L.10.199KD.10.195 Qui similat verbis velL.10.199: LWR alone read vel; all other B manuscripts have nec. corde est fidus amicus
M.10.199KD.10.195Qui simulat verbis velnecM.10.199: M's original reading agreed with WLR. M's altered reading nec agrees with most B manuscripts. corde est fidus amicus
Cr1.10.198KD.10.195 Qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidus amicus
C.10.197KD.10.195 Qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidus amicus
G.11.200KD.10.195 qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidus amicus
tu quoque fac simile sic ars deluditur arteG.11.200: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
O.10.199KD.10.195Qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidus amicusO.10.199: This line is written in the right margin.
Qui similatR.10.202: Alpha's verb form is supported by L, Cr2-3, and Cot,
but most beta manuscripts read simulat. The A version manuscripts are equally divided between these two forms.
verbis vel inR.10.202: In place of R's vel in, beta
reads nec, which is also the reading of Ax. corde est fidus amicus .
F.7.201KD.10.195Qvi similat verbisF.7.201: F omits "nec corde est fidus amicus."