Cr1.11.132KD.11.129 And he may runne in arerages , and runne so from home
C.11.133KD.11.129 And he may renne in arrerage · and rowme so fro home
G.12.134KD.11.129 but he may renne In areragys & rome froG.12.134: The G R F reading fro (for remaining manuscripts so fro) is adopted by Kane and Donaldson, and is also shared by almost all C manuscripts. hys owne
R.11.130KD.11.129 Ac he may rennen in a-rerage
and renneR.11.130: Beta has rowme so; F reads rayke. Cx agrees with beta on the verb in question but agrees with alpha on the
omission of so. fro home .
F.8.127KD.11.129But he may renne in reragis / & raykeF.8.127: F's rayke is unique. Beta witnesses have rome. R has repeated renne from the a-verse. fram home.