L.10.92KD.10.89α Si tibi sit copia habundanter tribue · si autem exiguum illud impertiri stude libenter
M.10.92KD.10.89αSi tibi sit copia habundanter tribue si autem exiguum illud impertireM.10.92: M alone among B manuscripts here lacks stude, though RF transpose its position with libenter. libenter
Cr1.10.92KD.10.89α Si tibi sit copia habundanter tribue
Si autem exiguum illud Impertiri stude libenter
C.10.92KD.10.89α Si tibi copia sit · habundanter tribue · si autem exiguum impertiri stude libenter
G.11.92KD.10.89α G.11.92: G11.92 and G11.93 are bracketed together in red on the right.si tibi copia sit habundanter tribue
O.10.92KD.10.89αSi tibi copia sit habundanter tribue si autem exiguum impertirei stude libenter
Si tibi sit copia habundanter
In the left margin, a hand points at this line and the next.
Si autem exiguum illud inpertireR.10.95: Though several beta manuscripts agree with alpha's verb form here, beta
itself probably read impertiri, as reflected in LCrWO. The readings of
the C manuscripts—for the entire Latin phrase—are quite
mixed, but a majority, including XYcP2, agree with alpha.
libenter studeR.10.95: Beta transposes this phrase as stude
libenter; Cx attests the same word order here as
alpha. .