.194: OC 2 alone have the form come in place of comen. al bifore crist  acountis to ȝelde How þ ou laddist þi lijf heer  & hise lawes keptest And how þ ou didist day bi day  þe doom wole reherce Of p ardou n . A poke -ful of p ardou n þ ere  ne p rouyncialis lettres Þouȝ ȝe be founden in þe frat ernyte of alle þe foure ordris And haue indulgences double -foold  but if do -wel ȝow helpe I sette ȝoure patentes & ȝoure p ardou n  at a pies hele For -þi I cou nceyle alle cristen  to crye god m ercy And marie his modir  be oure mene bitwene Þ at god gyue vs g race heer  er we goon hennys Swiche werkis to wirche  whyle we been heer Þ at after oure deþ -day  do -wel reherce At þe day of doom  we diden O.7.206: OC 2 alone have the form diden in place of dide. as he hyȝte Passus octauus O.8.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears as two lines. Flourishes consisting of two rays with a central tick, arranged vertically, appear at the left and right of the heading. Þ vs yrobed in russet  I romede aboute Al a som er sesou n  for to seke do -wel And fraynede ful oft  of folk þat I mette If any wiȝt wiste where  do -wel . was at Inne And what man he myȝte be  of many man I axede Was neu ere wiȝt as I wente  þat me wisse kouþe O.8.6: OC 2 alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "Where þis leode lenged lasse ne moore." Til it be -fel on a fryday  two freris I mette Mayst ris of þe menouris  men of greet witte I haylesede hem heendeli  as I hadde lerned And preyede hem p ur charite  er þei passeden ferþ er If þei knewen any cuntre  or coostes as þei wenten O.8.11: OC 2 alone have as þei wenten; all other beta witnesses have as þei wente. Where þat . do -wel . dwelliþ  doþ me to witen For þei been men of þis moold  þat moost wijlde walken And knowen cuntrees & courtis  & many kyns places Boþe p rinces paleycis  & pore me nnys cotes And do -wel & do -yuele  where þei dwellen boþe Among ys vs quod þe menouris  þat man is dwellynge And eu ere haþ as I hope  & eu ere schal her -after Cont ra Cont ra quod I as a clerk  & comsede to dispute Sepcies in die cadit iusti O.8.20: The rubric is divided after sepcies , die , and cadit , so that it appears as four vertical lines in the right margin opposite ll. 8.20-8.23. And seyde hem soþeli  sepcies in die cadit iust us Seuene siþes seiþ þe book  synneþ þe riȝtful And who -so synneþ he seyde O.8.22: OC 2C alone have he seyde; variants include I say (Cr), I seide (WGYLMR), as y seyde (Hm), seide he (B), and in doynge he (F).  doþ yuele as me þinkeþ O.8.22: OC 2 alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "[That] dowel and do yuele mowe noȝt dwelle togideres." Ergo he is not alwey  among ys ȝow freris He is oþ er -whyle ellis -where  to wisse þe peple I schal seye þee my sone  seyde þe frere þanne How seuene siþes þe sadman  on a day synneþ Bi aforbisen a forbisen quod þe frere  I schal þe fayre schewe Latte brynge a man in a boot  a -myd þe brode water Þe wijnd & þe water  & þe boot waggynge Makeþ a man many tyme  to falle & to stumble O.8.30: OC 2 alone have stumble; all other beta witnesses have stonde. For stonde he neu ere so stiffe  he stumbleþ if he meueþ Ac ȝit is he saaf & sound  & so hym bihoueþ For if he ne arise þe raþ er  & rauȝte to þe stere Þe wijnd wolde wiþ þe water  þe boot ou erþrowe And þa nne were his lijf lost  þoruȝ laccheyse of hym -seluen And þus it falliþ quod þe frere  bi folk heer on erþe Þe water is likned to þe werld  þat wanyeþ & waxeþ Þe goodes of þis ground arn lijk  to þe grete wawes Þat as wyndes & wederes  walken aboute Þe boot is likned to oure body  þat brotel is of kynde Þat þoruȝ þe feend & þe flesch  & þe frele werld Synneþ þe sadman  a day seuene siþes Ac dedli synne doþ he not  for do -wel hym kepeþ And þat is charite þe champiou n  cheef help aȝens synne For he strengþede O.8.45: OYCr 1 alone have the preterite form. man to stonde  & steriþ mannys soule And þouȝ þi body bowe  as boot doþ in þe water Ay is þi soule saaf  but if þi -self wole  Do a dedli synne  & drenche þi soule God wole suffre wel þi slouþe  if þi -self likeþ For he ȝaf þee to ȝersȝyue  to ȝeme wel þiselue And þat is witt & fre wille  to eu ery wiȝt a porciou n To fleynge foules to fischis  & also to beestis Ac man haþ moost þ erof  & moost is to blame But if he wirche wel þ erwiþ  as do -wel hym techeþ I haue no kynde knowyng quod I  to conceyue alle ȝoure wordis Ac if I may lyue & loke  I schal go lerne better I bikenne þee crist  þat on þe crosse dyede And I seyde . þe same  saue ȝow fro meschaunce And gyue ȝow g race on þis ground  goode men to worþe And þus I wente wyde -where  walkynge myn oone Bi a wylde wildernesse  & bi a wode -syde Blis of þe bryddis  brouȝte me a -slepe And vndir a lynde vp -on a launde  lenede I a stounde To lyþe þe layes  þoo loueli foules maden Mirþe of her mouþes  made me þ ere to slepe Þe m eruelousest meteles  mette I O.8.66: YOC 2 alone include I. me þa nne Þat eu ere dremede wiȝt  in werld as I wene A myche man as me þouȝte  & lijk to me -selue Come & callede me  bi my kynde name What art þ ou quod I þoo  þat þ ou my name knowist Þat þ ou wost wel quod he  & no man O.8.71: OC 2 alone have man in place of correctly alliterating wiȝt. better Woot I what þ ou art  þouȝt . seyde he þa nne I haue sued þee þis seuene ȝer  seyȝ þ ou me no raþ er Art þ ou þouȝt . quod I þoo  þ ou koudest me wisse Where þ at do -wel dwelliþ  & do me þat to knowe Do -wel & do -bette & do -best  O.8.76: OC 2 alone lack þe before þridde. þridde quod he Arn þre fayre v ertues  & been not feer to fynde Who -so is trewe of his tunge  & of hise two handis And þoruȝ his labour or hise londes  his lijflode wynneþ And is tristi of O.8.80: GOC 2 alone lack his before taylyng. taylyng  takiþ but his owne And is not drunklew ne dedeynous  do -wel hym folewiþ Do -bette doþ riȝt þus  & he doþ mych more He is as lowe as a lombe  & louelich of speche And helpiþ alle men  after þat hem nediþ Þe baggys & þe bigyrdeles  he haþ to -broke hem alle Þat þe erle auar ous  helde . & hise eyris And þus wiþ ma mmonaes money  he haþ maad hym free ndis And is runne to religiou n  & haþ rendrid þe bible And prechede to þe peple seynt poulis wordis Libent er suffert is insipie ntes cu m sitis ip si sapientes And suffren O.7.91: OC 2 alone have the form suffren; most other B manuscripts have suffreþ. þe vnwyse  wiþ ȝow for to libbe And wiþ glad wille doon he m good  for so god ȝow hotiþ Do -best Do -best is aboue hem O.8.93: OC 2F alone include hem. boþe  & bereþ a bischoppis croos Is hoked on þat oon eende  to hale men fro helle A pyke is on þe potent  to pilte O.8.95: OC 2 alone have pilte. Variants include pulte (L), pelte (R), pul (Cr), pulle (Y), pytten (F), putte (WHmBM), pute (C), and put (G); Kane and Donaldson emend to punge. The form pilte is defined by the MED as "to thrust, push, strike"; pulte and pelte are listed as variants. The form pungen is listed as a variant of pingen, "to push (a door), batter; shove," "to pierce or stab." Skeat (Vol. II, 419) notes that the word's literal meaning is "goad." adou n þe wikkide Þat wayten any wikkidnesse  do -wel to tene And do -wel & do -bette  among ys hem ordeyneden O.8.97: O alone has ordeyneden; variants include han ordeyned (WHmCr), ordeyned (YGC 2CLMR), and ordeyneþ (B). To crowne oon to be kyng  to rulen hem boþe Þ at if do -wel or do -bette  doþ O.8.99: A solidus/punctus above the word and a caret/punctus in the left margin indicate deletion of doþ, but no substitute is supplied. OC 2 alone have doþ; most B manuscripts have the preterite. aȝens do -best Þa nne schal þe kyng come  & casten hem in Irnes And but if do -best bidde for hem  þei be þere for eu ere Þus do -wel & do -bette  & do -best þe þridde Crowneden O.8.103: O alone has the form crowneden; all other beta witnesses have crouned. oon to be kyng  to kepen hem alle And to rule þi O.8.104: OC 2 alone have þi in place of (al) þe. rewme  bi her þre wittis And noon oþ er -wyse but as þei þre assenteden O.8.105: O alone has assenteden; most B manuscripts have assented. I þankede þouȝt þoo  þ at he me þus tauȝte Ac ȝit saueriþ me not þi seggyng  I coueyte to lerne How do -wel . do -bette & do -best  doon among ys þe peple But witt kun wisse þee quod þouȝt  where þoo þre dwellen Ellis woot I noon þat can  þat now is a -lyue Þouȝt & I þus  þre dayes ȝeden Disputynge vp -on do -wel  day after oþer And er we weren ywar O.8.113: O alone has weren ywar; most B manuscripts have were war.  wiþ witt gonne I O.8.113: OC 2 alone have I in place of we. mete He was longe & lene  liche to noon oþ er Was no pride on his app arayle  ne pouerte neyþ er Sad of his semblaunt  & of softe chere I durste meue no mat ere  to make hym to iangle But as I bade þouȝt þoo  be mene bitwene And putte forþ sum purpos  to prouen hise wittis What was do -wel fro do -bette  & do -best fram hem boþe Þa nne þouȝt in þat tyme  seyde þeise wordis Where do -wel . do -bette . & do -best  been in londe Heer is wille wolde wite  if witt kouþe teche hym And wheþ er he be man or wo mman  þis man wolde asspye And worche as þei þre wolden O.8.125: OC 2 alone have the form wolden in place of wolde.  þis is his entent Passus nonus O.9.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears as two lines. S Ire dowel dwelliþ quod witt  not a day hennys O.9.1: A small cross, in an unidentifiable hand, appears in the near left margin of this line. In a castel þat kynde made  of foure kyns þingys Of erþe & eyr it is maad  medelid to -gyderes Wiþ wynde & wiþ water  wittili O.9.4: OC 2 alone have wittili in place of witterly. enioyned Kynde haþ closid þ er -Inne  craftili wiþ -alle A lemman þat he loueþ  lyke to hym -selue Anima sche hatte  ac envye hir hatiþ A proude priker of fraunce  p rinceps hui us mundi And wolde wynne hir awey  wiþ wyles and he myȝte Ac kynde knowiþ þis wel  & kepiþ hir þe better And haþ doon hir wiþ sire do -wel  duke of þis marches Do -bette is hir damysel  sire do -welis douȝter To s erue þis lady lelly  boþe late & raþe Do -best is aboue boþe  a bisschopps pere Þat he bit mote be doon  he ruliþ hem alle Anima þat lady  is lad bi his leryng Ac þe cunstable of þat castel  þat kepiþ al þe wacche Is a wise knyȝt wiþ -al  sire Inwitt he hatte And haþ fyue fayre sones  bi his first wijf Sire . se wel . & seye wel  & here wel þe hende Sire . wirche wel . wiþ þin hand  a wiȝt man of strenkþe And . sire godfrey . go wel  grete lordis for -soþe Þeise fyue been set  to saue þis lady anima Til kynde come or sende  to sauen hir for eu ere What þing is kynde quod I  canst þ ou me telle Kynde quod witt is a creature  of alkyns þingys Fadir & formour of al  þat eu ere was maked And þat is þe greet god  þat gynnyng hadde neu ere Lord of lijf & of liȝt  of lisse & of peyne Aungelis & al þing  arn at his wille Ac man is hym moost lijke  of mark & of schaft For þoruȝ þe woord þat he spake  wexen forþ beestis Dixit & facta su nt & c etera O.9.33: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after Dixit , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And made man likkest  to hym -selue oone And eue of his ribbe -boon  wiþ -outen any mene For he was synguler hym -self  & seyde faciam us As who seyþ . more mut þ erto O.9.37: GOC 2 alone have þ er-to in place of herto.  þan my word oone My myȝt mut helpe now  wiþ my speche Riȝt as a lord schulde make lettres  & hym lakkede p archemyn Þouȝ he kouþe write neu ere so wel  if he hadde no penne Þe lettres O.9.41: OCr 23C 2 alone have the plural form. for al þe lordschip  I leue were neu ere ymaked And so it semeþ bi hym  as þe book telleþ Þ ere he seyþ . dixit & facta sunt He muste wirche wiþ his word  & his witt schewe And in þis man ere was man maad  þoruȝ myȝt of god almyȝti Wiþ his word & werkmanschip  & wiþ lijf to laste And þus god gaf hym a goost  of þe godheed of heuene And of his greet grace  grauntede hym blysse And þat is lijf þat ay schal laste  to alle lynages after And þat is þe castel þat kynde made  caro it hatte And þat O.9.51: OC 2 alone include þat. is as myche to mene  as man wiþ a soule And þat he wrouȝte wiþ werk  & wiþ word boþe Þoruȝ myȝt of þe mageste  man was ymaked Inwitt & alle wittis  closed been þ er -Inne Anima For loue of þe lady anima  þat lijf is ynempned Ou er -al in mannys body  he walkiþ & wandriþ Ac in þe herte is hir home  & hir moost rest Ac inwitt is in þe hed  & to þe herte he lokiþ What anima is leef & O.9.59: OC 2 alone have & in place of or. looþ  he latte hir at his wille For after þe grace of god  þe grettest is inwitt Mich woo worþ þat man  þat mysruliþ his inwitt And þat been glotou ns glubbers  her god is her wombe Quo rum d eus vent er e st O.9.63: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after d eus , so that it appears as two lines. For þei s eruen sathan  her soulis schal he haue Þat lyuen synful lijf heer  her soule is like þe deuelis O.9.65: OC 2 alone have the possessive form. And alle þat lyuen good lijf  arn like to god almyȝti Q ui man et i n cari tate in deo man et & c etera O.9.67: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after caritate , so that it appears as two lines. Allas þ at drynk schal fordo  þat god dere abouȝte And dooþ god forsaken hem  þat he schope to his liknesse Amen dico vob is . nesc io vos / & alibi / & dimisi eos s ecundum desid eria eo rum & c etera Foulesfooles O.9.71: A caret beside marginal fooles indicates that it was intended as a substitute for Foules. þat fauten Inwitt  I fynde þat holi chirche  Schulde fynde hem þat hem fauteþ  & fadirles children And wydwes þat han not wher -wiþ  to wynne hem hem her fode Madde men & maydenes  þat helples weren Alle þeise lakken Inwitt  & lore bihoueþ Of þis O.9.76: A solidus/punctus appears over the <s> in þis, for no apparent reason. mat ere I myȝte  make a longe tale And fynde fele witnesse  among ys þe foure doctouris And þ at I lye not of þat I lere þee  luke bereþ witnesse Godfadir & godmodir  þat seen her god -children  At mysese & meschef  & mowen hem amende Schul haue penaunce in purgatorie  but if þei hem helpe For more bilongeþ to þe litil barn  er he þe lawe knowe Þan nempnyng of a name  & he neu ere þe wyser . . . no ta . . . O.9.84: The word no ta is accompanied by flourishes at right, left, and bottom. Schulde no cristen creature  crye at þe ȝate Ne fayle payn ne potage & p relatis  diden as þei schulden A Iu wolde not seen a Iu  go iangelyng for defaute For alle þe mebles on þis moold  & he amende it myȝte Allas þ at a c risten creature  schal be so vnkynde to an -er Siþen Iues þat we Iuggen  Iudas felawis Eer of hem helpeþ oþ er  of þat þat hym nediþ Why nylen O.9.91: O alone has nylen; variants include ne woll (HmBR), nel (WGYC 2CLM), wyl not (Cr 23), and wil (Cr 1F). we c risten of cristis  good . be as kynde As Iues þat been oure lorismen  schame to vs alle Þe comune for her vnkyndenesse  I drede me schul abye Bisschopis schul be blamed  for begg ers sake He is wers þan Iudas  þat ȝyueþ iapers syluer And biddiþ þe begg er goo  for hise br oken cloþes Proditor e st p relat us cu m Iuda  q ui p atrimoniu m christi min us dist ribuit / Et alibi / P erni ciosus dispensator O.9.97: OC 2 alone lack est before qui .  q ui res paup eru m i nvtilit er consumit He dooþ not wel þat dooþ þus  ne drat not god almyȝti Ne loueþ not salomo ns sawes  þat sapience tauȝte Iniciu m sapi encie timor d omini & þ ou doost bette O.9.100: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after sapi encie and d omini , and red parasigns precede the last two lines of text. Drede god for loue & þ ou doost wel  but not for ve niaunce Þ ou doost best if þ ou wiþdrawe  bi day & bi nyȝt  To spille any speche  or any space of tyme Q ui offendit in vno  e st in o mnib us reus Leesyng of tyme  truþe woot þe soþe Is moost hatid vp -on erþe  of hem þat been in heuene And siþþe to spille speche  þat spire is of grace And goddis gleman  & a game of heuene Wolde neu ere þe feiþful fadir  his fiþele were vntempred Ne his gleman a gedelyng  a goer to tau ernes To alle trewe tydymen  þat trauayle desiren Oure lord loueþ O.9.112: OC 2 alone lack hem before &. & lent  loude eiþ er stille  Grace to goo to hem  & a -goon her lijflode Inq uire ntes a utem d ominum no n minue nt ur o mni bono O.9.114: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after no n , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Trewe weddid libbynge folk  in þis werld is do -wel For þei musten O.9.116: OC 2 alone have musten; most B manuscripts have mote. wirche & wynne  & þe werld susteyne For of her kynde þei camencame  þat confessouris been nempned Kyngys & knyȝtis  kayseris & cherlis Maydenes & martiris  out of a man come Þe wijf was maad þe weye  for to helpe worche And þus was wedlok ywrouȝt  wiþ a mene p ersoone First bi þe fad eris wille  & þe frendis counceyl And siþþe bi assent of hem -selue  as þei two myȝten a -corde And þus was wedlok ywrouȝt  & god hymself it made In erþe þe heuene is  hym -self was þe witnesse Ac false folk feiþles  þeues & lyeris Wastouris & wrecches  out of wedlok I trowe  Conceyued been in yuele tyme  as caym was of eue Of swiche synful schrewes  þe sauter makiþ mynde Co ncep it i n dolore & pep er it i niq uitate m & c etera O.9.130: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after dolore , so that it appears as two lines. And alle þat come of þat caym  come to yuele eende For god sente to sem  & seyde bi an aungel Þin issu in þin issu  I wole þ at þei be ioyned O.9.133: Cr 23OC 2 alone have ioyned in place of wedded. And not þi kynde wiþ caymes  ycouplid ne spousid Ȝit su mme aȝens O.9.135: The <e> in aȝens seems to have been written over an <o>. þe soonde  of oure saueour of heuene Kaymes kynde & his kynde  ycouplede O.9.136: OC 2 alone have ycouplede; all other beta witnesses have coupled. to -gyderis Til god wraþþede wiþ her werkis  & swich a word seyde Þ at I makede man  now me it aþinkiþ Penit et me fecisse ho mi nem O.9.139: This line is written in the right margin. And come to noe anoon  & bade hym not lette Swiþe go schape a schip  of schidis & of boordis Þi -self & þi þre sones  & siþþen ȝoure wyues Buske ȝow to þat boot  & bideþ ȝe þ er -Inne Til fourty dayes be fulfillid  þ at flood haue ywasschen  Clene awey þe cursid blood  þat caym haþ ymaked Beestis þat now been  schul banne þe tyme Þ at eu ere þat cursid caym  come on þis erþe Alle schul dye for hise dedis  bi dales & bi hilles And þe foule s þat flyen  forþ wiþ oþere beestis Except onelich of ich  a kynde & a couple O.9.150: YOC 2 weaken the sense of this line by adding a before kynde, and OC 2 destroy it by adding & before couple. Þat in þi schyngled schip  schul been ysaued Heer bouȝte þe barn  þe bele -sires gyltes And al for her forfadris  þei ferden þe wers Þe gospel is her -aȝeyn  in o degre I fynde Fili us no n p ortab it i niq uitate m p atris & p ater no n p ortab it & c etera O.9.155: OC 2 alone have p ortab it & c etera ; variants include & c etera (GYCB), portabit iniquitatem filij (RCrF), portabit iniquitatem filij & c etera (WHmL), and portabit iniquitatem & c etera (M). O.9.155: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after p atris , so that it appears as two lines. Ac I fynde if þe fadir  be fals & a schrewe Þ at sumdel þe sone  schal haue þe sires tacches Impe on an ellerne . & if  þin appil be swete Miche m erueyle me þinkiþ  & more of a schrewe Þat bryngeþ forþ any barn  but if he be þe same And haue a sauour after þe sire  selden seest þ ou oþ er Nu mq uam colligim us de spinis vuas n ec de t ribul is ficus O.9.162: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after vuas , and a red parasign precedes the second line. And þus þoruȝ cursid caym  cam care vp -on erþe And al for þei wrouȝten wedlok  aȝens goddis wille no ta . Of wedlok O.9.165: The word no ta is surrounded by red and black flourishes at top right and left and beneath. For -þi . haue þei maugre  þat so marien her children For su mme as I see now  soþe for to telle For coueytise of catel  vnkyndelich been weddid Ac careful concepc iou n  comeþ of swiche mariages As bifel of þe folk  þat I bifore of . tolde For goode schulden wedde good  þouȝ þei no good hadde I am via & v eritas O.9.171: OC 2 alone lack the phrase seiþ crist or seid crist before the second occurrence of I. I may auaunce alle It is an vncomeli couple  bi crist as me þinkiþ To ȝyue a ȝonge wenche  to an olde feble Or wedden any wydowe  for welþe of hir goodis Þat neu ere schal barn bere  but if it be in armes Many a peyre siþ þe pestilence  han pliȝt hem to -gyderis Þe fruyt þat þei bryngen forþ  arn foule wordis In ielousye ioyles  & ianglyng on bedde Haue þei no children but chest  & choppyng hem bitwene And þouȝ þei do hem to donmowe  but if þe deuel helpe To folewen after þe flicche  fecche þei it neu ere And but þei boþe be forsworen  þat bacou n þei tynen O.9.182: OC 2 alone have tynen in place of tyne. For -þi I counceyle alle cristen  coueyte not be weddid For coueytise of catel  ne of kynred riche Ac maydenes & maydenes  macche ȝow to -gyderis Widowes & widowers  wircheþ þe same For no londes but for loue  loke ȝe be weddid And þa nne geten O.9.188: O alone has geten in place of gete. ȝe þe g race of god  & good ynow to lyue wiþ And eu ery man ere seculer  þat may not contene Wiseli go wedde  & war hym fro synne For leccherie in lokyng  is lyme -ȝerd of helle Whiles þ ou art ȝong  & þi wepen kene Werke O.9.193: OC 2 alone have Werke in place of Wreke. þee wiþ wyuyng  if þ ou wilt been excusid Cu m sis vir fort is  ne des tua robora scort is Sc ribit ur in port is  m eret rix e st ianua mort is . Wha nne ȝe han wyued . beþ war  & wircheþ in tyme Not as adam & eue  wha nne caym was engendrid For in vntyme truli  bitwene man & womman Ne schulde no bourde on bedde be  but if þei boþe weren O.9.199: O alone has weren in place of were. clene Boþe of lijf & of soule  & in p arfiȝt charite Þat ilke derne dede do  no man ne schulde Ac O.9.201: YO alone have Ac; most B manuscripts have And. if þei leden þus her lijf  it likeþ god almyȝti For he made wedlok first  & hym -self it seyde Bonu m e st vt vn usq uis que vx orem sua m h abeat p rop ter fornicac io nem And þei þat oþ er -gates been geten  for gedelyng es been holden As fals folk fondelyng es  faytouris & lyeris Vng racious to gete good  or loue of þe peple Wandren & wasten  what þei cacche mowen Aȝens do -wel þei doon yuele  & þe deuel s eruen And after her deþ -day  schul dwelle wiþ þe same But god gyue hem g race heer  hem -self to amende Do -wel my freend . is to do  as þe lawe techiþ To loue þi freend & þi foo  leue me . þat is do - bette To ȝyuen & to ȝemen  boþe ȝonge & olde To helen & to helpen  is . do -best . of alle And . do -wel . is to drede god  & . do -bette . is to suffre And so comeþ . do -best . of boþe  & bryngeþ adou n þe mody And þat is wickid wille  þat many werk schendiþ And dryueþ awey . do -wel  þoruȝ dedly synne P assus . decimus . O.10.000: The heading is divided after P assus , so that it appears as two lines. þ Þ Anne hadde witt a wijf  was hoten . dame studye . Þat lene was of leere  & of liche boþe Sche was wondirlich wroþ  þ at witt me þus tauȝte And al staryng dame studie  sternelich seyde Wel art þ ou wijs quod sche to witt  any wisdams to telle To flatereris or to foolis  þat frenetyk been of wittis And blamede hym & bannede hym  & bade hym be stille Wiþ swiche wise wordis  to wisse any sottes And seyde . noli mittere . man  margerie perles Amongys hoggys . þat han  hawes at wille Þei doon but drauelen þ er -on  draf were hem leuere Þan al þe p recious perre  þat in p aradice waxeþ I seye it by swiche quod sche  þat schewen bi her werkis Þ at hem were leu ere lond  & lordschip on erþe Or richesse or rentis  & rest at her wille Þan alle þe soþe sawes  þat salomon seyde eu ere Wisdam & witt now  is not .... worþ a kerse But if it be carded wiþ coueytise  as cloþeris kemben wolle Who -so can contreue deceytis  & conspire wrongys And lede forþ a loueday  to lette wiþ truþe He þat swiche He þat swyche craftes can  to counceyl is clepid Þei leden lordys wiþ lesyng ys  & bilyeþ truþe Iob þe gentel in hise gestes  gretly witnessiþ Þ at wickide men welden  þe welþe of þis werld And þ at þei been lordis of ich loond  þat out of lawe libben Q uare impij viuu nt b en e e st ho minib us q ui p reuaricant ur & iniq ue agu nt Þe sauter seiþ þe same  bi swiche þat doon ille Ecce ip si peccatores & O.10.28: OC 2 alone include &. habu ndantes in s ec ulo obtinueru nt diuicias Lo seiþ þe O.10.29: OC 2 alone include þe. holi lettrure  whiche lordis been þeise schrewis Þilk þat god moost good gyueþ O.10.30: O alone has moost good gyueþ; variants include moost gyueth (YGBL), gyueþ moost (WHmCr), most good ȝeueþ (C 2), most greueth (CR), moost greve (F), and god yeueþ (M).  leeste good þei delen And moost vnkynde to þe comune  þat moost catel welden Que p erfecisti  destruxeru nt  iustus autem & c etera Harlottes for her harlotrie  mowen haue of her goodes And iaperis & iogelouris  & iangeleris of gestes no ta  how good carpyng is not loued O.10.35: This rubric is divided after good and not, so that it appears as three lines. Three ticks follow it. The word no ta is accompanied by flourishes at right and left. Ac he þat haþ holi writt  ay in his mouþe And can telle of tobye  & of þe twelue apostelis Or p rechen of penaunce  þat pilat wrouȝte To iesu þe ientil  þat Iues to -drowen Litil is he loued  þat swich a lessou n schewiþ Or dauntid or drawen forþ  I do it on god hym -selue Of mynystralis But þoo þat feynen hem folis  & wiþ faytyng libben A - O.10.42: A slash appears in this space; perhaps characters have been erased. ȝeyn þe lawe of oure lord  & lyen on hem -selue Spitten & spewen & speken foule wordis Drynken & drauelen  & doon men for to gape Likken men & lyen on hem  þat lenen hem no gyftis Þei ku nnen no more mynystralcye  ne musik men to glade Þan Munde þe myluer  of multa fecit deus Ne were her vile harlotrie  haue god my truþe Schulde neu ere kyng ne knyȝt  ne chanou n of seynt poulis Ȝyue hem to her ȝerisȝyue  þe value O.10.50: YGOC 2 alone have value; variants include worth (RF), ȝifte (WHmBLM), and gift (CrC). of a grote Ac myrþe & mynystralcie  amongys men is nouþe Leccherie & losengerie  & losellis talys Glotenye & grete oþis  þeise O.10.53: OC 2 alone have þeise; most B manuscripts have þis. Kane and Donaldson emend to þise arn. myrþes O.10.53: OC 2 alone have myrþes; most B manuscripts have murþe. Kane and Donaldson emend to games. þei louen Ac if þei carpen of crist  þeise clerkis & þeise lewede At mete in myrþes  wha nne mynystralis been stille Þa nne tellen þei of þe t rinyte  a tale oþ er tweyen And bryngen O.10.57: OC 2F alone lack forþ before a. a balled resou n  & taken bernard to witnesse And putten forþ a p resu mpciou n  to preue þe soþe Þus þei dryuelen at her deys  þe deyte to knowe And gnawen god wiþ þe goorge  wha nne her guttes been fulle Ac þe careful may crye  and carpen at þe ȝate Boþe an -hungred & a -þrist  & for chele quake Is noon to nymen hym neer  his noye to amende But howen on hym as an hound  & hoten hym go þennes Litil loueþ he þat lord  þat lente hym al þat blisse Þat þus parten O.10.66: OC 2 alone have the form parten in place of parteþ. wiþ þe pore  a p arcel wha nne hem O.10.66: OGC 2F alone have hem in place of hym. nediþ Ne were m ercy in mene men  more þan in riche Mendynauntis . meteles  myȝten go to bedde God is myche in þe goorge  of þeise grete maystris Ac among ys mene men  his mercy & hise werkis And so seiþ þe sauter  I haue seyn it ofte Ecce audiuim us ea m in effrata  i nuenim us ea m in campis silue Clerkis & oþ ere kyns men  carpen of god faste And han hym myche in þe mouþ  ac mene men in herte O.10.75: A cross composed of dots appears in the left margin, with red rays emanating from the dots; like others of this type, it appears to be in the main scribal hand. Freris & faytouris  han founden swiche questiou ns To plese wiþ . proude men  siþ þe pestilence tyme And p rechen at seynt poulis  for pure envie of clerkis Þ at folk been O.10.78: OC 2 alone have been; most B manuscripts have is. not fermed in þe feiþ  ne free of her goodis Ne sory for her synnes  so is pride waxen In religiou n & in al þe rewme  among ys riche & pore Þ at preyeris han no power  þe pestilence to lette And ȝit þe wrecchis of þis world  is noon ywar bi oþ er Ne for drede of þe deþ  wiþ -drawen not her pride Ne been plentyuouse to þe pore  as pure charite wolde But in gaynesse & glotenye  forglutten her good hem -selue And breken not to þe begg er  as þe book techiþ F range esurie nti pane m tuu m & c etera O.10.87: This line is written in the right margin. And þe more he wynneþ & welt  welþis & richessis  And lordiþ in londis  þe lesse good he deleþ Tobie telliþ ȝow not so  take heed ȝe riche How þe book of þe bible  of hym beriþ witnesse De elemosina Si t ibi copia sit  habu ndant er t ribue  si a utem exiguu m  imp ertirei stude libe nt er Who -so haþ myche . spende myche  so meneþ tobie no ta O.10.94: The word no ta is surrounded at right, left, and bottom with red and black punctuses and flourishes. And who -so litil weldiþ  rule hym þ er -after For we han no letter of oure lijf  how longe it schal dure Swiche lessou ns lordis  schulden louye to here And how he myȝte moost  meyne . manlich fynde Ac O.10.98: O alone has Ac in place of And or nothing at all. not to fare as a fiþeler or a frere  for to seke feestis Homelich at oþ er mennys housis  & haten her owne Elenge is þe halle  ich day in þe woke Þ ere þe lord & þe lady  liken O.10.101: OC 2 alone have the form liken; all other beta witnesses have likeþ. not O.10.101: O alone lacks to before sitte. sitte Now haþ ich riche a rule  to ete bi hym -selue pure In a pryuey p arlour  for pore O.10.103: Supralinear pure is apparently intended by the corrector as a substitution for pore. See also 11.243. mennys sake Or in a chaumbre wiþ a chymeney  & leue þe cheef halle Þat was O.10.105: OC 2 alone lack the first alliterating stave, maad, before for. for meles  men to eten Inne And O.10.106: OC 2 alone lack al before to. to spare to spille  þat spende schal an -er I haue herd hye men  etynge at þe table  Carpen as þei clerkis weren O.10.108: OC 2 alone have the form weren in place of were.  of crist & of hise myȝtis And leyden fautes on þe fadir  þat formede vs alle And carpen aȝeyn clerkis  crabbede wordis Why wolde oure saueour suffre  swich a worme in his blisse Þat bigylede þe wo mman  & þe man after Þoruȝ whiche whyles O.10.113: OC 2 alone have whyles in place of wiles. & wordis  þei wenten to helle And al her seed for her synne  þe same deþ suffreden Heer lijþ ȝoure lore  þat O.10.115: OC 2F alone include þat. þeise lordis gynnen dispute Of þat ȝe clerkis O.10.116: An otiose flourish appears above the <s> in clerkis. vs kennen  of crist bi þe gospel Fili us no n portabit i niq uitate m p atris & c etera O.10.117: This line is written in the right margin. Why schulde n we þat now been  for þe werkis of adam Roten & renten O.10.119: OC 2 alone have renten; variants include rende (GYCBMF), torente (HmCr 23), toreue (R), to reade (Cr 1), and torende (WL).  resou n wolde it neu ere Vnusq uis que portabit on us suu m & c etera O.10.120: This line is written in the right margin. Swiche motyues þei meuen  þeise mayst ris in her glorie And maken men in mysbileue  þat musen myche on her wordis Ymagynatijf her -afterward  schal answere to ȝoure purpose Austyn to swiche argueris  telliþ his O.10.124: OC 2 alone have his in place of þis. teme No n pl us sap ere q uam oportet & c etera O.10.125: This line is written in the right margin. Wilneþ neu ere O.10.126: OC 2 alone lack to before wite. wite  why þ at god wolde  Suffre sathan  his seed to be -gyle Ac bileueþ lelli  in O.10.128: OC 2F alone lack þe before lore. lore of holi chirche And preyede hym of pardou n  & penaunce in þi lyue And for his myche m ercy  to amende ȝow heer For alle þat wilnen to wite  þe whyes O.10.131: GYOM alone have whyes in place of weyes. of god almyȝti I wolde his ye were in his ers  & his fynger after Þat eu ere wilneþ to wite  why þ at god wolde Suffre sathan  his seed to bigyle Or Iudas to þe Iues  iesu bitraye Al was as þ ou woldist lord  worschipid be þow And al worþ as þ ou wilt  what -so we disputen O.10.137: OC 2 alone have the form disputen in place of dispute. And þoo þat vsen þeise hauylounes  to blynde me nnes wittes What is . do -wel . fro . do -bette  now deef O.10.139: A double solidus over each word indicates transposition of original deef now. mote he worþe Siþ he wilneþ to wite  whiche þei been boþe But if he lyue in þe lijf  þat longeþ to do -wel For I dar be his bold boruȝ  þ at do bette wole he neu ere Þouȝ do -best drawe on hym  day after oþ er And wha nne þ at witt was ywar  what dame studie tolde He bicome so confuse  he couþe not loke And as doombe as deþ  & drowȝe hym arere And for no carpyng I couþe after  ne knelyng to þe ground I myȝte gete no greyn  of hise grete wittis But al lawȝhynge he loutede  & lokede vp -on studie In signe þ at I schulde  biseche hir of grace And wha nne I was war of his wille  to his wijf gan I loute And seyde m ercy ma -dame  ȝoure man schal I worþe As longe as I lyue  boþe late & raþe For to wirche ȝoure wille  þe whyle my lijf dureþ Wiþ þat ȝe kenne me kyndeli  to knowe what is do -wel For þi mekenesse man quod sche  & for þi mylde speche I schal kenne þee to my cosyn  þat clergye is hoten He haþ weddid a wijf  wiþ -Inne þis sixe moneþes Is sibbe to þe seuene artis  sc ripture is hir name Þei two as I hope  after my techyng Schul wisse þee to . do -wel  I dar it vndirtake Þa nne was I also fayn  as foul of fayre morwe And gladder þan þe gleman  þat gold haþ to ȝyfte no ta to lerne holi writ O.10.164: This rubric is divided after lerne, so that it appears as two lines. The word no ta is accompanied by flourishes at left and beneath. And axede hir þe hye weye  where þ at clergie dwelte And telle me su m tokene quod I  for tyme is þ at I wende Axe þe hye weye quod studie  hennys to suffre Boþe wel & woo  if þ at þ ou wilt lerne And ride forþ bi richesse  but O.10.168: OC 2F alone have but; most B manuscripts have and. reste not þ ere -inne For if þ ou couplist þee þ erwiþ  to clergie comest þ ou neu ere And also þe likerouse launde  þat leccherie hatte Leue it on þi left half  a large myle & more Til þ ou come to a court  kepe wel þi tunge Fro lesyngys & liþer speche  & likerouse drynkes Þa nne schalt þ ou see sobretee  & sympletee of speche Þ at ich wyȝt be in wille  his wite þee to schewe And þus schalt þ ou come to clergye  þat can many þingys Seye hym þis signe  I sette hym to scole And þ at I grette wel his wijf  for I wrote hir many bokes And sette hir to sapience  & to þe sauter glose Logyk I lernede hir  & many oþ ere lawes And alle þe musons of O.10.181: HmOC 2 alone have of in place of in. musyk  I made hir to knowe Plato þe poete  I putte hym first to boke Aristotle & oþ ere moo  to argue I tauȝte Gramer for gyrles  I garte first write And bette hem wiþ a baleys  but if þei wolden O.10.185: O alone has the form wolden in place of wolde. lerne Of alle kyns craftes  I contreuede tooles Of carpentrie of keruers  & compassede masou ns And ke nnede O.10.188: OC 2 alone have kennede in place of lerned. hem leuel & lyne  þouȝ I loke dymme Teologie haþ tened me  ten score tymes Þe mor I muse þ er -Inne  þe mystier it semeþ And þe depper I dyuyne  þe derker me it þinkeþ It is no science for -soþe  for to sutile Inne And O.10.193: OC 2 alone have And in place of A. ful leþi þing it were  if þat loue nere And for it let best bi loue  I loue it þe better For þ ere þat loue is leder  ne lakkeþ no grace Loke þ ou loue lelli  if þee likeþ do wel And O.10.197: OC 2F alone have And in place of For. do -bette & do -best  been of loues kyn In oþ ere science it seiþ  I seyȝ it in catou n Q ui sim ulat v erb is  n ec corde e st fid us amic us O.10.199: This line is written in the right margin. Tu q uo que fac si mile  cu m O.10.200: YOC 2 alone have cu m in place of sic . ars dillud itur arte O.10.200: This line is written in the right margin and connected with the preceding line by brackets at both sides; it is followed by the number 26, indicating the verse of the Disticha Catonis which is quoted. Who -so glosiþ as gylo urs doon  do he m þe same And so schalt þ ou false folk  & feiþles bigyle Þis is catou ns kennyng  to clerkis þat he leriþ Ac teologie techeþ not so  who -so takeþ ȝeem And ke nneþ vs þe cont rarie  aȝens catou ns wordis For he bit vs . be as breþ eren  & bidde for oure enemyes And loue hem þat lyen on vs  & lene hem wha nne hem nediþ And do good aȝens yuel  god hym -self it hotiþ Du m te mp us h abem us  op erem ur bonu m ad o mnes maxi me a utem ad domesticos fid ei Poule p rechede þe peple  þat p arfiȝtnesse louede To do good for goddis loue  & gyue men þat asken And namelich to swiche  þat suen oure bileue And al þat lakkiþ vs & lieþ vs  god techeþ vs to loue And not to greue hem þat greuen vs  god þat forbediþ Michi vi ndicta m & ego retribua m . O.10.215: This line is written in the right margin and followed by three ticks. It is divided after ego , and the second line is preceded by a red parasign. For -þi loke þ ou louye  as longe as þow durest For is no concience vndir sunne  so sou ereyn for þe soule Ac astronomye is an hard þing  & yuele for to knowe Geometrie & geomesye  is gynful of speche Who -so þenkiþ wirche wiþ þoo two  þryueþ ful late For sorcerie is þe sou ereyn book  þat to þe science longeþ Ȝit arn þ er fybicchis O.10.222: Fybicchis is a nonce-word. Skeat (Vol.II, 154) notes that he "cannot trace any such word in English, French, or Scandinavian," and elsewhere (Vol. II, 353) tentatively glosses it "contrivances." The MED repeats Quirk's suggestion that the word may derive from Pebichios, the name of an early alchemist, and tentatively defines it as "some kind of alchemical manipulations or tricks." in forceris  of fele me nnys makyng O.10.222: Two crosses, approximately two lines in height and apparently in hand 2, appear in the bottom margin under arn and þ er of this line. Exp erymentis of alkenemye  þe peple to disceyue If þou þenke to do -wel  dele þ er -wiþ neu ere Alle þeise science O.10.225: OC 2CL alone have the singular form. I my -self  sutilede & ordeynede And foundede hem formest  folk to deceyue Telle clergie þise tokenes  & sc ripture after I counceyle þee kyndeli  to knowe what is do -wel I seyde g raunt m ercy ma -dame  & mekeli heir grette And wente wyȝtlich awey  wiþ -oute more lettyng And til I come to clergye  I couþe neu ere stynte And grette þe good man wel  as studie me tauȝte And afterwardis þe wijf  & worschipede hem boþe And tolde hem þe tokenes  þat me tauȝt weren O.10.234: OC 2 alone have the form weren in place of were. Was neu ere goom vp -on þis ground  siþ god made þis O.10.235: OC 2 alone have þis; most B manuscripts have þe world Fayrer vndir -fongen  ne frendeleker at ese Þa nne my -self soþeli  soone so he wiste Þ at I was of wittes hous  & wiþ his wijf dame studie I seyde to hym soþeli  þ at sent was I þider Do -wel & do -bette  & do -best to lerne It is a comune lijf quod clergie  on holi chirche to beleue Wiþ alle þe articul es of þe feiþ  þat fallen to be knowen And þ at is to beleue lelli  boþe lered & lewid  On þe greet god  þat gynnyng hadde neu ere And on þe soþfast sone  þat sauede mankynde Fro þe dedli deþ  & þe deuelis power Þoruȝ þe help of þe holi goost  þe wich goost is of boþe Þre p ersoones . ac not  in plurel noumbre For al is but o god  & ech is god hym -selue De us p ater d eus fili us d eus sp iritus s anc tus O.10.250: This line is written in the right margin. God þe fadir . god þe sone  god holi goost of boþe Maker of mankynde  & of beestis boþe Austyn þe olde  her -of made bokis And hym -self ordeynede  to sadde vs in beleue Who was his autour  alle þe foure euangelistes And crist clepede hym -self so  þe euangelist bereþ witnesse Ego in p atre & p ater in me e st & q ui vid et me  vid et & p atrem meu m Alle þe clerkis vndir crist  ne couþen þis assoyle But þus it longeþ to beleue  to men þat wolen do -wel For hadde neu ere freek fyn witt  þe feiþ to dispute For O.10.261: OC 2 alone have For in place of Ne. man hadde no meryte  myȝte it been yproued Fides no n h abet m eritu m  vbi humana rac io p rebet exp erimentu m Þa nne is do -bette to suffre  for þi soulis sake Al þat þe book bit  bi holi chirche techyng And þat is man bi þi myȝt  for m ercyes sake Loke þ ou wirche it in werk  þat þi word schewiþ Swich as þ ou semest in syȝt  be in assay founden O.10.267: OC 2 alone have founden; most B manuscripts have yfounde. Appare quod es  vel esto quod appares O.10.268: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after esto , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And latte no -body be  bi þi beryng bigylid But swich in þi soule  as þ ou semest wiþ -oute Þa nne is do -best to be boold  to blame þe gylty Siþen þ ou seest þi -self  as in soule clene Ac blame þ ou neu ere body  & þ ou be blame -worþi Si culpare vel is culpabil is e sse cauebis O.10.274: This line is written in the right margin. Dogma tuu m sord et cu m te tua culpa remordet O.10.275: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after re- in remordet , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. God in þe gospel  grymli reproueþ Alle þat lakken any lijf  & lakkes han hem -selue Q uid consid eras festuca m in oculo fr atris tui  trabem & c etera Why meuest þ ou þi mood for a mote  in þi broþ eris ye Siþen a beem in þin owne  blyndeþ þi -selue Eice p rimo t rabem de oculo tuo & c etera O.10.281: This line is written in the right margin and underlined twice. Which lettiþ þee to loke  lesse oþ er more I rede . ich a blynde bosard  do boot to hym -selue For abbotes & p riouris  and alle man ere of p relatis O.10.284: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. As p ersounes & p arisch preestis  þat p reche schulden O.10.285: O alone has the form schulde n ; all other beta witnesses have sholde. & teche Alle man ere of men  to amende bi her myȝt Þis text was told ȝow . to be  war . er ȝe tauȝten O.10.287: OC 2 alone have the form tauȝten; all other beta witnesses have tauȝte. Þ at ȝe weren O.10.288: O alone has the form weren in place of were. swiche as ȝe seyden O.10.288: OC 2 alone have the form seyden; most B manuscripts have seyde.  to salue wiþ oþ ere For goddis word wolde not be lost  for þat wirchiþ eu ere If it auaylede not þe comune  it myȝte auayle ȝow -seluen Ac it semeþ now soþeli  to þe werldis siȝt Þ at goddis word wirchiþ not  on lered ne on lewid But in swich man ere as mark  meneþ in þe gospel Du m cec us duc it cecu m ambo in fouea m cadunt O.10.294: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after ambo , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Lewide men mowen likken ȝow  þ at þe beem lijþ i n ȝoure yen And þe festu is fallen  for ȝoure defaute In alle man ere men  þoruȝ mansed preestis Þe bible bereþ witnesse  þ at alle þe folk of israel Bitter bouȝte þe gyltes  of two badde preestis Offyn & fynees  for her coueytyse Archa dei mys -happede  & eli brake his nekke For -þi . correctouris claweþ her -on  & correcteþ first ȝoure -seluen And þa nne mowen ȝe saafli seye  as dauid made þe sauter Existi masti iniq ue q uod ero tui si milis . argua m te & statua m con tra facie m tua m Þa nne schul borel clerkis be abassched  to blame ȝow or to greue And carpe not as þei doon now  & calle ȝow doombe houndis Canes no n valentes lat rare O.10.307: This line is written in the bottom right margin, and is preceded by a red parasign. At the bottom of the leaf there appear traces of a quire signature which has been lost to cropping. And drede to wraþþe ȝow in any word  ȝoure werkmanschip to lette And be prestier at ȝoure preyer  þan for a pound of noblis An al for ȝoure holynesse  haue ȝe þis in herte O.10.311: A cross about three characters in height, apparently by hand 2, appears in the left margin between l. 311 and l. 312. It may have been intended to point to the faulty alliteration of l. 311. In scole þ er is a scoorn  but if a clerk wole lerne And greet loue & lykyng  for ich of hem loueþ oþ er Religiou n And now is religiou n a rider  a romer bi stretis A leder of louedayes  & a loond bigger A priker on a palfrey  fro maner to maner An heep of houndis at his ers  as he a lord were And but if his knaue knele  þat schal hym þe cuppe brynge He loureþ on hym & axeþ  who tauȝte hym curteysye O.10.319: A cross composed of dots, with a flourish at the bottom, appears in the left margin; like others of this type, it is probably by the main scribal hand. Litil hadden lordis to do  to ȝyue loond fro her eyris To religiouse þat han no ruþe  þouȝ it reyne on her auteris In many places þ ere þei p ersouns been  be hem -selue at ese O.10.322: A cross about two characters in height, probably by hand 2, appears in the left margin. It may have been intended to point to the faulty alliteration of l. 322. Of O.10.322: OC 2F alone lack þe before pore. pore han þei no pite  & þat is her charite And þei leten hem as lordis  her loond lijþ so brode Ac þ er schal come a kyng  & confesse ȝow religiouse And bete ȝow as þe bible telleþ  for brekyng of ȝoure rule And amende monyales  monkis & chanounes And putte hem to her penau nce  ad p ristinu m statu m ire And barouns & erles bete hem  þoruȝ beat us vir techyng Þat her barnes cleymen  & blamen ȝow foule Hij in c urrib us & hij in equis ip si obligati sunt & c etera And þa nne freris in her freytour  schul fynde a keye Of constantynys tresore  in which is þe catel  O.10.333: A cross about three characters in height, probably by hand 2, appears in the left margin. It may have been intended to point to the faulty alliteration of l. 333. Þat gregories god -children  han yuele dispendid And þa nne schal þe abbot of abyngdon  & al his issu for eu ere  Wiþ What O.10.335: The purpose of the marginal addition is not apparent. Haue a knok of a kyng  & incurable þe wounde Þ at þis worþe soþ seke ȝe  þat ofte ou erseen þe bible Q uom odo cessau it exactor q uieu it t ributu m cont riu it d omin us baculu m i mpio rum & v irga m d ominanciu m c rede nciu m plaga i nsanabili O.10.337: This line is divided after c rede nciu m , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Ac er þat kyng come  caym schal awake And do -wel schal dynge hym adou n  & distruye his myȝt Þa nne is do -wel & do -bette quod I  d omin us & knyȝthode I nyle not scorne quod sc ripture  but if scryueyns lye Kynghood & knyȝthood  bi nouȝt I can awayte  Helpeþ not to heueneward  oon heris eende Ne richesse riȝt nouȝt  ne rialte of lordis Poule p reueþ O.10.345: OC 2 alone lack it before impossible. impossible  riche men to haue heuene Salomon seiþ also  þ at siluer is werst to louye Nichil iniq uius  q uam amare p ecuniam . And catou n kenneþ vs to coueyte  not . but as it nediþ Dilige denariu m s et p arce dilige formam O.10.349: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after dilige , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And pat riarkes and p rophetis  & poetis boþe Writen to wissen vs  to wilne no richesse And p reyseden pou erte wiþ pacience  þe apostelis beren witnesse Þ at þei han eritage in heuene  & bi trewe riȝt Þ ere riche men no riȝt mowen cleyme  but of ruþe & grace Cont ra quod I bi crist  þat can I repreue And preue it bi peter  and bi poule boþe Þat been baptizid been saued  be þei riche or pore Þat is in ext remis quod sc ripture  among ys sarazens & Iues Þei mowen be saued so  & þat is oure beleue Þ at an vnc risten in þat caas  may cristen an heþen And for his lele beleue  wha nne he þe lijf tyneþ Haue þe heritage of heuene  as any man cristen Ac c risten men wiþ -outen more  mowen not come to heuene For þat crist for c risten men deyede  & confermede þe lawe Þ at who -so wolde & wilneþ  wiþ c rist to arise Si cu m christo surrexistis & c etera O.10.366: This line is written in the right margin. He schulde louye & lene  & þe lawe fulfille Þat is . loue þi lord god  leuest aboue al þing And after . alle c risten c reaturis i n comune ich man oþ er And þus bilongeþ to loue  þat leueþ to be saued And but we do þus in dede  er þe day of doom  It schal bisitten vs ful soure  þe syluer þat we kepen And oure bakkis þat moþ -eten been  & seen begg ers go nakid Or delite vs in wijn & wyldefoule  & woot any in defaute For eu ery cristen creature  schulde be kynde til oþer And siþen heþen to helpe  in hope of amendement God hoteþ boþe hye & lowe  þ at no man hirte oþer And seiþ . sleeþ O.10.378: O alone has sleeþ in place of slee. not þat semblable is  to myn owne liknesse But if I sende þee sum tokne  & seiþ . non necabis O.10.379: Cr 1OC 2 alone have necabis ; WHmCBRF have mecaberis . I slee not but suffre  & al for þe beste For I schal punysche hem in p urgatorie  or i n þe pitte of helle Ich man for hise mysdedis  but m ercy it lette Þis is a longe lessou n quod I  & litil am I þe wyser Where do -wel is or do -bette  derklich ȝe schewen Many talis ȝe tellen  þat theologie lerneþ And þ at I man maad was  & my name yentred In þe legende of seyntis O.10.387: A solidus/punctus above seyntis marks it for deletion, but no substitute is supplied. OC 2 alone have seyntis in place of correctly alliterating lif.  longe er I were Or ellis writen for wickidnesse  as holy writ witnesseþ Nemo asce ndit in O.10.389: OC 2M alone have in in place of ad . celu m  n isi q ui de celo descendit O.10.389: A double solidus over descendit and celo indicates transposition of original descendit de celo. The erroneous word order is shared with C 2F. I leue O.10.390: OC 2 alone lack it before wel. wel bi oure lord quod I  & on no lettrure better For salomon þe sage  þat sapience tauȝte God gaf hym grace of witt  & alle hise goodis after He demede wel & wiseli  as holi writ telliþ Aristotle & he  who wissede men better Mayst ris þat of goddis m ercy  techen men & prechen Of her wordis þei wissen vs  for wisest as in her tyme And al holi chirche  holt hem boþe ydampned And if I schulde wirche bi her werkis  to wynne me heuene Þat for her werkis & witt  now wonyeþ in pyne Þa nne wrouȝte I vnwiseli  what -so -eu ere ȝe prechen O.10.400: OC 2 alone have the form prechen in place of preche. And O.10.401: OC 2 alone lack of before fele. fele witty in feiþ  litil ferli I haue Þouȝ her goost be vngracious  god for to plese For many men on þis moold  more setten her hertis In good þan in god  for -þi hem . grace fayleþ Ac þe moost myscheef is O.10.405: OC 2 alone include is.  wha nne þei schul lijf lete As salomon dide & swiche oþ ere  þat scheweden grete wittes Ac her werkis as holi writ  seiþ . was eu ere þe cont rarie For -þi wise -witted men  & wel ylettered clerkis As þei seyen hem -self  selden doon þ er -after Sup er cathed ram Moysy & c etera O.10.410: This line is written in the right margin. Ac I wene it worþ of many  as was in noes tyme Þoo he schope þat schip  of schides & bordis Was neu ere wriȝt saued þat wrouȝte þ eron  ne oþ er werkman ellis But briddis & beestis  & þe blissid noe And his wijf wiþ hise sones  & also her wyues God lene it fare not so bi folk  þat þe feiþ techen  Of holi chirche þat herberwe is  & goddis hous to saue  And schilde vs fram schame þ er -i nne  as noes schip dide beestis And men þat made n it  amydde þe flood adreynten Þe culo rum of þis cause O.10.420: OC 2 alone have cause in place of clause.  curatouris is to mene Þat been carpenteris holi chirche to make  for c ristis owne beestis Ho mi nes . & iume nta saluabis d omine & c etera O.10.422: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after Ho mi nes , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. On good fryday I fynde  a felou n was saued Þat hadde lyued al his lijf  wiþ lesyng ys & wiþ þefte And for he biknewe on þe crosse  & to crist schroue hym He was sunner saued  þan seynt Ion þe baptist And er adam or ysaye  or any of þe p rophetis Þat hadde yleyn wiþ lucifer  many longe ȝeris A robber was raumsomed  raþ er þan þei alle W-outen any penaunce of p urgatorie  to p erpetuel blisse And O.10.431: A red flourish decorates the <A> in And. marie magdalene  what wo mman dide wers Or who wers þan dauid  þat vries deþ conspirede Or poule þe apostle  þat no pite hadde Miche cristen kynde  to kille to deþ And now been þeise as sou ereynes  & seyntis in heuene Þoo þat wrouȝten wickedest  in world þoo þei weren O.10.436: OC 2 alone have the form weren in place of were. And þoo þat wiseli wordeden  & writen many bokis Of witt & of wisdames O.10.438: OC 2 alone have the plural form.  wiþ da mpned soulis wonyen Þat salomon seiþ I trowe be soþ  & certeyn of vs alle Siue iusti at que sapie ntes & op era eo rum i n manu d ei sunt . O.10.440: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after op era , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Þ er arn witti & wel libbynge  & her werkis been hid In þe hondis of almyȝti god  & he woot þe soþe Where for loue a man worþ alowid  þ ere & hise lele werkis Or ellis for his yuele wille  & envie of herte And be alowid as he lyued þ ere O.10.445: OC 2 alone have þ ere ; most B manuscripts have so.  as O.10.445: OC 2 alone have as; most B manuscripts have for. liþer men knowen goode And wher -bi witen O.10.446: OC 2 alone have witen; variants include -iste (M), wist (Bm), wite (YC), wete (Hm), wote (LR), wytty (G), and wiste (WCrBoCotF). men which is whyte  if al þing blak were And who were a good man  but if þ er were sum schrewe For -þi lyue we forþ wiþ liþer men  I leue fewe O.10.448: OC 2 alone lack any form of the verb to be in the clause fewe [ben] goode. goode For quant op ortet comeþ in place  il nad q ue pati And he þat may alle amende  haue m ercy of vs alle For soþest word þat eu ere god seyde  was þoo he seyde . nemo bon us Clergie O.10.452: OC 2 alone lack þo before of. of cristis mouþ  co mmendid was litil For he seyde to seynt petir  & to swiche as he louede Du m stet erit is an te reges & p resides & c etera O.10.454: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after & , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Þouȝ ȝe come bifore kyng ys  & clerkis of þe lawe Beþ not abassched . for I schal  be . in ȝoure mouþes And ȝyue ȝow witt & wille  & ku nnyng to conclude  Hem alle . þat aȝens ȝow  of c ristendoom disputen Dauid makiþ menciou n  he spake among ys kyng ys And myȝte no kyng ou ercome hym  as bi ku nnyng of speche But witt ne wisdam  wan neu ere þe maystrie Wha nne man was at mescheef  wiþ -oute þe more g race Þe douȝtiest doctour  & dyuynour of þe t rinyte Was austyn þe olde  & hyest of þe foure Seyde þus in a s ermou n  I seyȝ it writen ones Ecce ip si ydeote yd[i]ote rapiu nt celu m  vbi O.10.466: OC 2 alone lack nos before sapie ntes . sapie ntes i n inf erno m ergim ur O.10.466: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after vbi , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And is to mene on englisch  to mor e & to lesse Arn noon oþ ere raþ er rauyschid  fro þe riȝt beleue Þan arn þise ku nnynge clerkis  þat ku nne many bokis Ne noon sunner saued  ne sadder of bileue Þan plowmen & pastouris  & oþ ere comune laboreris Souters & scheepheerdis  & swiche lewid iottes O.10.472: Iottes is a nonce-word, defined conjecturally by the MED as "a person of poor estate" and by Skeat (II, 377) as "peasants, low people, men of small intelligence." Percen wiþ a pater noster O.10.473: A decoration composed of vertical lines and horizontal slashes descends two line spaces from the long <s> in noster .  þe paleys of heuene And passen p urgatorie penaunceles  at her hennys p artynge In -to þe blisse of p aradice  for her pure bileue Þat imp arfiȝtli heer  knewen and eke lyueden Ȝhe . men knowen O.10.477: OC 2 alone have the form knowen; most B manuscripts have knowe. clerkis  þat han cursid þe tyme Þ at eu ere þei couþen O.10.478: OC 2 alone have the form couþen in place of kouþe or omission. on þe book  more þan . Credo in deu m And p rincipali her pat er nost er  many a p ersone haþ wisschid Exemplu m . bonu m . O.10.480: This rubric is divided after Exemplu m , and a red bracket at the left connects the two lines of text. I see ensau mples many O.10.480: OC 2 alone place many before my-selue; all other B manuscripts place it before ere in the b-verse. my -selue  & so mowen oþ ere Þ at s eruauntis þat s eruen lordis  selde falle in areragis But þoo þat kepen þe lordis catel  clerkis & reues Riȝt so lewede men  & of litil knowyng Selde fallen þei so foule  & so fer in synne As clerkis of holi kirke  þat kepen c ristis tresore Þe which is mannys soule to saue  as god seiþ i n þe gospel Ite vos in vineam meam Passus . XI us vndecimus . Þ Anne sc ripture scornede me  & a skil tolde And lakkede me in latyn  & liȝt bi me sette And seyde . Multi multa sciu nt  & seip sos nesciu nt Þoo wepte I for woo  & wraþþe of hir speche And in a wyndynge wraþþe  wexe I a -slepe A m erueylous sweuene  mette I O.11.6: YOC 2 alone include I. me þa nne Þ at I was rauyschid riȝt þ ere  & fortune me fette And in -to þe loond of longyng  alone sche me brouȝte In a myrour þat hyȝte mydleerd  sche made me beholde Siþen sche seyde vnto O.11.10: OC 2 alone have vnto in place of to. me  heer myȝte þ ou see wondres And knowe þat þ ou coueytist  & come þ erto p araunter Þa nne hadde fortune folwynge hir  two fayre damysellis Concupiscencia carnis  men calleden O.11.13: O alone has the form calleden in place of called. þe elder mayde And coueytise of yen  called was þat oþ er Pride of p arfiȝt lyuyng  pursuede hem boþe And bade me for any O.11.16: OC 2F alone have any in place of my. contenau nce  acounte clergye liȝt Concupiscencia carnis  collede me aboute þe nekke And seyde þ ou art ȝonge & ȝeep  & hast ȝeris ynowe For to lyue longe  & ladyes to louye And in þis myrour þ ou myȝte see  myrþes ful many Þat lede þee wolen to likyng  al þi lijf -tyme Þe secounde seyde þe same  I schal sue þi wille Til þ ou be a lord & haue loond  lete þee I nylle Þ at I ne schal folewe þi felawschip  if fortune it like He schal fynde me his freend  quod fortune þ er -after Þe O.11.26: The initial thorn has a rubricated ascender. freek þat folewede my wille  faylede neu ere blisse Þa nne was þ er oon þat hiȝte elde  þat heuy was of chere Man quod he . if I mette O.11.28: The first <t> in mette is superpuncted as well as subpuncted. wiþ þee  bi marie of heuene Þ ou schalt fynde fortune þee fayle  at þi moost nede And co ncupisce ncia carnis  clene þee forsake Bittirlich schalt þ ou banne þa nne  boþe dayes & nyȝtis  Coueytise of ye  þ at eu ere þ ou it knewe And pride of p arfiȝt lyuyng  to myche p erele þee brynge Ȝhe . recche þee neu ere quod recchelesnesse  stode forþ i n raggide cloþis Folewe forþ þat fortune wole  þ ou hast wel far.. O.11.35: A solidus/punctus appears over far and two spaces follow it in which characters have been erased; Kane and Donaldson believe that far has been substituted for faire, the reading of Y. to elde A man may stoupe tyme ynow  wha nne he schal tyne þe crowne Homo p roponit quod a poete  & plato he hyȝte And . deus disponit quod he  latte god do his wille If truþe wole witnesse . it be we wel do  fortune to folwe Co ncupisce ncia carnis  ne coueytise of yen Ne schal not greue þee gretli  ne bigyle þee but þ ou wilt Ȝhe fare -wel phippe quod fauntelte  & forþ gan me drawe Til co ncupisce ncia carnis  acordede alle my werkis Allas ye quod Elde  and holynesse boþe Þ at witt schal turne to wrecchednesse  for wille to haue his likyng Coueytise of yen  counfortede me soone after And folewede me fourti wynter  or fifty or O.11.47: OGC 2 alone have or fifty or; variants include or fifty and (Cr 23YCB) and and a fifte (WHmCr 1LMRF). more Þ at of do -wel . ne do -bette  no deynte me þouȝte I hadde no likyng ne lust O.11.49: OC 2 alone have ne lust; variants include if þe leste (L), if þe lest (M), if þee list (W), ȝif thu list (Hm), if ye list (Cr 1), and ne no luste (Cr 23GYCB).  of hem ouȝt to knowe Coueytise of yen  cam ofter in my mynde Þan do -wel or do -bette  among ys my dedis alle Coueytise of yen  counfortede me ofte And seyde . haue no co ncience  how þ ou come to good Freris Go confesse þee to sum frere  & schewe hym þi synnes For whyles fortune is þi freend  freris wolen þe louye And fecche þee to her frat ernyte  & for þee biseche To her p riour p rouyncial  a p ardou n forto haue And preye for þee pol bi pol  if þ ou be p ecuniosus S et pena p ecuniaria no n sufficit pro sp iritualib us delictis O.11.59: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after pro , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Bi wysschyng of þis wenche I wrouȝte  h er wordis were n so swete Til I forȝate ȝowþe  & ȝerne in -to elde And þa nne was fortune my foo  for al hir fayre biheste And pou erte pursuede me  & putte me lowe Freris And þoo fonde I þe frere a -ferd  & flittynge boþe Aȝens oure first forward  for I seyde I nolde  Be biryed at her hous  but at my p arisch chirche For I herde ones  how concience it tolde Þ at þ ere a man were cristened  bi kynde he schulde be biryed Or where he were p arischen  riȝt þ ere he schulde be grauen O.11.69: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. And for I seyde þus to freris  a fool þei me helden And louede me þe lesse  for my lele speche Freris And ȝit I criede on my co nfessour  þat helde hy mself so kunnynge Bi my feiþ frere quod I  ȝe faren lijk þeise wowers . Ex emplum . Þat wedden no wydewis  but forto welde her goodes Riȝt so bi þe rode  rouȝten O.11.75: OC 2 alone have the form rouȝten in place of rouȝte. ȝe neu ere Where my body were biryed  bi so ȝe hadde þe siluer Ich haue myche m erueyle of ȝow  & so haþ many oþ er Why ȝoure couent coueytiþ  to confesse & to birie Rer þan to baptise barnes  þat been cathecumynys Baptisyng & biryeng  boþe been ful nedeful Ac myche more m erytorie me þinkeþ  is to baptise For a baptised man may  as maystres tellen Þoruȝ contric iou n come  to þe hye heuene Sola cont ric io del et p ecc atum O.11.84: This line is written in the right margin. Ac a barn wiþ -oute n bapteem  may not be saued Nisi q uis renat us fu erit ex aq ua & c etera O.11.86: This line is written in the right margin. Loke ȝe lettred men  wheþ er I lye or not And lewte lokede on me  & I lourede after Wher -fore lourest þ ou quod lewte  & lokede on me harde If I durste quod I among ys men  þeise metelis auowe Ȝhe . bi petir & bi poule quod he  & toke boþe to witnesse Non od eris fr atres secrete i n corde tuo . s et puplice argue illos O.11.92: This line is written in the left margins of ll. 91-94. It is divided after f ratres , corde , and puplice , so that it appears as four lines. Þe i wolen alegge also quod I  & bi O.11.93: The <b> of bi has been altered from another letter. þe gospel preue Nolite iudicar e q uemq uam . O.11.94: This line is written in the right margin. And wher -of s erueþ lawe quod lewte  if no lijf vndir -toke O.11.95: OC 2 alone lack it at the end of this line. A solidus/punctus appears over the line following vndir-toke, followed by a space in which characters have been erased. In the right margin is a caret/punctus and the word it, faintly visible though erased, suggesting that it may originally have appeared at the end of the line and later have been erased in response to a corrector's instruction to delete. Falnesse Fal[s]nesse ne faytrie . for sumwhat  þe apostle seyde Non od eris fr atrem . & i n þe sauter also  seiþ dauid þe p rophete Existi masti iniq ue q uod ero tui similis & c etera It is leueful O.11.99: O alone has the form leueful; most B manuscripts have licitum . for lewide men  to segge þe soþe If hem likeþ or O.11.100: OC 2 alone have or in place of and. liste  iche a lawe it grauntiþ Excep t p ersou ns & preestis  & p relatis of holy chirche It falleþ not for þat folk  no tales to telle Þouȝ þe tale were trewe  & it touchede synne Þing þat al þe werld woot  wherfore schuldist þ ou spare And reden it in rethorik  to arate dedli synne Ac be neu ere -more þe first  þe defaute to blame Þouȝ þ ou see yuel . seye it not first  be sory it nere amendid And O.11.108: OC 2C alone have And; variants include a (GYB), No (WHmCrLMR), and & ony (F). þing þat is pryue  puplice þow it neu ere Neiþ er for loue laude it not  ne lakke it for envie Paru m lauda vitup era p arcius O.11.110: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after vitup era , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. He seiþ soþ quod sc ripture þoo  & skipte on hyȝ & p rechede Ac þe matere þat he meuede  if lewide men it knewe Þe lasse as I leue  louen it þei wolden O.11.113: OC 2 alone have the form wolden in place of wolde. Þis was her teme & her text  I toke ful good heed Multi to a mangerie  & to þe mete weren sumpned And wha nne þe peple was plener comen  þe port er vnpynnede þe gate And plukkide in pauci p riueliche  & lete þe remenau nt go roome Al for tene of her text  tremblede myn herte And in a weer gan I waxe  & wiþ my -self dispute Wheþ er I were chosen or not  on holy chirche I þouȝte Þat vndirfonge me at þe founte  for oon of goddis chosen For crist clepede vs alle  come if we wolden O.11.122: OC 2 alone have the form wolden in place of wolde. Sarasens & scismatikes  & so he dide þe Iues O vos o mnes scicie ntes ve nite & c etera O.11.124: This line is written in the right margin. And bade hem souke for synne  saueli at his brest And drynke bote for bale  broke it who -so myȝte Þa nne mowen alle c risten come quod I  & cleyme þ ere entree Bi þe blood þat he bouȝte vs wiþ  & þoruȝ baptisme after Q ui c redid erit & bap tizat us fu erit & c etera O.11.129: This line is written in the right margin. For þouȝ a c risten man coueytede  his c ristendoom to reneye Riȝtfullich to reneye  no resou n it wolde For may no cherl chartre make  ne his catel selle W-outen leue of his lord  no lawe wole it graunte Ac he may renne i n arerage  & roome so fro home And as a reneyed caytijf  recchelesly aboute Ac resou n schal rekene wiþ hym  & caste hym in arerage And putte hym after in p risou n  in p urgatorie to brenne For his arerage rewarde hym þ ere  to þe day of doom But if cont riciou n wole come  & crie bi his lyue  Mercy for hise mysdedis  wiþ mouþ or wiþ herte Þat is soþ quod sc ripture  may no synne lette  Mercy alle to amende  & mekenesse hir folewe For þei been . as oure bokis tellen  aboue goddis werkis Mi sericordia O.11.144: OC 2 alone among beta witnesses lack eius before super . s uper o mnia op era ei us O.11.144: This line is written in the right margin. Ȝhe . bawe for bokis quod oon  was broken out of helle Hiȝte troian us hadde been a trewe knyȝt  toke witnesse at þe pope Troian us How he was deed & dampned  to dwellen in peyne For an vncristen creature  clerkis witen þe soþe Þ at alle þe clergye vndir crist  myȝte me cracche fro helle But onelich loue & lewte  & my laweful dom us O.11.150: O alone has dom us in place of domes. Gregory wiste þis wel  & wylneþ to my soule  Saluac iou n . for soþnesse  þat he seyȝ in my werkis And after þat he wepte  & wilnede me were g rauntid . no ta . þe ground of trentalis . O.11.154: The rubric is divided after no ta . Grace . wiþ -outen any bede biddyng  his boone loue O.11.154: Because marginal loue is placed directly above boone, and both are accompanied by a solidus/punctus, it seems likely that it is intended as a substitution. Perhaps a gloss, and not substitution, is intended; however, the words do not have the same meaning, and it seems unlikely that the word boone would have been unfamiliar to any reader. was vndirfonge n And I saued as ȝe mowen O.11.155: O alone has the form mowen; most B manuscripts have may. see  wiþ -out syngyng of masses Bi loue & bi lernyng  of my lyuyng in truþe Brouȝte me fro bitter peyne  þ ere no biddyng myȝte Lo ȝe lordis . what lewte dide  bi an emp erour of rome Þat was an vncristen creature  as clerkis fynden in bokis Not þoruȝ p reyer of a pope  but for his pure truþe  Was þat sarasen saued  as seynt gregory bereþ witnesse Wel ouȝten ȝe lordis þat lawes kepen  þis lessou n haue i n mynde And on troian us truþe to þenke  & do truþe to þe peple Exemplu m Roman us O.11.164: This rubric, written in a larger and more formal script than that of the rest of the text, may not be written in the main scribal hand. It is divided after Exemplu m , so that it appears as two lines. Lawe wiþ -outen loue quod troian us  ley þ ere a bene Or any science vndir sunne  þe seuene artis & alle But þei be lerned for oure lordis loue  lost is al þe tyme For no cause to cacche syluer þ erbi  ne to be called a mayst er But al for loue of oure lord  & þe bette to loue þe peple For seynt ion seyde it  & soþe arn hise wordis Q ui no n dilig it manet in morte O.11.170: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after in , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Who -so loueþ not leue me  he lyueþ in deþ -deyinge And þ at alle man ere men  enemyes & frendes  Loue her eyþ erer  & lene hem as hem -seluen Who -so leneþ not he loueþ not  god woot þe soþe And comaundede O.11.175: OC 2RF alone have the preterite form. iche creature  to conforme hym to louye And sou ereynli pore peple  & her enemyes after For hem þat haten vs  is oure m eryte to louye And pore peple to plese  her preyeris mowen vs helpe For oure ioye & oure hele  iesu crist of heuene In a pore ma nnys apparayle  pursueþ vs eu ere And lokiþ on vs in her liknesse  & þ at wiþ loueli chere To knowe vs bi oure kynde herte  & castyng of oure ye Wheþ er we louen O.11.183: OC 2 alone have the form louen in place of loue. þe lordis heer  bifore oure lord of blisse And exciteþ vs bi þe euangelie  þ at wha nne we maken feestis We schulden not clepe oure kyn þ erto  ne no kyn riche Cu m facitis co nuiuia nolite i nuitare a micos O.11.186: This line is written in the left margin opposite ll. 185-188. It is divided after co nuiuia and <a> in amicos , so that it appears as three lines. Ac calleþ þe careful þ erto  þe croked & þe pore For ȝoure frendis wolen fede ȝow  & fonde ȝow to quyte  Ȝoure feestynge & ȝoure fayre ȝiftes  iche freend quyteþ so oþ er Ac for þe pore I schal paye  & pure wel quyte her trauayle Þat ȝyueþ hem mete or money  & loueþ hem for my sake For þe beste been su mme riche  & su mme begg ers & pore For alle arn we cristis creaturis  & of hise coferis riche And breþ eren as of blood  as O.11.194: OC 2F alone lack wel after as. begg ers & O.11.194: OC 2F alone have & in place of as. erles O.11.194: At the bottom right margin of this page, boxed catchwords have been lost to cropping; only the top of the box is visible. For on caluarie of c ristis blood  c ristendom gan sprynge And blody breþ eren we become  þ ere . of oo body wonne As quasi modo geniti  & gentil men ichone Ne O.11.198: OC 2 alone have Ne in place of No. begg er ne boye amonge vs  but if it synne made Q ui fac it p ecc atum s eru us est p ecc ati O.11.199: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after est , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. In þe olde lawe  as holi lettre telliþ Mennys sones  men callede vs ichone Of adamþis adamis issu & eue  ay til god -man deyede And after his resurecciou nredemptor was his name And we hise breþ eren þoruȝ hym bouȝt  boþe riche & pore For -þi . lyue O.11.205: O alone has lyue in place of loue. we as leue breþ eren schul  & iche man lawȝhe on O.11.205: GOC 2F alone have on; most B manuscripts have of. er For O.11.206: OC 2 alone have For in place of And. if þ at iche man may forbere  amende þ ere it nediþ And eu ery man helpe oþ er  for hennes schul we alle Alt er alt eri us on era port ate & c etera O.11.208: This line is written in the right margin. And be we not vnkynde of oure catel  ne of oure ku nny ng neiþ er For noot no man how it is  to be ynome fro boþe For -þi . lakke no lijf oþ er  þouȝ he more latyn knowe Ne vndirnyme not foule  for is noon wiþ -outen faute For what -eu ere clerkis carpen O.11.213: OC 2 alone have the form carpen in place of carpe.  of c ristendom or ellis Crist to a comune wo mman seyde  in comune at a feeste Þ at fides sua schulde sauen hir  & saluen hir of synnes Þa nne is beleue a lele helpe  aboue logyk or lawe Of logyk ne of lawe  in legenda sancto rum Is litil allowaunce maad  but if beleue hem helpe For it is ou erlonge . er logyk  any lessou n assoyle And lawe is loþ to louye  but if he lacche syluer But O.11.221: OC 2 alone have But in place of Boþe. logyk & lawe  þat louen O.11.221: OC 2 alone have the form louen in place of loueþ. not to lye I counceyle alle cristen men  cleue not þ er -on to sore For su mme wordis I fynde writen  weren O.11.223: O alone has weren; most B manuscripts have were. of feiþes techyng That sauede synful men  as seynt Ion bereþ witnesse Ead em me ns ura q ua me nsi fu eritis  remeciet ur vobis O.11.225: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after the caesura, and the second line is preceded by a red parasign. For -þi lerne we þe lawe of loue  as oure lord tauȝte And as seynt gregori seyde  for mennys O.11.227: OC 2 alone have the plural form. soule helþe Meli us e st sc rutari scel era n ostra O.11.228: A double solidus indicates transposition of original n ostra scel era . q uam nat uras reru m O.11.228: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after nat uras , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Why I meue þis mater  is moost for þe pore For in his liknesse . oure lord  ofte haþ been yknowe Witnesse in þe paske weke  wha nne he ȝede to Emaus Cleophas knewe hym not  þ at he crist were For his pore apparayle  & pilg rimes wedis Til he blessede & brake  þe breed . þat þei eten So bi hise werkis þei wisten  þ at he was Iesus Ac bi cloþing þei knewen hym not  ne bi carpyng of tunge And al was in ensau mple  to vs synful heer Þ at we schulden O.11.238: OC 2 alone have the form schulden in place of sholde. be lowe  & louelich of speches O.11.238: YO alone have the plural form. And app arayle vs not proudeli  for pilg rimes arn we alle And in þe app arayle of a pore man  & pilg rimes liknesse Many tyme god haþ been met  amonge nedy peple Þat O.11.242: OC 2 alone have Þat; most B manuscripts have Ther. neu ere segge hym seyȝ  in secte of þe riche pure O.11.243: Because pore is accompanied by a solidus/punctus above, and marginal pure by a caret/punctus, it seems clear that substitution is intended. Seynt ion & oþ er seyntis  weren seyn in pore cloþing And as pore pilg rimes  preyeden mennys goodis Iesu crist on a Iues douȝter aliȝte  gentil wo mman þouȝ sche were O.11.246: A cross about two characters in height appears in the near left margin between this line and the next; the hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty, but resembles hand 3. Was a pure pore mayde  & to a pore man weddid Martha on marie magdalene  an huge pleynt sche made And to oure saueour self  seyde þeise wordis D omine no n e st t ibi c ure q uod soror mea reliq uit me sola m & c etera O.11.249: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after mea , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And hastili god answerede  & eyþeris wille folewede Boþ in marthas & in maries  as matheu bereþ witnesse Ac pou erte god putte bifore  & preysede it þe better Maria opti mam p arte m eleg it que no n auf eret ur ab ea O.11.253: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after que , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And alle þe wise þat eu ere were n O.11.254: OC 2 alone have the form were n in place of were.  bi ouȝt I can aspie Preysen pou erte for best lijf  if pacience it folewe And boþe better & blessider  bi many foold þan richesse And þouȝ it be soure to suffre  þ er comeþ swete after As on a walnote wiþ -outen  is a bitter bark And after þat bitter bark  be þe schelle aweye Is a kirnel of kounfort  kynde to restore So is after pou erte or pacience O.11.261: OC 2 alone have pacience in place of penaunce.  pacientlich ytake For it makiþ man to haue mynde in god  & a greet wille  To wepe & to wel bidde  wher -of wexeþ m ercy O.11.263: OC 2 alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "Of which crist is a kernell to conforte þe soule." And wel sikerer he slepiþ  þe man þat is pore And lasse he drediþ deþ  & in derk to be robbed  Þan he þat is riȝt riche  resou n bereþ witnesse Paup er ego ludo  du m tu diues meditaris O.11.267: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after diues , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And þouȝ salomon seyde  as folk seen in þe bible Di uicias n ec paup ertates & c etera O.11.269: This line is written in the right margin. Wiser þan salomon was  bereþ witnesse & tauȝte Þ at p arfiȝt pou erte was  no possessiou n to haue And lijf moost likyng to god  as luke bereþ witnesse Si vis p erf ect us e sse vade & vende & c etera O.11.273: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after & , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And is to mene to men  þat on þis moold lyuen war munkes & chanou ns O.11.275: This rubric is divided after &, so that it appears as two lines. Who -so wole be pure p arfiȝt  mote possessiou n forsake Or selle it as seiþ þe book  & þe syluer dele To begg ers þat goon & beggen O.11.277: OC 2 alone have the form beggen; all other beta witnesses have begge.  & bidden good for goddisloue goddis loue . no ta . O.11.278: The word no ta is surrounded at left, right, and bottom by flourishes in black and red. For faylede neu ere man mete  þat myȝtful god s eruede No n vidi iustu m de relictu m n ec sem en ei us q uere ns pan em O.11.279: This line, which occurs here only in OC 2, is written in the right margin. It is divided after de relictu m , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. The word no ta is surrounded at left, right, and bottom by flourishes in black and red. This line has occurred previously at 7.98; Kane and Donaldson (221) exclude it as a "contamination," probably inserted from memory. As dauid seiþ in þe sauter  to swiche þat ben in wille  To s erue god goodlich  ne greueþ hym no penaunce Nichil i mpossi bile volenti O.11.282: This line is written in the right margin. Ne lakkeþ neu ere lijflode  lynnen ne wollen Inq uire ntes a utem d ominum non minue nt ur o mni bono . O.11.284: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after mi- in minue nt ur , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Of annueleris p reestis If O.11.285: The <I> in If is decorated with flourishes. preestis weren p arfiȝt  þei wolden no syluer take For masses ne for mateyns  not her mete of vsureris Ne neiþ er kirtel ne kote  þouȝ þei for coold schulden deye And þei her deuer dide as dauid  seiþ . in þe sauter Iudica me d eus  & disc erne ca usam & c etera O.11.289: OC 2 alone have & c etera in place of meam . sp era in deo & c etera O.11.289: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after & c etera , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Spekiþ of preestis  þat han no spendynge syluer Þ at if þei t rauayle trulich  & triste in god almyȝti Hem schulde lakke no lijflode  neiþ er wollen ne lynnen And þe title þei taken ordre bi  telleþ . ȝe been auaunced Þa nne nediþ not ȝow take syluer  for masses þat ȝe syngen For he þat toke ȝow ȝoure title  schulde take ȝow ȝoure wages Of þe bisschop þat blessiþ ȝow  if þ at ȝe been worþi For made neu ere kyng no knyȝt  but he hadde catel to spende As bifel for a knyȝt  or fonde hym for his strenkþe It is a careful knyȝt  & of caytijf kyng ys makyng Þat haþ no loond ne lynage riche  ne good loos of hise handis Þe same I seye for -soþe  bi alle swiche preestis Þat han neiþ er ku nnyng ne kyn  but a crowne oone And a title a tale of nouȝt  to his lijflode at mescheef He haþ more bileue as I O.11.304: The <I> seems to have been written over an anticipated <l> from leue. leue  to lacche þoruȝ his crowne  Cure . þan for ku nnyng or knowyng  for clene of beryng I haue wonder & why  & wherfore þe bisschop Makeþ swiche preestes  þat lewide men bitrayen O.11.307: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this and the preceding line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as failure to alliterate. A chartre is chalengeble  bifore a cheef Iustise If fals latyn be in þat lettre  þe lawe it impugneþ Or peyntid p ar interlynarie  p arcellis ou er -skippid Þe goom þat gloseþ so chartres  for a goky is holden So it is a goky bi god  þat in his gospel fayliþ Or in messe or matyns  makiþ any defaute Q ui offe ndit i n vno i n o mnib us e st reus O.11.314: This line is written in the right margin. And also in þe sauter seiþ  dauid . to ou erskippers Psallite d eo n ostro psallite / q uoniam rex t erre d eus isr ael sallite [p]sallite sapient er Þe bisschop schal be blamed  bifore god as I leue Þat O.11.318: OC 2 alone lack croune(þ)(d) before swiche, and thus lack the first alliterating stave. swiche goddis knyȝtis  þat kunne not sapient er Synge ne salmes rede  ne segge a messe of þe day Ac neu ere neiþ er is blameles  þe bisschop ne þe chapleyn For eu ere eiþ er is enditid  & þat of ignorancia Non excusat ep iscopos  n ec ydiotes preestis Þis lokyng of O.11.323: OGC 2F alone have of in place of on. lewid preestis  haþ doon me lepe fro pou erte Which I preyse þ ere pacience is  more p arfiȝt þan richesse Ac myche more in metyng þus  wiþ me gan oon dispute And slepyng I seyȝ al þis  & siþen cam kynde And nempnede me bi name  & bade me nyme O.11.327: OC 2 alone have the form nyme in place of nymen. heed And þoruȝ þe wondris of þis world  witt for to take And on a mounteyn þat mydleerd hyȝte  as me þoo þouȝte I was fet forþ  bi ensaumples to knowe  Þoruȝ iche a creature & kynde  my creatoure to louye O.11.331: The <o> in louye is written over an illegible character. I seyȝ þe su nne & þe sehe  & þe sond after And where þat briddis & beestis  bi her make ȝeden Wylde wormes in wodis  & wondirful O.11.334: The <u> in wondirful seems to have been written over an <o>. foulis Wiþ flekked feþeris  & of fele colouris Man hadde O.11.336: OC 2 alone have hadde in place of and. his make  I myȝte boþe beholde Pou erte & plente  boþe pees & werre Blisse & Bale  boþe I seyȝ at ones And O.11.339: OC 2F alone lack how before men. men token mede  & mercy refuseden O.11.339: O alone has the form refuseden; all other beta witnesses have refused. Resou n I seyȝ soþeli  suen alle beestis In etyng & drynkyng  & in engendryng of kynde And after cours of concepc iou n  noon toke keep of oþ er And wha nne þei hadden riden in rotey tyme  anoon -riȝt þ erafter Males drowen hem to males  on morwenyng es O.11.344: O alone has on morwenyng es ; variants include all mornynge (Hm), on morninge (Cr 3), on morwnynge (C 2), on mornings (Cr 2), on mournes (G), amornynges (LCr 1), amorwenges (YC), amorwynges (Cot), and amorwenynges (WBmBoMR). bi hem -seluen O.11.344: O alone has the form seluen in place of selue. In O.11.345: OC 2 alone lack introductory And. euenyng es also  þe males fro þe femeles Þere was cow ne cowkynde  þat conceyued hadde Þat wolde belue after boles  ne boor after sowe Boþe hors & houndis  & alle oþ er beestis Medeleden O.11.349: OC 2 alone have the form Medeleden; all other beta witnesses have Medled. not wiþ her makes  þat wiþ foole weren O.11.349: OC 2 alone have þat wiþ foole weren; most B manuscripts have þat wiþ fole were. Briddes I behelde  þat in buskes maden nestis Hadde neu ere wye witt  to worche þe leeste I hadde wondir at whom  & where þe pye lernede  To legge þe stykkes  in whiche he leiþ & brediþ Þ er nys wyȝt O.11.354: OC 2 alone have wyȝt; most B manuscripts have wryȝt. as O.11.354: The <a> in as seems to have been written over an <a>. I wene  schulde wirche hir nest to paye If any masou n made a moold þ erto  myche wondre it were And ȝit me m erueylede more  how many oþ ere briddes  Hidden & hileden  her eyren O.11.357: OC 2 alone have the form eyren in place of egges. ful derne In mareys & mooris  for men schulde hem not fynde And hydden her eggys  wha nne þei þ erfro wenten For feer of oþ ere foulis  & for wylde beestis And su mme troden her makis  & on trees bredden And brouȝten forþ her bryddis so  al aboue þe grounde And su mme briddes at þe bible bile  þoruȝ bredyng O.11.363: OC 2 alone have bredyng in place of breþyng. conceyueden O.11.363: O alone has the form conceyueden in place of conceyued. And su mme kakeleden O.11.364: OC 2 alone have the form kakeleden; most B manuscripts have caukede. I toke keep  how pecokkis bredden Miche m erueylede me  what mayster þei hadden O.11.365: OC 2 alone have the form hadden; most B manuscripts have hadde. And who tauȝte hem on trees  to tymbre so hye Þere O.11.367: The thorn in Þere is decorated with flourishes in red and black. neiþ er barn ne beest may her briddis reche And siþen I lokede on þe sehe  & so on þe sterres Many selkouþis I seyȝ  been not to seye nouþe I seyȝ flouris in þe friþ  & her fayre colouris And how among þe grene gresse  grewe so many hewes And su mme soure & su mme swete  selcouþe me þouȝte Of her kynde & her colour  to carpe . it were to longe Ac þat moost meuede me  & my mood chaungede Þ at resou n rewartdede  & rulede alle beestis Saue man & his make  many tyme & ofte No resou n hem folewede  & þa nne I rebukede  Resou n . & riȝt to O.11.378: An otiose tilde appears above the <t> in to. hym -seluen seyde I haue wondre of þee quod I  þat witty art holden Why þ ou ne sueste man & his make  þ at no mysfayt hym folewe And resou n aratede me  & seyde recche þee neu ere Why I suffre or not suffre  þi -self hast not to done Amende þ ou if þ ou myȝte  for my tyme is to abide Sufferaunce is suereyn v ertu  & of O.11.384: OC 2 alone have of in place of a. swift veniaunce Who suffrede O.11.385: WYOC 2 alone have the preterite form. more þan god q uod he  no goom as I leue He myȝte amende in a mynute whyle  al þat mysstondeþ Ac he suffrede O.11.387: OC 2 alone have the preterite form. for su mme mans good  & so is oure bettre Þe wise & þe witti  wroote þus in þe bible De re q ue te no n molestat noli c ertare O.11.389: This line is written in the right margin. For . be a man fayre or foule  it falleþ not to O.11.390: GOC 2 alone among beta witnesses have to in place of for to. lakke  Þe schappe ne þe schaft  þat god schope hym -seluen O.11.391: O alone has seluen in place of selue. For al þat he dide was wel do  as holi writ witnessiþ Et vid it d eus cu ncta q ue fec erat & era nt valde bona . . O.11.393: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after fec erat , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And bade eu ery c reature  i n his kynde encrece Al to myrþe wiþ . man  þat moost woo þolieþ O.11.395: OC 2RF alone have wo þolieþ most B manuscripts have wo þolie. These scribes seem to have understood moost as a superlative, where others interpreted it as a modal. In fondyng of þe flesch  & of þe feend boþe For man was maad of swych a mateer  he may not wel ast erte O.11.397: The word asterte was rewritten in the right margin, apparently because the er suspension in the first occurrence was misplaced and smudged. Þ at ne su m -tyme hym bitid  to folewe his kynde Catou n acordeþ herwiþ O.11.399: OC 2 alone have herwiþ; most B manuscripts have þerwiþ. nemo sine c rimi ne viuit Þoo cauȝte I colour anoon  & comsede to be a -schamed And I O.11.401: YOC 2F alone include I. awakede þ er -wiþ  woo was me þa nne . Þ at I in metels ne myȝte  mor e haue I -knowen Þa nne seyde I to myself  & chidde þat tyme Now I woot what do -wel is quod I  bi dere god as me þinkeþ And as I caste vp myne yen  oon lokede on me & axede  Of me . what þing it were  I -wisse sire I seyde To see myche & suffre more  c ertis quod I is do -wel Haddist þ ou suffred . he seyde  slepynge þoo þou were Þou schuldist haue yknowe þat clergie can  & co nceyued more þoruȝ resou n For resou n wolde haue reherced þee  riȝt as clergie seyde And for þin ent remetyng heer  art þ ou forsaken Philosoph us e sses si tacuisses O.11.412: This line is written in the right margin. Adam whylis he spake nouȝt  hadde p aradijs at wille Ac wha nne he mamelede aboute mete  & ent remette hy m to knowe  Þe wisdam of þe witt of god  he was put fro blisse And riȝt so ferde resou n bi þee  þ ou wiþ rude speche Lakkedist & losedest þing  þat longede not to done Þoo hadde he no lykyng  for to lerne þee more Pride now & p resu mpsiou n  p araunt er wolen þee appele Þ at clergie þi companye  ne kepeþ not to sue Schal neu ere chalengyng ne chydyng  chastise O.11.420: HmOC 2F alone have chastyse; most B manuscripts have chaste. a man so soone As O.11.421: HmOC 2 alone lack shal before schame. schame & schenden hym & schape hym to amende For latte a drunken daffe  in a diche falle Latte hym ligge loke not on hym  til hym liste to rise For þouȝ resou n rebukede hy m þa nne  it were but pure synne And wha nne nede nymeþ hym vp  for doute lest he sterue And schame schrapiþ hise cloþis  & hise schyns wasschiþ Þa nne woot þe drunkun daffe  wherfore he is to blame Ȝe seggen soþ quod I  ich haue yseyn it ofte Þ er smyt no þing so sm erte  ne smelleþ so soure As schame þ ere he schewiþ hy m  for eu ery man hym schonyeþ Why ȝe wissen O.11.432: OC 2 alone have ȝ wissen in place of ye wisse. me þ us quod I . was  for I rebukede resou n Certis quod he þat is soþ  & schope hym for to walke And I a -roos vp riȝt wiþ þat  & folewede hym after And p reyede hym of his curtesie  to telle me his name Passus duodecim us O.12.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears as two lines. I Am ymagyntijf ymagyn[a]tijf quod he  idel was I neu ere Þouȝ I sitte bi myself  in seeknesse & in helþe I haue folewed þee in feiþ  þis fyue & fourty wynter And many tymes haue meued þee  to þenke on þin ende And how fele ferneȝeris arn faren  & so fewe to come And of þi wylde wantounesse  þoo þ ou ȝonge were To amende it in þi mydel age  lest . myȝt þee fayle  In þin olde elde  þat yuele can suffre  Pou erte or penaunce  or p reyeris bidde Si no n i n p rima vigilia n ec i n s ec unda O.12.10: This line is written in the right margin. Amende þee whyle þ ou myȝte  þ ou hast been warned ofte Wiþ poustees of pestelences  wiþ pou erte & wiþ angres And wiþ þeise bittir baleyses  god beteþ hise dere children Q uem diligo castigo O.12.14: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after diligo , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And dauid in þe sauter seiþ  of swiche þat loue n Iesus v irga tua & bacul us tu us ip sa me consolata su nt / O.12.16: This line is set in slightly from the left margin and preceded by a red parasign with a trailing descender. Al -þouȝ þ ou strike me wiþ þi staf  wiþ stikke oþ er O.12.17: YOC 2C alone lack wiþ before ȝerde. ȝerde It is but myrþe as for me  to amende my soule And þ ou medelest þee wiþ maystries  & myȝtist go seye þi sauter And bidde for hem þat ȝyuen þee breed  for þ er been bokes  O.12.20: OC 2 alone lack some form of ynowe at the end of this line. To telle me . what do -wel is  do -bette & do -best boþe And p rechouris to p reue what it is  of many a peyre freris I seyȝ wel . he seyde me soþ  & su m -what me to excuse  Seyde . catou n counfortede his sone  þ at clerk þouȝ he were To solacen hy m su m -tyme  as I do wha nne I make Int erpone tuis i nt erdu m gaudia curis . O.12.26: This line is written in the right margin. And of holy men I herde quod I  how þei oþ erwyle  Pleyeden . þe p arfiter  to be in many places Ac if þer were any wyȝt  þat wolde me telle What were do -wel & do -bette  & do -best at þe last Wolde I neu ere do werk  but wende to holy chyrche And þ ere bidde my bedis  but wha nne ich eete or sleepe Poule in his pistle quod he  p reueþ what is do -wel Fides . spes . caritas & maior ho rum & c etera O.12.34: This line is written in the right margin. Feiþ hope & charite  & alle been goode And sauen men sundri tymes  ac noon so soone as charite For he doþ wel wiþ -outen doute  þat dooþ as lewte techiþ Þat is if þ ou be man maried  þi make þ ou louye And lyue forþ as lawe wole  whyle ȝe lyuen heer Riȝt so if þ ou be religious  renne þ ou neu ere ferþer To rome ne to rochemadour  but as þi rule techeþ And holde þee vndir obedience  þat hye weye is to heuene And if þ ou be mayden to marien O.12.43: OC 2 alone have the form marien in place of marye or omission.  & myȝte wel contene O.12.43: OC 2 alone have contene in place of continue. Seke þ ou neu ere seynt ferþ er  for no soule helþe For what made lucifer  to lese his O.12.45: OC 2 alone have his in place of þe. hye heuene Or salomon his sapience  or sampson his strenkþe Iob þe Iue his ioye  dere it he O.12.47: OC 2 alone have dere it he; variants include dere he (B), dere ytt (G), dere he it (HmCrYLMR), ful deere (W), and deere (F). abouȝte Aristotle & oþ ere moo  ypocras & virgile Alexandre þat al wan  elengeli endeden O.12.49: O alone has the form endeden; most B manuscripts have ended. Catel & kynde witt  was combraunce to hem alle Felice hir fayrenesse  fel hir al to sclau ndre And rosamound riȝt so  rufulli bisette  Þe bewtee of hir body  in badnesse sche dispendide Of many swiche I myȝte rede  of men & of wo mmen Þat wise wordis kun seye  & wirche þe co nt rarie Su nt ho mi nes neq uam de v irtute b en e loquentes O.12.56: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after b en e , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And riche renkes riȝt so  gaderen & sparen And þoo men þat þei moost haten  mynystren it at þe laste And for þei suffren & seen  so many nedy folkes And louen hem not as god bit  lesen her soulis Date & dabit ur vob is & c etera O.12.61: This line is written in the right margin. And richesse riȝt so  but if þe rote be trewe Ac grace is is a grasse þerof  þe greuaunce to abate Ac grace ne growiþ not  but among þe O.12.64: OC 2 alone have among þe in place of amonges. lowe Pacience & pou erte  þe place is þ ere it groweþ And in lele lyuynge men  & in lijf -holy And þoruȝ þe gyfte of þe holy goost  as þe gospel telleþ Sp iritus v bi vult spirat O.12.68: This line is written in the right margin. Clergye & kynde witt  comeþ of siȝt & techyng As þe book bereþ witnesse  to barnes þat kun rede Quod scim us loq uim ur q uod vidim us testam ur O.12.71: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after q uod , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Of quod scim us . comeþ clergie  & kunnyng of heuene O.12.73: OC 2 alone lack introductory And. Of quod vidim us comeþ kynde witt  of siȝt of dyu erse peple And grace is a gyft of god  & of greet loue spryngeþ Knewe neu ere klerk how it komeþ forþ  þe O.12.75: OC 2 alone have þe; most B manuscripts have ne. kynde witt þe weyes Nescit aliq uis vnde venit aut quo vadit & c etera Ac ȝit is clergie to co mmende  & kynde witt boþe And nameli clergie for c ristis loue  þat of clergie is rote For Moyses witnesseþ þat god wroote  for to wisse þe peple In þe olde lawe as þe lettre telleþ  þat was þe lawe of Iues Þ at what wo mman were in auoutrie taken  riche oþ er pore Wiþ stoones men schulde n hir strike  & stonye hir to deþe A wo mman as we fynden  was gylti of þat dede Ac c rist of his curtesye  þoruȝ clergie hir sauede For þoruȝ carectis þat crist wrouȝte  þe Iues knewen he m -selue Gyltier as a -fore god  & in gretter O.12.86: OC 2 alone transpose gretter in. synne  Þan þe wo mman þat þ ere was  & wente awey for schame Þe clergie þat þ ere was  counfortede þe wo mman Holy kirke knowiþ þis  þ at c ristis writyng sauede So clergie is counfort  to creaturis þat repenten And to mansede men  mescheef at her ende For goddis body myȝte not be  of breed . wiþ -out clergie Þe which body is boþe  bote to þe riȝtful And deþ & dampnac iou n  to hem þat dyen yuele As c ristes carectes counfortede n O.12.95: O alone has the form counfortede n ; most B manuscripts have confortede.  & boþe coupable scheweden O.12.95: O alone has the form scheweden; most B manuscripts have shewed. Þe wo mman þat þe Iues brouȝten O.12.96: OC 2 alone have the form brouȝten; all other beta witnesses have brouȝte.  þat Iesus þouȝte to saue Nolite iudicar e & no n iudicabimi ni O.12.97: This line is written in the left margin of ll. 98-99; it is divided after iudicar e , so that it appears as two lines. The word iudicabimi ni is underlined twice. Riȝt so goddis body breþ eren  but it be worþili taken Da mpneþ vs at þe day of doom  as þe carectes dide n þe Iues For -þi I cou nceyle þee for c ristis sake  clergie to louye For kynde witt is of his kyn  & nyȝ cosyns boþe  To oure lord leue me  for -þi loue hem I rede For boþe been as myrouris  to amende oure defautes And leders for lewede men  & for lettered boþe For -þi . lakke þ ou neu ere logyk  lawe ne his customes Ne counterplede clerkis  I counceyle þee for eu ere For as a man may not see  þat mysseþ hise yen No more can a O.12.108: GOC 2 alone have a in place of no. clerk but if he cacche O.12.108: OC 2F alone have cacche in place of cauȝte. it  first þoruȝ bokis Al -þouȝ men maden bokes  god was þe mayster And seynt spirit his sau mplarie  & seyde . what man O.12.110: OC 2RF alone have the singular form. schulde write And riȝt as siȝt s erueþ a man  to see þe hye strete Riȝt so lediþ lettrure  lewide men to resou n And as a blynde man in batayle  bereþ wepene to fyȝte And haþ noon hap wiþ his ax  hise enemyes O.12.114: OC 2 alone have the plural form. to hitte No more can a kynde -wittid man  but if clerkis hym teche  Come . for al his kynde witt  to c ristendom and be saued Which is þe cofre of c ristis tresore  & clerkis kepen þe keyes To vnloken it at her lykyng  & to þe lewede peple  Ȝeue m ercy . for her mysdedis  if men it wole aske  Buxu mlich & benynglich  & bidden it of grace Archa dei in þe olde lawe  leuytes it kepten Hadde neu ere lewed man leue  to legge hoond on þe cheste But he were preest or p reest es sone  patriark or p rophete For clergie is keper  vndir crist of heuene Was þ er neu ere no knyȝt  but clergie hym made Ac kynde witt comeþ  of alle kyns siȝtis Of briddis O.12.127: OC 2 alone lack and before of beestis. of beestis of taastes  of truþe & of deceytis Lyuyers to -forn vs  vseden to marke Þe selcouþe þat þei seyȝen  her sones for to teche And helde it an hye science  her wittes to knowe Ac þoruȝ her science soþeli  was neu ere soule saued Ne brouȝt bi her bokes  to blisse ne to ioye For al her kynde knowyng come  but of dyu erse siȝtis Pat riarkes & p rophetes  repreuede n her science And seyden her wordis ne her wisdomes  nas but a folye As to þe clergie of crist  counted but a trifule Sap iencia h ui us m undi stult itia ap ud d eum O.12.137: This line is written in the right margin. For þe hye holy goost  heuene schal to -cleue  And loue schal lepe out after  in -to his O.12.139: OC 2 alone have his; most B manuscripts have þis. lowe erþe And clennesse schal cacchen it  & clerkis schul it fynde Pastores loq ueba nt ur ad i nuice m O.12.141: This line is written in the right margin. He spekeþ þ ere . of riche men nouȝt  ne of riȝt witty Ne of lordis þat were n O.12.143: OC 2 alone have the form weren in place of were. lewede men  but of þe hyest lettred oute Iba nt magy ab oriente O.12.144: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after ab , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. I f any frere were founden þ ere  I ȝyue þe fyue schillyngys Ne in no begg ers cote  was þat barne born But in a burgeyces place  of bedlem þe beste S et no n erat loc us i n diu ersorio & paup er no n h abet diu ersoriu m O.12.148: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after & , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. To pastouris & to poietes O.12.149: A solidus/punctus appears over the first <e> in poietes, indicating an intended correction, although poietes is not apparently incorrect. Perhaps deletion of the <i> is intended. Hm alone has a different reading, pore men.  apperede þe aungel And bade hem go to bedlem  goddis birþe to honoure And sungen a song of solace  gl oria in excelcsis deo Clerkis knewen it wel  & comen wiþ her p resentes And diden her homage honourabli  to hy m þat was almyȝti And goddis sone þat sittiþ in heuene  & schal saue vs alle O.12.154: Kane and Donaldson (223) exclude this line, which occurs only in GYOC 2CB, on the grounds that it is scribal. Why I haue told þee al þis  I toke ful good heed How þ ou contrariest clergie  wiþ crabbede wordis How þ at lewede men liȝtliker  þan lettred weren saued Þan clerkis or kynde -wittid men  of cristen peple And þ ou seydist soþ of su m  ac se ȝit in what man ere Take two stronge men  & in tamise hem caste O.12.160: OC 2F alone transpose cast hem. And boþe nakide as a nedele  arn O.12.161: O alone has arn; variants include er (YC), ar (C 2), þat (B), ther (Cr), hir, and omission. noon sikerer þan oþ er Þat oon haþ ku nnyng  & kan swymme & dyue Þat þ er is lewed of þat labour  lernede neu ere to symme s[w]ymme Which trowist þ ou of þe O.12.164: OC 2 alone have the definite article; variants include those (Cr), þes (G), this (Y), hem (CBF), and þo (WHmLMR). two  in temise is in moost drede He þat neu ere ne dyvede  ne nouȝt can of swymmyng Or þe swymmer þat is saaf  bi so . hym -self lyke Þere his felaw flet forþ  as þe flood likeþ And is in drede to drenche  þat neu ere dide swymme Þat swymme can not I seyde  It semeþ to my wittis Riȝt so quod þe renke  resou n it schewiþ Þ at he þat knowiþ clergie  can sonner arise  Out of synne & be saaf  þouȝ he synne ofte If hym likeþ & liste  þan any lewed lely For if þe clerk be ku nnyng  he knowiþ what is synne And how contric iou n wiþ -out co nfessiou n  cou nfortiþ þe soule And þ ou seest in þi sauter  in salmes oon or tweyne How co ntric iou n is co mmendid  for it caccheþ awey synne Beati q uorum remisse su nt i niq uitates & q uorum tect a & c etera O.12.178: This line is written in the left margin of ll. 178-179. It is divided after su nt , so that it appears as two lines. And þis cou nfortiþ iche a clerk  & keu ereþ hy m fro wanhope In which flood þe feend  fondeþ a man hardest Þere þe lewed lijþ stille  & lokeþ after lenten And haþ no co ntric iou n er he come to schrift  & þa nne can he litil telle And as his loresman lereþ hym  bileueþ & trowiþ And þat is after p ersou n or p arischp reest  & p arauenture he  O.12.184: OCr 23C 2 alone include he. Vnku nnynge te t[o] O.12.185: Although the MED lists te as a variant of to, it is not the scribe's usual form of the word, nor is it attested by other manuscripts; it is thus probably unintended. lere lewede men  as luke bereþ witnesse Du m cec us duc it cecu m Ambo in fouea m O.12.186: OC 2 alone include the last three words of this quotation from Matthew 15:14. & c etera O.12.186: This line is written in the left margin of ll. 187-188. It is divided after cecu m , so that it appears as two lines. Woo was hym marked þat  wade mote wiþ þe lewede Wel may þe barn blesse  þat hym to book sette Þat lyuynge after lettrure  sauede hym lijf and soule D omin us pars h ereditatis mee & c etera  is a myrie verset Þat haþ taken fro tybo urne  twenty stronge þeues Þ ere lewed þeues been lolled vp  loke how þei been saued Þe þeef þat hadde grace of god  on good fryday as ȝe O.12.193: OC 2 alone have the plural form; all other beta witnesses have þow. speken O.12.193: OC 2 alone have the form speken; variants include speke (YBLMRF), spake (CrGC), and spekest (WHm). Was . for he ȝalte hy m creaunt to c rist  on O.12.194: OC 2 alone among beta witnesses lack an article before crosse. crosse & knewe hy m gylti And g race axede of god  & he is eu ere redy Þat buxu mli bidde n it & been  in wille to amenden hem And þouȝ þat þeef hadde heuene  he hadde noon hye blisse O.12.197: Two crosses, about two lines in height and apparently by hand 2, appear in the right margin of this line. As seynt Ion & oþ ere seyntis  þat deserued hadde n O.12.198: O alone has the form hadde n ; most B manuscripts have hadde. better Riȝt as su mme men ȝyuen me mete  & setten me amydde þe flore Ich haue me te more þan ynow  ac not so myche worschip  As þoo þat sitten at þe table  or wiþ sou ereyns of þe halle But sitte as begg ers bordles  bi my -self on þe ground So it fareþ bi þat felou n  þat on good friday was saued He sittiþ neiþ er bi seyn seyn[t] Ion  symond ne Iude Ne wiþ maydenes ne martires  co nfessoures ne wydewes But bi hy mself as a soleyn  & s erued on þe erþe For he þat is ones a þeef  is eu ere -more in daunger And as lawe likeþ  to lyue or to dye De p ecc ato p ropiciato  noli e sse s in e metu O.12.209: This line is written in the right margin, followed by a cc parasign apparently in hand 2. And for to s erue a seynt  & swich a þeef to -gyderes It were neiþ er resou n ne riȝt  to rewarde he m boþe yliche And riȝt as troian us þe trewe knyȝt  tilte O.12.212: OC 2 alone have the form tilte; most B manuscripts have tilde. not depe in helle O.12.212: Two crosses about two lines in height, apparently in hand 2, appear in the right margin; to their right, in the extreme right margin, appears a cross composed of dots with red flourishes radiating from them, probably in the main scribal hand. Þ at oure lord ne hadde hym liȝtlich out . so leue I  þe þeef be i n heuene For he is in þe lowest heuene  if oure beleue be trewe And wel loselich he lolleþ þ ere  bi þe lawe of holy chirche Q uia redd it vnic ui que iux ta op era sua O.12.216: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after op era , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And why . þat oo þeef on þe crosse  creaunt hym ȝelte  Rer þan þ at oþer þeef  þouȝ þ ou wolde appose Alle þe clerkis vndir crist  ne couþe þe skyle assoyle Q uare placu it  q uia voluit . O.12.220: This line is written in the right margin. And so I seye bi þee  þat sekest after þe whyes And aresou ndest resou n  a rebukyng as it were And of þe floures in þe friþ  & of her fayre hues Wher -of þei cacchen her colouris  so clere & so bryȝt And willest . of briddis & beestis  & of her bredyng knowe Why su mme been a -lowe & su mme a -loft  þi likyng it were And of þe stones & of þe sterres  þ ou studiest as I leue How -eu ere beeste or brid  haþ so breme wittis Clergie ne kynde witt  ne knewe neu ere þe cause Ac kynde knowiþ þe cause hym -self  & no creature ellis H e is þe pies patrou n  & putteþ in hir ere Þ at O.12.232: The ascender of thorn in Þ at is decorated with a small spray in red. þ ere þe þorn is þikkest  to bylden & brede And kynde kenneþ þe pocok  to kauken in swich a kynde And kennede adam to knowe  hise pryue membris And tauȝte hym & eue  to hilen hem wiþ leeues Lewede me n many tymes  maystres apposen Why adam hilede not first  his mouþ þat eete þe appel Rer þan his likh am a -low  lewede axen þus clerkis Kynde knoweþ why . he dide so  & no clerk ellis Ac of briddes & of beestis  men bi olde tyme Ensau mples token & t ermes  as tellen þe poetes And þ at þe fayrest foul  foulest engendriþ And feblest foul of fliȝt is  þat flyeþ or swymmeþ And þat is þe pocok & O.12.244: OC 2 alone lack the definite article before pohenne. pohenne  proude riche me n þei betoknen For þe pocok . & men p ursuen hym  may not flye hye For þe traylyng of his tayl  ou er -taken is he soone And his flesch is foule flesch  & hise feet boþe And vnlouelich on O.12.248: OC 2 alone have on in place of of. ledne  & layþ for to here Riȝt so þe riche  if he his richesse kepe And deleþ it not til his deþ -day  þe tayl of al sorwe Riȝt as þe pennys of þe pocok  peyneþ hy m in his fliȝt So is possessiou n peyne  of pens & of nobles  To alle hem þat it holden  til her tayl be plukked And þouȝ þe riche repente hy m O.12.254: OC 2 alone include hym. þa nne  & birewe þe tyme  Þ at eu ere he gaderede so grete  & gaf þ erof so litil Þouȝ he crie to c rist þa nne  wiþ kene wille . I leue His leden is in oure lordis ere  yliche O.12.257: OC 2 alone have yliche; all other beta witnesses have lik. a pies And wha nne his careyn schal come  i n caue to be biried I leue it flawme ful foule  þe folde al aboute And al þe erþe O.12.260: A solidus/punctus appears above erþe, indicating deletion; a word has apparently been substituted in the left margin, of which only one character, perhaps <d>, remains uncropped. OC 2 alone have erþe; most B manuscripts have oþere. þ ere it lijþ  enuenemyþ þoruȝ his attir Bi þe poo feet is vnderstonden  as I lernede in auynet  Exsecuto urs false frendis  þat fulfille n not his wille  Þat was writen . & þei witnesse  to wirche as it wolde Þus þe poete p reueþ þe pocok  for hise feþeris is reu erencid Riȝt so is þe riche  bi resou n of hise goodes Þe lark þat is a lasse foul  is more louelich of leddene And wel awey of weenge  swifter þan þe pocok And of flesch bi fele folde  fatter & swetter To lowe libbynge men  þe lark is resembled Aristotle þe greet clerk  swiche tales telleþ Þus he lykneþ in his logyk  þe leeste foul oute And wher he be saaf or not  þe soþe woot þe O.12.272: GOC 2 alone have þe in place of no. clergie Ne of sortes ne salomon  no sc ripture can telle Ac god is so good I hope  þ at siþ he gaf hem wittis  To wissen vs weyes þ er -wiþ  þat wissen vs to be saued O.12.275: Two crosses about two lines in height appear in the right margin, probably by hand 2. They may have been intended to point out the defectiveness of the line. And þe better for her bokes  to bidden we been holden Þ at god of his grace  gyue her soulis reste For lettred men were n lewede ȝit  ner lore of her bokes Alle þeise clerkis quod I þoo  þat on crist leuen Seggen in her s ermou ns  þ at no sarasens ne Iues Ne no c reature of c ristes liknesse  wiþ -outen c ristendom worþ saued Cont ra quod ymagynatijf þoo  & comsede for to loure And seyde saluabit ur vix iust us  in die iudicij . Ergo saluabit ur quod he  & seyde no more latyn O.12.284: Two crosses about two lines in height appear in the margin, probably by hand 2. Troian us was a trewe knyȝt  & toke neu ere c ristendom And he is O.12.286: OC 2 alone lack saaf before as; C 2 has seiþ, O nothing at all. These manuscripts thus lack the first alliterating stave. as seiþ þe book  & his soule in heuene For þ er is fullyng in O.12.287: Cr 23OC 2 alone among beta witnesses have in in place of of. founte  & fullyng in blood schedyng And þoruȝ fijr is fullyng  & þat is ferme beleue Aduen it ignis di uin us no n combure ns s et ill uminans . O.12.289: This line is written in the right margin. Ac truþe þat trespassede neu ere  ne trauersede aȝens his lawe But lyueþ as his lawe techeþ  & leueþ þ er be no better O.12.291: Two crosses about two lines in height appear in the right margin, probably by hand 2. And if þ er were he wolde amende  & in swich wille deyeþ Ne wolde neu ere trewe god  but truþe were alowed And were it worþ or not  þe beleue is greet of truþe And an hope hangynge þ er -Inne  to haue mede for his truþe Q uia d eus d icitur q uasi dans vita m et erna m suis hoc e st fidelib us . Et alibi / Si ambulau ero i n medio vmbre mortis & c etera O.12.296: This line begins in the right margin of l. 295, breaks after vita m , and wraps around to occupy the next full line space. Þe glose g raunteþ vp -on þat vers  a greet mede to truþe And witt & wisdam quod þat wye  was su m -tyme tresore  To kepe wiþ a comune  no catel was holden better And myche myrþe & manhood  & riȝt wiþ þat he vanyschede Passus t ertiodecim us O.13.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears on two lines. a A Nd I wakede O.13.1: OC 2 alone have the form wakede in place of awaked. þ er -wiþ  witles neer -hande And as a freek þat fre were  forþ gan I walke In man ere of a mendynaunt  many ȝeer after And of þis metyng many tyme  myche þouȝt Ich hadde First how fortune me faylede  at my moost nede And how þ at eelde manacede me  we myȝten neu ere O.13.6: O alone has we myȝten neu ere ; most B manuscripts have myȝte we euere. mete Freris And how þ at freris foleweden  folk þat weren riche And folk þat weren pore  at litil price þei setten And no coors in her kirk -ȝerd  ne in her kirke was biried But quyk he bequeþe hem ouȝt  or schulde helpe quyte her dettis Curatis And how coueytise ou ercome  clerkis & preestes And how þ at lewed men been lad  but oure lord hem helpe Þoruȝ O.13.13: The ascender of the thorn in Þoruȝ is decorated with a small spray in red. vnku nnynge curatouris  to incurable peynes And how þ at ymagynatyf  in dremeles me tolde Of kynde & of ku nnyng  & how curteys he is to beestis And how louynge he is to beestis  on loond & on water Leneþ he no lijf  lasse ne more Þe creatures þat crepen  of kynde been engendrid And how ymagynatyf seyde  vix saluabit ur iust us O.13.19: Two crosses, about two lines in height, appear in the right margin, probably in hand 2. They may have been intended to point to the faulty alliteration of l. 19. And wha nne he hadde seyd so  how sodeynlich he passede I lay dou n longe in þis þouȝt  and at þe last I slepte And as c rist wolde þ er come co nscience  to cou nforte me þat tyme And bade O.13.23: Cr 1OC 2 alone lack me before come. come to his court  wiþ clergie schulde I dyne And for co ncience of clergie spake  I come wel þe raþ er And þ ere I seyȝ a mayster  what man he was I nyste  Þat lowe loutede and  louelich to scripture Concience knewe hy m wel  & welcomede hym fayre Þei wasscheden & wypeden  & wente to dyner Ac pacience in þe paleys  stode in pilg rimes cloþis And preyede mete p ar O.13.30: WYGO alone have p ar ; variants include pur (BF), por (C 2), and for (HmCrCLMR). charite  for a pore heremyte Concience callede hym In  & curteyslich seyde Welcome wye . go & wasche  þ ou schalt sitte soone Þis mayst er was maad sitte  & for þe moost worþi Þa nne clergie & concience  & pacience cam after Pacience and I  weren put to be macches And sitte O.13.36: OC 2 alone have the form sitte; most B manuscripts have seten. bi oure -selue  at a syde -boord Concience callede after mete  & þa nne cam sc ripture And s eruede he m þus soone  of sundry metes many Of austyn of ambrose  of alle þe foure euangelistes Ede ntes & bibe ntes q ue ap ud eos su nt O.13.40: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after q ue , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Ac þis mayst er ne his man  no man ere flesch eeten Ac þei eeten mete of more cost  mortrewes & potages Of þat men myswonnen  þei maden hem wel at ese Ac her sauce was eu ere soure  & vnsauery O.13.44: YOC 2 alone have vnsauery in place of vnsauourly. ygrounden O.13.44: OC 2 alone have the form ygrounden; most B manuscripts have grounde. In a morter post mortem  of many bitter peynes But if þei synge for þe soulis  & wepe salte teres vos q ui p ecc ata ho minu m comeditis n isi p ro eis lac rimas & o raciones effud erit is  ea q ue i n delicijs comedit is i n tome nt is to[r]me nt is euometis O.13.46: This line begins in the right margin of l. 46, breaks after ho minu m , and wraps around to occupy the next full line space, breaking again after to[r]me nt is and ending in the right margin of l. 48. A red parasign precedes euometis . Concience curteyslich þoo  comau nded sc ripture  Bifore pacience breed to brynge  & me . þat was his make He sette a soure loof to -fore vs . & seyde  agite penitencia m And siþen he drowe vs drynk  diu p erseuerans As longe quod he O.13.52: OC 2RF alone have he; most B manuscripts have I. as I lyue  & likham may dure Heer is p ropre seruyse quod pacience  þ er fareþ no prynce better And þa nne he brouȝte forþ oþ er mete  of miserere mei deus And of beati quo rum  of beatus vir makyng Et quo rum tecta sunt  peccata . in a dische Of derne schrifte dixi  and confitebor tibi Brynge pacience su m pitaunce O.13.58: OC 2 alone lack priueliche before quod, and thus lack the third alliterating stave.  quod concience And þa nne come to pacience  a pitaunce ybrouȝt Of p ro hac orabit ad te o mnis s anc tus  in te mp ore op ortuno And concience cou nfortede vs  & carpede vs myry wordis O.13.61: OC 2 alone have wordis in place of tales. Cor cont ritu m & hu miliatu m de us no n despicies O.13.62: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after de us , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Pacience was proud  of þat p ropre seruyse And made hym myrþe wiþ his mete  ac I mornede eu ere For þis docto ur on þe hye deys  dranke wiyn so faste Ve vob is q ui pote ntes estis ad bibend um vinu m O.13.66: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after ad , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. He eete many sundry metes  mortrewes & puddyng es Wombe cloutis & wylde brawn  & egges fryed wiþ grece Þa nne seyde I to my -self  so pacience it herde Freris It is not foure dayes þ at þis freek  bifore þe deen of poulis Prechede of penaunces  þat poule þe apostle suffrede In fame & frigore  & flappes of scourges Ter ces us su m & a Iudeis q uinq uies q uatrag enas O.13.73: This line is written in the right margin. Ac oo word þei ou erhippen  at iche tyme þat þei p rechen Þat poule in his epistle O.13.75: O alone has the form epistle in place of pistle.  to O.13.75: OC 2F alone lack al before þe peple. þe peple tolde P eric ul um e st O.13.76: OR alone lack in before falsis . falsis fr atrib us no ta O.13.76: This line is written in the right margin. The word no ta is accompanied by red and black flourishes at left, right, and bottom. Holy writ bit men . be war  I wole not write it heer  On englich . an aunter it schulde  be reherced to ofte And greue þ er -wiþ þat good been  ac g ramariens schul rede . no ta . O.13.80: A red flourish appears beneath the word no ta . Vnusq uis que a fr atre se custodiat O.13.80: A double solidus above each word indicates transposition of original custodiat se . C 2 alone shares the uncorrected order. q uia vt d icitur . p eric ul um e st in falsis fr atrib us Ac I wiste neu ere freek . þat as a frere ȝede  bifore me n . on englisch  Take it for her teme  & telle it wiþ -oute glosyng Þei p rechen þ at penaunce is  p rofitable to þe soule And what mescheef or malese  c rist for man þolede Ac þi s goddis glotou n quod I  wiþ hise grete chekis Haþ no pite on vs pore men  he p arforneþ yuele  Þat he precheþ . he preueþ not  to pacience I tolde And wisschede wittirli  wiþ wille ful egre Þ at dissches & doubleris  bifore þis ilke doctour  Were molten leed in his mawe  & mahou n amyddis I schal iangle to þis iurdan  wiþ his IutteIus te O.13.91: A solidus/punctus over Iutte and another over marginal Ius seem to indicate substitution; however, Ius is a fragment the remainder of which has been lost to cropping. The corrector's intention was apparently to substitute Iuste, the majority reading, for Iutte, a reading shared only by OC 2. Iuste as an adjective is related conjecturally by the MED to the noun of the same form meaning "a vessel with a narrow, long neck and a large bottom"; a juste wombe is thus defined as "a belly as large as the bottom of such a receptacle...." Neither the MED nor Skeat lists iutte as an adjective, although jutt(ei)en appears in the MED as a verb meaning "to project or jut out." wombe To telle men O.13.92: OC 2 alone have men in place of me. what penaunce is  of whych he p rechede raþ er Pacience p arceyuede what I þouȝte  & wynkede on me to be stille And seyde . þ ou schalt see þus soone  wha nne he may no more He schal haue a penaunce i n his paunche  & puffe at iche a word And þa nne schal hise guttes groþele O.13.96: YGOC 2 alone have groþele; variants include gothelyn (Hm), gottilen (Cr), godele (LR), gowle (F), gruwe (B), and goþele (WCM).  & he schal galpen after Docto urs of freris For now he haþ drunken so depe  he wole dyuyne soone And preue it bi her pocalips  & passiou n of seynt auereys O.13.99: In the left margin there appears a cross composed of dots with smaller dots and rays, both in red, interspersed; like other, similar designs in this manuscript, it is apparently in the main scribal hand. Þ at neiþ er bakou n ne brawn  blankmanger ne mortrewes Is neiþ er fisch ne flesch  but fode for a penaunce And þa nne schal he testifie of a t rinyte  & take hise felawes to witnesse What he fonde in a frayel  after freris lyuyng And but if þe first leef O.13.103: OC 2Cot alone have leef; variants include leyeffe (G), lif (CBmBo), life (Y), lyue (Cr), lyue (?lyne) (WHmLMR), and lyȝne (F). be leesyng  leue me neu ere after And þa nne is tyme to talke O.13.104: OC 2R alone have talke; all other beta witnesses have take.  & appose þis doctour Of do -wel & do -bette  & if do -best  be any penaunce And I sete stille as pacience seyde  & þus soone þis doctour  As rody as a rose  rubbede hise chekes Cowȝhede & carpede  & concience hym herde And tolde hym of a t rinyte  & toward vs he lokede What is do -wel sire docto ur quod I  is do -wel any penaunce Do -wel quod þis docto ur  & toke þe cuppe & dranke Do noon yuel to þin euene -c risten  not bi þi power Bi þis O.13.113: OC 2 alone lack day before sire, and thus lack the first alliterating stave. sire docto ur quod I þa nne  be ȝe not in do -wel For ȝe O.13.114: OC 2 alone lack han before harmed. harmed vs two  in þat ȝe eete þe puddyng Mortrewis & oþ er mete  & we no mussel hadden O.13.115: OC 2 alone have the form hadden in place of hadde. And if ȝe faren so in ȝoure fermorie  ferli me þinkeþ  But cheste O.13.117: GYOC 2 alone among beta witnesses lack be before þ ere . þ ere charite schulde . be  & childre n durste n O.13.117: OC 2 alone have durste n ; most B manuscripts have dorste. pleyne I wolde p ermute my penaunce wiþ ȝoure  for I am i n poynt to do wel Þa nne concience curteyslich  a countenau nce made And preynte vp -on pacience  to preye me be stille And seide hym -self . sire docto ur  & it be ȝoure wille What is do -wel & do -bette  ȝe dyuynouris knowen Do -wel quod þis docto ur  do as clerkis techen And do -bette is he þat techeþ  & t rauayliþ to teche oþ ere And do -best dooþ hym -self so  as he seiþ & p recheþ Q ui fec erit O.13.126: OC 2 alone have fec erit in place of facit . & docu erit magn us vocabit ur i n reg no ce .. lorum O.13.126: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after magn us , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Now þ ou clergie quod co ncience  carpest what is do -wel I haue seuene sones he seyde  s eruen at a castel Þ ere þe lord of lijf woneþ  to lerne what is do -wel Til I se . þo seuene  & myself acorden I am vnhardy quod he  to any whyȝt to preuen it For oon peers þe plowman  haþ impugned vs alle And sette alle science O.13.133: OC 2R alone have the singular form. at a soppe  saue loue oone And no texte ne takiþ  to mayntene his cause But dilige deu m  & d omine quis h abitabit . & c etera And seiþ O.13.136: OC 2 alone lack þat before do-wel. do -wel & do -bette  arn two infinites Whiche infinites Whiche infynytes wiþ a feiþ  fynden out do -best Wh ich schal saue ma nnys soule  þus seiþ peers O.13.138: An otiose mark appears above the first <e> in peers. plowman I can not her -onne quod co ncience  ac I knowe peers He wole not aȝeyn holi writ speke  I dar vndirtake Þa nne passe we ou er til peers come  & preue þis in dede Pacience haþ been in many places  & p arauenture knoweþ  Þat . no clerk O.13.143: OC 2RF alone lack ne before knoweþ. knoweþ O.13.143: OC 2 alone have knoweþ; all other beta witnesses have kan.  as crist bereþ witnesse Pacie ntes vincu nt & c etera O.13.144: This line is written in the right margin. At ȝoure p reyer quod paciens þoo  so no man displese hym Disce quod he & O.13.146: HmOC 2F alone include the first ampersand. doce  & dilige inimicos Disce and do -wel  doce and do - bette O.13.147: OC 2 alone lack the final phrase of this line, dilige and dobest . O.13.148: OC 2 alone among beta witnesses lack the introductory clause Þus tauȝte me ones. A lemman þat I louede  loue was hir name Wiþ wordis & werkis quod sche  & wille of þin herte Þ ou loue lelly þi soule  al þi lijf -tyme And so þ ou lere þee to louye  for þe lordis loue of heuene  Þin enemy . in al wyse  euene -forþ wiþ þi -selue Caste coles on his hed  & al kynde speche Boþe wiþ werk & word  fonde his loue to wynne And leye on hym þus wiþ loue  til he lawȝhe on þee And but he bowe for þis betyng  blynde mote he worþe Ac for to fare þus wiþ þi freend  folye it were For he þat loueþ þee lelly  litil of þin coueytiþ Kynde loue coueytiþ not  no catel . but speche Wiþ half a laumpe -lyne  in latyn ex vi t ransgressionis O.13.160: OC 2 alone have t ransgressionis in place of transicionis . m emorandum I bere þer -Inne a bewte O.13.161: OC 2 alone have a bewte; variants include aboute (WCrLMRF), abounte (HmY), a beaute (GB), and a beaut (C). Kane and Donaldson emend to a bouste.  fast ybounde . do -wel In a signe of þe saterday  þat sette first þe kalender In O.13.163: OC 2 alone have In in place of And. al þe witt of þe wednesday  of þe nexte woke after Þe myddel of þe mone  is þe myȝt of boþe And her -wiþ am I welcome  þ er I haue it wiþ me Vndo it . latte þis docto ur deme  if do -wel be þ er -inne For bi hym þat me made  myȝte neu ere pou ertee Misese ne mescheef  ne man wiþ his tunge Colde ne care  ne cumpanye of þeues Ne neiþ er hete ne hayl  ne noon helle pouke Ne neiþ er fijr ne flood  ne feer of þin enemyes O.13.171: OC 2 alone have the plural form. Tene þe any tyme  & þ ou take it wiþ þee Caritas n ichil timet O.13.173: This line is written in the right margin. It is but a dido quod þis docto ur  a disouris tale Al þe witt of þis world  & wiþ O.13.175: OC 2Cot alone have wiþ; all other beta witnesses have wiȝt. mennes strengþe Can not conformen a pees  bitwene þe pope & hise enemyes Ne bitwene two c risten kyngys  kan no wyȝt pees make  Profitable to eiþ er peple  & putte þe table fro hym And toke clergie & concience  to cou nceyl as it were Þ at pacience þoo muste passe  for pilgrymes kun wel lye Ac concience carpede loude  & curteyslich seyde Frendis fareþ wel  & fayre spake to clergye For I wole goo wiþ þis goom  if god wole gyue me grace And be pilgryme wiþ pacience  til I haue proued more What quod clergie to concience  ar ȝe coueytous nouþe After ȝeresȝeues & ȝiftes  or ȝernen to rede ridels I schal brynge ȝow a bible  a book of þe olde lawe And lere ȝow if ȝow like  þe best poynt to knowe Þat pacience þe pilgryme  p arfiȝtly knewe neu ere Nay bi c rist quod concience to clergie god þee forȝelde For al þat pacience me p rofereþ  proude am I ful O.13.191: OC 2 alone have ful in place of but or omission. litil Ac þe wille of þe wye  & ȝe wolen O.13.192: O alone has the form wolen; variants include wille (CHmBmBoLM), wull (C 2), wol (YCot), and wil (WCrGRF). of folk here  Haþ moued my mood  to morne for my synnes Þe good wille of a wyȝt . was  neu ere bouȝt to þe fulle For þ er is no tresore þ erto  to a trewe wille O.13.196: Two crosses, one below the other and each about two lines in height, appear in the left margin, probably in hand 2. They may have been intended to point to the defective alliteration of ll. 196-198. Hadde not magdaleyn more  for a boxe of salue Þan zacheus for he seyde  dimidiu m bono rum meo rum do paup erib us And þe pore wydowe  for a peyre of mytes Þan alle þoo þat offreden  in -to gazophilaciu m Þus curteysliche concience  congeyede þe frere And siþen softlich he seyde  in clergyes ere Me were leu ere bi oure lord  & I lyue schulde Haue pacience p arfiȝtli  þan half þi bakke O.13.203: OC 2 alone have bakke in place of pak. of bookis Clergie to concience  no cungeye wolde take But seyde ful sobrelich  þ ou schalt se þe tyme Wha nne þ ou art wery for -walked  wylne me to cou nceyl Þat is soþ quod concience  so me god helpe If pacience be oure p artynge felawe  & p riuey wiþ vs boþe Þ er is no woo in þis world  þat we ne schulde amende And confourmen kyng ys to pees  and al kyns londis Sarasens & surry  & so forþ alle þe Iues Turne in -to þe trewe feiþ  & in -til oon beleue Þat is soþ quod clergie  I see what þ ou menest I schal dwelle as I do  my deuoyr to schewen And confermen fauntkyns  & oþ ere folk ylered Til pacience haue s erued O.13.216: OC 2 alone have s erued ; most B manuscripts have preued. þee  & p arfiȝtlich þee make de O.13.216: Make should probably read makede, the reading of all manuscripts except C 2, which has made; the <d> (and perhaps a final <e>) has apparently been lost to tearing and patching of the right corner of the leaf. Concience þoo wiþ pacience passede  pilgrymes as it were Þa nne hadde pacience as pilg rimes han  in his poke vitaylis Sobrete & symple speche  & soþfast beleue To cou nforte hym & concience  if þei come in place Þ ere vnkyndenesse & coueytise is  hungry cuntrees boþe And as þei wenten bi þe weye  of do -wel þei carpeden Þei metten wiþ a mynystral  as me þoo þouȝte Pacience apposede hym þoo O.13.224: OC 2 alone have þoo; most B manuscripts have first.  & p reyede . he schulde hem telle  To concience . what craft he couþe  & to what cuntre he wolde I am a mynystral quod þat man  my name is actiua vita And O.13.227: OC 2 alone include introductory And. alle ydel ich hate  for O.13.227: YOC 2F alone lack a word between for and actijf; most B manuscripts have of. actijf is my name A waferer . wole ȝe wite  & s erue many lordis And fewe robes I fonge  or furred gounes Kouþe I lye to do men lawȝhe  þa nne lacchen I schulde  Oer mantel or money  among ys lordis mynystralis Ac for I can neiþ er taboure ne trompe  ne telle noon geestis Farten ne fiþelen  at feestis ne harpen Iape ne iogele  ne ienteliche pipe Ne neiþ er sayle ne saute  ne synge wiþ þe gyterne I haue no goode gyftes  of þeise grete lordis For no breed þat I brynge forþ  saue a benysou n on þe sunday Wha nne þe preest preyeþ þe peple  her pat er -nost er to bidde For peris þe plowman  & þat hym p rofiȝt wayten And þ at I am actijf  þat ydelnesse hatye For alle trewe trauaylouris  & tilyers of erþe Fro myȝhel -messe to myȝhel -messe  I fynde hem O.13.242: OC 2 alone lack wiþ before wafres. wafres Begg ers & bidders  of my breed crauen Faytouris & freris  & folk wiþ brode crownes I fynde payn for þe pope  & p rouendre for his palfrey O.13.245: Two crosses, each about two lines in height, appear in the right margin, probably in hand 2. And I hadde neu ere of hym  haue god my truþe Neiþ er p rouendre ne p ersonage  ȝit . of þe popis ȝifte Saue a p ardou n wiþ a peys of leed  & two polles a -myddis  Hadde iche ich O.13.249: Although the MED lists iche as a variant of ich, it is not this scribe's usual form, nor is it attested by other manuscripts; it is thus probably an error. a clerk þat couþe write  I wolde caste hym a bille Þ at he sente me vndir his sceel  a salue for þe pestilence And þ at his blessyng & hise bulles  myȝte bocches O.13.251: OC 2 alone transpose the order bocches myȝte. distroye In no mi ne meo demonia eicient & s uper eg ros man us i mpone nt & b en e h abebu nt And þanne wolde I be prest to þe peple  paast for to make And buxu m & bisy  aboute breed & drynke For hym & for alle hise  fonde I . þ at his p ardou n O.13.256: Two crosses, each about two lines in height, appear in the left margin, probably by hand 2. They may have been intended to point to the defective alliteration of ll. 256-258. Myȝte lechen a man  as I beleue O.13.256: OC 2 alone among beta witnesses lack it before schulde. schulde For siþ he haþ þe power  þat petir hym -self hadde He haþ þe potte wiþ þe salue  soþeli as me þinkeþ Argentu m & auru m no n e st m ichi . quod a utem h abeo hoc t ibi do . O.13.259: OC 2 alone lack in nomine domini before surge. surge & ambula O.13.259: This line begins in the right margin of l. 258, breaks after auru m , then wraps around to occupy the next full line space. Ac if myȝt of myracle hym fayle  it is for men been not worþi  To haue þe grace of god  & no gylt of þe pope For may no blessyng don vs bote  but if we wolen amende Ne mannes masse make pees  among ys c risten peple Til pride be pureliche fordo  & þ at þoruȝ payn defaute For er I haue breed of meele  erst mote I swete And er þe comune haue corn ynow  many colde mornyng So er my wafres be wrouȝt  myche woo I þolye Al london I leue  likeþ wel my wafres And louren wha nne þei lakken O.13.269: OC 2 alone lack an additional pronoun between lakken and it; most B manuscripts have hem. it  is not longe passed Þ er was a careful comune  wha nne no cart come to toune Wiþ breed fro stratford  þoo gonnen begg ers wepe And werkmen weren agast a litil  þis wole be þouȝt longe m emorandum In þe date of oure dryȝte  in a drye ap ril A þousande & þre hundrid  twyes twenti & ten My wafres weren gesen  wha nne chic hestre was meyr O.13.275: The letter <h> is rewritten in the right margin, apparently to reinforce its insertion above the line. I toke good keep bi crist  & concience boþe Of haukyn þe actijf man  & how he was cloþid He hadde a cote of c ristendam  as holi chirche beleueþ Ac it was moled in many places  wiþ many sundry plottes Of pride heer a plot & þ ere a plot  of vnbuxu m speche Of scornyng & of scoffyng  & of vnskilful beryng As in app arayle and in poort  proud among ys þe peple Oþ er -wise þan he haþ wiþ herte  or ye schewynge Hym willynge þ at alle men wenden O.13.284: OC 2 alone have the form wenden in place of wende.  he were þat he is not For -why he bosteþ & braggeþ  wiþ many bolde oþes And inobedient to be vndirnome  of any lijf lyuynge And so synguler bi hym -self  ne noon so poppe -holy In habyte as an heremyte  an ordre bi hym -self Religiou n saunz rule  & resounable obedience Lakkynge lettred men  & lewede men boþe In liknyng O.13.291: OC 2 alone have liknyng; all other beta witnesses have likyng. of lele lijf  & a lyer in soule Wiþ inwit & wiþ outwit  ymagynen & studien As best for his body be  to haue a badde name And entermete hym ou er al  þ ere he haþ not to done Wilnynge þ at men wende  his witt were þe best And if he gyue ouȝt to pore gomes  telleþ what he deleþ Pore of possessiou n in purs  & in cofres boþe And as a lyou n on to loke  & lordlich of speche Baldest of begg ers  a boster þat nouȝt haþ In toune & in tau ernes  tales to telle And segge þing þat he neu ere seyȝ  & for soþe sweren it Of dedes þat he neu ere dide  demen & bosten And of werkis þat he wel dide  witnesse & segge O.13.303: OC 2 alone have segge; most B manuscripts have siggen. Loo if þ ou leue me not  or þ at I lye wene O.13.304: OC 2 alone have wene; most B manuscripts have wenen. Axeþ at hym or at hym  & he ȝow can telle What I suffrede & seyȝ  & su m -tymes hadde And what I kouþe & knewe  & what kyn I come of Al he wolde þ at men wisten O.13.308: OC 2 alone have the form wisten; most B manuscripts have wiste.  of werkis & of wordis Whiche myȝte plese þe peple  & preysen hem -seluen O.13.309: OC 2CR alone have hem-seluen in place of hym-selue(n). Si ho mi nib us placere m christi s eru us no n e ssem / & alibi ne mo p otest duob us d ominis s eruire & c etera O.13.310: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after s eru us and duob us , and red parasigns precede the last two lines of text. Bi crist quod concience þoo  þi best cote haukyn Haþ many moles & spottes  it muste been ywasschid Ȝhe . who -so toke heed quod haukyn  bihynde & bifore What on bakke & on body  & bi þe twey sydes Men schulden fynde many frounces  & many foule plottes And he turnede hym as tijt  & þa nne toke I heed It was fouler bi fele foold  þa n it first semede It was bidroppid wiþ wraþþe  & wikkide wille Wiþ enuye & wicked. yuel . O.13.319: OC 2 alone have the incorrectly alliterating reading wicked, though marked for deletion. speche  entycynge to fiȝte Liynge & lawȝhynge  & leef tunge to chyde Al þat he wiste wickid  bi any wiȝt tellen it And blame men bihynde her bak  & bidde hem meschaunce And þat he wiste bi wille  telle it to watte And þat watte wiste  wille wiste it after And made of frendis foos  þoruȝ a fals tunge Or wiþ myȝt of mouþe  or þoruȝ ma nnes strengþe Auenge me fele tymes  ouþ er frete my -selue W-Inne as a schepsters schere  yschrewede men & cursede Cui us maledicc io ne os plenu m e st & amaritudi ne sub ling ua ei us & c etera O.13.329: OC 2RF alone lack the final phrase et lingua eorum gadius acutus ; OC 2 alone substitute & c etera for it. & ali bi . Filij ho mi num de ntes eo rum arma & sagitte & c etera O.13.329: This line begins in the right margin of l. 328, breaks after maledicc io ne , and wraps around to the next full line space, ending in the right margin. Þ er is no lijf þat I louye  lastynge any whyle For tales þat I telle  no man t risteþ to me And wha nne I may not haue þe maystrie  wiþ malencolie I take  Þ at I cacche þe crampe  þe cardiacle su m -tyme Or an ague in swich an angre  & su m -tyme a feu ere Þat O.13.335: The ascender of the thorn in Þat is decorated with a flourish. takiþ me al a twelue -moneþ  til þ at I dispise  Lechecraft of oure lord  & leue on a wicche And seggeþ O.13.337: OC 2 alone have the form seggeþ; all other beta witnesses have seye. þat no clerk ne can  ne crist as I leue To þe souter of souþwerk  & O.13.338: OC 2 alone have &; most B manuscripts have or. of sordich O.13.338: OC 2F alone have the form sordich; most B manuscripts have Shordych. dame emme And seggeþ O.13.339: OC 2 alone have seggeþ; most B manuscripts have seye. þ at no goddis word  gaf me neu ere bote But þoruȝ a charme hadde I chaunce  & my cheef hele I waytede bisiloker  & þa nne was it suylid Wiþ likyng of lecherie  & bi lokyng of his ye For iche a mayden O.13.343: OC 2 alone have the form mayden in place of maide. þat he mette  he made hir a syngne Semynge to synne -ward  & su m -tyme he gan taste  Aboute þe mouþe or bi -neþe  bigynneþ to grope Til eyþ er wille waxeþ kene  & to þe werk ȝeden As wel in fastynge -dayes as fridayes  & forboden nyȝtis And as wel in lente as out of lente  alle tymes yliche Swiche werkis wiþ hem  weren O.13.349: O alone has the form weren; most B manuscripts have were. neu ere out of sesou n Til þei myȝten no more  & þa nne hadde n myry tales And how þ at lecchouris louyen  lawȝhen & iapen And of her harlotrie & horedam  in her elde . tellen Þa nne pacience p arceyuede  of poyntis of his cote Was culmy þoruȝ coueytise  & vnkynde desyryng More to good þan to god  þe goom hys loue caste And ymagynede how  he it myȝte haue Wiþ false mesure O.13.357: OC 2 alone have the singular form. & met  & wiþ fals witnesse Lenede it O.13.358: YOC 2 alone include it. for loue of þe wed  & loþ to do truþe And I O.13.359: OC 2 alone include I. awaytede þoruȝ . which . weye to bigyle And mengede his marchaundise  & mad a good moustre Þe wors O.13.361: OC 2 alone have wors in place of worste. wiþ -Inne was O.13.361: OC 2 alone lack a before greet.  greet witt I lete it And my neiȝbore hadde any hyne  or any beeste ellis More p rofitabel þan myn  many sleyȝtis I made How I myȝte haue it  al my witt I caste And but I hadde bi oþ er weye  at þe laste I stale it Or pryuyliche his purs schoke  vn -pikede hise lokkis Or bi nyȝt or bi day  aboute was Ich eu ere Þoruȝ gyle to gaderen  þe good þat I haue If I ȝede to þe plow  I pynchede so narwe Þ at a foote loond or a foruȝ  fecchen I wolde Of my next neyȝbore  nymen of his erþe And if I repe . ou er -reche  & O.13.372: GOC 2 alone have & in place of or. ȝaue hem reed þat rope O.13.372: OC 2 alone have rope; variants include repen (CrYBoCotR), repen it (F), and ropen (WHmGCBmLM). And seyse to me wiþ my sykil  þat I sewe neu ere And who -so borweþ of me  abouȝte þe tyme Wiþ p resentis p riueylich  or payede su m certeyn So wolde he or he nolde  wynnen I wolde And boþe to kiþ & to kyn  vnkynde of þat ich hadde And who -so chepede my chaffare  chiden I wolde But he p roferede me to paye  a peny or tweyne More þan it was worþ  & ȝit wolde I swere Þ at it coste me myche more  & swore many oþes In halidayes in holi chirche  wha nne ich here O.13.382: OC 2 alone have the present-tense form; all other beta witnesses have the preterite. messe Hadde I neu ere wille woot god  witterli to beseche  Mercy for my mysdedis  þ at I ne mornede more  For losse of good . leue me  þan for my likhams gyltes As if I hadde dedli synne doon  I drede not þat so sore As wha nne I lenede O.13.387: YOC 2C alone lack a word between lenede and levede; most B manuscripts have and. . levede it lost  or longe . er it were payed So if I kidde any kyndenesse  myn euene -c ristene to helpe Vp -on O.13.389: OC 2 alone lack a before cruel. cruel coueytise  myn herte gan hange And O.13.390: OC 2 alone lack if before I. I sente ou er sehe  my s eruantis to brugges Or in -to pruselond my p rentice  my p rofiȝt to wayten To marchaunden wiþ money  & make her eschaunges Myȝte neu ere me cou nforte  in þe mene tyme Neiþ er messe ne mateyns  ne no man ere siȝtis Ne neu ere penau nce p arfornede  ne pat er -nost er seyde Þ at my mynde ne was more  on my good in O.13.396: GOC 2F alone lack a before doute. doute Þan in þe grace of god  & hise grete helpes V bi thesaur us tu us i bi & cor tuu m . O.13.398: This line is written in the right margin. Whyche been þe braunches  þat bryngen a man to sleuþ  Is wha nne a man O.13.400: OC 2 alone have the reading Is whanne a man. Variants include Is qwan man (B), hys woman (GYCLR), He þat (WHmCrM), and þat (F). morneþ not for hise dedis O.13.400: OC 2 alone lack some variant of mys- before, or in place of, dedis.  ne makeþ no sorwe Ac penaunce þat þe preest enioyneþ  p arforneþ yuele Dooþ noon almes -dede  drediþ hym of no synne Lyueþ aȝeyn þe beleue  & no lawe holdeþ Iche day is an holy -day O.13.404: OC 2 alone lack the phrase with hym before &.  & O.13.404: OC 2 alone have &; most B manuscripts have or. an hyȝ ferie And if he ouȝt wole here  it is an harlottis tunge And O.13.406: OC 2 alone include introductory And. wha nne men carpen of crist  or clennesse of soule He waxeþ wroþ & wole not here  but wordis of myrþe Penaunce & pore men & O.13.408: OC 2 alone lack þe before passiou n . passiou n of seyntis He hateþ to here þ erof  & alle þat it telliþ Þeise been þe braunches . be war  þat bryngen a man to wanhope Ȝe lordis & ladies  & legates of holy chirche Þat feden O.13.412: Carets accompanying þat and marginal feden indicate that the corrector's intention was to insert feden as the second word in the line. Most B manuscripts have fedeþ. foles sage O.13.412: OC 2F alone have the singular form.  flaterers & lyeris And han likyng to liþen hem  to do ȝow to lawȝhe Ve vobis qui ridetis & c etera O.13.414: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after vobis , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And ȝyuen hem mete & mede  & pore men refusen O.13.415: OC 2 alone have the form refusen; most B manuscripts have refuse. In ȝoure deþ -deiynge  I drede me ful sore Lest þe þre man ere men  to myche sorwe ȝow brynge Consencie ntes & agentes  pari pena punient ur Pat riarkes & p rophetis  & p rechouris of goddis wordis Sauen þoruȝ her s ermou n  mannes soule from helle Riȝt so flaterers & foles  & þe feendis disciplis To entice men þoruȝ her tales  to synne & harlotrie As O.13.423: OC 2 alone have As; most B manuscripts have Ac. clerkis þat knowen holy writ  schulden kenne lordis What dauid seiþ of swiche men  as þe sauter telliþ Non h abitabit in medio dom us mee q ui fac it s uperbia m & q ui loq uit ur iniq ua Schulde noon harlot haue audience  i n halle ne i n chau mbres Lo lordis & p relatis O.13.427: The rubric is divided after lordis, so that it appears as two lines. Þ ere wise men weren  witnesse goddis wordis Ne no mysproude man . amongys  lordis . be alowed Ac flaterers & foles  þoruȝ her foule wordis Leden þoo þat louen hem  to luciferes feeste Wturpiloq uio a lay of sorwe  & lucifers fiþele Þus haukyn þe actijf man  hadde ysuyled his cote Til concience acoupede hym þ erof  in a curteys man ere Why he ne hadde wasschen it  or wiped O.13.434: OC 2 alone lack it before wiþ. wiþ a brusche Passus q uarto - decimus . O.14.000: The heading is divided after q uarto- , so that it appears as two lines. I I haue but an hool hater quod haukyn  I am þe lesse to blame Þouȝ it be suyled & foule  I slepe þ er -i nne on nyȝtis And also I haue a wijf  huen & children Vx orem duxi & i deo no n possu m ve nire O.14.4: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after possu m , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Þat wolden bemolen it many tyme  maugre my chekis It haþ been laued in lenten  & out of lenten boþe Wiþ þe sope of sekenesse  þat sekeþ wondir depe And wiþ þe losse of catel  loþ for to a -gylte  God or any good man  bi ouȝt þat I wiste And was schryuen of þe preest  þat gaue me for my synnes To penau nce pacience  & pore men to fede Al for coueytise of my cristendom  i n clennesse to kepe it And kouþe I neu ere bi crist  kepe it clene an oure Þ at I ne suylede it wiþ siȝt  or su m ydel speche Or þoruȝ werk or word  or wille of myn herte But I ne floboure it foule  fro morwen O.14.16: OC 2 alone have the form morwen in place of morwe. til euen And I schal kenne þee quod co ncience  of co ntric iou n to make Þat schal clawe þi cote  of al kyns synnes O.14.18: OC 2 alone have synnes in place of some variant of fylthe. Cordis cont ric io & c etera O.14.19: This line is written in the right margin. Do -wel schal wasschen it & wryngen it  þoruȝ a wise co nfesso ur Oris confessio & c etera O.14.21: This line is written in the right margin. Do -bette schal beten it & bouken it  as briȝt as any scarlet And engreynen it wiþ good wille  & goddis g race to amende þee And siþen sende þee satisfacc iou n  for to sewe O.14.24: OC 2 alone have sewe; most B manuscripts have sowen. OC 2 alone among beta witnesses lack it before after. after Satisfacc io & c etera O.14.25: This line is written in the right margin. Do -best schal neu ere myst bymolen it  ne moþþe after biten it Ne feend ne fals man  defoulen it in þi lyue Schal no heraud ne harpour  haue a fayrer garnement Þan haukyn þe actijf man  & þ ou do bi my techyng Ne no mynystral be more worþ  among ys pore & riche Þan haukyns wijf þe waferer  wiþ his actiua vita And I schal p urueye þee paast quod pacience  þouȝ no plow erie And flour to fede folk wiþ  as best be for þi soule Þouȝ neu ere greyn growede  ne grape vp -on vyne Alle þat lyuen & loken  lijflode . wolde I fynde And þ at ynow . schal noon fayle  of þing þat hem nedeþ We schulde n O.14.37: OC 2 alone have the form schulde n in place of sholde. not be to bisy  abouten oure lijflode O.14.37: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on the basis of "prosiness and verbosity." Ne solliciti sitis & c etera volucres celi de us pascit & c etera Pacie ntes vi ncu nt & c etera Þa nne lowȝ O.14.39: OC 2 alone have the form lowȝ in place of laughed. haukyn a litil  & liȝtli gan swere Who -so leueþ ȝow bi oure lord  I leue not he be blessid No quod pacience pacientli  & out of his poke hente  Vitayles of grete v ertues  for alle man ere beestis And seyde . lo heer lijflode ynow  if oure beleue be trewe For lent neu ere was lijf  but lijflode were schapen Wher -of or wherfore  & O.14.45: OC 2R alone have & in place of or. wher -by to libbe First þe wylde worm  vndir wete erþe Fisch to lyue in þe flood  & in þe fijr þe criket Þe curlu bi kynde of þe eir  moost clennest flesch of briddis And beestis bi grasse & greyn  & bi grene rotes In menyng þ at alle men  myȝten do þe same Lyue þoruȝ lele bileue  & loue . as god witnesseþ Q uodcu m que pecierit is a p atre in no mi ne m eo & c etera / Et ali bi / No n in solo pane viu it h omo s et i n o mni v erbo quod p roced it de ore d ei . O.14.52: This line begins in the right margin of l. 51, breaks after the first occurrence of in , and wraps around to occupy the next full line space, ending in the right margin. But I lokede . what lijflode it was  þat pacience so preysede And þa nne was it a pece of þe pat er nost erfiat voluntas tua Haue haukyn quod pacience  & ete þis wha nne þee hungreþ Or wha nne þ ou clomsest for coold  or chillist O.14.56: OC 2 alone have chillist in place of clyngest. for drie Schulden O.14.57: O alone has the form Schulden; most B manuscripts have Shul. neu ere gomes O.14.57: OC 2 alone have gomes; most B manuscripts have gyues. þee greue  ne grete lordis wraþþe Prisou n ne peyne  for paciente s vincunt Bi so þ at þ ou be sobre  of siȝt & of tunge In etyng & in handelyng  & alle þi fyue wittis Þarst þ ou neu ere care for corn  ne lynnen cloþ ne wollen Ne for drynk ne deþ drede  but deye as god likiþ Or þoruȝ hungre or þoruȝ hete  at his wille be it For if þ ou lyuest aft er his lore  þe schorter lijf þe better Si q uis amat christum mu nd um no n diligit istu m O.14.65: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after no n , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. For þoruȝ his breþ beest is wexen  & abrode ȝede n Dix it & f ac ta su nt O.14.67: This line is written in the right margin. Ergo þoruȝ his breþ  mowen men & beest is lyue O.14.68: OC 2 alone have the form lyue in place of lyuen. As holy writ witnessiþ  wha nne me n seggen h er g races Ap eris tu ma num tu am & i mples o mne a ni mal b en ed icc io ne O.14.70: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after o mne , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. It is founden þ at fourty wynter  folk lyuede n wiþ -oute n tiliyng And out of þe flynt spronge þe flood  þat folk & beestis drunken And in elies tyme  heuene was y -closed Þ at no reyn ne roon  þus reden O.14.74: O alone has the form reden; most B manuscripts have rede. men in bokis Þ at many wyntres men lyueden  & no mete ne tiliden Seuene slepen . as seyþ þe book  seuene hundrid wynter And lyueden wiþ -outen lijflode  & at þe laste þei woken And if men lyueden as mesure wolde  schulde neu ere be defaute Among ys c risten c reaturis  if c ristis word O.14.79: O alone has the singular form. be trewe Ac vnkyndenesse . caristia makeþ  among ys c risten peple And ou erplente makiþ pride  amonge pore & riche Ac mesure is so myche worþ  it may not be to dere Of Sodom . & gomor . O.14.83: The rubric is divided after Sodom ., so that it appears as two lines. For þe mescheef & O.14.83: OC 2F alone lack þe before meschaunce. meschaunce  among men of sodom Wexe þoruȝ plente of payn  & of pure sleuþe Ociositas & h abunda ncia pa nis p ecc atum t urpissimu m nut riu it . O.14.85: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after pa nis , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. For þei mesurede n not he mself  of þ at þei eten & drunken O.14.86: OC 2 alone have the form drunken; most B manuscripts have dronke. Diden dely de[d]ly synne  þat þe deuel likede So veniaunce fel vp -on hem  for her vile synnes Þei sunken in -to helle  þe citees ichone For -þi mesure we vs wel  & make oure feiþ oure scheltrou n And þoruȝ feiþ comeþ co ntric iou n  concience woot it O.14.91: HmOC 2 alone include it. wel Which dryueþ awey dedli synne  & dooþ it to be venyal And þouȝ a man myȝte not speke  co ntric iou n myȝte hy m saue And brynge his soule to blisse  so þ at feiþ heer O.14.94: OC 2 alone have heer; most B manuscripts have bere(þ). witnesse  Þ at whyles he lyuede he beleuede  þe lore of holy chirche Ergo co ntric iou n . feiþ & concience  is kyndeli . do -wel And surgien O.14.97: OC 2 alone have the singular form. In O, there is evidence that an <s> may have been erased. for dedli synnes  whan schrift of mouþ faylede O.14.97: OC 2 alone have the preterite form. Ac schrift of mouþe more worþi is  if man be inlich co ntrijt For schrift of mouþe sleeþ synne  be it neu ere so dedli P ar confessione m to a preest  peccata occiduntur Þer contric iou n dooþ . but dryueþ it dou n  i n -to a venyal synne And dauid seiþ in þe sauter  & quo rum tecta su nt p ecc ata Ac satisfacc iou n sekeþ out þe rote  & boþe sleeþ & voydeþ And as it neu ere hadde be . to nouȝt  bryngeþ dedli synne Þ at it is neu ere eft sene ne sore  but semeþ a wounde heled Where is charite O.14.106: The rubric is divided after is, so that it appears as two lines. Four ticks follow it. Where woneþ charite quod haukyn  I wiste neu ere in my lyue  Man þat wiþ hym spake  as wyde as I haue passed Þere p arfiȝt truþe & pore herte is  & þa nne O.14.108: OC 2 alone include þa nne . pacience of tunge Þere is charite þe cheef chaumbrer  for god hym -selue Wheþ er paciente pou erte quod haukyn  be more plesau nt to oure driȝten O.14.110: O alone has the form driȝten; variants include d (cropped, W), sight (CB), lorde (GR), saueoure (C 2), and driȝte (LHmCrYM). Þan richesse riȝtfulli wonnen  & resounablich spendid Ȝhe . quis est ille quod pacience  quyk laudabim us eum Þouȝ men redde n O.14.113: OC 2 alone have the form redde n ; most B manuscripts have rede. of richesse  riȝt to þe werldis ende I wiste neu ere renke þat riche was  þ at wha nne he rekene schulde Wha nne he drowȝ to his deþ -day  þ at he ne dredde hym sore And þat at þe rekkenyng i n arerage fel  raþ er þan out of dette Þere þe pore dar plede  & preue bi pure resou n To haue a -lowau nce of his lord  bi þe lawe . he it cleymeþ  Ioye þat neu ere ioye hadde  of riȝtful Iuge he axeþ And seiþ . lo briddis & beestis  þat no blisse ne kouþe And wylde wormes in wodes  þoruȝ wyntres þ ou hem greuest And makest hem welny meke  & mylde fordefaute for defaute And after þ ou sendest hem somer  þat is her sou ereyn ioye And blisse to alle þat been  boþe wylde & tame Þa nne may begg ers & biddersbeest is O.14.125: A solidus/punctus above bidders and above marginal beestis indicate that substitution was intended. O alone has bidders; all other B manuscripts have beestes, except C 2 which has breddis.  after bote wayten Þat al her lijf han lyued  in lango ur & in defaute But god sente hem su m -tyme  sum man ere ioye Oer heer or ell is -where  kynde wolde it neu ere For to ou er -myche woo . was he wrouȝt  þat neu ere was ioye schaped Aungelis þat in helle now been  hadden ioye su m -tyme And dyues in deyntees lyuede  & in douce O.14.131: A supralinear <d> was added, apparently because the <d> in douce is spoiled by a blot. vie Riȝt so resou n schewiþ  þ at þoo men þat weren riche And her makes also  lyueden her lijf in myrþe Ac god is of a wonder wille  bi þat kynde witt schewiþ To ȝyue many men his m ercymonye  er he it haue deserued Riȝt so fareþ god bi su mme riche  ruþe me it þinkeþ For þei han her hyre heer  & heuene as it were And eke O.14.138: YOC 2 alone read And eke; variants include and ys (GCBmLR), And his (BoCot), and And (WHmCrMF). greet likyng to lyue wiþ -oute labour of body And wha nne he deyeþ be disalowed  as dauid seiþ in þe sauter Dormieru nt & n ichil i nueneru nt O.14.140: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after n ichil , so that it appears as two lines. And i n an -er stede also . velut so mpnu m surge nciu m do mine i n ci uitate tua O.14.141: OC 2RF alone lack et before ad . ad n ichilum redige s Allas þ at richesse schal reue  & robbe mannes soule From þe loue of oure lord  at his laste ende Huen þat han her hyre a -fore  arn eu ere -more nedy And selden dyeþ he out of dette  þat dyneþ er he deserue it And til he haue doon his deuoyr  & his dayes iourne For wha nne a werkeman haþ wrouȝt  þa nne mowe n me n O.14.147: OC 2 alone have mowe n me n ; variants include men may (HmBoCotF), men (Cr), and may men (WGYCBmLMR). see þe soþe What he were worþi for his werk  & what he haþ deserued And not to fonge bifore  for drede of disalowyng So I segge bi ȝow riche  it semeþ not þ at ȝe schul  Haue heuene in ȝoure heer beyng  & heuene her -after Riȝt as a s eruaunt takiþ his salerie bifore  & siþ wolde cleyme more As he þat noon hadde  & haþ hyre at þe laste It may not be . ȝe riche men  or Matheu on god lyeþ De delicijs ad delicias difficile e st t ransire O.14.155: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after delicias , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Ac if ȝe riche me n O.14.156: OC 2F alone include men or man. haue ruþe  & rewarde wel þe pore And lyue n as lawe techeþ  doon lewte to hem alle Crist of his curtesye . schal  cou nforte ȝow at þe laste And rewarde alle . double richesse  þat ruful hertes habben And as an hyne O.14.160: OC 2F alone lack þat before hadde. hadde  his hire . er he bigunne And wha nne he haþ doon his deuoyr wel  me n doon hy mer bounte Ȝyuen hym a cote aboue his couenau nt  riȝt so crist ȝyueþ heuene Boþe to riche & to not riche  þat rufullich libben And alle þat doon her deuoir wel  han double hyre for her t rauayle Heer forȝyuenesse of her synnes  & heuene blisse after Ac it nys but selden seen  as bi holi seyntis lyues O.14.166: YOC 2M alone have lyues in place of bokes. Þ at god rewarded double reste  to any riche wye For myche myrþe is among riche  as in mete & cloþing And myche myrþe in may is  amonge wylde beestis And so forþ whyle somer lasteþ  her solace dureþ Ac begg ers aboute mydsom er  breedles þei soupen O.14.171: OC 2 alone have the form soupen; most B manuscripts have soupe. And ȝit is wynt er for hem wers  for wete -schod þei gangen O.14.172: OC 2 alone have the form gangen; most B manuscripts have gange. A -first sore & a -fyngred  & fouliche rebuked And a -rated of riche O.14.174: OC 2 alone lack men before þ at .  þ at ruþe is to here Now lord sende hem som er  & su m man ere ioye Heuene after her hennys goyng  þat heer han swich defaute For alle myȝtist þ ou haue maad  noon mener þan oþ er And yliche witti & wise  if þi wille hadde liked And haue ruþe of þeise riche men  þat rewarde n not þi p risouneris Of þe good þat þ ou hem gyuest  vnkynde O.14.180: OC 2 alone have vnkynde in place of ingrati , thus spoiling the alliteration. been many Ac god of þi goodnesse  gyue vs O.14.181: OC 2 alone have vs in place of hem. grace to amende For may no derþe O.14.182: OCr 23C 2 alone among beta witnesses lack be before hem. hem dere  drouȝþe ne wete Ne neiþ er hete ne hayle  haue þei her hele Of þat þei wilnen & wolden O.14.184: OC 2 alone have the form wolden; all other beta witnesses have wolde.  wanteþ hem not heere Ac pore peple þi prisouneris  lor d i n þe pitte of mescheef Counforte þoo creaturis  þat myche care suffren Þoruȝ derþe & drou ȝþe  alle her dayes heere Woo in wynt er tymes for wantyng of cloþis And in som er -tyme selden  soupen to þe fulle Counforte þi careful  crist in þi riche For how þ ou counfortist alle c reaturis  clerkis beren witnesse Co nu ertimini ad me & salui eritis O.14.192: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after me , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Þus in gen ere of gentrice  iesu crist seide To robbers & to reueris  to riche & to pore Þ ou tauȝtiste hem in þe t rinite  to O.14.195: A supralinear <o> is added, apparently because the <o> in to is spoiled by a blot. take baptisme And be clene þoruȝ þat c ristynyng  of alle kyns synnes And vs fel þoruȝ folye  to falle in synne after Confessiou n & knowlechyng  & crauynge þi m ercy Schulde amende vs as many siþes  as man wolde desire Ac if þe pope wolde plede her -aȝeyn  & punysche vs in concience He schulde take þe acquytau nce as quyk  & to þe quede schewe it Pateat & c etera p er passione m d omini & c etera O.14.202: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after & c etera , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And putten of þe pouke  & p reuen vs vndir borwe Ac þe p archemyn of þis patent  of pouertee be . muste And of pure pacience  and p arfiȝt beleue Of pompe & of pride  þe p archemyn decorreþ And p rincipali of alle peple  but þei be pore of herte Elles is al on ydel  al þat eu ere we writen Pat er - nost er & penau nce  & pilg rimage to rome But oure spences & spendyng  sprynge of a trewe wille Ellis is al oure labour lost  lo how men writen In fenestres at þe freris  if fals be þe foundement For -þi cristen schulde O.14.213: OC 2 alone lack be before in. in comune riche  noo n coueyte for hym -selue For seuene synnes þ er been  assaylen þee O.14.214: OC 2 alone have þee in place of vs. eu ere Þe feend folewiþ hem alle  & fondeþ hem to helpe Ac wiþ richesse þat ribaude  raþest men bigylyþ For þere þat richesse regnet  reu erence folewiþ And þat is plesaunt to pride  in pore & in riche And þe riche is reu erenced  bi resou n of his richesse Þ ere þe pore is put bihynde  & p araunter can more Of witt & of wisdam  þat fer awey is better Þan richesse or realte  & raþ er herd in heuene For þe riche haþ myche to rekkene  & riȝt softe walkeþ Þe hye weye to heuene -ward  often O.14.224: OC 2 alone have often; most B manuscripts have ofte. richesse letteþ Ita possibile diuiti & c etera O.14.225: This line is written in the right margin. Þ ere þe pore p reseþ biforn þe riche  w it h a pak at his rigge Op era e ni m illo rum sequ nt ur illos O.14.227: This line is written in the right margin. Batauntliche as begg ers doon  & boldliche he craueþ For his pou erte & pacience  a p erpetual blisse Beati paup eres q uoniam ip so rum e st regnu m celo rum O.14.230: This line begins above l. 229. It is divided after e st , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And pride in richesse regneþ  raþ er þan in pou erte Arst in þe mayster þan in O.14.232: O alone among beta witnesses lacks þe before man. man  su m mansiou n he haþ Ac in pou erte þ ere pacience is  pride haþ no myȝte Ne noon of þe seuene synnes  sitte ne mowen þ ere longe Ne haue power in pou erte  if pacience it folewe For þe pore is ay prest  to plese þe riche And buxu m at his biddyng  for hise broken looues And buxu mnesse & boost  arn eu ere -more at werre And eiþ er hateþ oþ er  in al man ere werkis If wraþþe wrastele wiþ þe pore  he haþ þe wers ende For if þei boþe pleyne  þe pore is but feble And if he chide or chatre  hym cheueþ þe wers And if coueytise cacche þe pore  þei mowen not come to -gyd eres And bi þe nekke nameli  her noon may hente oþ er For men knowen O.14.245: HmOC 2 alone lack wel before þat. þ at coueytise  is of a kene wille And haþ hondes & armes  of a longe lengþe And pou erte is but O.14.247: OC 2 alone lack a before petit. petit þing  appereþ not to his nauele And louelich layk was neu ere  bitwene þe longe & þe schorte And þouȝ auarice wolde angre þe pore  he haþ but litil myȝt For pou erte haþ but pokis  to putten in . hise goodes Þere auarice haþ almaries  & iren -bounden cofres And wheþ er be liȝter to breke  lesse boost it makeþ A begg ers bagge  þan an iren -bounden cofre Leccherie loueþ hym not  for he ȝyueþ but litil syluer Ne doþ hym not dyne delicatli  ne drynke wiyn ofte A straw for þe stuwes  it stode not I trowe Hadden O.14.257: O alone has the form Hadden in place of Hadde. þei no þing but O.14.257: OC 2 alone lack of (a) before pore. pore men  her housis stode n vnhiled O.14.257: OC 2 alone have vnhiled in place of vntyled. O.14.257: Three small slashes, stacked vertically, appear in the right margin; the hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty. Although they may point to the error of vnhiled, no such device appears elsewhere in this manuscript. And þouȝ sleuþe sue pou erte  & s erue not god to paye Mischeef is his mayster  & makeþ hym to þenke  Þ at god is his grettest helpe  & noo goom ellis And his s eruaunt as he seiþ  & of his sute boþe And wheþ er he be or be not  he bereþ þe signe of pou erte And in þat secte . oure saueo ur  sauede al man -kynde For -þi al pou erte þat pacient is  may cleymen & asken  After her endyng heer  heuene -riche blisse Michel hardier may he axen  þat heer myȝte haue his wille In lond & in lordschip  & likyng of body And for goddis loue leueþ al  & lyueþ as a begg er And as a mayde for mannys loue  hir modir forsakiþ And O.14.270: OC 2Cot alone have And; most B manuscripts have Hir. fadir & alle hir frendis  & folewiþ hir make Myche is swich a mayden O.14.271: OM alone have mayden; most B manuscripts have mayde. to loue  of hym þat swich oon takiþ More þan a mayden is þat is  maried þoruȝ brocage And bi assent of sundry parties  & syluer to bote More for coueytise of good  þan kynde loue of boþe So it fareþ bi iche a p ersoone  þat possessiou n forsakeþ And puttiþ hym to be pacient  & pou erte weddeþ Paup ertas . O.14.277: This word is preceded by a parasign two lines in height, touched in red, and decorated with a flourish at the right and vertical slashes beneath. It may have been intended as a heading for l. 280, since it appears over that portion of the line that extends into the right margin. Þe which is sibbe to god hym -self  & so to hise seyntis Haue god my truþe quod haukyn  ȝe p reysen fast pou erte What is pou erte wiþ pacience O.14.279: OC 2 alone lack quod he before p ropreli .  p ropreli to mene Paup ertas quod pacience est odibile bonu m . remoc io curaru m . possessio s in e calu mpnia . donu m d ei . sanita tis . mater . abs que solitudi ne semita . sap iencie te mp erat rix . negociu m s in e da mpno . i nc erta fortuna . abs que sollicitudine felicitas O.14.280: This line begins in the right margin of l. 279 and breaks after est , mater , and sollicitu- , wrapping around to occupy the next two full line spaces and ending in the right margin of l. 281. A red parasign precedes the final line of text. I can not co nstrue þis quod haukyn  ȝe muste n seye it on englisch In englisch quod pacience . it is wel hard  wel to expoune Ac su mdel I schal seyen it  bi so þow vnderstonde Pou erte is þe first poynt  þat pride moost hateþ Þa nne is it good bi good skile  al þat agasteþ pride Riȝt as co ntriciou n is cou nfortable þing  concience it O.14.286: OC 2 alone include it before woot, although Cr include it after. woot wel And a sorwe of hym -self  & solace to þe soule So pou erte p ropreliche  penaunce & ioye  Is to þe body  pure p erpetuel O.14.289: OC 2 alone have perpetuel in place of spiritual. helþe Ergo paup ertas e st odibile bonu m O.14.290: This line is written in the right margin. And co ntriciou n cou nfort  & cura a ni ma rum þe secounde Selde sitte pou erte  þe soþe to declare Or as iustise to iugge men  enioyned is no pore Ne to be a meyr abouen men  ne mynystre vndir kyng O.14.294: OC 2 alone have the singular form. Selden is any pore put  to punysche any peple Remoc io curaru m . O.14.296: This line is written in the right margin. Ergo pou erte & pore men  perfornen þe comaundement Nolite iudicare que mq uam þe þridde Selden is any pore . riche  but of riȝtful heritage Wynneþ O.14.300: OC 2 alone lack he before not. not wiþ weyȝtis false  ne vnselid mesures Ne borweþ of hise neiȝboris  but þat he may wel paye Possessio sine calu mpnia . O.14.302: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after ca- in calu mpnia , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Þe ferþe is a fortune  þat florischeþ þe soule Wiþ sobrete from alle synnes O.14.304: YOC 2 alone have the plural form.  & also ȝit more It affaytiþ þe flesch  from folies ful manye A collateral counfort  cristis owne ȝifte Donu m d ei O.14.307: This line is written in the right margin. Þe fifte is moder of helþe  a freend in alle fondyngys And for þe lewede eu ere a leche  a lemman of al clennesse Sanitatis mater . O.14.310: This line is written in the right margin. Þe sixte is a paþþe of pees  ȝhe þoruȝ þe pace of aultou n Pou erte myȝte passe  wiþ -oute p erele of robbyng For þ ere þat pou erte passeþ  pees foleweþ after And eu ere þe lasse O.14.314: OC 2 alone lack þat before the first occurrence of he. he bereþ  þe hardier he is of herte For -þi seiþ seneca  paup ertas e st abs que sollicitudi ne semita O.14.315: The form solitudine is shared by C 2BRF. OC 2 alone copy this line before l. 316. And an hardy man of herte  among an heep of þeues Ca ntabit paup er O.14.317: OC 2Cot alone have pauper in place of paupertas . cora m latrone viator O.14.317: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after latrone , so that it appears as two lines. Þe seuente is welle of wisdom  & fewe wordis schewiþ For lordis alowen hym litil  or listenen to his resou n He te mp ereþ þe tunge to truþe -ward  & noo tresore coueytiþ Sap iencie te mp erat rix . O.14.321: This line is written in the right margin. Þe eyȝtiþ is alele a lele labo ur  & loþ to take more  Þan he may wel deserue  in som er or in wynter And if he chaffare . he chargiþ no losse  mowe he charite wynne Negociu m s in e da mpno . O.14.325: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after Negociu m , so that it appears as two lines. Þe nyneþe is swete for O.14.326: OC 2 alone have for in place of to. þe soule  no sugre swetter For pacience is payn  for pou erte hym -selfeselue And sobrete swete drynke  & good leche in sekenesse Þus lerede me a lettered man  for oure lordis loue Seynt austyn a blissid lijf  wiþ -outen bisynesse For body & soule absq ue sollicitudine felicitas Now god þat al good gyueþ  g raunte his soule reste Þat þus first wrote to wissen men  what pou erte was to mene Allas quod haukyn þe actijf man þoo  þ at after my c ristendoom I ne hadde be deed & doluen  for do -welis sake So hard it is quod haukyn . to lyue & to do synne Synne sueþ vs eu ere quod he  & sory gan waxe And wepte water wiþ hise yen  & weylede þe tyme Þ at eu ere he dide dede  þat dere god displesede Swowede O.14.340: OLMR alone have the form Swowede; most B manuscripts have Swouned. & sobbede  & sykede ful ofte Þ at eu ere he hadde londe or lardelord O.14.341: A solidus/punctus above larde and above marginal lord indicate that substitution was intended. C 2 shares the erroneous reading. Other B manuscripts have lordshipe.  lesse oþ er more Or maystrie ou er any man  moo þan of hym -selue I werere were not worþi quod haukyn  to were any cloþis Ne neiþ er schirte ne schoone  saue for schame one To cou ere my careyn quod he  & cryede fast m ercy And wepte & weylede  & þ er -wiþ I a -wakede Passus q uintodeci us q uintodeci[m] us O.15.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears as two lines. A A C after my wakyng  it was wondre longe Er I koude kyndeli knowe  what was do -wel And so my witt wexe & wanyede  til I a fool were And sum lakkede my lijf  aloweden O.15.4: OC 2 alone have the form aloweden; most B manuscripts have allowed. it fewe And leeten for a lorel  & loþ to reuerencen Lordis or ladyes  or any lijf ellis As p ersouns in pelure  & wiþ pendauntis of siluer To sergeauntis To s ergeauntis ne to swiche  seyde not ones God loke ȝow lordis  ne loutede fayre Þat folk helden me a fool  & in þat folye I rauede Til resou n hadde ruþe on me  & rokkede me a -slepe Til I seyȝ as it sorcery were  & O.15.12: OC 2 alone have & in place of a. sotil þing wiþ -alle Oon wiþ -outen tunge & teeþ  tolde me whider I schulde And wher -of I cam & what kynde  I co niurede hy m at þe laste If he were cristis creature  for cristis loue me to telle I am c ristis creature quod he  & c risten in many a place In cristis court I -knowe wel  & of his kyn a partye Is neyþ er peter þe porter  ne poule wiþ his fauchou n Þat wole defende me þe dore  dynge ich neu ere so late At mydnyȝt . at mydday  my voyce so is knowen O.15.20: OC 2 alone have the form knowen; variants include yknowe (HmBLMR), y-knawen (C), well Iknowe (GF), and knowe (WCrY). Þat iche a creature of his court  welcomeþ me fayre What ar ȝe callid in þat court quod I  among c ristis peple Anima . Þe whiles I quyk was in þe coors quod he  called am I anima And wha nne I wilne or O.15.24: OC 2 alone have or in place of and. wolde  anim us ich hatte And for þ at I kan & knowe  called am I mens And wha nne I make mone to god  memoria is my name And wha nne I deme domes  & do as truþe techiþ Þa nne is rac io my riȝt name  & O.15.28: GYOC 2 alone include &. resou n on englisch And wha nne I fele þat folk telleþ  my first name is sensus O.15.29: A parasign, with a long horizontal stroke extending from the top, appears in the right margin. The hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty, but resembles hand 2. And þat is witt & wisdam  þe welle of alle craftis And wha nne O.15.31: OC 2 alone lack I before chalenge. chalenge or chalenge not  clepe O.15.31: YOC 2 alone have clepe in place of chepe. or refuse Þa nne am I co ncience called  goddis clerk & his notarie And wha nne I loue lelly  oure lord . & alle oþ er Þa nne is leel loue my name  & in latyn amor And wha nne I flye fro þe flesch  & forsake þe careyne Þa nne am I spirit specheles  spirit us þa nne ich hatte Austyn & þsoidorus [y]sidorus  eyþ er of hem boþe Nempnede me þus to name  now þ ou myȝtist O.15.38: OC 2 alone have myȝtist; most other B manuscripts have myȝt. chese How þ ou coueytist to calle me  now knowest þ ou alle my names A ni ma p ro diu ersis acc io nib us diu ersa no mi na sortit ur / du m viuificat corp us  a ni ma e st / du m vult  anim us e st / du m scit  mens e st / du m recolit  memoria e st / du m iudicat  rac io e st / du m sentit  sensus e st / du m amat  amor e st du m negat vel consentit  conscie ncia e st / du m spirat  sp iritus est . . O.15.40: This line begins in the right margin of l. 39 and breaks after diu ersis , scit  , and sensus e st du m , wrapping around to occupy the next three full line spaces. Ȝe been as a bischop quod I  al bourdynge þat tyme For bisschoppis yblissid  beren many names Presul & pontifex  and metropolitanus And oþ ere names an heep  episcopus & pastor Þat is soþ seyde he  now I se þi wille Þ ou woldest knowe & ku nne  þe cause of alle her names And of myn if þ ou myȝtist  me þinkeþ bi þi speche Ȝhe sire I seyde bi so  no man were a -greued Alle þe science vndir su nne  & alle þe sutil craftes I wolde knowe & ku nne  kyndeli in myn herte Þa nne art þ ou vnp arfiȝt quod he  & oon . of prides knyȝtis For swich a lust & likyng  lucifer fel from heuene Pona m pede m meu m in aq uilone  & si milis ero altissi mo It were aȝens kynde quod he  & al kyns resou n Þ at any creature schulde ku nne al  except crist oone Aȝens swiche salomon spekiþ  & dispisiþ her wittis And seiþ . sic ut qui mel comedit m ultu m  no n e st ei bonu m . s ic q ui sc rutator e st magestat is opp rimit ur a gl oria O.15.57: This line begins in the right margin of l. 56, breaks after qui , and wraps around to occupy the next full line space, ending in the right margin. To englische men . þis is to mene  þat mowen speke & here Þe man þat myche hony eteþ  his mawe it engleymeþ And þe more þ at a man  of good mater hereþ But he do þ er -after  it dooþ hym double scathe Beat us e st . seiþ seynt Bernard  q ui sc ripturas legit Et v erba vertit in op era  fulliche to his power Coueytise to kunne  & to knowe science Pullede O.15.65: OC 2 alone have Pullede; most B manuscripts have Putte. out of p aradice  adam & eue Scie ncie appetit us ho mi nem i mmortalitat is gl oriam spoliau it . O.15.66: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after mortalitat is , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And riȝt as hony is yuele to defye  & engleymeþ þe mawe Riȝt so . þat þoruȝ resou n  wolde þe rote knowe  Of god . & of hise myȝtis  his grace it lettiþ For in þe likyng . lijþ a pride  & a likhams coueytise Aȝens cristis cou nceyl  & alle clerkis techyng Þat is . no n pl us sap ere q uam o por tet sap ere . O.15.72: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after q uam , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Freris & fele oþ ere maystris  þat to lewede men p rechen Meuen materes i mmesurables  to tellen of þe t rinite And O.15.75: OC 2 alone have And in place of That. ofte tymes þe lewed peple  of her beleue douten Better to bileue were O.15.76: OC 2 alone have to bileue were; variants include were (M), byleue were (L), beleue were (Hm), beleue where (Cr 1), to leue were (YCr 23GCCot), to leue weren (BmBo), byleue (R), and it were (WF). many  doctouris . swich techyng And telle men of þe ten comau ndeme nt es  & touche þe seuene sy nnes And of þe b raunches þat boriounen of hem  & brynge n me n to helle And how þat folk in folies  myspenden her fyue wittis Pride of Freris O.15.80: The rubric is divided after of, so that it appears as two lines. As wel freris as oþ ere folk  foliliche þei spenden O.15.80: YOC 2M alone have þei spenden; variants include spenen (CrCLR) and speken (B). In housyng in hateryng  & hye clergie schewynge More for pompe þan for pure charite  þe peple woot þe soþe Þ at I ne O.15.83: YOC 2 alone include ne. lye not . loo  for lordis ȝe plesen And reu erencen þe riche  þe raþ er for her goodis O.15.84: OC 2 alone have goodis in place of siluer. Confu nda nt ur o mnes q ui adora nt sculptilia & c etera & ali bi / vt q ui d diligit is vanitate m & q ueritis mendaciu m O.15.85: This line is divided after vanitate m , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Freris O.15.86: The letter <V>, about two lines in height, appears in the extreme right margin, written apparently by hand 2. Go to þe glose of þe vers  ȝe grete clerkis If I lye on ȝow to my lewede witt  ledeþ me to brennyng For as it semeþ . ȝe forsaken  no mannes almesse Of vsureris of horis  of auarouse chapmen And louten to þeise lordis  þat mowen lene ȝow nobles Aȝeyn ȝoure rule & religiou n  I take record of iesus Þat seyde to hise disciplis  ne sitis p ersonaru m acceptores Of þis mateer I myȝte  make a longe bible Curatis Ac of curatouris of c risten peple  as clerkys O.15.94: An irregular tear in the vellum, present at the time of copying, appears between clerkys and beren. beren witnesse I schal tellen it for truþes sake  take heed . who -so likiþ As holynesse & honeste  out of holy chirche sprediþ Þoruȝ lele libbynge men  þat goddis lawe techen Riȝt so . out of holy chirche  alle yueles spreden Þere imp arfiȝt preesthode is  p rechouris & techeris And see it bi ensau mple  in som er -tyme on trowes Þ ere su mme bowis been leued  & su mme beren noon Þ ere is a myscheef in þe moore  of swiche man ere bowis Riȝt so p ersouns & preestis  & p rechouris of holi chirche Þat arn rote of þe riȝt feiþ  to rule þe peple Ac þ ere þe rote is roten  resoun woot þe soþe Schal neu ere floure ne fruyt  ne fayre leef be grene For -þi wolden O.15.107: O alone has the form wolden in place of wolde. ȝe lettred men leue  þe lecherie of cloþing And be kynde . as fel O.15.108: GOC 2 alone have fel in place of bifel. for clerkis  & curteys of cristis goodis Trewe of ȝoure tunge  & of ȝoure tayl boþe And hate to here harlotrie  & not to vndirfonge  Tyþes of vntrewe þing  ytilied or chaffared Loþe weren lewede men  but þei ȝoure lore foloweden O.15.112: OC 2 alone have the form foleweden in place of folwede. And amenden hem þat mysdoon  more for ȝoure ensau mples  Þan for to p reche & p reuen it not  ypocrisie it semeþ For ypocrisye in latyn  is likned to a dong -hil Þat were besnewid wiþ snow  & snakes wiþ -Inne Or to a wal þat were whyȝt -lymed  wiþ -out & foul wiþ -inne Riȝt so many preestis  prechouris & p relatis Arn emblaunched wiþ bele p aroles  & wiþ cloþes also Ac ȝoure werkis & wordis þ er -vndir  arn ful vnlouelich Iohanne O.15.121: OC 2 alone lack <s> in Iohannes. c risostom us  of clerkis spekiþ & preestis Sic ut de te mplo o mne bonu m eg redit ur  Sic de te mplo o mne malu m p rocedit / Si sac erdociu m i ntegru m fu erit  tota floreret O.15.122: OC 2 alone have floreret in place of floret . ecc lesia / Si a ute m corruptu m fu erit  o mni um fides marcida e st / Si sac erdociu m fu erit i n p ecc atis  tot us p op ul us conu ertit ur ad p eccand um / Sic ut cu m vid eris arbore m marcida m & pallida m  i ntelligis q uod viciu m h abet in radice / Ita cu m vid eris p op ul um i ndisciplinatu m & irreligiosu m  s in e dubio . sacerdociu m eius non est sanu m O.15.122: This line begins in the right margin of l. 121, breaks after eg redit ur , ec cles ia Si , con- in conu ertit ur , viciu m , and sacer- in sacerdociu m eius , wraps around to occupy the next four full line spaces, and ends at bottom right of the fifth line. A red parasign precedes the last line of the text, which is followed by five ticks in black and red. Prestis . If O.15.123: The initial capital is larger than usual and decorated with flourishes. lewede men wisten  what þis latyn meneþ And who was myn autour  myche wondir me þinkeþ But if many a preest heer O.15.125: OC 2 alone have heer in place of some variant of bere.  for her baslardis & her brohchis Schulden go synge s eruyseles  wiþ sire philip þe sparwe O.15.126: OC 2 alone substitute this line for the completely different one which appears in other manuscripts and which Kane and Donaldson render as "[And beere] bedes in hir hand and a book vndir hir arme." See Skeat's note in Vol. II, 218. In his description of this manuscript in the endleaves, Skeat writes: "There is one variation in it which must not be passed over, viz. the allusion to Sir Philip the Sparrow in the line 'Schulden go synge seruyseles / wiþ sire philip þe sparwe' which, as explained in the footnote to xv. 119, is totally different from the corresponding line in the other copies." Sire ion & sire ieffrey  han gyrdeles O.15.127: OC 2F alone have the plural form. of siluer A baslard & O.15.128: O alone lacks a before ballok-knyf. ballok -knyf  & O.15.128: OC 2F alone have & in place of wiþ. barres O.15.128: OC 2 alone have barres in place of botons. ou er -gylt Ac a porthos þat schulde be his plow  placebo to segge Hadde he neu ere O.15.130: An irregular tear in the vellum, present at the time of copying, appears between neuere and seruyse. s eruyse to saue sylu er þ erto  for spendyng at ale O.15.130: OC 2 alone have for spendyng at ale; all other beta witnesses have seiþ it with ydel wille. Kane and Donaldson divide the line into two, the second with a conjectural a-verse. Allas ȝe lewede men  myche lesen O.15.131: OC 2 alone have the form lesen in place of lese. ȝe on preestis Ac þing þat wickidlich is wonnen O.15.132: OC 2 alone have the form wonnen; most B manuscripts have wonne.  & wiþ false sleyȝtis Wolde neu ere . of witty god þe witt  but wickide me n it hadde Þe whyche arn preest is i mp arfiȝt  & p rechouris after siluer Sectouris & suddenes  somono urs & her lemmans Þis þat wiþ gyle was geten  vng raciousli is spendid So harlottis & hores  arn holpen þoruȝ O.15.137: OC 2 alone have þoruȝ; all other beta witnesses have wiþ. swiche goodis And goddis folk for defaute þ erof  forfaren & spillen Curatouris of holy chirche  as clerkis þat been auarouse Liȝtlich þat þei leuen  losellis it habben Or dyen intestat  & þa nne þe bischop entreþ And makeþ myrþe þ er -wiþ  & his men boþe And seggen . he was a nygard  þat no good myȝte spare To freend ne to fremde  þe feend haue his soule For a wrecchid hous he helde  al his lijf -tyme And þat he sparede & bisperde  spende we in myrþe Be þei lered . be þei lewide O.15.147: OC 2 alone include both occurrences of þei; although HmBM also have Be, most B manuscripts have By lered by lewed.  þat loþ is to spende Þus goon her goodis  be þe goost faren Ac for goode men god woot  greet deel men maken And bymeneþ goode mete -ȝyueris  & i n mynde hauen  In O.15.151: The initial capital is decorated with a flourish. preyeris & i n penau nce  & i n p arfiȝt charite What is charite quod I þoo  a childisch þing he seyde Nisi efficiamini sic ut p aruuli no n i nt rabit is & c etera O.15.153: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after efficiamini , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Charite W-oute n fau ntee O.15.154: OC 2 alone have the form fauntee; most B manuscripts have faunteltie. or folye  a fre liberal wille Where schulde n O.15.155: O alone has the form schulde n in place of sholde. me n fynde swich a freend  w it h so fre an herte Longe wille O.15.156: The rubric is divided after Longe, so that it appears as two lines. I O.15.156: The initial capital is decorated with a flourish. haue lyued in londe quod I  my name is longe wille And fonde I neu ere ful charite  bifore ne bi -hynde Men been m ercyable to me ndynau ntis  & to þe O.15.158: OC 2 alone include þe. pore And wolen lene þ ere þei leuen O.15.159: OC 2 alone have the form leuen; most B manuscripts have leue.  lelli to be payed Ac charite þat poule p recheþ O.15.160: OC 2 alone have p recheþ in place of preiseþ. best  & moost pleseþ oure saueo ur As . no n i nflat ur . no n e st ambic iosa . no n q uerit que sua su nt I O.15.162: The initial capital is accompanied by a flourish. seyȝ neu ere swich a man  so me god helpe Þ at he ne wolde aske after his  & oþ er -wyle coueyte  Þing þat nediþ hym not  & nyme it if he myȝte Clerkis tellen O.15.165: OC 2 alone have tellen in place of some variant of correctly alliterating kennen. me þ at crist  is . in alle places Ac I seyȝ hym O.15.166: OC 2 alone lack neuere before soþeli. soþeli  but as my -self in a myrour Ita in enigmate . tu nc facie ad faciem O.15.167: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after facie , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And so I trowe truly  bi þat men tellen of charite It is not champiou ns fiȝt  ne chaffare as I trowe Charite Charite quod he ne chaffareþ not  ne chalengeþ ne craueþ As proude of a peny  as of a pound of gold And is as glad of a gowne  of a grey russet As of a tunycle of tarse  or of tried scarlet He is glad wiþ al glad  & good til alle wickide And leneþ & loueþ alle  þat oure lord made Curseþ he no creature  ne O.15.176: HmOC 2 alone lack he before can. can bere no wraþþe Ne no likyng haþ to lye  ne lawȝhe men to scorn Al þat men seyen . he lat it soþ  & in solace takeþ And alle man ere mescheues  in myldenesse he suffreþ Coueytiþ he noon erþeli good  but heuene -riche blisse Haþ he any rentes or richesse  or any riche freendis  Of rentes ne of richesse  reccheþ he neu ere For a freend þat fyndeþ hym  faylede hym neu ere at nede Fiat voluntas tua  fyndiþ hym eu ere -more And if he soupe . he etiþ but a soppe  of spera in deo He can portreye O.15.186: OC 2 alone lack wel before þe. þe pat er -nost er  & peynte it wiþ auees And oþ er -wyle he is wone  to wende on pilg rimage Þ ere pore men & p risoun ers been O.15.188: OC 2 alone have been in place of some variant of liggen.  her p ardou n to haue Þouȝ he bere hem no breed  he bereþ hem swetter O.15.189: OC 2 alone lack a noun after swetter; most B manuscripts have liflode. Loueþ hem as oure lord biddiþ  & lokeþ how þei faren And wha nne he is wery of þat werk  þa nne wole he su m -tyme Labouren in lauendrie O.15.192: OC 2F alone lack wel before þe.  þe lenkþe of a myle And ȝerne in -to ȝouþe  & ȝepli speke O.15.193: A caret/punctus appears in the extreme right margin. Correction of speke may have been intended, since the reading of Bx is seche. Pride . wiþ al þe ap urtenau nce  & pakken hem to -gyd eres And bowken hem at his brest  & beten hem clene And leggen on . longe  wiþ laboraui in gemitu meo And wiþ warm water at hise yen  wasschen hem after  And þa nne he syngeþ wha nne he dooþ so  & su m -tyme seiþ wepynge Cor cont ritu m & hu miliatu m O.15.199: OC 2F alone lack deus before non . no n despicies O.15.199: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after cont ritu m , and a red parasign precedes the ampersand. Bi c rist I wolde þ at I knewe hy m  no creature leu ere W-oute n help of peers plowman quod he  his p ersoone seest -þ ou neu ere Wher clerkis knowen hym quod I  þat kepen holy chirche Clerkis han no knowyng quod he  but bi werkis & wordis Ac peers þe plowman  p arceyuede O.15.204: OC 2C alone have the preterite form. more depper Where is þe wille & wherfore  þ at many a O.15.205: GOC 2 alone include a. wiȝt suffreþ Et vidit d eus cogitac io nes eo rum O.15.206: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after d eus , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first. For þ er arn ful proude -herted men  pacient of tunge And buxu m as of beryng  to burgeys & to lordis And to pore peple  han pep er in þe nose And as a lyou n he lokeþ  þ ere men lakken hise werkis For þ er arn begg er s & bidders  bedemen as it were Loken as lambren  & semen lijf -holy Ac it is more to haue her mete  in swich esy man ere Þa n for penau nce or p arfiȝtnesse  þe pou ert þat swiche taken Þ erfore bi colour ne bi clergie  knowe schalt þ ou hym neu ere Neiþ er þoruȝ wordis ne werkis  but þoruȝ wille one And þat knowiþ no clerk  ne creature in erþe Petrus But peers þe plowman  petrus id est christus For he is not in losellis O.15.219: Cr 2OC 2 alone have losellis; most B manuscripts have lolleris  ne in land -lep ers h eremytis Ne in ankris þ ere a box hangeþ  alle swiche þei fayten Fy on faytouris  and in fautores suos For charite is goddis champiou n  & as a good chyld . heende And þe myriest of mouþe  at mete . where he sittiþ Þe loue þat lijþ in his herte  makiþ hy m liȝt of speche And is companable & co nfortatijf  as c rist bit hym -selue Nolite f ieri sic ut ypoc rite t ristes O.15.226: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after sic ut , so that it appears as two lines. For I haue seen hy m in silk  & su m -tyme in russet Boþe in grey & in griys  & in gylt harneys And as gladlich he it gaaf  to gomes þat it nedede Edmund & Edward  eyþ er were kyngys And seyntis yset  til charite hem folewede I haue seen charite also  syngen & reden Riden & rennen  in raggede wedis Ac biddynge as begg ers  bihelde I hym neu ere Ac in riche robes  raþest he walkiþ Ycalled O.15.236: OC 2 alone lack and before ycrymaylid. ycrymaylid  & his crowne schauen And clenlich ycloþed  in cipres & in tartaryne O.15.237: Kane and Donaldson (223) exclude this line, which occurs only in GYOC 2CB, on the grounds that it is scribal. And in a freris frokke  he was founden onys Ac it is fer agoo  in seynt fraunceys tyme And in þat secte siþþe  to selden O.15.240: OC 2 alone lack he before haþ. haþ be knowen Riche men he reco mmendiþ  & of her robes takeþ Þat wiþ -outen wyles  leden her lyues Beat us e st diues q ui & c etera O.15.243: This line is written in the right margin. In kyngys court he comeþ often O.15.244: OC 2 alone have often in place of ofte.  þ ere þe cou nceyl is trewe Ac if coueytise be of þe cou nceyl  he wole not come þ er -Inne In court among iapers  he comeþ not but selde For braulyng & bacbytyng  & beryng of fals witnesse Consistorie In þe co nsistorie bifore þe comyssarie  he comeþ not ful ofte For her lawe dureþ ou er -longe  but if þei lacchen siluer And mat rimoyne for money  maken & vnmaken And þat concience & crist  haþ yknyt faste Þei vndoon it vnworþili  þoo doctouris of lawe Ac I ne lakke no lijf  but lord amende vs alle And gyue vs grace good e god  charite to folewe For who -so myȝte mete wiþ hym  swiche man eres hym ayliþ Neiþ er he banneþ ne blameþ  boosteþ ne preyseþ Craueþ ne coueytiþ  ne crieþ after more Lakkeþ ne loseþ  ne lokeþ vp sterne In pace in idip sum dormia m & c etera O.15.259: This line is written in the right margin. Þe moost lijflode he lyueþ bi  is loue in goddis passiou n Neiþ er he biddiþ ne beggeþ  ne borweþ to ȝelde Misdooþ he no man  ne wiþ his mouþ greueþ Among ys c risten men  þis myldenesse scholde laste In alle man ere angres  haue þis at herte Þ at þouȝ þei suffreden O.15.265: OC 2 alone have the form suffreden; most B manuscripts have suffrede. al þis  god suffrede for vs more In ensau mple we schulden O.15.266: O alone has the form schulden; most B manuscripts have sholde. do so  & take no veniaunce  Of oure foos þat doon vs falsnesse  þat is O.15.267: OC 2 alone lack any word between is and fadris; most B manuscripts have oure. fadris wille For wel may eu ery man wite  if god hadde wolde hym -selue Schulde neu ere iudas ne iew  haue iesu doon on rode Ne haue martired petir ne poule  ne in prisou n holden Ac he suffrede in ensau mple  þ at we schulden O.15.271: OC 2 alone have the form schulden in place of sholde or omission. suffre also And seyden O.15.272: O alone has the form seyden in place of seide. to swiche þat suffre wolde n  þ at pacientes vincunt Verbi gr atia quod he  & verrey ensau mples many In legenda s anc to rum  þe lijf of holy seyntis What penau nce & pou erte  & passiou n þei suffreden O.15.275: OC 2 alone have the form suffreden in place of suffrede. In hungre & in hete  in alle man ere angrees Antony & egidie  & oþ ere holi fadris Woneden in wildernesse  amonge wylde beestis Monkes & mendynau ntis  men bi hem -seluen In spekis & spelonkis  selden speke to -gyd eres Ac neiþ er antony ne egydie  ne heremyte þat tyme Of lyouns ne of lep ardes  no lijflode ne token But of foulis þat flyen O.15.283: O alone has flyen; most B manuscripts have fleeþ.  þus fynden men in bokis Except þ at egidie  after an hynde criede And þoruȝ þe mylk of þat mylde beeste  þe man was sustened O.15.285: In the extreme bottom right margin there appears a quire signature, so severely cropped as to be illegible. And day bi day hadde he hir not  his hungre for to slake But selden & sundri tymes  as seiþ þe book & techiþ Antony a -dayes  aboute þe O.15.288: HMOC 2 alone include þe. noon tyme Hadde a brid þat brouȝte hy m breed  þat he by . lyuede And þouȝ þe goom hadde a gest  god fonde hem boþe Poule p rim us h eremita  hadde p arroked hym -selue Þ at no man myȝte hym see  for mosse & for leues Foules hym fedden O.15.293: OC 2 alone have the form fedden in place of fedde.  fele wyntres wiþ -alle Til he fou ndede freris  of austyns ordre An -er O.15.295: OC 2 alone include An-oþ er . The presence of a caret/punctus in the left margin and a solidus/punctus above An indicates intended deletion of An or perhaps An-oþ er . poule after his p rechyng  panyeris he made And wan wiþ hise handis  þat his wombe nedede Petir fischede for his fode  & his felaw andrew Sum þei solden O.15.298: OC 2 alone have the form solden in place of solde. & su m þei soþen  & so þei lyueden boþe And also marie magdaleyn  bi moores lyuede & dewes Ac moost þoruȝ deuociou n  & mynde of god almyȝti I schulde not þis seuene dayes  seggen hem alle Þat lyueden þus for oure lordis loue  many longe ȝeris Ac þ er ne was lyoun ne lep arde  þat on laundes wenten Neiþ er bere ne boor  ne oþ er beest wylde Þat ne fel to her feet  & faunede n O.15.305: O alone has the form faunede n ; most B manuscripts have fawned. wiþ þe taylis And if þei couþen O.15.306: O alone has the form couþen in place of kouþe. haue ycarped  bi crist as I trowe Þei wolden haue yfed þat folk  bifore wylde foulis Ac god sente hem fode bi foulis  & bi no ferse beestis In menyng þat meke þing  mylde þing schulde fede As who seiþ . religiouse  riȝtful men schulde fynde And laweful men to lijf -holy men  lyuelode brynge And þa nne wolden O.15.312: O alone has the form wolden in place of wolde. lordis & ladies  be loþ to agulte And to take of her tenau ntis  no more þan truþe wolde Founden O.15.314: OC 2 alone have the form Founden; all other beta witnesses have Founde. þei þat freris wolden  forsaken O.15.314: OC 2 alone have the form forsaken in place of forsake. her almesse And bidden hem . bere it  þ ere it was yborwid Dietyng of religious O.15.316: The rubric is divided after of, so that it appears as two lines. For we bee goddis fowles O.15.316: A solidus/punctus above fowles, accompanied by a caret/punctus in the left margin, indicate deletion, although no substitute is supplied. The only variant reading, Foles, is attested by Cr 23; Kane and Donaldson emend to behestes.  and abide O.15.316: OC 2 alone have the form abide in place of abiden. alwey . Til briddis brynge vs mete  þat we schulden lyue by . For haue O.15.318: YOC 2 alone have the present-tense form. ȝe potage & payn O.15.318: GOC 2F alone lack ynogh before &.  & peny -ale to drynke And a messe þ er -wiþ  of any man ere kynde Ȝe han O.15.320: OC 2 alone have the present indicative form. riȝt ynow ȝe religious  & so ȝoure rule me tolde Nu mq uam dic it iob rug it onag er  cu m herba m h abu erit O.15.321: A double solidus above both words indicates transposition of original h abu erit herba m . The reading is shared with RF. / aut mugiet bos  cu m an te plenu m p resepe stet erit / Bruto rum a ni maliu m nat ura te conde mpnat  O.15.321: OC 2 alone lack quia before cum . cu m eis pabulu m co mune sufficiat . ex adipe p rodijt i niq uitas tua O.15.321: This line begins in the right margin of l. 320, breaks after iob , stet erit , and p rodijt , wrapping around to occupy the next two full line spaces and ending in the right margin of l. 322. A red parasign precedes the last line of text. If lewede me n knewe n O.15.322: O alone has the form knewe n in place of knewe. þis latyn  þei wolde n O.15.322: OC 2 alone have the form wolde n in place of wolde. loke whom þei ȝyuen O.15.322: OC 2 alone have the form ȝyuen in place of yeue. And avise hem bifore  fyue dayes or sixe Of ȝiftis into Religious O.15.324: The rubric is divided after into, so that it appears as two lines. Er þei mortiseden O.15.324: OC 2 alone have the form mortiseden in place of amortisede(n) or enmorteisid. to monkes  or chanou ns her rentis . no ta . O.15.325: The word no ta is accompanied by a flourish beneath. Allas lordis & ladies  lewed counceyl han ȝe To ȝyue from ȝoure eires  þat ȝoure ayles ȝow laften O.15.326: OF alone have laften; most B manuscripts have lefte. And ȝyuen to bidde for ȝow  to swiche þat been riche And been founded & fessed fe[ff]ed eke  to bidde for oþ ere Who p arforneþ þe p rophecie  of O.15.329: OC 2 alone lack þe before peple. peple þat now libbeþ Disp ersit . dedit paup erib us O.15.330: This line is written in the right margin. If any peple p arforne þis text  it arn þe pore freris . Deridendo . . For þat þei beggen aboute  in beeldyng þei spenen O.15.332: O alone has spenen; variants include spende (GBR), spendyn (C 2), spene (YLM), it spende (HmF), and spende it (WCrC). And on hem -self su m  & swiche as been her laboreris And of hem þat habben þei taken  & ȝeuen hem þat ne habben Ac clerkis & knyȝtis  & comuneris þat been riche Feel of ȝow faren  as if I a forest hadde Þat were ful of fayre trees  & I fondede & caste  How I myȝte . moo þ eri nne  amonges hem sette Riȝt so ȝe riche  ȝe robben O.15.339: OC 2 alone have the form robben; variants include robbeþ (HmBR), robbe (CrGF), and robeþ (WYLMR). þat ben riche And helpen hem þat helpen ȝow  & ȝyuen þ ere no nede is As who -so fillede a tunne  of a fresch ryuer And wente forþ wiþ þat water  to wooke wiþ þe O.15.342: OC 2F alone include þe. temse Q uid e st dare i mpijs Riȝt so ȝe riche  ȝe robben & feden  . Of munkys . O.15.344: The word munkys is accompanied by a flourish beneath. Hem . þat han as ȝe han  hem ȝe maken at ese Ac religious þat riche been  schulden raþ er feste begg ers Þan burgeys þat riche been  as þe book telleþ Q uia sac rilegiu m e st res paup eru m  non paup erib us dare / Ite m p ecc atorib us dare  e st demo nib us i mmolare / It em . Monache si indiges & accipis  poci us das q uam accipis / Si a ute m no n eges & accipis  rapis / Porro no n i ndig et monachus . si h abeat q uod nat ure sufficit O.15.347: This line begins in the right margin of l. 346 and breaks after non , ac- in accipis , and monachus . , wrapping around to occupy the next two full line spaces and ending in the right margin of l. 348. A red parasign precedes the last line of text. A wavy red bracket connects the first two lines of text with the rubric in the right margin of l. 344. Line 347 is followed by three ticks. For -þi I cou nceyl alle c risten  to co nforme he m to charite For charite wiþ -outen chalengyng  vnchargeþ þe soule And many a p risou n fro p urgatorie  þoruȝ hise p reyeris delyuereþ Ac þ er is a defaute in þe folk  þat þe feiþ kepen Wherfore folk been O.15.352: OC 2 alone have been in place of is. þe febeler  & not ferme of bileue And in luschburues is a liþer alay  & ȝit lokeþ he lijk a st erlyng Þe merk of þat money is O.15.354: The word is seems to have been written over a punctus elevatus. good  ac þe metal is feble And so it fareþ bi su mme folk  now þei han a fayre speche Crowne & c ristendom  þe kyng ys merk of heuene Ac þe metal þat is mannes soule  wiþ sy nne is ful O.15.357: OC 2 alone have ful; all other beta witnesses have foule. The MED lists ful as a variant of foule. allayed Boþe lettred & lewede been  now allayed O.15.358: YOC 2M alone transpose alayed now. wiþ sy nne Þ at no lijf loueþ oþ er  ne oure lord as I leue O.15.359: OC 2 alone have I leue in place of it semeþ. For þoruȝ werre & wickede werkis  & wedres vnresounable Wedre -wise schipmen  & O.15.361: OC 2 alone lack witty before clerkis, and thus lack the third alliterating stave. clerkis also Han no beleue to þe lifte O.15.362: A solidus/punctus above lifte, accompanied by a caret/punctus in the right margin, indicate deletion, although no substitute is supplied.  ne to þe lore of philosophres Astromyens alday  in her arte faylen Þat wylom warneden O.15.364: O alone has the form warneden in place of warned. bifore  what schulde falle after Schipmen & heerdis O.15.365: OC 2 alone have heerdis in place of shepherdes.  þat wiþ schip & scheep wenten Wisten bi þe welken  what schulde bityde As of wedres & wyndes  þei warneden O.15.367: O alone has the form warneden in place of warned. men ofte Tilyeris þat tiliden þe erþe  tolden her maystres  Bi þe seed þat þei sewe n  what þei selle myȝten O.15.369: OC 2 alone have the form myȝten in place of myȝte. And what to leue & what to lyue by  þe londe was so trewe Now faylen O.15.371: OC 2 alone have the form faylen in place of faileþ. þe folk of O.15.371: OC 2 alone lack þe before flood. flood  & of þe loond boþe Schepheerdis & schipmen  & so doon þeise tilieris Neiþ er þei ku nnen ne knowen  oo cours bifore an -er Astronomyens also  arn at her wittis ende Of þat was calculed of þe elementis  þe co nt rarie þei fynden O.15.375: OC 2 alone have the form fynden in place of fynde. Gramer þe ground of al  bigyleþ now children For is noon of þeise newe clerkis  who -so nymeþ heed Þat can v ersifye fayre  ne formelich endyten Is O.15.379: OC 2 alone have Is; most B manuscripts have Ne. not oon among ys an hundrid  þat an autour can co nstrue Ne rede a lettre in any langage  but latyn & englisch Go now to any degree  & but if gyle be mayster And flaterer his felaw  vndir hym to formen Miche wonder me þinkiþ  among ys vs alle Docto urs of decrees  & of dyuinite maystres Þat schulden kunne & knowe  al kyns clergye And answere to argumentis  & also to a quodlibet I dar not segge it for schame  if swiche weren apposed Þei schulden fayle of her phylosophie  & in her O.15.388: OGC 2M alone include her. phisik boþe Wherfore I am a -feerd  of folk of holy chirche Lest þei ou erhippe O.15.390: OC 2 alone have the form ou erhippe in place of ouerhuppen. as oþ ere doon  in offices & in houris Ac if þei ou erhippen as I hope not  oure bileue suffiseþ As clerkis in corp us christi feeste  syngen & reden Þ at sola fides sufficit  to saue wiþ lewede peple And so mowen sarasens be saued  scribes & Iues Allas þa nne . but oure lores -men  lyuen as þei leren vs And for her lyuyng þ at lewide men  be þe loþer god to agulten O.15.396: O alone has agulten; variants include agulte (HmCrC), to agylte (G), to gulten (C 2), þey gilte (F), and agulten (WYBLMR). For sarasens han su mwhat  semynge to oure beleue For þei louen O.15.398: O alone has the form louen; most B manuscripts have loue. & bileuen O.15.398: OC 2 alone have the form bileuen in place of bileue.  in oo p ersoone almyȝti And we lered & lewede  in oo god beleuen And oon Makomede  a man of O.15.400: YOC 2F alone have of in place of in. mysbeleue Brouȝte sarasens of surre  & se in what man ere Machomede wiþ his dowue . O.15.402: This rubric is divided after wiþ, so that it appears as two lines. Þis makomede was c risten  & for he muste not be a pope Into surre he souȝte  & þoruȝ hise sutile wittis Dauntede a dowue  & day & nyȝt hir fedde Þe corn þat sche croppede  he caste it in his ere And if he among þe peple p reched  or in place come Þa nne wolde þe culuer come  in -to O.15.407: GOC 2 alone have into in place of to. þe clerkis ere Menynge as after mete  þus makomede hir enchauntede And dide folk þanne falle on knees  for he swore in his p rechyng Þ at þe culuer þat come so  come fro god of heuene As messager to makomede  men for to teche And þus þoruȝ wyles of his witt  & a whyte dowue Makomede in mysbeleue  men & wo mmen brouȝte Þ at lered & lewede  ȝit leuen on hise lawes And siþen oure saueo ur suffrede  þe sarasenes so bigyled Þoruȝ a cristen clerk  a -cursid in his soule . no ta . O.15.417: The word no ta is accompanied by a flourish beneath. And for drede of þe deþ  I dar not telle truþe How englisch clerkis a culuer feden  þat coueueytise coueytise hatte And been man ered after makomede  þ at no man vseþ truþe Ancres & he remytes  & monkes & freris Peren to apostelis  þoruȝ her p arfiȝt lyuyng Wolde neu ere þe feiþful fadir  þ at hise mynystres schulden  Of tyrauntis þat tenen trewe men  take any almesse But do as domynyk dide  antony O.15.424: OC 2 alone transpose antony and domynyk. & fraunceys Benet & bernard  þe whiche hem first tauȝte To lyue bi litil O.15.426: OC 2F alone lack and before in. in lowe howsis  bi lele mennes almesse Grace schulde growe & be grene  þoruȝ her good lyuyng And folkes schulden fynde  þat been in dyu erse sekenesse Þe better for her biddyng es  in body & in soule Her p reyeris & her penaunces  to pees schulde brynge Alle þat been at debate  & bedemen were trewe Petite & accipiet is & c etera O.15.432: This line is written in the right margin. Salt saueþ catel  seggen þeise wyues Vos estis sal t erre & c etera O.15.434: This line is written in the right margin. Þe heedis of holy chirche  & þei holy weren O.15.435: OC 2 alone have the form weren in place of were. Crist calleþ hem salt  for c ristene soulis Et si sal euanu erit  i n q uo saliet ur O.15.437: This line is written in the right margin. Ac fresch flesch oþ er fisch  wha nne it salt fayliþ O.15.439: OC 2 alone lack introductory It. Is vnsauery for soþe  ysoþe or ybake So is mannes soule soþeli  þat seeþ no good ensaumple Of hem of holy chirche  þat þe hye weye schulde teche And be gyde & go bifore  as a good baneour And hardye hem þat been bihynde O.15.443: GOC 2 alone transpose bihynde been.  & ȝyue hem good euydence Elleuene holy men  al þe werld turnede In -to lele bibeue bi[l]eue  þe liȝtliker me þinkeþ  Schulden alle man ere men  we han so many maystres Pre estis & p rechouris  & a pope aboue Þat goddis salt schulden be  to saue mannes soule Al was heþenesse su m -tyme  Englond & Wales Til g regory gerte clerkis  to go & to p reche Austyn at cauntirbiry  c ristenede þe kyng And þoruȝ myracles as me n mowe n rede  al þat marche he t urnede  To c rist & to c ristendom  & crosse to honoure And fullede folk faste  & þe feiþ tauȝte More þoruȝ myracles  þan þoruȝ myche p rechyng As wel þoruȝ hise werkis  as wiþ hise holi wordis And seyde hem . what fullyng & feiþ was to mene Cloþ þat comeþ fro þe weuyng  is not cumly to were Til it be fullid vndir fote  or in fullynge stokkis Wasschen wel wiþ water  & wiþ taseles cracched Ytouked & yteyntid  & vndir taylouris hand And so it fareþ bi a barn  þat born is of wombe Til it be c ristened in c ristis name  & co nfermed of þe bisschop It is heþene as to heueneward  & helples to þe soule Heþen is to mene after heþ  & vntiled erþe As in wylde wildirnesse  waxen wylde beestis crepers O.15.467: Substitution is indicated by a caret/punctus accompanying marginal crepers, but the reason for it is unclear since no change is made. Of all B manuscripts, only R has the correct reading, keperes. Rude & vnresounable  rennynge wiþ -oute crepers Ȝe; menen wel how mathew seyde O.15.468: OC 2 alone have the preterite form.  how a man made a feeste He fedde hem wiþ no venysou n  ne fesauntis ybake But wiþ foulis þat from hy m nolde  but folewede n O.15.306: O alone has the form folewede n ; most B manuscripts have folwede. his whystelyng Ecce altilia mea & o mnia p arata su nt & c etera O.15.471: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after Ecce , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. O.15.472: OC 2 alone lack And before Wiþ. Wiþ calues flesch he fedde  þe folk þat he louede Þe calf bitokeneþ clennesse  in hem þat kepen lawes For as þe cow þoruȝ kynde mylk  þe calf nurischiþ til an oxe So loue & lewte  lele men susteneþ And maydenes & mylde men  mercy desiren Riȝt so O.15.477: OC 2 alone have so in place of as. þe cow calf  coueytiþ swete mylk So doon riȝtful men  m ercy & truþe Ac who been þat excusen hem  þat arn p ersouns & preestis Þat hedes of holy chirche been  þat han her wille heer W-oute trauayle þe tiþe del  þat trewe men biswynken Þei wolen O.15.482: O alone has the form wolen; most B manuscripts have wol. be wroþ for I write þus  ac witnesse I take  Boþe mathew & mark  & memento d omine dauid What pope or p relat now  p arforneþ þat crist hiȝte Ite i n vniu ersu m mu nd um & p redicate O.15.485: This line is written in the right margin. Allas þ at men so longe . on makomede  schulden so O.15.486: OC 2 alone include the second occurrence of so. beleue So many p relatis to p reche  as þe pope makeþ Of nazareth of Nynyue  of neptalym & damask Þ at þey ne wente as c rist wisseþ  siþ þei wolen haue name  To be pastouris & preche  þe passiou n of iesus And as hym -self seyde  so to lyue & dye Bon us pastor a ni mam sua m pon it & c etera O.15.492: This line is written in the right margin. And seyde it in O.15.493: The hand supplying this interpolation resembles, and indeed may be, hand 2. saluaciou n  of sarasens & oþ ere For c risten & vnc risten  crist seyde to p rechouris Ite vos i n vinea m mea m & c etera O.15.495: This line is written in the right margin. And siþ þ at þeise sarasens  scribes & Iues Han an lippe of oure bileue  þe liȝtliker O.15.497: O alone has the form liȝtliker; variants include lyȝtloker (HmYBLMRF), lyghlier (Cr 3), and lightlier (WCr 12GC 2C). me þinkeþ  Þei schulde n O.15.498: OC 2 alone have the form schulde n in place of sholde. t urne who -so t rauayle wolde  to teche he m of þe t rinite Q uerite & i nue niet is & c etera O.15.499: This line is written in the right margin. It is ruþe to rede how  riȝtwise men lyueden How þei defouleden O.15.501: OC 2 alone have the form defouleden in place of defouled. her flesch  forsoken her owne wille Fer fro kyþ & fro kyn  yuele ycloþede ȝeden Badly ybeddid  no book but concience Ne no richesse but þe rode  to reioycen O.15.504: OC 2 alone have the form reioycen in place of reioisse. he m Inne Absit m ichi O.15.505: OC 2 alone have m ichi ; most B manuscripts have nobis . gl oriari n isi i n c ruce d omini n ostri & c etera O.15.505: This line is written in the right margin. And þoo was plente & pees  among ys pore & riche And now is ruþe to rede  how þe reed noble Is reu erenced er þe rode  receyued for þe worþier  Þan c ristes crosse þat ou ercam  deþ . & dedli synne And now is werre & woo  & who -so why askeþ For coueytise after c rosse  þe crowne stant in gold Boþe riche & religious  þat rode . þei honouren  Þat in grotes is grauen  & in golden O.15.513: OC 2 alone have golden in place of gold or omission. nobles For coueytise of þat crosse  men of holi chirche Schul turne as templeris diden  þe tyme approcheþ faste Wite ȝe not wise men  how þoo men honoureden O.15.516: OC 2 alone have the form honoureden in place of honoured. More tresore þan truþe  I dar not telle þe soþe Resou n & riȝtful doom  þoo religious demeden O.15.518: OC 2 alone have demeden; most B manuscripts have demede. . war . O.15.519: The word war is accompanied by a flourish beneath. Riȝt so ȝe clerkis for ȝoure  coueytise . er longe Schul þei deme dos eccl esie  & ȝoure pride depose Deposu it pote ntes de sede & c etera O.15.521: This line is written in the right margin. If knyȝthood & kynde witt  & comune co ncience To -gyderes loue lely  leueþ it wel ȝe bisschoppis Þe lordschip of londis  for eu ere ȝe schul lese And lyue as leuytici  as oure lord ȝow techeþ P er p rimicias & decimas & c etera O.15.526: This line is written in the right margin. Wha nne co nstantyn of curteysie  holy chirche dowede Wiþ londis & leedis  lordschippis & rentis And? aungel men herden  on hyȝ at rome crie Hodie venenu m e st effusu m in ecc lesia d ei O.15.530: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this gloss, which occurs only in OC 2, on the grounds that it is scribal. Dos eccl esie þis day  haþ ydrunken venym And þoo þat han peteres power  arn appoysouned alle A medycyn muste þ erto  þat may amende p relatis Þat schulden p reye for þe pees  possessiou n hem lettiþ Takeþ her londes ȝe lordis  & latte he m lyue bi dymes If possessiou n be poysou n  & imp arfiȝt he m make Good were to dischargen hem  for holy chirchis sake And p urgen hem of poysou n  er more p erel falle If preesthode were p arfiȝt  þe peple schulde amende Þat co ntrarien c ristes lawe  & c ristendom despisen O.15.540: OC 2 alone have the form dispisen in place of dispise. For alle paynemys preyen  & p arfiȝtly bileuen In þe holy greet god  & his grace þei axen And maken her mone to makomede  her message to schewe Þus in a feiþ leuen þat folk  & in a fals mene And þat is ruþe for riȝtful men  þat i n þe rewme wonyen And in O.15.546: Only GOC 2 have yn alone; most B manuscripts have a. p erel to þe pope  & p relates þat he makeþ And O.15.547: OC 2 alone have And in place of That. beren bisschoppis name s  of bethlem & of babiloyne Þat hippen aboute O.15.548: OC 2 alone lack in before englond. englond  to halewe mennes auteris And crepen among ys curatouris  co nfessen aȝens þe lawe Nolite m itt ere falce m i n messe m aliena m O.15.550: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after m itt ere and messe m , so that it appears as three lines. Many man for c rist es loue  was martirid in romayne Er þan any O.15.552: OC 2 alone have Er þan any; variants include Er (F), Ar (R), er þan (Hm), Er any (WCrGM), Er þat eny (B), and Er ar any (YCL). c ristendom was knowen O.15.552: OC 2 alone have the form knowen in place of knowe. þ ere  or any crosse honoured Eu ery bisschop þat bereþ crosse  bi þat . he is holden Þoruȝ his p rouynce to passe  & to his peple schewe hy m Telle hem & teche hem  of O.15.555: OC 2BoCot alone have of in place of on. þe t rinite to beleue And fede he m wiþ goostli fode  & gyue þ ere it nediþ In domo mea no n e st pa nis n eque vestime ntu m & i deo nolite constitu ere me i n rege m Osias seiþ for swiche  þat seek been & feble Inf erte o mnes deci mas i n orreu m meu m vt s it cib us i n domo & c etera O.15.559: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after meu m , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Ac we c risten c reatures  þat on þe crosse bileuen Arn ferme as in þe feiþ  goddis forbode ellis And han clerkis to kepe vs þ er -Inne  & he m þat schul come after And Iues lyuen in leel lawe  oure lord wrote hym -selue In stoon . for it stedefast is  & stonde schal eu ere Dilige deu m & p rox imum tuu m is p arfiȝt Iues lawe And toke it moyses to teche  men . til messie come And O.15.567: OC 2 alone lack on before þat. þat lawe þei leuen ȝit  & leten it þe beste And ȝit knowen O.15.568: OC 2 alone have the form knowen; most B manuscripts have knewe. þei crist  þat c ristendom tauȝte For a p arfiȝt p rofeet  þat myche peple sauede Of selcouþe sores  þei seiȝen it ofte Boþe of myracles & m erueylis  & how he men festede  Wiþ two fisches & fyue loues  fyue þousande peple And bi þat mangerie men myȝten O.15.573: O alone has the form myȝten; in place of myȝte. see  þ at messye he semede And wha nne he lifte vp lazar  þat leyd was in graue And vnder stoon deed & stanke  wiþ stiffe voyce he callede Lazare veni foras O.15.576: This line is written in the right margin. Dide hym rise & rome  riȝt bifore þe Iues Ac þei seyde & sworen  wiþ sorcerie he wrouȝte And studieden to struye O.15.579: OC 2 alone have the form struye; most B manuscripts have struyen. hym  & struyeden hem -selue And þoruȝ his pacience . her power  to pure nouȝt he brouȝte Pacie ntes vincu nt . O.15.581: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after Pacie ntes , so that it appears as two lines. Danyel of her vndoyng  dyuynede & seyde Cu m s anc tus s anc to rum ve niat . cessab it vnct io v estra O.15.583: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after s anc to rum , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And ȝit wenen þoo wrecches  þat he were pseudo p roph eta And þ at his lore be lesyng ys  & lakken it alle And hopen þ at he be to come  þat schal hem releue Moyses eft or messye  her maystryes O.15.587: OR alone have maystryes in place of maistres. ȝit deuyneþ And sarasens & pharisees  scribes & grekis Arn folk of oo feiþ  þe fadir god þei honouren And siþþen þ at þe sarasens  & also þe Iues Kun þe first clause of oure bileue  credo i n d eum p atrem & c etera O.15.591: Only OC 2 have & c etera alone; variants include omnipotentem & c etera (HmR), omnipotentem (WLMF), and omission. P relates of c risten p rouynces  schulden O.15.592: OC 2 alone have the form schulden; most B manuscripts have sholde. preue if þei myȝten O.15.592: OC 2 alone have the form myȝten in place of myȝte. Lere he m litlum & litlu m & i n iesum christum filiu m eius & c etera Til þei couþe n speke & spelle  & in sp iritum s anc tum And rede it & recorde it  wiþ remissione m p ecc ato rum Carnis resurrecc io nem & vita m et erna m amen . O.15.596: This line is written in the right margin. It wraps around beneath after et er- , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Passus xvj us sextus decimus . N Ow fayre falle ȝow quod I þoo  for ȝoure fayre schewyng For haukyns loue þe actijf man  eu ere I schal ȝow louye Ac ȝit I am i n a weer  what charite is to mene It is a ful tried tree quod he  trulich to telle Mercy is þe moore þ erof  þe myddel stokke is ruþe Þe leues been lele wordis  þe lawe of holy chirche Þe blosmes been buxu m speche  & benynge lokyng Pacience hatte þe pure tree  & pure symple of herte And so þoruȝ god & good men  groweþ þe fruyt charite I wolde t rauayle quod I . þis tree to see  twenty hundrid myle And to haue my fille of þat fruyt  forsake al oþ er saule Lord quod I if any wyȝt wite  whider out it groweþ It groweþ in a gardeyn quod he  þat god made hym -selue Amyddis mannes body  þe moore is of þat stokke Herte hatte þe herber  þat it Inne groweþ And liberu m arbitriu m  haþ þe loond to ferme Vndir peers þe plowman  to piken it and weden it P eers O.16.18: A decorative pattern of red and black vertical and horizontal lines, five line spaces in length, is appended to the descender of the <P> in Peers. þe plowman quod I þoo  & al for pure Ioye Þ at I herde nempne his name  anoon I swownede after And lay longe in a loue -dreem  & at þe last me þouȝte Þ at peers þe plowman  al þe place me schewede And bade me toten on þe tree  on toppe & on rote Wiþ þre piles was it vndir -piȝt  I p arceyuede it soone Peers quod I . I p reye þee  why stonden þeise piles heer For wyndes . wilt þ ou wite quod he  to witen it fram fallyng Cu m cecid erit iust us  no n collidet ur q uia d omin us suppon it manu m sua m And in blowynge tyme abite þe flowris  but if þeise piles helpe Þe werld is a wykkid wijnd  to hem þat willen truþe Coueytise comeþ of þat wijnd  & crepeþ among þe leues And forfretiþ nyȝ þe fruyt  þoruȝ many fayre siȝtis Þa nne wiþ þe first pile I pulle hy m dou n  þat is potencia d ei p atris Þe flesch is a felle wijnd  & in flouryng tyme Þoruȝ likyng of O.16.33: OC 2 alone have of; all other beta witnesses have and. lustis  so lowde he gynneþ blowe Þ at it norischeþ nyce siȝtes  & su m -tyme wordis And wickede werkis þ erof  wormes of synne And forbiteþ þe blosmes  riȝt to þe bare leues Þa nne sette I to . þe secounde pile  sapiencia d ei p atris Þat is þe passiou n & þe power  of oure prynce iesus Þoruȝ preyeris & penaunce  & goddis passiou n in mynde I saue it til I see it ripe  & su mdel yfruytid And þa nne fondiþ þe feend  my fruyt to distruye Wiþ alle þe wyles þat he can  & waggede O.16.42: OC 2C alone have the preterite form. þe rote And casteþ vp to þe croppe  vnkynde neyȝboris Bacbiters breke -cheste  brawlers & chideris And leiþ a ledder þ erto  of lesyngys arn þe ronges And feccheþ awey my flouris su m -tyme  afore boþe myne yen Ac liberu m arbitriu m  letteþ hy m sum tyme Þat is lutenau nt to loken it wel  bi leue of my -selue videat is q ui p eccat in sp iritum s anc tum  no nnu mq uam rem ittet ur & c etera h oc e st id em q ui p eccat p er liberu m arbit riu m no n repug nat O.16.49: This line begins in the right margin of l. 48, breaks after in , then wraps around to occupy the next full line space. Ac wha nne þe feend & þe flesch  forþ wiþ þe werld Manacen bihynde me  my fruyt for to fecche Þa nne liberu m arbit riu m  laccheþ þe first plante And palleþ adou n þe pouke  puriliche O.16.53: OC 2 alone have the form puriliche; all other beta witnesses have pureliche. þoruȝ g race And help of þe holy goost  & þus haue I þe maystrie Now fayre falle ȝow peers quod I  so fayre ȝe discryuen Þe power of þeise postes  & her p ropre myȝte And I haue þouȝte s a þreue  of þeise þre piles In what wode I O.16.58: This capital is decorated with an elaborate spray in black and red, four lines in height. n what wode þei waxen  & where þ at þei groweden O.16.58: O alone has the form groweden; most B manuscripts have growed. For al yliche been þei longe O.16.59: OC 2 alone have this form of the a-verse; most B manuscripts have "For alle are þei aliche longe."  no n lasse þan oþ er And to my mynde as me þinkeþ  on oo moore þei growen O.16.60: GYOC 2 alone have a present-tense form. And of oo gretnesse & grene  of oo O.16.61: OC 2 alone include the second occurrence of oo. greyn þei semen Þat is soþ quod peers  so it myȝte O.16.62: GOC 2 alone have myȝte in place of may. bifalle I schal telle þee as tyte  what þis tree hatte Þe ground þ ere it groweþ goodnesse it hiȝte And I haue told þee . what hiȝte þe tree  þe t rinite it meneþ And egrelich he lokede on me  & þ erfore I sparede  To axen hym any more þ erof  & bade hy m ful fayre  To discryue þe fruyt  þat so fayre hangeþ Heer now bi -neþe quod he þoo  if I nede hadde Mat rimoyne I may nyme  a moyst fruyt wiþ -alle Þat O.16.71: GYOC 2 alone have Þat in place of Thanne. co ntynence is neer þe crop  as a O.16.71: OC 2 alone include a. calewey bastard Þa nne bereþ þe crop kynde fruyt  & clennest of alle Maydenhed aungelis peres  & rapest O.16.73: YOC 2 alone have rapest in place of raþest. wolde O.16.73: OC 2 alone have wolde in place of wole. be ripe And swete wiþ -oute n swellyng  sour worþ it neu ere I p reyede peers to pulle adou n  an appel & he wolde And suffre me to assaye  what sauour it hadde And peers caste to þe crop  & þa nne comsede it to crye And waggede wydewehod  & it wepte after And wha nne it mouede mat rimoyne  it made a foule noyce Þ at I hadde ruþe wha nne peers roggede  it gradde so rufulliche For eu ere as þei droppeden O.16.81: O alone has the form droppeden in place of dropped. adou n  þe deuel was redy And gaderede hem alle to -gyd eres  boþe grete & smale Adam and eue O.16.83: GYOC 2 alone have eue in place of Abraham.  and ysaac O.16.83: OC 2 alone have ysaac in place of Ysaye. þe prophete Sampson & samuel  & seynt Ion þe baptist Bar hem forþ boldeli  no -body hem lettede And made of holy O.16.86: OC 2 alone lack men before his. his hoord  in lymbo inferni Þ ere is derkenesse & drede  & þe deuel mayster And peers for pure tene  þat oo pile he lauȝte And hitte after hym  happe how he O.16.89: CR 23OC 2 alone have he; most B manuscripts have it. myȝte Filius bi þe fadir wille  & freenesse of sp iritus s anc ti To go robbe þat ragman  & reue þe fruyt from hym And þa nne spake sp iritus s anc tus  in gabrieles mouþe To a mayden þat hiȝte marie  a meke þing wiþ -al Þ at oon iesus a iustises sone  muste iouke in hir chaumbre Til plenitudo temporis  fulli comen were Þat peers fruyt flourede  & fel to be ripe Annis quingentis decies rursu mq ue ducentis vn us defu erat cu m deus ortus erat O.16.98: A red parasign at the left, two lines in height and with a trailing descender, connects the preceding two lines, which appear in the bottom margin. O.16.97: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude ll. 97-98, which occur only in OC 2, on the grounds that they are scribal. And þa nne schal O.16.99: COC 2 alone have schal in place of sholde. iesus iuste þ erfore  bi iugement of armes Wheþ er schulde fonge þe fruyt  þe feend or hym -selue Þe mayden myldeliche þoo  þe massager grauntede And seyde heendeliche to hym  lo me his hande -mayden For to wirchen his wille  wiþ -outen any synne Ecce ancilla d omini fiat michi & c etera O.16.104: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after fiat , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And in þat O.16.105: OC 2 alone have þat in place of þe. wombe of þat wenche  was he fourty wokis Til he wexe a faunt þoruȝ hir flesch  & of fyȝtyng couþe To haue fouȝten wiþ þe feend  er ful tyme come And peers þe plowman  p arceyuede plener tyme And lerede hym lechecraft  his lijf forto saue Þ at þouȝ he were woundid wiþ his enemy  to warische hy mselue And dide hym assaye his surgerie  on he m þat seek weren Til he was p arfiȝt practisour  if any p erel fel And souȝte out þe seke  & þe synful boþe And saluede seke & synful  boþe blynde & croked And comune wo mmen conu ertede  & to good turnede No n e st sanis op us medico S et inf irm is & c etera O.16.116: OC 2 alone include both inf irm is and & c etera . O.16.116: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after medico , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Boþe meseles & mute  & in þe menysou n blody Ofte he helede swiche  he helde it for no maystrie Saue þoo he lechede lazar  þat hadde yleyn in graue Q uotriduanus quelt  quyk dide hy m walke Ac as he made þe maystrie  mestus cepit esse And wepte water wiþ hise yen  þere seyȝen it many Su mme þat þe siȝt seyȝen  seyden þat tyme Þ at he was leche of lijf  & lord of hye heuene Iues iangleden O.16.125: O alone has the form iangleden; most B manuscripts have iangled. þ er -aȝens  & iuggeden O.16.125: O alone has the form iuggeden; all other beta witnesses have Iuggede. lawes And seyde he wrouȝte wiþ wichcraft  & wiþ þe deuel is myȝt Demoniu m h abes & c etera O.16.127: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after demoniu m , so that it appears as two lines. Þa nne arn ȝe cherlis quod ich  & ȝoure children boþe And sathan ȝoure saueo ur  ȝoure -self now O.16.129: OC 2MF alone lack a word between now and witnessen; most B manuscripts have ye. witnessen For I haue saued ȝoure -self seiþ c rist  & ȝoure sones after Ȝoure bodyes . ȝoure beestis  & blynde men holpen And fedde ȝow wiþ fisches  & wiþ fyue loues And lafte baskettis ful of breed broke n O.16.133: O alone has breed broke n in place of broke mete.  bere awey who -so wolde And mysseyde þe Iues manlich  & manacede he m to bete And knokkede on he m wiþ a koorde  & caste adou n her stalles Þat in chirche chaffareden  or chau ngeden any money And seyde O.16.137: GOC 2 alone lack a word between seyde and in; all other beta witnesses have it. in syȝt of hem alle  so þ at alle herden I schal ou er -turne þis temple  & adou n þrowe And in þre dayes after  edifien O.16.139: OC 2 alone have the form edifien; most B manuscripts have edifie. it newe And maken it as myche ouþ er more  in al man ere poyntis As eu ere it was . & as wyde  wherfore I hote ȝow Of preyeris & O.16.142: GOC 2 alone lack of before p arfiȝtnesse . p arfiȝtnesse  þis place þ at ȝe calle Dom us mea dom us o racionis vocab itur O.16.143: This line is written in the right margin. Enuye & yuele wille  was in þe Iues Þei casteden O.16.145: OC 2 alone have the preterite form. & co ntreu eden  to kille hym wha nne þei myȝten O.16.145: OC 2 alone have the form myȝten in place of myȝte. Iche day after oþ er O.16.146: OC 2 alone lack hir before tyme.  tyme þei awayteden Til it befel on a friday  a litil bifore paske Þe þorusday bifore  þ ere he made his mau ndee Sittynge at þe soper  he seyde þeise wordis I am sold þoruȝ oon of ȝow  he schal þe tyme rue  Þ at eu ere he O.16.151: A double solidus over each word indicates transposition of original he eu ere . his saueo ur solde  for siluer or ellis Iudas ianglede þ er -aȝens  ac iesus hym tolde It was hymself soþeli  & seyde . tu dicis Þa nne wente forþ þat wickede man  & wiþ þe Iues mette And tolde hem a tokene  how to knowe wiþ iesus And which tokene to þis day  is to myche O.16.156: GOC 2 alone have ys to myche; most B manuscripts have to muche is. vsed Þat is kyssyng & fayre co ntenau nce  & vnkynde wille And so was wiþ Iudas  þoo he iesus bitrayede Aue raby quod þat ribaude  & riȝt to hym he ȝede And kiste hym to be cauȝt þ erby  & killed of þe Iues Þa nne iesus to Iudas  & to þe Iues seyde Falsnesse I fynde  in þi fayre speche And gyle in þi glad chere  & galle in þi lawȝhyng Þow schalt be a O.16.164: YOC 2M alone include a. myrour  to many men to deceyue Ac þe wers & þe wickednesse  schal worþe on O.16.165: GOC 2F alone have on in place of vpon. þi -selue Necesse e st vt ve niant scandala ve ho mini illi p er q uem & c etera O.16.166: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after scandala , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Þouȝ I . bi tresou n be taken  at ȝoure owne wille Suffreþ myne apostelis in pays  & in pees gange On a þorusday in þe O.16.169: OC 2 alone include þe before þesternesse. þesternesse  þus was O.16.169: An otiose mark appears above the <s> in was. he taken Þoruȝ Iudas & Iues  iesus was his name Þat on þe friday folewynge  for mankyndes sake  Iustede . in ierusalem  a ioye to vs alle On crosse vp -on caluarie  crist toke þe batayle Aȝens þe deþ & þe deuel  distruyede her boþ er myȝtes Diede & deþ fordide  & day of nyȝt made And I awakede þ er -wiþ  & wipede myn yen And after peers plowman  priede & starede Estward & westward  I waytede after faste And ȝede forþ as an idiot  in cuntree to aspie O.16.179: OC 2 lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "After Piers þe Plowman  many a place I souȝte." And þa nne mette I wiþ a man  on mydde -lente sunday As hoor as an hawe -þorn  & abraham he hyȝte I O.16.182: The initial capital is decorated with a red spray three lines in height. fraynede hym first  fram whennys he come And of whennys he were  & whyder O.16.183: GYOC 2 alone lack a word between whyder and he; most B manuscripts have þat. he þouȝte I O.15.184: The initial capital is usually large and ornate. am feiþ quod þis freek  it falleþ not to lye And of abrahams hous  an heroud of armes I seke after a segge  þat I seyȝ onys A ful boold bacheler  I knowe hym bi his blasen What bereþ þat barn quod I þoo  so blisse þee be -tide Þre leodes on oo lith  noon leng er þan oþ er Of oo mychel & oo mageste O.16.190: OC 2 alone have mageste in place of myght.  in mesure & in lenkþe Þat oon dooþ alle dooþ  & iche dooþ bi his one Þe first haþ myȝt & mageste  maker of al þinge Pater is his name  a p ersoone bi hym -selue Þe liȝt of al þat lijf haþ  a loond & on water O.16.193: The scribe here copies, then cancels, l. 197. Þe secou nde is of þat sire  soþfastnesse filius Wardeyn of al O.16.195: OC 2 alone include al. þat witt haþ  was eu ere wiþ -out gynnyng Þe þridde haþhatte O.16.196: The error is shared by BmBo. þe holi goost  a p ersoone bi hym -selue Þe liȝt of al þat lijf haþ  a londe & on water Counforto ur of creaturis  of hym comeþ al blisse So þre bilongeþ for a lord  þat lordschip cleymeþ Myȝt & mene  to knowe his owne myȝt Of hym & of his s eruaunt  & what þei suffren O.16.201: OC 2 alone have the form suffren; most B manuscripts have suffre. boþe So god þat bigynnyng O.16.202: OC 2Cot alone have bigynnyng in place of gynnyng. hadde neu ere  but þoo hy m good þouȝte Sente forþ his sone  as for s eruaunt þat tyme To occupien hym heer  til issu were sprungen O.16.204: OC 2 alone have sprungen; most B manuscripts have spronge. Þat is children of charite  & holi chirche þe modir Pat riarkis & p rophetis  & apostelis weren þe children And crist & cristendom  & c risten holy chirche I I[n] menyng þat man muste  on oo god beleue And þere hym likede & louede  in þre p ersoones hym schewede O.16.209: Cr 23OC 2 lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "And þat it may be so and sooþ [sheweþ it manhode]." Wedlok & wydewehood  & O.16.210: OC 2F alone have & in place of wiþ. virgynyte ynempned In tokenyng of þe t rinyte  was taken out of a man Adam oure alþer fadir  eue was of hym -selue And þe issu þat he hadde  it was of hem boþe And eiþ er is oþ eres ioye  in þre sundry p ersoones And in heuene & in erþe  oon synguler name And þus is mankynde or manhed  of mat rimoyn ysprungen O.16.216: O alone has ysprungen; most B manuscripts have spronge. Myȝt is mat rimoyn  þat multiplieþ þe erþe And bitokeneþ truli  telle it if I durste He þat first formede al  þe fadir of heuene Þe sone is if I durste seye  resemblant to widewe De us m eus de us m eus vt q uid d ereliq uisti me O.16.221: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after d ereliq uisti , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first. Þat is . creatour wexe c reature  to knowe what was boþe As widewe wiþ -outen wedlok  was neu ere ȝit yseye No more myȝte god be man  but if he modir hadde So wydewe wiþ -oute wedlok  may not wel stonde Ne mat rimoyne wiþ -oute n mulerie  is not myche to preyse Maled ic tus h omo qui no n reliquit seme n i n isr ael . O.16.227: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after qui , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Þus in þre p ersoones  is p arfiȝtlich manhood Þat is man & his make  & mulerer O.16.229: O alone has the form mulerer; most B manuscripts have mulliere. children And is not but gendre of gen erac iou n  bifore iesu c rist in heuene So is þe fader forþ wiþ þe sone  & fre wille of boþe Sp iritus p rocede ns & O.16.232: OC 2 alone have & in place of a . p atre & filio O.16.232: This line is written in the right margin. Which is þe O.16.233: OC 2 alone lack holy before goost. goost of al  & al is but oo god Þus in som er I hym seyȝ  as I sate in my porche I aroos vp & reu erencede hym  & riȝt fayre hym grette Þre men to my siȝt  I made wel at ese Wessche her feet & wipede hem  & afterward þei eten Calues flesche & cake breed  & knewen what I þouȝte Ful trewe tokenes bitwene vs been  to telle wha nne me likeþ First he fondede me  if I louede better  Hym . or ysaak myn heir  þe which he hiȝte me kille He wiste my wille bi hym  he wole me it alowe I am ful siker in soule þ erof  & my sone boþe I circumciside my sone  siþ for his sake My -self & my meyne  & alle þat male weren Bledden blood for þat lordis sake O.16.246: OC 2 alone have sake in place of loue.  & hopen to blisse þe tyme Myn affiaunce & my feiþ  is ferme in þis beleue For hym -self bihyȝte to me  & to myn issu boþe  Loond . & lordschip  & lijf wiþ -outen ende To me & to myn issu  more ȝit he me grauntede  Mercy . for oure mysdedis  as many tyme as we axe Q uam oli m abrahe p romisisti & semi ni ei us O.16.252: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after promi- , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And siþ he sente me to seye  I schude schu[l]de do sacrifise And do hym worschip wiþ breed  & wiþ wyn boþe And callede me forþ O.16.255: OC 2 alone have forþ; most B manuscripts have foot. of his feiþ  hise folk for to saue And defendede hem fro þe feend  folk þat on me leneden Þus haue I been his heraud  heer & in helle And counfortede many careful  þat after his comyng wayten And þus I seke hym he seyde  for I herde seyn late Of a barn þat baptisede hym  ion baptist was his name Þat to pat riarkes & p rophetis  & oþ ere peple in derkenesse Seyde . þ at he seyȝ hy m O.16.262: GOC 2 alone have hy m ; most B manuscripts have here.  þ at schulde saue vs alle Ecce agn us d ei & c etera O.16.263: This line is written in the right margin. I hadde wondir of hise wordis  & of hise wyde cloþis For in his bosum he bare a þing  þat he blessede eu ere And I lokede on his lappe  a lazar lay þ er -inne Among ys pat riarkes & p rophetis  pleyinge to -gyd eres What awaytist þ ou quod he þoo O.16.268: OC 2 alone include þoo.  & what woldist þ ou haue I wolde wite quod I þoo  what is þis O.16.269: OC 2 alone include þis. in ȝoure lappe Loo quod he & lete me see  lord m ercy I seyde Þis is a p resent of myche price  what prynce schal it haue It is a p recious p resent quod he  ac þe pouke it haþ atached And me þ er -myd quod þat man  may no wed vs quyte Ne no barn be oure boruȝ  ne brynge vs fram his daunger Out of þe poukis pynfold  ne no meinprise O.16.275: OC 2 alone lack may before vs. vs fecche Til he come þat I carpe of  crist is his name Þat schal delyu ere vs O.16.277: OC 2 alone lack som day before out, and thus lack the second alliterating stave. out  of þe deuelis power And better wed for vs legge  þan we been alle worþi Þat is lijf for lijf  or ligge þus eu ere Lollynge in my lappe  til swich a lord vs fecche Allas I seyde þat synne  so longe schal lette  Þe myȝt of goddis m ercy  þat myȝte vs alle amende I wepte for hise wordis  wiþ þat sawȝ I an -er Rapelich renne forþ  þe riȝt weye he wente I fraynede hym first  from whennys he come And what he hiȝte & whidir he wolde  & whiȝtlich he tolde Passus decimo septi mus O.17.000: The heading is divided after Passus and decimus- , so that it appears as three lines. I I Am spes quo quo[d] he . a spye  & spire aft er a knyȝt Þat toke me a mau ndement  vp -on þe mount of synay To rule alle rewmes wiþ  I bere it O.17.3: YOC 2 alone have it in place of þe. writen O.17.3: OC 2 alone have writen; most B manuscripts have writ(t)(e). heer Is it asseled I seyde  may men see þe lettres Nay he seyde . I seke hym  þat haþ þe seel to kepe And þat is crosse & cristendom  & crist þ er -on to hange And wha nne it is asseled so  I woot wel þe soþe Þ at lucifers lordschip  laste schal no lenger Latte see þi lettres quod I  we myȝte þe lawe knowe Þa nne plukkede he forþ a patent  a pece of an hard roche Where -onne weren writen two wordis  on þis wise yglosed Dilige d eum & p roximum O.17.12: Cr 23OC 2 alone lack tuum after p roximum . & c etera O.17.12: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after dili- , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Þi s was þe text truli  I toke ful good ȝeem Þe glose was gloriousli writen  wiþ a gylt penne In hijs duob us mandat is tota lex pe nd et & p roph ete & c etera O.17.15: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after duob us and tota , and red parasigns precede the last two lines of text. Bee n heer alle þi lordis lawis q uod I  ȝhe leue me wel he seide Who -so wirchiþ aft er þis writ  I wole vndirtake Schal neu ere deuel hym dere  ne dette in soule greue For O.17.19: The initial capital is decorated with a small spray. þouȝ I seye it myself  I haue saued wiþ þis charme Of men & of wo mmen  many score þousandis He seiþ soþ seiþ O.17.21: OC 2M alone have the present-tense form. þe heraud  I haue founden it ofte Loo heer in my lappe  þat leuede on þat charme Iosue & iudith  and Iudas machabeus Ȝhe & sixti þousande biside forþ  þat been not seen heer Ȝoure wordis been wondirful q uod I which of ȝow is truest And lellest to leue onne  for lijf & for soule Abraham seiþ . þ at he seyȝ  holli þe t rinyte Þre p ersoones in p arcellis  dep artable from oþ er And alle þre but oo god  þus abraham me tauȝte And haþ saued þat beleuede so  & sory for her synne I O.17.31: The initial capital is decorated with a flourish. O.17.31: Cr 23OC 2 alone have I in place of He. can not segge þe su mme  & su mme arn in my O.17.31: CR 23OC 2 alone have my in place of his. lappe What nediþ þee O.17.32: OC 2 alone have þee in place of it. þa nne  a newe lawe to bigynne Siþ þe first suffiseþ  to sauac iou n & to blisse And now bigynneþ O.17.34: YOC 2 alone have bigynneþ; most B manuscripts have comeþ. spes & spekiþ  þat haþ aspied þe lawe And telleþ not of þe t rinyte  þat toke hym hise lettres To O.17.36: The initial capital is decorated with a flourish at lower left. beleue & louye  in oo lord almyȝti And siþ . riȝt as my -self  so louye alle peple Þe goom þat gooþ wiþ a staffe  he semeþ in gretter hele Þan he þat gooþ wiþ two staues  to siȝt of vs alle And riȝt so bi þe rode  resou n me scheweþ It is liȝter to lewede men  a lessou n to knowe Þan for to techen hem two  & to hard to lere þe leste It is ful hard for any man  on abraham beleue And welawey wers ȝit  for to louye a schrewe It is liȝter to leue  in þre loueli p ersoones Þan for to loue and lene  as wel lorellis as lelles Go þi gate quod I spes  so me god helpe Þoo þat leren O.17.48: OC 2 alone have leren; most B manuscripts have lernen.. þi lawe O.17.48: GOC 2 alone lack wol or wel before litil.  litil whyle vsen it And as we wenten þus in þe weye  wordynge to -gyd eres Þa nne seyȝ we a samarithan  sittynge on a mule Ridynge ful rapeli  þe riȝt weye we ȝeden Comynge from a cuntree  þat men calleden O.17.52: O alone has the form calleden; most B manuscripts have called. Ierico To a iustes in ierusalem  he chacede awey faste Boþe þe heraud & hope  & he mette at O.17.54: The <t> of at seems to have been written over another character. oones Where a man was wounded  & wiþ þeues taken He myȝte neiþ er steppe ne stonde  ne stere foot ne handes Ne helpe hym -self soþeli  for semyuyf he semede O.17.57: Traces of a quire signature, almost entirely lost to cropping, are visible at the bottom of this leaf. And as naked as a nedel  & noon help aboute hym Feiþ hadde first siȝt of hym  ac he fleyȝ on syde And nolde not neyȝhe hym  bi nyne londis lenkþe Hope cam hippynge after  & O.17.61: GYOC 2 alone have & in place of þat. hadde so ybosted How he wiþ Moyses mau ndement  hadde many men yholpen Ac wha nne he hadde siȝt of þat segge  a -syde he gan hy m drawe Dredefulli bi þis day  as doke dooþ fram þe faucou n Ac so soone so þe samaritan  hadde siȝt of þis leode He liȝte a -dou n of lyard  & ladde hy m in his hand And to þe wye he wente  hise woundis to beholde And p arceyuede bi his pouce  he was in p erel to dye And but if he hadde recou erer þe raþ er  þ at rise schulde he neu ere Wiþ wyn & wiþ oyle  hise woundis he waschede Enbaumede hym & bonde his hed  & in his lappe hy m leyde And ladde hym so forþ on lyard  to lex christi a graunge Wel sixe myle or seuene  bi -syde þe newe market Herborwede hym at an ostrie  & to þe hosteler callede And seyde . haue . kepe þis man  til I come fro þe iustis And loo heer silu er he seyde  for salue to hise woundis And he toke hym two pens  to lijflode as it were And seyde . what he speneþ more  I make þee good her -after For I may not O.17.79: OC 2 alone lack some variant of lette before quod, and thus lack the first alliterating stave. quod þat leode  & lyard he bistrode And rapede hym to ierusale m -ward  þe riȝt weye to ride Feiþ folewede after faste  & fondede to mete wiþ O.17.81: OC 2 alone include wiþ. hym And spes spakliche hym spedde  spede if he myȝte To ou er -take hy m & talke til hym  er þei to toune come And wha nne I seyȝ þis I soiournede not  but schope me to renne And suede þat samaritan  þat was so ful of pite And grauntede hym to be his groom  g raunt m ercy he seyde Ac þi freend & O.17.87: GYO alone lack þi before felaw. felaw  þou fyndest me at nede And I þankede hy m þoo  & siþ I hym tolde How þat feiþ fleyȝ awey  & spes his felaw boþe For siȝt of þe sorweful man  þat robbed was wiþ þeues Haue hem excused quod he  her help may litil auayle May no medicyne on moold  þe man to hele brynge Neiþ er feiþ ne fyne hope  so festred been hise woundis W-outen þe blood of a barn  born of a mayden And he be baþed in þat blood  baptised as it were And þa nne plastred wiþ penaunce  & passiou n of þat baby O.17.97: In the center top margin of this leaf the words Three leaves missing appear in a modern hand. Beginning on this leaf, each folio has two numbers entered in the top right margin: the first one continuing the "old" foliation, and the second, in brackets, a higher number to account for the three missing leaves. The lines numbered by Kane and Donaldson 17.99-346 are missing. Ac þe smoke & þe smolder  þat smyt in oure yen Is coueytise & vnkyndenesse  þat quencheþ goddis m ercy For vnkyndenesse is þe co ntrarie  of al kyns resou n For þ er nys seeke ne sory  ne noon so yuele a O.17.100: O alone has yuele a in place of some form of muche. wrecche Þ at he ne may louye and hy m like  & lene of his herte Good wille & good word  boþe wisschen & willen Alle man ere men  mercy & forȝyuenesse And louye hem lijk my -self O.17.104: O alone has my-self in place of hymself.  & his lijf amende I may no leng er lette quod he  & harde prikede forþ O.17.105: O alone includes forþ. And wente O.17.106: O alone lacks awey before as. as wynde  & þ erwiþ I awakede . Passus deci mus octauus O.18.000: The heading is divided after deci mus, , so that it appears as two lines. w W Olleward & wetschod  wente I forþ after And as O.18.2: O alone lacks a before reccheles. reccheles renke  þat of no wo reccheþ And ȝede forþ lijk a lorel  al my lijf -tyme Til I wexe wery of þe werld  & wilnede efte to slepe And lenede me to a lenten  & longe tyme I slepte And of c ristis passiou n & penaunce  þe peple ofte of tauȝte Reste me þ ere & rutte faste  til ramyspalmaru m ramys palmaru m Of gyrles O.18.8: O alone lacks and before of gl oria . of gl oria laus  gretli me dremede And how osanna bi orgonye  olde menfolk O.18.9: The subpunction of men, together with the addition of folk above the line, indicate that substitution was intended by the corrector. sungen O.18.9: A bracket in the right margin, with intersecting leftward-slanting rays emanating from it and red dots inside it, encompasses this line and the five following; to the right of the bracket are written, in a modern hand, the initials A-S, the <A> and the <S> about three lines in height. The left stroke of the <A> has a trailing flourish another four lines in length. Oon semblable to þe samaritan  & su mdel to peers plowman Barfoot & on an asse bak  boteles gan prykye W-outen spores or spere  spakliche he lokede As is þe kynde of a knyȝt  þat comeþ to be dubbed To gete hy m gylt spores  & galaches ycouped Þa nne was feiþ in a fenestre  & criede . a fili dauid As doþ an heraud of armes  wha nne auntrous comeþ to iustes Olde Iues of ierusale m  for ioye þei sungen Ben ed ict us q ui ven it i n no mi ne d omini & c etera O.18.18: This line is written in the right margin. Þa nne I fraynede at feiþ  what al þat fare bemente And who schulde iuste i n ier usal em  Iesus he seyde And fecche þat þe feend cleymeþ  peers fruyt þe plowman Is peers in þis place quod I  & he preynte on me Þis iesus of his gentrice  wole iuste in peers armes In his helm & O.18.24: O alone lacks his before habouriou n . habouriou nhumana natura Þ at crist be not yknowen O.18.25: O alone has the form yknowen; variants include yknowe (GC 2CBm), knowe (YBoCot), knowen (HmCrM), and biknowe (WLRF). heer  for co nsu mmat us est m emorandum O.17.26: A rubricated dot precedes m emorandum , but at such a distance from it that it does not seem to punctuate it. In peers paltok þe plowman  þis priker schal ride For no dynt schal hym dere  as in deitate p atris Who schal iuste wiþ iesus quod I  Iues or scribes Nay . quod he þe foule feend  & fals doom & deþ Deþ seiþ . he schal fordo  & adou n brynge All þat lyueþ or lokeþ  in loond or in water Lijf seiþ þ at he lyeþ  & leiþ his lijf to wedde Þat for al þat deþ can do  wiþ -inne þre dayes To walke & fecche fro þe feend  peers fruyt þe plowman And legge it þ ere hym likeþ  & lucifer bynde And for to bete & adou n brynge  bale & deþ for eu ere O mors ero mors tua & c etera O.18.37: This line is written in the right margin. Þa nne cam pilat us wiþ peple  sedens p ro t ribunali To see how douȝtilich deþ schulde do  & deme her boþ eres myȝt O.18.39: O alone has myȝt in place of right(ys). Þe Iues & þe iustises  aȝeyn iesu þei weren And al þe court on hym criede  crucifige scharpe Þoo putte hym forþ a pilour  bifore pilat & seyde Þis iesus of oure Iues temple  iapede & dispisede To fordo . it on a day  & in þre dayes after Edifie it . eft newe  heer he stant þat seyde it And ȝit maken it as myche  in al man ere poyntis Boþe as longe & as large  bi lofte & bi grounde Crucifige quod a cacchepool  I waraunte hy m a wycche Tolle tolle quod an -er  & toke of kene þornes And bigan of kene þorn  a garlond to make And sette it sore on his hed  & seyde in envie Aue raby quod þat ribaude  & þrew redes at hym Naylede hy m wiþ þre nayles  naked on þe rode And poysou n on a pole  þei putte vp to hise lippes And beden hym drynke his deþ yuel  hise dayes weren done And if þ at þ ou sutile be  help now þi -seluen If þ ou be crist & kyng ys sone  come dou n of þe rode Þa nne schul we leue þ at lijf þee loueþ  & wole not latte þee dye Consu mmatu m e st . quod crist  & comsede for to swowe Pitousli & pale  as a prisou n þat deyeþ Þe lord of lijf & of liȝt  þoo leyde hise yen to -gyd eres Þe day for drede wiþdrow  & derke bigan O.18.62: YOF alone have bigan in place of bicam. þe sunne Þe wal waggede & cleef  & al þe wer ld quauede O.18.63: The word werld has been added in the margin, in hand 3, apparently because of its poor legibility on the line. The <d> is very difficult to make out. Dede men for þat dene  comen out of depe graues And tolden why þat tempest  so longe tyme durede For a bitter batayle  þe deed body seyde O.18.66: The first two letters of seyde are barely legible owing to scuffing. Lijf & deþ in þis derkenesse  her oon fordooþ her oþ er Schal no wiȝt wite witterli  who schal haue þe maystrie Er sunday aboute þe O.18.69: OB alone have aboute þe; most B manuscripts have aboute. sunne risyng  & sanke wiþ þat til erþe Su mme seyden . þ at he was goddis sone  þat so faire deyede vere fili us d ei erat iste & c etera O.18.71: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after dei , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. And su mme seyden The catchwords enclosed in a black box outlined inside with red, and with red touches at the single visible corner. O.18.72: The corner of the top left page-frame contains a double heart design with rays emanating from the heart on the right. The hand responsible cannot be identified. And su mme seyden . he was a wicche  good is þ at we assaye Wher he be deed or not deed  dou n er he be taken Two þeues also  þoleden deþ þat tyme Vp -on a crosse biside c rist  so was þe comune lawe A cacchepolle cam forþ  & crakede boþe her leggys And her armes after  of eiþ er of þoo þeues Ac was no boy so boold  goddis body to touche For he was knyȝt & kyng ys sone  kynde forȝaf þat tyme Þ at no harlot were so hardy  to leye hand vp -on hym Ac þ er cam forþ a knyȝt  wiþ a kene spere ygrounden O.18.81: O alone has the form ygrounden; most B manuscripts have ygrounde. Hyȝte longeus as þe letter telleþ  & longe hadde lorn his siȝt Bifore pilat & oþ er peple  in þe place he houede Maugre hise many teeþ  he was maad þat tyme  To take þe spere in his hand  & iuste wiþ iesus For alle þei weren vnhardy e  þat houede n on hors & stoden O.18.86: O alone has the form stoden; all other beta witnesses have stode. To touche hym or taste hym  or take hym dou n of rode But þis blynde bacheler þa nne  bare hym þoruȝ þe herte Þe blood spronge dou n bi þe spere  & vnsperede hise yen Þa nne fel þe knyȝt vpon knees  & criede hym m ercy Aȝeyn my wille it was lord  to wounde ȝow so sore He siȝhede & seyde  sore it me aþinkeþ For þe dede þat I haue doon  I do me in ȝoure grace Haue on me ruþe riȝtful iesu  & riȝt wiþ þat he wepte Þa nne gan feiþ felly  þe false Iues dispise Callede hem caytyues  a -cursed for eu ere For þis foule vilenye  veniaunce to ȝow alle To do þe blynde . bete hym bounden O.18.98: O alone has hym bounden; most B manuscripts have hym ybounde.  it was a boyes counceyl Cursede caytyues castyng O.18.99: O alone includes castyng.  knyȝthood was it neu ere To mysdo a deed body  bi day or bi nyȝt Þe gree ȝit haþ he geten  for al his greet wounde For ȝoure champiou n chyualer  cheef knyȝt of ȝow alle Ȝelte hym recreaunt rennynge  riȝt at iesues wille For be þis derkenesse ydo  his deþ worþ avenged And þe lurdeynes han ylost  for lijf schal haue þe maystrie And ȝoure fraunchise þat free was  fallen is in þraldom And ȝe cherles & ȝoure children  cheue schul ȝe neu ere Ne haue lordschip in honde O.18.108: YOC 2C alone have honde in place of londe.  ne no loond tilye But al bareyn be  and vsurie vsen Which is lijf þat oure lord  in alle lawes acurseþ Now ȝoure goode dayes been doon  as danyel p rophecyede Wha nne crist cam . her kyngdam  & crowne schulde cece Cu m ve niat s anc tus s anc tor rum cessab it vnct io v estra O.18.113: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after sanctorum , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first. What for feer of þis ferly  & of þe false Iues I drowe me in þat derkenesse  to descendit ad inferna And þ ere I sawe soþeli  s ec und um sc ripturas Out of þe west cost  a wenche as me þouȝte Cam walkynge in þe weye  to helleward sche lokede Mercy hiȝte þat mayde  a meke þing wiþ -al A ful benyngne beerde  & buxu m of speche Hir sister as it semede  cam softeli walkynge Euene out of þe est  & westward sche lokede A ful comeli creature  truþe sche hiȝte For þe v ertu þat hir folewede  a -feerd was sche neuere Wha nne þeise maydens metten  mercy & truþe Eer axede oþ er  of þis greet wonder Of þe dene & of þe derkenesse  & how þe day rowede And which a liȝt & a leem  lay bifore helle V eritas . Ich haue ferli of þis fare  in feiþ seyde truþe And am wendynge to wite  what þis wondre meneþ Mi sericordia. Haue no m erueyle quod m ercy  myrþe it bitokeneþ A mayden þat hatte marie  & modir wiþ -outen felyng  Of any kyns creature  co nceyuede þoruȝ speche And grace of þe holi goost  wexe greet wiþ childe W-outen wemme i n -to þis werld  sche brouȝte hym forþ O.18.135: O alone includes forþ. And þ at my tale be trewe  I take god to witnesse Siþ þis barn was born  been þritti wynter passed Which deyede & þolede  þis day aboute mydday And þat is cause of þis clipse  þat closeþ now þe sunne In menyng þ at man schal  fro merkenesse be drawe Þe whyle þis liȝt & þis leem  schal lucifer ablende For pat riarkes & p rophetis  han p reched her -on O.18.142: O alone has on in place of of or omission. often Þ at man schal man saue  þoruȝ a maydenes helpe And þat was tynt þoruȝ tree  tree schal it wynne And þat deþ dou n brouȝte  deþ schal releue Þat þ ou tellest quod truþe  is but a tale of waltrot For adam & eue  and abraham wiþ oþere Pat riarkes & p rophetis þat in peyne liggen Leue O.18.149: O alone lacks þow before neu ere . neu ere þ at ȝon liȝt  a -lofte schal hem O.18.149: O alone includes hem. brynge Ne haue O.18.150: O alone lacks hem or hym before out. out of helle  holde þi tunge mercy It is but a trufle þat þ ou tellest  I truþe woot þe soþe For þat is ones in helle  out comeþ it neu ere Iob þe p ropheet pat riark  rep roueþ þi sawes Q uia i n inf erno nulla e st rede mpc io O.18.154: This line is written in the right margin. Þa nne mercy ful myldeliche  mouþede þeise wordis Þoruȝ exp erience quod sche  I hope þei schul be saued For venym fordoþ venym  & þat I preue bi resou n For of al venym  foulest is þe scorpiou n May no medicyne helpe  þe place þ ere it O.18.159: O alone has it in place of he. styngeþ Til he be deed & do þ erto  þe yuel he distruyeþ Þe first venym is moost O.18.161: O alone has venym is moost; most B manuscripts have venymouste.  þoruȝ venym of hym -selue So schal þis deþ fordo  I dar my lijf legge Al þat deþ dide first  þoruȝ þe deuelis entysyng And riȝt as þoruȝ gyle  man was bigyled So schal grace þat bigan  make a good seeþsighte O.18.165: Sighte appears to the right of the marginalia. A caret/punctus beside it and a solidus punctus above seeþ indicate that substitution was intended. O alone has seeþ; most B manuscripts have sleighte. The phrase maken seth (with seeþ(e) as a variant spelling) is recorded by the MED as meaning "to be enough for," "to satisfy one's desire," especially with reference to Christ's atonement for the sins of mankind. Ars vt arte m fall eret O.18.166: This line is written in the right margin. Now suffre we seyde truþe  I se as me þinkeþ Out of þe nyppe of þe norþ  not ful fer hennys Iusticia . Riȝtwisenesse cam rennynge  reste we þe whyle For he woot more þan we  he was er we boþe Þat is soþ seyde m ercy  & I see heer bi souþe Pax . Where pees comeþ pleyenge  in pacience ycloþed Loue haþ coueytid hir longe  leue I noon oþ er But he sente hir su m lettre  what þis liȝt bemeneþ Þat ou er -houeþ helle þus  sche vs schal telle Wha nne pees in pacience cloþed  approchede nyȝ hem tweyne Riȝtwisenesse hem reu erencede  for her riche cloþi ng And preyede pees to telle hir  to what place sche wolde And in hir gay garnement es  whom sche grete þouȝte My wille is to wende quod sche  & welcomede O.18.180: O alone has the preterite form in place of the infinitive. hem alle Þat many day myȝte I not see  for merkenesse of synne Adam & eue  and oþere mo in helle Moyses & many moo  m ercy schul haue I schal daunce þ erto  do þow so sister For iesus iustede wel  Ioye bigynneþ to dawe Ad vesp eru m demorabit ur flet us & ad matutinu m leticia O.18.186: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after fletus , so that it appears as two lines, the second written above the first. Loue þat is my lemman  swiche lettres me sente Þ at m ercy O.18.188: ORF alone lack the word my before sister, and thus lack the second alliterating stave. sister & I  mankynde schulde saue And þ at god haþ forgyuen  & g rauntede me pees & m ercy To be mannes meynp erno ur  for eu ere -more after Lo heer þe patent quod pees  In pace in id -ip sum And þ at þis dede schal dure  dormiam & requiescam What rauest þ ou quod riȝtwisenesse  or þ ou art riȝt drunken Leuest þ ou þ at ȝonder liȝt  vnlouke myȝte helle And saue mannes soule  sister wene it neu ere At þe bygynnyng god  gaaf . þe doom hym -selue Þ at adam & eue  & alle þat hem sueden O.18.197: O alone has sueden; most B manuscripts have suwede. Schulden deye dou n -riȝt  & dwelle in pyne after If þ at þei toucheden O.18.199: O alone has toucheden in place of touchede. a tree  & þe fruyt eeten Adam afterward  aȝens his defense Freete of þat fruyt  & forsoke as it were  Þe loue of oure lord  & his lore boþe And folewede þat þe feend tauȝte  & his felawes wille Aȝens resou n & riȝtwisenesse  recorde þus wiþ truþe Þ at her peyne be p erpetuel  & no preyere hem helpe For -þi . latte hem chewe as þei chosen  & chide we not sister For it is bootles bale  þe bite þat þei eeten And I schal preue quod pees  her peyne muste haue eende And woo in -to wele . mowe  wende at þe laste O.18.210: A cross composed of dots with a flourish at the bottom, probably in the main scribal hand, appears in the left margin. For hadde þei wist of no woo  wele . hadde þei not knowen For no wiȝt woot what wele is  þat neu ere woo suffrede Ne what is hoot hungre  þat hadde neu ere defaute If no nyȝt ne were  no man as I leue  Schulde wite witterli  what day is to mene Schulde neu ere riȝte riche man  þat lyueþ in reste & ese Wite what woo is  ne were þe deþ of kynde So god þat bigan al  of his good wille Bicam man of a mayden O.18.218: OC alone have mayden in place of mayde.  mankynde to saue And suffrede to be sold  to see þe sorwe of deyeng Þe which vnknyttiþ al care  & comsyng is of reste For til modicu m mette wiþ hym O.18.221: OCr 23 alone have hym in place of vs.  I may it wel auowe Woot no wiȝt as I wene  what is . ynow . to mene For -þi god of his goodnesse  þe first goom adam  Sette hym o?In O.18.224: The <I> of In is written over another partially formed character, apparently an <o>. solace  & in sou ereyn myrþe And siþ he suffrede hym synne  sorwe to fele To wite what wele was  kyndelich to knowe it And after god g rauntede hymself & toke adams kynde To wite what he haþ suffred  in þre sundri places Boþe in heuene & in erþe  & now to helle he þinkeþ To wite what al woo is  þat woot of al ioye So it schal fare bi þis folk  her folye & her synne  Schal lere hem what lango ur is  & lisse wiþ -outen eende Woot no wiȝt what werre is  þ ere þat pees regneþ Ne what is wittirli wele  til welawey hym teche Þa nne was þ er a wiȝt  wiþ two brode yen Book hiȝte þat bewpeer  a boold man of speche Bi goddis body quod þis book  I wole bere witnesse Þ at þoo þis barn was born  þ er blasede a sterre Þ at alle þe wise of þis world  in oo witt acordeden Þ at swich a barn was born  in bethelem citee Þat mannes soule schulde saue  & synne distruye And alle þe elementis quod þe book  her -of beren witnesse Þ at he was god þat al wrouȝte  þe walkene first schewede Þoo þat weren in heuene  token stella comata And tendeden hir O.18.245: O alone lacks as before a torche. a torche  to reu erence his birþe Þe liȝt folewede þe lord  in -to þe lowe erþe Þe water witnessiþ þ at he was god  for he wente on it Peter þe apostle  p arceyuede his gate And as he wente on þe water  wel hy m knewe & seyde Iube me ve nire ad te sup er aquas O.18.250: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after super and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first. And lo how þe sunne gan louke  hir liȝt in hir -selue Wha nne sche seyȝ hy m suffre  þat sunne & see made Þe erþe for heuynesse  þat he wolde suffre Quakede as quyk þing  & al biquaschte þe roche Lo helle myȝte not holde  but openede þoo . god þoolede And lete out symou ndis sones  to see hym hange on rode And now schal lucifer leue it  þouȝ hym loþ þinke For gigas þe ieaunt  wiþ a gynne engynede  To breke & to bete adou n  þat been aȝeyns iesus And I book wole be brent  but iesus rise to lyue In alle myȝtes of man  & his modir gladye And cou nforte alle hise kyn  & out of care brynge And al þe Iuen ioye  vnioyne & vnlouke And but þei reu erence his rode  & his resurrecc iou n And leue O.18.265: O alone has the form leue; most B manuscripts have bileue. on a newe lawe  be lost lijf & soule And þis I book witnesse  & ȝit myche more O.18.266: Kane and Donaldson (223) exclude this line, which occurs only in GYOC 2CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal. Suffre we seyde truþe  I here & se boþe How a spirit spekeþ to helle  & bit vnspere þe ȝates Attollite portas & c etera O.18.269: This line is written in the right margin. A voyce loude in þat liȝt  to lucifer criede O.18.270: GOC alone have the preterite form criede in place of the present tense, although CR 23 have sayd. Prynces of þis place  oppeneþ O.18.271: O alone has oppeneþ; most B manuscripts have vnpynneþ. & vnloukeþ For heer comeþ wiþ crowne  þat kyng is of glorie Þa nne siȝkede sathan  & seyde to hem alle Swich a liȝt aȝens oure leue  lazar it fette Care & cumbraunce  is comen to vs alle If þis kyng kome in  man -kynde wole he fecche And do O.18.277: O alone has do in place of lede, and thus lacks the first alliterating stave. it þ ere hym likeþ  & liȝtliche me bynde Pat riarkes & p rophetis  han p arled her -of longe Þ at swich a lord & a liȝt  schulde lede hem alle hennys Listeneþ quod lucifer  for I þis lord knowe Boþe þis lord & þis liȝt  is longe a -goo I knewe hym May no deþ hym dere  ne no deuelis quentise And where he wole . is his weye  ac war hy m of þe p ereles If he reue me my riȝt  he robbeþ me bi maystrie For bi riȝt & resou n  þoo renkes þat ich haue O.18.285: O alone has ich haue in place of ben here. Body & soule been myne  boþe goode & ille If adam eete þe appel  alle schulden O.18.287: O alone has schulden; most B manuscripts have sholde. deye And dwelle wiþ vs deuelis  þis þretyng he made And he þat soþenesse is  seyde þeise wordis And siþen is O.18.290: YGOC 2 alone have is; variants include y was (F), I (WHmLMR), and he (CrCB). ysesid O.18.290: O alone has the form ysesid; most B manuscripts have seised.  many O.18.290: YO alone have many, and thus lack the third alliterating stave; most B manuscripts have seuene. hundrid wynter I leue þ at lawe wole not  late hym þe leest Þat is soþ seyde sathan  but I me sore drede For þ ou gete hem wiþ gyle  & his gardeyn breke And in semulaunt of a s erpent  satte on þe appeltre And eggedest hem to ete  eue bi hir -selue And toldest hir a tale  of tresou n weren O.18.296: O alone has weren in place of were. þe wordis And so þ ou haddist hem oute  & hidir at þe laste It is not grayþeli geten  þ ere gyle is þe rote For god wole not be bigylid  quod goblyn ne byiaped We han no trewe title to he m  for þoruȝ tresou n were n þei dampned Certis I drede me quod þis deuel  lest truþe wole he m fecche Out of oure pouste  & leden hem hennys O.18.302: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which occurs only in Cr 23GYOC 2CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal. Þis þritti wynter as I wene  haþ he goon & p reched I haue assayled hy m wiþ synne  & su m -tyme I -askede Wher he were god or goddis sone  he ȝaf me schort answere And þus haþ he trolled forþ  þis two & þritti wynter And wha nne I seyȝ it was so  slepynge I wente Of a dreem . To warne pilatis wijf  what dones O.18.308: GOL alone have the form dones; most B manuscripts have done. man was iesus For Iues hateden hym  & han doon hym to deþe I wolde haue lengþed his lijf  for I leuede ȝif he deyede Þ at his soule wolde suffre  no synne in his siȝt For þe body . while it on bones ȝede  abouten O.18.312: OF alone have abouten in place of aboute. was eu ere  To saue men fro synne  if hem -selfien wolden O.18.313: O alone has wolden in place of wolde. And now I se where a soule comeþ  hidirward saylynge Wiþ glorie & O.18.315: ORF alone lack with before greet. greet liȝt  god it is I woot wel I rede . we flee . quod he  faste alle hennys For vs were better . not be  þan biden his siȝt For þi lesyng ys lucifer  lost is al oure pray First þoruȝ þee we fellen  fro heuene so hye For we leueden O.18.320: O alone has leueden; variants include beleued (Cr), belevedyn (F), lyuyden (Hm), loueden (B), and leued (WGYC 2CLMR). þi lesyng ys  ylore we han adam And al oure lordschip I leue  a loond & on water Nu nc p rinceps h uius mu ndi eiciet ur foras O.18.322: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after m undi , so that it appears as two lines. Efte þe liȝt bade . vnlouke  & lucifer answerede What lord art þ ou . quod lucifer  quis est iste Rex gl orie  þe liȝt soone seyde And lord of myȝt & O.18.326: O alone lacks of before mayn. mayn  & alle mane ere v ertues D omin us v irtutu m O.18.327: This line is written in the right margin. Dukes of þis dymme place  anoon vndo ȝeise [þ]eise ȝates Þ at c rist may come in  þe kyng ys sone of heuene And wiþ þat breþ helle brake  wiþ belial O.18.330: YOC alone have belial in place of Belialles. barres For any wye or warde  wyde open þe ȝates Pat riarkes & p rophetis  populus in tenebris Sungen seynt iones song  ecce agnus d ei Lucifer loke ne myȝte  so liȝt hym ablente And þoo þat oure lord louede  in -to his liȝt he lauȝte And seyde to sathan lo heer  my soule to amendes For alle synful soulis to saue  þoo þat been worþi Myne þei been & of me  I may þe bette hem cleyme Al -þouȝ resou n recorde  & riȝt of my -seluen O.18.339: O alone has seluen in place of selue. Þ at if þei eeten þe appel  alle schulden deye I bihiȝte hem not heer  helle for eu ere For þe dede þat þei diden  þi deceyt it made Wiþ gyle þ ou hem gete  aȝeyn al resou n For in O.18.344: O alone lacks my before place. place p aradice  in p ersoone of an addre Falsli þ ou fettestfeccest O.18.345: A solidus/punctus above fettest and above marginal feccest indicate intended substitution.  þing þat I louede Þus iliche a lusard  wiþ a lady visage Þeeflich þ ou me robbedest  þe olde lawe g raunteþ Þ at gylouris be bigylid  & þat is good resou n Dente m p ro dente & oc ul um p ro oc ulo O.18.349: This line is written in the right margin. Ergo soule schal soule quyte  & synne to synne wende And al þat man haþ mysdo  I may wel O.18.351: OCr 23 alone have may wel; most B manuscripts have man wole. amende Membre for menbre me[m]bre bi þe olde  lawe . was amendes And lijf for lijf also  & bi þe O.18.353: YO alone have þe in place of þat. lawe I cleyme it O.18.353: Traces of a quire signature, almost entirely lost to cropping, appear at the bottom of this leaf. Adam & al his issu  at my wille her -after And þat deþ in hem fordide  my deþ schal releue And boþe quyke & quyte  þat queynt was þoruȝ synne And þ at g race gyle distruye  good feiþ it askeþ So leue I not lucifer  aȝeyn þe lawe I fecche hem And O.18.359: O alone has introductory And in place of But. bi riȝt & resou n  raunsome heer my leges No n ve ni solu ere lege m s et adimplere O.18.360: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after adim- and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first. Þ ou fettest myne in my place  aȝeyns al resou n Falslich & felou nlich  good feiþ me it tauȝte To recorue reco[uere] hem þoruȝ raunsom  & bi no resou n ellis So þat þoruȝ gyle þ ou gete  þoruȝ g race is it O.18.364: O alone has is it; most B manuscripts have it is. wonne Þ ou lucifer þoruȝ O.18.365: O alone has þoruȝ in place of in. liknesse  of a liþer addre Getest bi gyle  þoo þat god louede And in liknesse of a lede  þat lord am of heuene Graciousli þi gyle haue quyt  go gyle aȝeyn gyle And as adam & alle  þoruȝ a tre deyeden Adam & alle þoruȝ a tre  schul turne aȝeyn to lyue And gyle is bigyled  & in his gyle fallen Et cecid it in fouea m qua m fecit O.18.372: This line is written in the right margin. Now bigynneþ þi gyle  aȝeyn þee to turne And my g race to growe  ay gretter & widder Þe bitternesse þat þ ou brewe  brouke it in O.18.375: O alone includes in. þi -selue Þat art doctour of deþ  drynke þat þ ou madest For I þat am lord of lijf  loue is my drynk And for þat drynk to -day  I deyede vp -on erþe I fauȝte so me þristeþ ȝit  for mannes soule sake May no drynk me moyste  ne my þrist slake Til þe vendage falle  in þe vale of Iosaphath Þ at I drynke riȝt ripe must  resurrecc io mortuo rum And þa nne schal I come as a kyng  crowned wiþ aungelis And haue out of helle  alle mannys O.18.384: YOC 2 alone have mannys; most B manuscripts have mennes. soulis Fendis & feendkyns  bifore me schul stande And be at my biddyng  where -so -eu ere me likeþ And to be m ercyable to man  þa nne my kynde O.18.387: WO alone lack a word or phrase between kynde and askeþ; most B manuscripts have it. askeþ For we been breþeren of blood  but not in baptisme alle Ac alle þat been myne hole breþ eren  in blood & i n baptisme Schul not be da mpned to þe deþ  þat is wiþ -oute n eende Tibi soli p eccaui & c etera O.18.391: This line is written in the right margin. It is not vsed in erþe  to hangen a felou n Oftener O.18.393: O alone has the form Oftener in place of Ofter. þan ones  þouȝ he were a traytour And if þe kyng of þat kyngdom  come in þat tyme Þ ere þe felou n schulde þole O.18.395: O alone transposes þole schulde. deþ  ouþ er O.18.395: O alone has ouþer; most B manuscripts have or. oþer wise Þe O.18.396: Cr 23O alone include Þe. lawe wolde he ȝaue hym lijf  If he lokede on hym And I þat am kyng of kyng ys  schal come swich a tyme Where þe O.18.398: O alone includes þe before doom. doom to þe deþ  dampneþ alle wikkede And if lawe wole . I on hym loke O.18.399: O alone transposes loke on hem; the form hym is shared only with Cot.  it lijþ in my grace Wheþ er he O.18.400: O alone has he in place of þei. deye or deye not  for þat þei diden ille Be O.18.401: O alone lacks it before any. any þing O.18.401: GYOC 2 alone lack a word between þing and þe; most B manuscripts have abouȝt. . þe boldenesse of her synnes I do m ercy þoruȝ riȝtwisenesse  & alle my wordis been O.18.402: OC 2 alone include been. trewe And þouȝ holi writ wole . þ at I be wroke n O.18.403: O alone has wroke n in place of wroke.  of he m þat dide n ille For O.18.404: O alone includes introductory For. nullu m malu m i mpunitu m & c etera O.18.404: This line is written in the right margin. Þei schul be clensid clerlich  & wasschen of her synnes In my p risou n p urgatorie  til parce it hote And my m ercy schal be schewed  to many of my breþ eren For blood may suffre blood  boþe hungry & a -cale Ac blood may not see blood  blede . but hym rue Audiui archana v erba q ue no n licet ho mini loq ui O.18.410: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after licet , and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Ac my riȝtwisenesse & riȝt  schul rulen al helle And m ercy . al mankynde  bifore me in heuene For I were an vnkynde kyng  but I my kynde helpe And namelich at swich a nede  þ ere nedes help bihoueþ No n int res i n iudiciu m cu m s eruo tuo d omine O.18.415: OF alone include d omine . O.18.415: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after s eruo and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which is written above the first. Þus bi lawe quod oure lord  lede I wole from hennys Þoo þat me louede  & leuede in my comyng And for þi lesyng lucifer  þat þ ou leyȝ til eue Þ ou schalt abye it bitterli O.18.419: GOF alone have bitterli; most B manuscripts have bittre.  & bonde hym wiþ cheynes Astaroth & al þe route  hidden hem in hirnes Þei dursten not loke on oure lord  þe boldest of hem alle But lete hym lede forþ what hym likede  & leete what hym liste Many hundred of aungelis  harpeden & sungen Culpat caro p urgat caro reg nat d eus d ei caro O.18.424: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after regnat , so that it appears as two lines. Þa nne pipede pees  of poysie a note Clarior e st solito p ost maxi ma nebula pheb us Post i nimicicias clarior e st & amor . O.18.426: This line and the preceding one are written in the right margin. They are divided after post by two solidi, one red and one black, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. Aft er scharp schoures q uod pees  most schene is þe sunne It is no weder warmer  þa n after watry cloudis Ne no loue leuer  ne more better O.18.430: O alone includes more. The reading better is shared only with Cr 23; most B manuscripts have leuer. freendis Þan after werre & woo  wha nne loue & pees been maystres Was neu ere werre in þis werld  ne wickednesse so kene Þ at ne loue & hym liste  to lawȝhyng ne brouȝte And pees þoruȝ pacience  alle p ereles stoppede Trews quod truþe  þ ou tellest vs soþ bi iesus Clippe we in couenaunt  & iche of vs kisse oþ er And latte no peple quod pees  p arceyue þ at we chiden For impossible is no þing  to hym þat is almyȝti Þ ou seist soþ quod riȝtwisenesse  & reu erenlich hir kiste Pees & pees heer  p er s ec ula s ec ulo rum Mi sericordia & v eritas obuiau eru nt sibi . Iusticia & pax oscu late su nt & c etera O.18.440: This line is written in the right margin. Truþe trumpede þoo  & songe . te d eum laudam us And þa nne lutede loue  in a loude note Ecce q uam bonu m & q uam iocu nd um & c etera O.18.443: This line is written in the right margin. Til þe day dawede  þeise damyselis daunceden O.18.445: O alone has daunceden; all other beta witnesses have dauncede. Þ at men rongen to þe resurecc iou n  & riȝt wiþ þat I wakede And callede kitte my wijf  & calot my douȝter Ariseþ & reu erenceþ  goddis resurecc iou n And crepeþ to þe crosse on knees  & kisseþ it for a Iuel For goddis blessid body  it bare for oure bote And it afereþ þe feend  for swich is þe myȝt May no griseli goost  glide . þ ere it schadewiþ Passus deci mus . no nus O.19.000: The heading is divided after Passus , so that it appears as two lines. þ Þ Vs I awakede & wrote  what I hadde dremed And diȝte me dereli  & dide me to chirche To here holli þe messe  þoo men ȝeden to offryng Þa nne O.19.4: O alone has Þa nne in place of That. peers þe plowman  was . peynted alle blody And come in . wiþ a crosse  bifore þe comune peple And riȝt lijk in alle lymes  to oure lord iesu Þa nne callede I co ncience  to kenne me þe soþe Is þis iesus þe iuster quod I  þat Iues diden hy m O.19.8: O alone includes hy m . to deþe Or it is peers þe plowman  who peyntede hym so rede Quod co ncience & knelede þoo  þeise arn peers armes Hise colouris & his cote armure  ac he þat comeþ so blody Is crist wiþ his crosse  conquerour of cristene Why calle ȝe hym crist quod I  siþ Iues calleden O.19.13: O alone has calleden; variants include called (HmGYCB), calle (WCrC 2L), callen (M), and named (F). hym iesus Pat riarkes & p rophetis  p ropheciede bifore Þ at alle kyns creaturis  schulde n knelen & bowen Anoon as men nempneden O.19.16: O alone has nempneden; most B manuscripts have nempned.  þe name of god iesu Ergo . is no name  to þe name of iesus Ne noon so nedeful to nempne  bi nyȝt ne bi day For alle derke deuelis . arn  adrad to here it And synful arn solaced  & saued bi þat name And ȝe callen hym crist  for what cause telleþ me Is crist more of myȝt  & more worþi name Þan iesu or iesus  þat al oure ioye come of Þ ou knowest wel quod concience  & þ ou canst O.19.24: O alone has canst; most B manuscripts have konne. resou n Þ at kyng . knyȝt O.19.25: O alone transposes knyȝt kyng. . conquerour  may be oo p ersoone To be called a knyȝt . is fayr  for men schul knele to hy m And O.19.27: O alone includes And. to be called a kyng O.19.27: O alone lacks is before fayrer. . fayrer  for he may knyȝtis make And to be coquerour co[n]querour called  þat come come[þ] of special grace And of hardynesse of herte  & of heendnesse boþe To make lordis of laddis  of loond þat he wynneþ O.19.31: The number <1>, written in a modern hand and followed by a punctus, appears in the top right margin. And free men foule þralles  þat folewen not hise lawes Þe Iues þat weren ientil men  iesu þei dispiseden O.19.32: O alone has dispiseden in place of despised. Boþe his lore & his lawe  now arn þei lowe cherlis As wyde as þe werld is  wonyeþ þ er noon But vndir tribute & talliage  as tikes & cherlis And þoo þat bicoomen O.19.36: O alone has bicoomen; most B manuscripts have bicome. cristen  bi cou nceyl of þe baptisme Arn fraunkeleyns & O.19.37: OF alone include &. free men  þoruȝ fullyng þat þei token O.19.37: O alone has token; all other beta witnesses have toke. And ientil men wiþ iesu  for iesus was yfullid And vp -on caluarie on crosse  ycrowned kyng of Iues It bicomeþ to a kyng  to kepe & O.19.40: HmOCot alone lack to before defende. defende And conquero ur of conquest  hise lawe s & his large And so dide iesus þe Iues  he iustifiede & tauȝte hem Þe lawe of longe O.19.43: O alone includes longe. lijf  þat laste schal eu ere And fende hem from O.19.44: Only OHm have hem from; most B manuscripts have from alone. foule yuelis  feu eres & fluxes And O.19.45: OF alone lack from before feendis. feendis þat O.19.45: O alone lacks in before hem. hem werren O.19.45: O alone has werren; most B manuscripts have were.  & al O.19.45: O alone includes al. fals beleue Þoo was he iesus of Iues  called ientil p rophete And kyng of her kyngdom  & crowne bare of þornes And þoo conquerede he on crosse  as conquero ur noble Myȝt no deþ hym fordo  ne adou n brynge Þ at he no roos O.19.50: HmGO alone have ne roos in place of naroos or aros. & regnede  & rauesschede helle And þoo was he conquero ur called  of quyke & of dede For he ȝaf adam & eue  & oþ ere moo blisse Þat longe hadden leyn bifore  as lucifers cherlis And siþen he ȝaf largeli  alle hise lele leges Places in p aradice  at her p artyng hennes He may wel be called conquerour  & þat is c rist to mene Ac þe cause þat he comeþ þus  wiþ crosse of his passiou n Is to wissen vs þ erwiþ  þ at wha nn þ at we been tempted Þ er -wiþ to fiȝte & fende vs  fro fallyng in -to synne And se bi his sorwe  þat who loueþ ioye To penaunce & to pou erte  he muste putte hym -selue And myche O.19.62: O alone lacks wo before in, and thus lacks the first alliterating stave. in þis werld  willen & suffren Ac to carpe mo re of c rist  & how he come to þat name Feiþli for to speke  his first name was iesus Þoo he was born in bethlem  as þe book telleþ And come to take man -kynde  kyngys & aungelis  Reu erencede n hym fayre  wiþ riche sse of erþe Aungelis out of heuene  coom knelynge & sungen Gl oria i n excelsis d eo O.19.69: This line is written in the right margin. Kyngys coomen aft er  knelynge O.19.70: Cr 23YO alone have the present participle in place of a preterite form. & offreden Myrre & myche gold  wiþ -outen m ercy askyng Or any kyns catel  but knowlechynge hy m sou ereyn Boþe of soond & sunne O.19.73: YO alone have & sunne; most B manuscripts have sonne. & sehe  & siþen þei wenten Into her kyngn elith O.19.74: O alone has the nonsense form kyngnelith (or kyngnelich?); variants include kingdome kyth (Cr), kyngdomes (G), kyngenelich (C), kyngenlith (Y), kyngelich (C 2), kyngriche (B), and kyngene kiþ (WHmLMF).  bi cou nceyl of aungelis And þ ere was þat word fulfild  þe which þ ou of speke O mnia celestia t errest ria flecta nt ur i n h oc no mi ne iesu O.19.76: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after terrestria and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first. For alle þe aungelis of heuene  at his birþe kneleden O.19.77: O alone has kneleden; all other beta witnesses have knelede. And al þe witt of þe world  was in þoo þre kyngys Resou n & riȝtwisenesse  & ruþe þei offreden Wherfor & why  wise men þat tyme Maystres & lettered men  magy hem callede Þat oo kyng cam wiþ resou n  cou ered vndir sense Þe secou nde kyng siþþe  soþeli offrede Riȝtwysenesse vndir reed gold O.19.84: A double solidus over each word indicates transposition of original gold reed.  resouns felawe Gold is likned to lewte  þat laste schal eu ere And resou n to riche gold  to riȝt & to truþe Þe þridde O.19.87: O alone lacks kyng before þoo, and thus lacks the first alliterating stave. þoo coom  knelynge to iesu And p resentede hy m wiþ pite  apperynge bi myrre For myrre is m ercy to mene  & mylde speche of tunge Þre yliche honeste þingys  weren O.19.90: O alone has weren; most other B manuscripts have were. offred þus at ones Þoruȝ þre kyn kyng ys  knelynge to iesu Ac for alle þeise p reciouse p resentis  oure lord p rince iesus Was neiþ er kyng ne conquerour  til he gan to waxe In þe man ere of a man  & þat bi myche sleyȝt As it bicomeþ a conquerour  to kunne many sleyȝtis And many whyles & witt  þat wole been a leder And so dide iesus i n hise dayes  who -so hadde tyme to telle it Su m tyme he suffrede  & su m -tyme he hidde hym And su m -tyme he fauȝte fast  & fleyȝ oþ er -while And su m -tyme he gaf good  & g rauntede hele boþe Lijf & lym  as hym liste he wrouȝte As kynde is of a conquero ur  so comsede iesu Til he hadde alle hem  þat he fore bledde In his Iuuentee þis iesus  at þe Iuen feeste Water in -to wyn turnede  as holi writ telleþ And þ ere bigan god  of his grace do -wel For wyn is likned to lawe  & lijf of holynesse And lawe lakkede þoo  for men loueden not her enemyes And c rist cou nceyleþ vs  & co mmau ndeþ boþe Boþe to lered & to lewed  to louþye oure enemyes So at þe feest first  as I bifore tolde Bigan god of his g race  & goodnesse to do wel And þoo was he cleped & called  not holy c rist . but iesu A faunt fyn ful of witt  filius marie For bifore his modir marie  made he þat wondre Þ at sche first & formest  ferme schulde beleue Þ at he þoruȝ g race was geten O.19.117: O alone has geten; all other beta witnesses have gete.  & no goom ellis He wrouȝte þat bi no witt  but þoruȝ word one After þe kynde þat he coome of  þ ere comsede he do wel And wha nne he was waxen more  in his modir absence He made lame to lepe  & ȝaf liȝt to blynde And fedde wiþ two fisches  & wiþ fyue loues Sor a -fyngred folk  moo þan fyue þousande Þus he cou nfortede careful  & cauȝte a gretter name Þe which was . do -bette  where þat he wente For deefe þoruȝ hise doyng es to here  & dombe . speke he made And alle he helede & halpe  þat hym . of g race askede And þoo was he called in cuntre  of þe comune peple For þe dedis þat he dide  iesu fili dauid For dauid was douȝtiest  of dedis in hys tyme Þe beerdes O.19.131: LO alone have the form beerdes; most B manuscripts have burdes. þat sungen . saul i nt erfec it mille & dauid dece m milia For -þi þe cuntre þ ere iesu coome  callede hym fili dauid And nempnede hym of nazareth  & no man so worþi To be cayser or kyng  of þe kyngdom of iuda Ne ou er Iues iustise  as iesus was hem þouȝte Wher -of cayphas hadde enuye  & oþ ere of þe Iues And for to do hym to deþ  day & nyȝt þei casten Kylleden hym on croswise  at caluarie on fryday And siþen birieden his body  & beden þat men schulden O.19.139: O alone has schulden in place of sholde. Kepe it fro nyȝt -comers  wiþ knyȝtis yarmed For no freendis schulde n hym fecche  for p rophetis he m tolde n Þ at þat blissid body  of birielis schulde rise And go in -to galile  & gladen hise apostelis And his modir marie  þus men bifore demeden O.19.144: O alone has demeden in place of demede. Þe knyȝtis þat kepten hym  biknewen it hem -seluen Þ at aungelis & archaungelis  er þe day sprunge Coomen knelynge to þe co ors  & sungen christus resurgens Verray man bifore hem alle  & forþ wiþ hem he ȝede Þe Iues p reyeden hem pees  & bisouȝten þe knyȝtis Telle O.19.150: O alone lacks the first alliterating stave; most B manuscripts have þe comune. þ at þer coomen O.19.150: O alone has coomen in place of cam.  a companye of hise apostelis And biwicchede he m as þei woken  & awey stoolen it Ac marie magdalene  mette hym bi þe weye Goynge toward galile  in godhed & manhed And on lyue & lokynge  & sche aloude cryede In iche a companye þ ere sche coome  christus resurgens Þus cam it out . þ at c rist ou ercam  recou erde & lyuede Sic oportebat O.19.157: O alone has the form oportebat in place of oportet . christum pati & i nt rare & c etera O.19.157: This line is written in the right margin. For þat þat wo mmen witen  may not wel be cou nceyl Peter p arceyuede al þis  & pursuede after Boþe iames & ion  iesu for to seke Tadde & ten moo  wiþ thomas of Inde And as alle þeise wise wyes  weren to -gyd eres In an hous al bischette  & her dore yspered Crist cam in . al closed  boþe dore & ȝates To Peter & to hise aposteles  & seyde . pax vobis And toke thomas bi þe hoond  & tauȝte hym to grope And fele wiþ hise fyngres  his fleschliche herte Tomas touchede it  & wiþ his tunge seyde De us me us & d omin us me us O.19.169: This line is written in the right margin. Þ ou art my lord I beleue  god lord iesu Þ ou deyedest & deþ þoledest  & deme schalt vs alle And now art lyuynge & lokynge  & laste schalt þ ou O.19.172: O alone includes þou after schalt, although F includes it before. eu ere Crist carpede þa nne  & curteysliche seyde Thomas for þ ou trowest þis  & truliche leuest O.19.174: O alone has leuest; all other beta witnesses have bileuest. it Blessed mote þ ou be  & be schalt for eu ere . And blessed moten O.19.176: O alone has moten; most B manuscripts have mote. þei alle be  in body & in soule Þat neu ere schul see me in siȝt  as þ ou seest O.19.177: O alone has seest; most B manuscripts have doost. nouþe And leliche beleue al þis  I loue hem & blesse hem B eati q ui c redid eru nt & no n vid eru nt O.19.179: This line is written in the right margin. A double solidus over each word indicates transposition of original c redid erunt and vid eru nt ; evidently noting that transposition of these two words alone would not correct the reading, the corrector wrote no n videru nt et credideru nt over the line. The correction is written in a fifteenth-century hand similar to that of the main scribe, perhaps hand 3. And wha nne þis dede was doon  do -best he tauȝte And ȝaue peers power  & p ardou n he g rauntede To alle man ere men  m ercy & forȝyuenesse Hym myȝt . to assoyle men  of O.19.183: Cr 23O alone have men of; most B manuscripts have of. alle man ere synnes In couenaunt þ at þei come  & knowleche to paye To peers p ardou n þe plowman  redde quod debes Þus O.19.186: OF alone lack haþ before peers. peers power  be his p ardou n payed To bynde & vnbynde  boþe heer & ellis -where And assoyle men of alle synnes  saue of dette one Anoon after on hyȝ  vp in -to heuene  He wente & wonyeþ þere  & wole come at þe laste And rewarde hym riȝt wel  þat reddit quod debet And payeþ p arfiȝtli  as pure truþe wolde And what p ersoone payeþ it not  punyschen he þenkeþ And demen hym at domes -day  boþe quyk & deed Þe goode to þe godhed  & to greet Ioye And wickede to wonye  in woo wiþ -outen ende Þus concience of crist  & of O.19.197: O alone lacks þe before crosse. crosse carpede And counceylede me to knele þ erto  & þa nne cam me þouȝt On Sp iritus p araclit us to peers & to hise felawes In liknesse of a liȝtnyng  he liȝte on hem alle And made hem kunne & knowe  alle kyns langages I wondrede what þat was  & waggede concience And was a -feerd of þat liȝt  for in feers liknesse  Spirit us p araclit us ou er -spradde hem alle Quod concience & knelede  þis is c ristis messager And comeþ fro þe greet god  & grace is his name Knele now quod concience  & if þ ou canst . synge Welcome hym & worschipe hym  wiþ veni creator sp iritus Þa nne songe I þat soong  & so dide n many hundred And crieden wiþ concience  helpe vs god of g race And þa nne bigan grace to goo  wiþ peers þe O.19.211: O alone includes þe. plowman And counceylede hym & concience  þe comune to sompne For I wole dele to -day  & dyuyde grace To alle kyn creaturis  þat han her fyue wittis Tresore to lyue bi  to her lyues eende And wepne to fiȝte wiþ  whan antec rist ȝow assayleþ And ȝaf O.19.217: O alone lacks ech before man. man a grace  to go wiþ hym -selue Þ at ydelnesse encombre hym not  enuye ne pride Diuisiones gr aciaru m su nt & c etera O.19.219: This line is written in the right margin. Su mme he ȝaf witt  wiþ wordis to schewe  Witt . to wynne her lijflode wiþ  as þe werk O.19.221: O alone has werk; all other beta witnesses have world. askeþ As p rechouris & p reestis  & prentices of lawes O.19.222: O alone has the plural form. Þei leli to lyue  þoruȝ O.19.223: O alone has þoruȝ in place of by (a). laboure of tunge And bi witt to wissen oþ ere  as grace hem wolde teche And su mme he kennede craft  & kunnyng of siȝt Wiþ sellyng & biggyng  her bileue to wynne And su mme he lerede to laboure  a lele lijf & trewe And su mme he tauȝte to tilye  to diche & to hegge To wynne wiþ her lijflode  bi lore of his techyng And su mme to dyuyne & dyuyde  noumbres to kenne And su mme to compasse craftili  & colouris to make And su mme to see & su mme to seye  what schulde befalle Boþe of wel & of woo  telle it er it felle As astronomye ns þoruȝ astronomye  on O.19.234: O alone has on in place of and. philosophres wise And su mme to ride & su mme to recou ere  þat vnriȝtfulli was wonnen He wissede hem to wynne it aȝeyn  þoruȝ wiȝtnesse of handis And fecche it fro false men  wiþ foluyles lawes And su mme he lerede to lyue  in longynge to be hennys In pou erte & in penaunce  to preye for alle c ristene And alle he lerede to be lele  & iche a craft loue oþ er And forbade hem al debate  þ at noon were amonge hem Þouȝ su mme be clenner þan su mme  ȝe seen wel quod g race O.19.243: A cross consisting of five dots, one red, with red rays radiating outward, appears in the left margin. It is probably in the main scribal hand. It may have been intended to point to the defectiveness of l. 243. Þ at he þat vseþ þe fayrest craft  to þe foulest I couþe haue put hym O.19.243: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate. Loke þ at noon lakke oþ er  but loueþ alle as breþ eren And who þat mooste maystries can  be myldest of beryng And crowne concience kyng  & make craft ȝoure styward And after craftis cou nceyl  cloþeþ ȝow & fedeþ O.19.247: O alone has fedeþ in place of fede. For I make peers þe plowman  my p rocurato ur & my reue And registrer to receyue  redde quod debes My prowyo ur & my plowman  peers schal be on erþe And for to tilye truþe  a teem schal he haue Grace gaue peers a teem  foure grete oxen Þat oon was luke . a large beest  & a lowe chered And mark & matheu þe þridde  myȝti beestis boþe And ioynede to hem oon Ion  þe moost gentil of alle Þe price neet of peers plow  passynge alle oþ ere And grace gaf peers  of his goodnesse foure stottes Al þat hise oxen eriedem eriede[n]  hem O.19.258: O alone has hem in place of þei. to harewen after Oon hiȝte austyn  & ambrose an -er Gregori þe greet clerk  & ierom þe goode Þeise foure . þe feiþ to teche  folewen peers teeme And harewede n in an hand -whyle  al holy sc ripture Wiþ two harewes þat þei hadden  an oold & a newe Vet us testa mentum & nouu m O.19.264: This line is written in the right margin. And grace gaf greynes  þe cardynales v ertues And sewe it in mannes soule  & siþen tolde her names q uattuor vir tutes cardi nales O.19.267: This rubric appears as two lines, with each word begun below and continued above, an arrangement not seen elsewhere in the manuscript. Sp iritus p rudencie  þe first seed hiȝte And who -so eete þat  ymagyne he schulde O.19.270: A cross composed of dots with a flourish at the bottom, probably in the main scribal hand, appears in the left margin. Or he dide any dede  deuyse wel þe eende And lernede men a ladel to bigge  wiþ a longe stele To O.19.272: O alone has To; most B manuscripts have That. caste for to kepe a crokke  to saue þe fatte aboue þe secou nd seed O.19.271: The top right corner of the box is touched in red; the bottom of the box has been lost to cropping. O here lacks one leaf, encompassing Kane and Donaldson's ll. 281-358. O.19.272: In the center top margin of this page, on a level with the quire number, one leaf missing is written in a modern hand. To goo ageyn pride  but grace were wiþ vs Þa nne cam kynde witt  concience to teche And criede & comau ndede  alle cristen peple For to deluen & dichen O.19.275: O alone has dichen; variants include dyke (HmBF), digge (Cr), and dych (WGYC 2CLM).  depe aboute vnite Þ at holi chirche stode in vnite  as it a pile were Concience comau ndede þoo  alle Cristen to delue And make a myche moot  þat myȝte been a strenkþe To helpe holi chirche  & hem þat it kepen Þa nne alle kyn cristene  saue comune wommen Repenteden & refuseden  synne . saue þei one And false men flat ereris  vsureris & þeues Lyeris & questmong ers  þat weren forsworen often O.19.283: O alone has often in place of ofte. Wytyngli & wilfulli  wiþ þe false helden And for silu er weren O.19.285: O alone has weren; all other beta witnesses have were. forsworen  soþel i þei wiste n it Þ er nas no cristen creature  þat kynde witt hadde Saue schrewes  & O.19.287: GO alone have &; most B manuscripts have one. swiche as I spake of Þ at he ne halpe a quantite  holynesse to waxe Su mme þoruȝ bedis biddynge & su mme þoruȝ pilg rimage And oþ ere pryue penaunce  & su mme þoruȝ pens delyng And þa nne wellede water  for wikkide werkis Egrelich rennynge  out of mennys yen . Clennesse of þe comune  & clerkis clene lyuyng Made vnite holi chirche  in holynesse to stonde I care not quod concience  if O.19.295: O alone has if in place of þouȝ. pride come nouþe Þe lord of lust schal be lettid  al þis lente I hope Comeþ quod concience  iche O.19.297: O alone has iche; most B manuscripts have ye. cristen & dyneþ Þat han labourid lelli  al þis lenten tyme Heer is breed yblessed  & goddis body þ er -vndir Grace þoruȝ goddis word  gaaf peers power  Myȝtis to maken it  & men to ete it after In help of her hele  onys in a moneþe Or as ofte as þei hadden nede  þoo þat O.19.303: O alone lacks some variant of hadde before ypayed. ypayed  To peers p ardou n þe plowman  redde quod debes How quod al þe comune  þ ou cou nceylest vs to ȝelde Al þat we owen any wyȝt  er we go to housel Þat is my cou nceyl quod concience  & cardynale v ertues That iche man forȝyue oþ er  & þat wole þe pat er -n oster Et dim itte nob is debita n ostra O.19.309: YOF alone lack & c etera at the end of this line. O.19.309: This line is written in the right margin. And so to been assoylid  & siþen to be houseled O.19.310: A poorly formed second <e> in houseled prompted the scribe to rewrite the letter above the line. Ȝhe . baw quod a brewer  I wole not be ruled  Bi iesu for al ȝoure ianglyng  wiþ sp iritus Iusticie O.19.312: Traces of a quire signature, almost entirely lost to cropping, appear at the bottom of this leaf. Ne after concience bi crist  while I can selle  Boþe dregges & draf  & drawe at O.19.314: O alone has at; most B manuscripts have it at. oon hole  Þikke ale & þinne ale  for þat is my kynde And not hakke after holynesse  holde þi tunge concience Of sp iritus iusticie  þ ou spekest myche on ydel Caytijf quod concience  cursed wrecche Vn -blessid art þ ou brewer  but if þee god helpe But þ ou lyue bi lore  of sp iritus iusticie  Þe cheef seed þat peers sewe  ysaued worþest þ ou O.19.322: OG alone have worþest þ ou ; most B manuscripts have worstow. neu ere But concience þe comune seed O.19.322: O alone has comune seed; most B manuscripts have comune fede.  & cardynal v ertues O.19.322: A caret/punctus appears in the extreme left margin, signaling deletion. In view of the fact that the reading seed is found in GO alone, perhaps the intention was to delete it. Leue it wel þei been lost  boþe lijf & soule Of cardynalis Þa nne is many a man lost  quod a lewed vicorie I am a curato ur of holi kirke  & cam neu ere in my tyme  Man . to me þat me couþe telle  of cardynal v ertues Or þat countede concience  at a cokkes fedþer or an hennys I knewe neu ere cardynal  þat he ne cam fro þe pope And we clerkis wha nne þei comen  for her comunes payen For her pelure & her palfreys mete  & pilouris þat he m folewen Þe comune clamat cotidie  iche O.19.331: GOF alone lack a word between iche and man; most B manuscripts have a. man to oþ er Þe cuntre is þe curseder  þat cardynalis comen Inne And þ ere þei liggen & lengen O.19.333: O alone has lengen; all other beta witnesses have lenge.  moost leccherie þere regneþ For -þi quod þis vicorie  bi verrey god I wolde  Þ at no cardynal coome  among þe comune peple But in her owne O.19.336: O alone has her owne in place of hir. holynesse  holde O.19.336: O alone has holde; variants include holden (YHmLM), & þere holde (F), helidem (BmBo), holidem (Cot), and helden (WCrGYC 2R). he m stille at home O.19.336: O alone includes at home. At aviou n avi[n]ou n among þe Iues  cu m s anc to s anc tus eris & c etera Or in rome as her rule wole  þe relikes to kepe And þ ou concience in kyngys court  & schuldest neu ere come þennys And g race þat þ ou gredist so  of gyour of alle clerkis And peers wiþ his newe plow  & eke wiþ his olde Emp erour of al þe world  þ at alle men weren cr istene De papa . Imp arfiȝt is þe pope . þat al  þe peple schulde helpe And sendiþ hem þat sleeþ swiche  as he schulde saue And wel worþ peers þe plowman  þat p ursueþ god in doynge Q ui pluit sup er iustos & iniustos at ones And sente þe so nne to saue  a cursed mannes tilþe As briȝt as to þe best man  & to þe best womman Riȝt so peers þe plowman  peyneþ hym to tilye As wel for a wasto ur  & wenches of þe stues As for hym -self & hise s eruau ntis  saue he is first s erued And t rauayliþ & tilieþ  for a trayto ur also sore As for a trewe tidy man  alle tymes yliche And worschipid be he þat wrouȝte al  boþe good & ille And suffreþ þ at synful be  til su m -tyme þat þei repente And god amende þe pope  þat pileþ holi chirche And cleymeþ bifore þe kyng  to be O.19.357: O alone lacks a word between be and ouer; most B manuscripts have kepere. ou er cristene And counteþ at O.19.358: O alone includes at. nouȝt þouȝ c ristene  be killed & robbed And fynt folk to fiȝte  & cristen blood to spille Aȝen þe olde lawe & newe lawe  as luke þ erof witnesseþ No n occides & c etera M ichi vindicta m & c etera O.19.361: This line is written in the right margin. It semeþ bi so hym -seluen O.19.362: OC 2 alone have hym-seluen in place of hymself.  hadde his owne O.19.362: OF alone include owne. wille Þ at he ne reccheþ riȝt nouȝt  of al þe toþ er O.19.363: O alone includes toþ er . remenaunt And c rist of his curteysie  þe cardynalis saue And turne her witt to wisdom  & to wele of soule For þe comune quod þis curato ur  counten ful litil  Þe counceyl of concience  or cardynal v ertues But if þei seen O.19.368: O alone has seen; variants include sowne (F), sowe (L), seiȝe (WHm), seiȝ (C 2C), seie (BM), see (CrG), and sight (Y). as bi siȝt  su mwhat to wynnyng Of gyle ne of gabbyng  gyuen O.19.369: O alone has gyuen; most other B manuscripts have gyue. þei neu ere tale For sp iritus p rudencie  among þe peple . is gyle And alle þe fayre v ertues  as vices þei semen Iche man sutileþ a sleyȝt  synne for to hyde And coloureþ it wiþ a cunnyng  & a clene lyuyng Þa nne lowȝ þ er a lord  & bi þis liȝt seyde I holde it riȝt & resou n  of my reue to take  Al þat myn audito ur  or ellis my styward  Cou nceyliþ me bi her acounte  & my clerkis wrytyng W sp iritus intellect us to seke þe reues rollis And wiþ sp iritus fortitudinis fecchen it I wole And O.19.380: O alone lacks þanne before cam. cam þ er a kyng  & bi his crowne seyde I am kyng wiþ crowne  þe comune to rule And holy chirche & clergye  fro cursede men O.19.382: OF alone lack to before defende. defende And if me lakkiþ to lyue bi  þe lawe wole I take it  Þ ere I may hastlokest O.19.384: OCotLM alone have the form hastlokest; variants include hastlyest (C), hastlyere (F), hastylyche (G), moost hastely (Cr), and hastilokest (WHmYC 2BmBo). it haue  for I am hed of lawe For ȝe been but membris  & I abouen alle And siþen I am ȝoure alþer hed  I am ȝoure alþer O.19.386: OF alone have the form alþer; most B manuscripts have aller. hele And holi chirche s cheef help  & cheftayn of þe comune And what þat O.19.389: O alone includes þat. I take of ȝow two  I take it at þe techyng  Of sp iritus iusticie for I iugge ȝow alle So I may boldli be houseled  for I borwe neu ere Ne craue of my comune  but as my kynde askeþ l 3 O.19.391: A design of wavy vertical lines filled in with ink, about four lines in length, appears in the extreme bottom right margin above the quire signature. In condiciou n quod concience  þ at þ ou kunne defende And rule þi rewme bi resou n  riȝt wel & in truþe De p otestate reg is . Take þ ou may in resou n  as þe lawe askeþ O mnia tua su nt ad defe ndend um s et no n ad dep rehendand um O.19.395: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after defendendum and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first. Þe vicorie O.19.396: O alone has the form vicorie in place of viker. hadde fer hoom  & fayre toke his leue And I awakenede þ er -wiþ  & wrouȝte O.19.397: Cr 3OBoCot alone have wrought; most B manuscripts have wroot. as me mette Passus vice - simus . O.20.000: The heading is divided after vice- , so that it appears as two lines. þ Þ Anne as I wente bi þe weye  wha nne I was þus awaked Heuy chered I ȝede  & elenge in herte I ne wiste where to ete  ne at what place And it neyȝhede neer þe noone  & wiþ nede I mette Þat frountede O.20.5: O alone has the form frountede in place of afrounted. me ful O.20.5: O alone has ful in place of wel or omission. foule  & fayto ur me callede Kanst þ ou not excuse þee  as dide þe kyng & oþere Necessitas Þat þ ou toke to þi bilyue  to cloþes & to sustenaunce And bi techyng & tellyng  of sp iritus temporancie And þ ou nome no more  þan nede þe tauȝte And nede haþ no lawe  ne neu ere schal falle in dette For þre þingys he takiþ  his lijf for to saue Þat is mete wha nne men hym warne n  & he no money weldiþ Ne wiȝt noon . wole be his borwe  ne wedde haþ noon to legge And he cauȝte in þat caas  & come þ erto bi sleyȝt He synneþ not soþeli  þat so wynneþ his fode And þouȝ he come so to a cloþ  & can no bett er cheuysaunce Nede anoon -riȝt  nymeþ hy m vndir meinprise And if hym liste to lape  þe lawe of kynde wolde Þ at he drunke at iche diche  er he for þirst deyede So nede at greet nede  may nyme as for his owne W-outen cou nceyl of concience  or cardynal v ertues So þ at he sue & saue  sp iritus temp erancie For is no v ertue bi fer  to sp iritus temporancie Neiþ er sp iritus iusticie ne sp iritus fortitudinis For sp iritus fortitudi nis  forfeteþ ful ofte He schal do more þan mesure  many tyme & ofte And bete men ful O.20.27: O alone has ful in place of ouer. bitterli e  & su mme of hem to litel And greue men gretter  þan good feiþ wolde And sp iritus iusticie schal iuggen  wole he or O.20.29: OC 2 alone have he or in place of he or or alone. nyle he After þe kyngys counceyl  & þe comune like And sp iritus prudencie in many a poynt schal fayle Of þat he weneþ wolde falle  if his witt ne were Wenyng is no wisdam  ne wise ymagynac iou n Homo p roponit & deus disponit  & gou erneþ alle goode v ertues Ac nede is next hym  for anoon he mekeþ And as lowe as a loomb  for lakkyng of þat hym nedeþ Wise men forsoken wel  for þei wolden be nedy And woneden in wildernesse  & wolden not be riche And god al his greet ioye  goostliche he lefte And cam & toke mankynde  & becam nedy So nedy he was as seiþ þe book  in many sundri places Þ at he seyde in his sorwe  on þe self rode Boþe fox & foul  mowen flee to hole & crepe And þe fisch haþ fynne  to flete wiþ to reste Þ er nede haþ ynomen O.20.45: O alone has ynomen; most B manuscripts have ynome. me  þ at I mote nede abide And suffre sorwes ful soure  þat schul to ioye turne For -þi beþ not abassched  to bidde & to be nedy Siþ he þat wrouȝte al þe world  was wilfullich nedy Ne neu ere noon so nedy  ne also O.20.49: Only O has ne also; most B manuscripts have ne alone. porer deyede Wha nne nede hadde vndirnomen O.20.50: O alone has vndirnomen; most B manuscripts have vndernome. O.20.50: OR alone lack me before þus. þus  anoon I fel a -slepe And mette ful m erueylousliche  þ at in mannes foorme . Antecrist . Antec rist cam þa nne  & al þe croppe of truþe  I ero nimus s uper illud Dan ielis . 12 . B eatus q ui exp ectat & p eruen it vs que ad dies . 1335 . B eatus inq uit qui i nt erfecto an ti christo . dies sup ra num eru m p erfinitu m . 45 . p restolat ur q uib us & d omin us saluator i n sua magestate ve ntur us e st O.20.53-60: The Latin lines appear in a column in the right margin, parallel to ll. 53-60 of the text. The passage is taken almost verbatim from Saint Jerome's commentary on Daniel 12.12; see Commentariorum in Danielem, Libri III (IV), S. Hieronymi Presbyteri Opera, Pars I,5, ed. Francisci Glorie, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 75A (Turnhout: Brepols, 1964): [IV].xii.12, pp. 943-44. Turnede it vp -so -dou n  & ou er -tilte þe rote And fals spronge & spredde  & spedde mennys nedis In iche a cuntre þ ere ho h[e] coome  he cutte awey truþe And gerte gyle growe þ ere  as he a god were . Freres . O.20.57: The marginal Freres is surrounded by the long Latin gloss beginning opposite l. 52. Freres foleweden þat feend  for he gaf hem copes And religious reu erencede hym  & rongen her bellis And al þe couent forþ cam  to welcome þat tyraunt And alle hise as wel as hym  saue oneli fooles Whiche fooles weren wel leu ere  to deye þan to lyue  Leng er þan lenten  to be so rebuked And a fals freend O.20.63: GYOC 2 alone have freend in place of fend. antec rist  ou ere alle folk regnede And þat weren O.20.64: O alone has weren; most B manuscripts have were. mylde men & holy  þat no mescheef dredden Diffieden al falsnesse  & folk þat it vsede And what kyng þat hem cou nfortede  knowynge he m any while Þei curseden O.20.67: O alone has curseden in place of cursed. & her cou nceyl  were it clerk or lewed Antecrist hadde þus soone  hundredis at his banere And pride it bare  booldeliche abouten O.20.69: O alone has abouten; most B manuscripts have aboute. Wiþ a lord þat lyueþ aft erlust & O.20.71: O alone includes lust. þe likyng of body Þat cam aȝeyn concience  þat keper was & guyour Ou er kynde cristene  & cardynal vertues I cou nceyle quod concience þoo  comeþ wiþ me ȝe foles In -to vnite holi chirche  & holde we vs þere And crie we to kynde þ at he  come & defende vs  Foles . fro þe feendis lymes  for peers loue þe plowman And crye we to al þe comune  þ at þei come to vnite And þ ere abide & bikere  aȝeyns belialis children Kynde . concience þoo herde  & come out of þe planetis And sente forþ hise forreouris  feu eres & fluxes Cowȝhes & cardiacles  crampes & toþ -aches Rewmes & radegoundes  & ruynouse scalles Biles & bocches  & brennynge agues Frenesies & foule yuelis  forragers of kynde Hadde priked & preyd  polles of þe peple Þ at largeli a legiou n  loren her lijf soone Þ er was harrow & help  heer comeþ kynde Wiþ deþ þat is dredeful  to vndo vs alle Þe lord þat lyuede after lust  þoo a -lowde cryede  After cou nfort . a knyȝt  to come & bere his baneer A -larme alarme quod þat lord  iche lijf kepe his owne And þa nne metten þeise men  er mynystrales myȝten pipe And er heraudes of armes  hadden discryued lordis Kynde kam after  wiþ many kene sores As pokkes & pestelences  þat O.20.96: O alone has þat in place of and. myche peple schente So kynde þoruȝ corrupc iou ns  killede ful many Deþ cam dryuynge after  & al to dust passchede Kyng ys & knyȝt is  kaysers & popis Lered ne lewed  he leete no man stonde Þ at he ne O.20.100: YOC 2Cot alone include ne. hitte euene  þat neu ere O.20.100: CrO alone have neuere in place of euere. sterede after Many a louely lady  & le mmans of knyȝt is Swownede n & sweltede n O.20.102: O alone has sweltede n ; most B manuscripts have swelted.  for sorwe of deþes dyntis Concience of his curteysie  to kynde he besouȝte To cece & suffre  & see wher þei wolden O.20.104: O alone has wolden in place of wolde. Leue pride pryueyli  & be p arfiȝt c ristene And kynde cecede þoo  to see þe peple amende Fortune gan flat ere þa nne  þoo fewe þat were on lyue And bihiȝte hem longe lijf  & leccherie he sente Among ys al man ere men  wedded & vnweddid And gaderede a greet hoost  al a -gyn concience Þis leccherie leyde on  wiþ a lawynge chere And wiþ pryue speche  & peynted wordis And armede hym in ydelnesse  & in hye beryng He bare a bowe in his hand  & many blody arewes Weren feþered wiþ fayre bihest  & many a false truþe Wiþ hise vntidy talis  he tenede ful ofte  Concience & his company  of holi chirche þe techers Þa nne cam coueytise  & caste how he myȝte  Ou ercome concience  & cardynal v ertues And armede hy m in auarice  & hungriliche lyuede His wepene was alle whyles  to wynne & to hyde O.20.121: O alone has hyde; most B manuscripts have hiden. Wiþ glosyngys & gabbyng es  to bigyle O.20.122: O alone has the infinitive form in place of the preterite. þe peple Symonye hym sente  to assayle concience And p recheden O.20.124: O alone has p recheden in place of preched. to þe peple  & p relates þei hem maden To holden wiþ antecrist  her te mp eraltees to saue And coomen to þe kyng ys cou nceyl  as a kene barou n And kneleden O.20.127: O alone has kneleden in place of kneled. to concience  in court afore he m alle And gerte good feiþ flee  & fals to abide And boldliche bare adou n  wiþ many a bryȝt noble  Miche of þe witt & wisdam  of westmynyst re halle He iuggede til a iustise  & iustede in his ere And ou er -tilte al his truþe  wiþ take þis vp amendement And to þe arches in haast  he ȝede anoon after And turnede cyuyle in -to symonye  & siþ he toke þe official For a mantel of menyuere  he made lele mat rimonye  Departe O.20.136: O alone has Departe; most B manuscripts have Departen. . er deþ cam  & dyuorce schapte Allas quod concience & cryede þoo  wolde crist of his grace Þ at coueytise were cristen  þat is so kene a fiȝter And boold & abidynge  whyle his bagge lasteþ And þa nne lowȝ lijf  & leete dagge hise cloþes And armede hym in haast  in harlottes wordis And helde holynesse . a iape  & heendenesse a wastour And leete lewte a cherl  & lyer . a fre man Concience & counceyl  he countede it folye Þus relyede lijf  for a litil fortune And prikede forþ wiþ pride  preyseþ he no v ertu He careþ not how kynde slowȝ  & schal come at þe laste And kille alle erþeli creaturis  saue concience one Lijf leepe a -syde  & lauȝte hym a lemman Hele & I quod he  & hynesse of herte Schal do þee no t drede  neiþ er deþ ne eelde But O.20.152: OF alone have But in place of And. to forȝete sorwe  and gyue nouȝt of synne Þis likede lijf  & his lemman fortune And geten in her glorie  a gedelyng at þe laste Oon þat myche woo wrouȝte  sleuþe was his name Sleuþe wexe wondir ȝerne  & soone was of age And weddede oon wanhope  a wenche of þe stues Hir sire was a sisour  þat neu ere swore truþe Oon tomme two -tunge  ateynt at iche a quest Þis sleuþe wexe werre & O.20.160: O alone has two instances of werre &, apparently as the result of dittography. However, because the line makes sense as it stands (if werre is understood as meaning "worse"), it may possibly be the result of deliberate scribal intervention. werre  & a slynge made And þrewe drede & O.20.161: O alone has &; all other beta witnesses have of. dispeyr  a doseyne myle aboute For care concience þoo  criede vp -on eelde And bade hym fonde to fiȝte  & afere wanhope And eelde hente good hope  & hastiliche O.20.164: O alone lacks he before schifte. schifte hym And wayuede awey wanhope  & wiþ lijf he fiȝteþ And lijf fleyȝ for feer  to phisik after help And bisouȝte hym of socour  & of his salue hadde And gaue hym gold good woon  þat gladede his herte And þei ȝyuen O.20.169: OC 2 alone have ȝyuen; variants include gyue (C), gafen (BmBo), gaue (CrCotF), and gyuen (WHmGYLMR). hym aȝeyn  a glasen howue Lijf leuede þ at leche -craft  lette schulde eelde And dryue awey deþ  wiþ dias & draggas And eelde auntrede hym on lijf  & at þe laste he hitte A phisicien wiþ a furred hood  þ at he fel in O.20.173: O alone lacks an article before palsye. palsye And þ ere deyede þat docto ur  er þre dayes after Now I see seyde lijf  þ at surgerie ne phisik  May not a myte avayle  to medele aȝeyns eelde And in hope of his hele  good hope O.20.177: O alone has hope in place of herte. he hente And rode so to reuel  a riche place & a myrie Þe companye of court men clepede n it su m -tyme And eelde anoon after me  & ou er myn hed he O.20.180: O alone includes he; most B manuscripts include no pronoun. ȝede And made me balled bifore  & bare on þe crowne So harde ȝhe ȝede ou er myn hed  it wole be seene eu ere Sire yuele ytauȝt . eelde quod I  vnheende go wiþ þee Siþ wha nne was þi O.20.184: GOC 2 alone have þi in place of þe. weye  ou er mennes hedis Haddest þ ou been heende quod I  þ ou woldest haue asked leue Ȝhe . leue lordyng quod he  & leyde on me wiþ age And hitte me vndir þe ere  vnneþe may ich here He buffetede me aboute þe mouþe  & bette me on þe teeþ And gyede O.20.189: OC 2 alone have gyede; most B manuscripts have gyued. me in goutis  I may not goo at large And of þe woo þat I was Inne  my wijf hadd reuþe And wisschede ful witterli  þ at I were in heuene For þe lyme þat she louede me fore  & leef was to fele On nyȝtes nameli  wha nne sche O.20.193: O alone has sche in place of we. naked were I ne myȝte in no man ere  make it at hir wille So eelde & sche soþeli  hadden it forbeten And as I satte in þis sorwe  I seyȝ how kynde passede And deþ drowȝ nyȝ me  for drede gan I quake And criede to kynde  out of care me brynge Loo eelde þe hoore  haþ me beseye O.20.199: This and the following eleven lines are written around a very large keyhole-shaped tear in the vellum, at about the center of the leaf. A -wreke me if ȝoure wille be  for I wolde be hennys If þ ou wolt be ywroken  wende in -to vnite And holde þee þere eu ere  til I sende for þee And loke þ ou cunne su m craft  or þ ou come þennes Counceyle me kynde quod I  what craft is best to lerne Lerne to loue quod kynde  & leue of . alle oþ ere How schal I come to catel so  to cloþe me & to fede And þ ou loue lelli quod he  lakke schal þee neu ere  Mete ne worldli wede  whyle þi lijf lasteþ And þ ere bi cou nceyl of kynde  I comsede to roome Þoruȝ co ntriciou n & co nfessiou n  til I coome to vnite And þ ere was concience cunstable  cristene for O.20.211: O alone includes for before to. to saue And bisegede soþeli  wiþ seuene grete geauntes Þat wiþ antecrist helden  harde aȝens concience Sleuþe wiþ his slynge  an harde assaute made Proude preestis coomen wiþ hym  moo þan a þousande In paltokis & piked schoos  & pissers longe knyues Coomen aȝens concience  wiþ coueytise þei helden Bi marie quod a mansed preest  of þe marche of irloond I counte no more bi O.20.219: OB alone include bi. concience  bi so I cacche syluer Þan I do to drynke  a drauȝt of good ale And so seyden sixti  of þe same cuntre And schoten aȝeyn hym wiþ schotte  w it h many scheef of oþes And brode hoked arwes  goddis herte & hise nayles And hadden almost vnite  & holynesse adou n Concience criede . helpe clergye  or ellis I falle Þoruȝ imp arfiȝt preestis  & p relatis of holi chirche Freris herden hym crye  & coomen . hym to helpe And for þei couþen O.20.228: O alone has couþen in place of kouþe. not wel her craft  concience forsoke hem Nede neyȝhede þoo neer  & concience he tolde Þ at þei coomen O.20.230: O alone has coomen; most B manuscripts have come. for coueytise  to haue cure of soules And for þei arn pore p araunter  for pat rimoyne hem fayleþ Þei wolen flat ere to fare wel  folk þat been riche And seyen O.20.233: GO alone have seyen; most B manuscripts have siþen. þei chosen chele  & chaytijf pouert Latte hem chewe as þei chosen  & charge he m wiþ no cure For lomer he lijþ  þat lijflode mote bigge O.20.235: GO alone have bygge; most B manuscripts have begge. Þan he þat laboureþ for lijflode  & leneþ it to O.20.236: O alone includes to. begg ers And siþen freris forsoken O.20.237: O alone has forsoken in place of forsoke.  þe felicite of erþe f reris Freris . O.20.238: The first of these additions appears in the extreme left margin, the other in the left margin just opposite the line. Lines 238-250 are written around a very large keyhole-shaped tear in the vellum, at about the center of the leaf, which existed at the time of copying. Latte hem be as begg ers  or lyue bi aungelis fode Concience of þis cou nceyl þoo  comsede forto lawȝhe And curteysliche counfortede he m  & callede in alle freris And seyde sires soþeli  welcome be ȝe alle To vnite O.20.242: O alone lacks and before holi. holi chirche  ac oo þing I ȝow preye Holdeþ ȝow i n vnite  & haueþ noon envie To lered ne to lewed  but lyueþ after ȝoure rule And I wole be ȝoure borwe  ȝe schul haue breed & cloþes And oþ ere necessaries ynowe  ȝe schul no þing fayle Wiþ þat ȝe leue logyke  & lerne for to louye O.20.238-248: This and the preceding ten lines are written around the same keyhole-shaped tear in the manuscript described at O.20.199. For loue laften O.20.248: O alone has ynomen; variants include þerof lofte (Bo), þerof loste (BmCot), lost (Cr), þei (GC 2), and lafte (WHmYCLMRF). þei lordschipe  boþe lond & scole Freres fraunceys & domynyk  for loue to be holy And if ȝe coueyte cure  kynde wole ȝow teche Þ at in mesure god made  alle man ere þingys And sette it at a certeyn  & at a siker noumbre And nempnede names newe  & noumbrede þe preestis Q ui num erat m ulti udine m stella rum O.20.254: OR alone lack et omnibus eis after stella rum. & c etera O.20.255: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after numerat and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first. Kyng ys & knyȝtis  þat kepen & defenden Han officeris vndir hem  & of O.20.256: O alone has & of in place of and or of alone. iche of hem a certeyn And if þei wage men to werre  þei writen hem in noumbre Wole no tresourerer hem paye  traueyle þei neu ere so sore Alle oþ ere in batayle  been yholden brokouris O.20.259: O alone has brokouris; most B manuscripts have Brybours. Pilouris & pikeharneys  in iche a place a -cursid Monkes & monyalis  & alle men of religiou n Her ordre & her rule wole  to haue a certeyn nowmbre Of lewed & of lered  þe lawe it O.20.263: OHm alone include it. wole & askeþ A certeyn for a certeyn  saue onliche of freris For -þi quod concience bi crist  kynde witt me telleþ It is wikked to wage ȝow  ȝe waxen out of nowmbre Euene O.20.267: Although the MED lists Euene as a form of the word Heaven, this is the only occurrence of the form in this manuscript, and O is the only B manuscript in which the form occurs in this line. haþ euene nowmbre  & helle is wiþ -oute nowmbre For -þi I wolde witterli  þ at ȝe weren in O.20.268: OM alone among beta witnesses lack þe before registre; in M it has been erased. registre And ȝoure nowmbre vndir notaries sygne  & neiþ er mo ne lasse Enuye herde þis . & leete O.20.270: O alone has leete; most B manuscripts have heet.  freris . go to scole And lerne logyk & lawe  & eke constellac iou n O.20.271: O alone has constellac iou n in place of contemplacion. And preche men of plato  & preue it bi seneca Þ at alle þing ys vndir heuene  ouȝten O.20.273: OF alone lack to before be. be in comune And ȝit he lieþ as I leue  þat to þe lewed so p recheþ For god made to men a lawe  & moyses it tauȝte No n concupsces concup[i]sces re m p rox imi tui & c etera O.20.277: This line is written in the right margin. And yuele is þis yholden O.20.277: O alone has yholden; variants include holde (Cr), to hold (G), ȝolden (B), and yholde (WHmYC 2LMRF).  in p arissches of englond For p ersounys & p arisch preestis  þat schulden þe peple schryue Been curatouris called  to knowe & to hele  Alle þat been her p arischenes  penaunce to enioyne And schulden be a -schamed in her schrifte  ac schame makeþ he m wende  And flee to þe freris  as false folk to westmynyster . westmynyster . Þat borwe n & beren þidir  & þa nne bidden frendis  Ȝerne of forȝyuenesse  or lenger ȝeris lone Ac whyle he is in westmynyster  he wole be bifore And make hym myrie  wiþ oþ ere mennys goodis And so it fareþ bi O.20.287: HmYO alone have bi in place of with. myche folk  þat to þe freris he m O.20.287: WOF alone include hem. schryuen As sisouris & exsecutouris  þei wolen O.20.288: O alone has wolen; all other beta witnesses have wol. ȝyue þe freris A p arcel to preye for hem  & make hem -selue n O.20.289: O alone has hem-selue n ; all other beta witnesses have hemself. myrie Wiþ þe residue & þe remenaunt  þat oþ ere men biswonken And suffre þe dede in dette  to þe day of doom Enuye her -fore  hatede concience And freris to philosophie  he fonde O.20.293: O alone lacks a word between fonde and to; most B manuscripts have hem. to scole Þe while coueytise & vnkyndenesse  concience assayleden O.20.294: O alone has the form assayleden in place of assaillede. In vnite holi chirche  concience helde hym And made pees porter  to pynne þe ȝates For O.20.297: O alone has introductory For; most B manuscripts have Of. alle tale - telleris  & titerers in ydel Ypocrisie & he  an harde saute þei maden . ypocrisie . Ypocrisie at þe ȝate  harde gan to fiȝte And woundede wel wikkidli  many wise techeris Þat wiþ concience acordede  & cardynal v ertues Concience callede a leche  þat wel couþe schryue Go salue þoo þat seke been  þoruȝ synne & O.20.303: O alone includes & before woundid. woundid . schrifte . Schrifte schope scharpe salue  & made men do penaunce For her mysdedis  þat þei wrouȝten O.20.305: O alone has wrouȝten in place of wroȝt. hadde And þ at peers were payed  redde quod debes Su mme likeden not þis leche  & letteres þei senten If any surgien were þe segge  þat softer couþe playstre Sire leef to lyue in lecherie  lay þ ere & gronede F .. or fastyng of a friday  he ferde as he wolde deye Þ er is a surgien in þis þis þis sege  þat softe can handele And more of phisik bi fer  & fayrer he playstreþ . Frere flat erer . Oon frere flat erer  is phisicien & surgien Quod contriciou n to co ncience  do hym come to vnite For heer is many a man hirt  þoruȝ ypocrisie We han no nede quod concience  I woot no better leche Þan p ersou n or p arisch preest  penytauncer or bisschop Saue peers þe plowman  þat haþ power ou er hem alle And indulgence may do  but if dette lette it I may wel suffre seyde co ncience  siþ ȝe desiren Þ at frere flat erer be fet  & phisike ȝow seke Þe frere her -of . herde  & hyede hym faste To a lord for a letter  leue to haue cure And as a curatour he were  & cam wiþ hise lettres Booldli to þe bisschop  & his breef hadde In cuntrees þ er he coome inne  confessiou n O.20.326: CrO alone have the singular form. to here And cam þ er concience was  & knokkede at þe ȝate Pees vnpynnede it  was porter of vnite And in hast askede  what his wille were In feiþ quod þis frere  for p rofiȝt & for hele O.20.330: O alone has the form hele; most B manuscripts have helþe. Carpe I wolde wiþ cont riciou n  & þ erfore cam I hider He is seek seyde pees  & so arn many oþ ere Ypocrisie haþ hirt hem  ful hard is if þei keu ere I am a surgien seyde þe segge  & salues can make Concience knoweþ me wel  & what I kan do boþe . Frere leche . I preye þee quod pees þoo  er þ ou passe forþ er What hattest þ ou I preye þee  hele not þi name Certis felaw seyde O.20.338: O alone has felaw seyde in place of seide; all manuscripts except OF have felaw as subject and place it in final position in the a-verse. he  sire penetrans domos Ȝhe go þi gate quod pees  bi god . for al þi phisik But þ ou kunne su m craft  þ ou comest not heer -inne I knewe swich oon ones  not eyȝte wynter passed Coome in . þus y -coped  at a court þ ere I dwelte And was my lady O.20.343: O alone has lady; most B manuscripts have lordes. leche  & my lordis boþe And at þe last þis lymyto ur  þo my lord was oute He saluede so oure wommen  til su mme were wiþ childe Heende speche heete pees  to opene þe ȝates Latte in þe frere & his felaw  & make he m fayre chere He may see & here  so it may be -falle Þ at lijf þoruȝ his lore  schal leue coueytise And be adrad of deþ  & wiþdrawe hym fro pride And a -corde wiþ concience  & kisse her eiþ erer Þus þoruȝ heende speche  entrede þe frere And cam in . to concience  & curteysli hym grette Þ ou art welcome quod concience  canst þ ou hele þe seke Heer is cont riciou n quod co ncience  my cosyn ywounded Counforte hym quod concience  & take keep to hise sores Þe playstres of þe p ersou n  & poudres biten to sore He leete hem ligge ou er -longe  & loþ is to chaunge hem Fro lenten to lenten  he latte hise playstres byte . Frere co nfesso ur . O.20.360: A flourish appears centered beneath the marginal addition. Þat is ou er -longe quod þis lymyto ur  I leue I schal amende it And gooþ & gropeþ co ntric iou n  & gaue hym a playstre Of a pryue payement  & I schal preye for ȝow And for alle þat ȝe been holden to  al my lijf -tyme And make ȝow . my lady  in messe & in matynes As frere O.20.365: WHmO alone have the singular form frere in place of the plural, although Y has suster. of oure frat ernyte  for a litil syluer Þus he gooþ & gadereþ  & gloseþ þ ere he schryueþ Til contriciou n hadde clene forȝeten  to crie & to wepe And wake for hise wikkede werkis  as he was wont to done For cou nfort of his confesso ur  contric iou n he lafte Þat is þe sou ereynest salue  of O.20.370: O alone has of in place of for. alle kyn synnes Sleuþe þa nne saw O.20.371: O alone has þanne saw; most B manuscripts have seigh. þat  & also O.20.371: O alone has also in place of so. dide pride And cam wiþ a kene wille  concience to assayle Concience crience criede efte  & bade clergye helpe And also contriciou n  for to kepe þe ȝate He lijþ & dremeþ seyde pees  & so doon many oþ ere Þe frere wiþ his phisik  þeise O.20.376: YOC 2 alone have the plural form. folk haþ enchauntid And playstred hem so esily  þei dreden no synne Bi crist quod concience þoo  I wole bicome a pilgryme And walken as wyde  as þe werld lasteþ To seke peers þe plowman  þat pride may distruye And þ at freres hadden a fyndyng  þat for nede flateren And counterpleden me concience  now kynde me auenge And sende me happe & hele  til I haue peers þe plowman And siþ he gradde after grace  til I gan awake O.20.384: This line is followed by six ticks. E xplicit O.20.385: The initial capital of the word E xplicit is heavily ornamented and outlined in red. hic dialogus petri plowman O.20.385: This line is underlined both above and below in red. Small red ticks appear between each of the preceding words and after plowman. L auderis O.20.385: The initial capital of Lauderis is ornamented and outlined in red. christe  q uia finit ur liber iste O.20.385: Small red ticks appear between each of the preceding words; three ticks in black appear at the end of the line. O.20.385: The word f init , written unevenly in a large, crude hand, appears centered in the bottom margin about three vertical spaces below the final trailer.