Cr1.11.122KD.11.120α O vos omnes sicientes venite . & . cetera .
C.11.123KD.11.120α O vos omnes scicientes · venite & cetera
G.12.124KD.11.120α O vos omnes scientes venite ad aquas et cetera //G.12.124: The phrase ad aquas, found in G and Hm, is absent from most B manuscripts but present in all C manuscripts. However, the correspondence beween the C and G Hm readings may well, like the shared readings at G.19.268, simply be due to shared recollection of the biblical passage (Isaiah 55:1).
O.11.124KD.11.120αO vos omnes scicientes venite & ceteraO.11.124: This line is written in the right margin.
O vos omnes scicientesR.11.120: R's scicientes is variant spelling of the Vulgate form sicientes. It is found in many B manuscripts (including L, M,
and F) and is not rare in late medieval Latin generally. venite
&cetera .
F.8.117KD.11.120αO vos omnes scicientesF.8.117: This spelling appears in alpha and in a substantial number of beta witnesses. venite