Cr1.11.134KD.11.131-132 And reason shal reken with hym , & cast him in arerage
C.11.135KD.11.131-132 And reson shal reken with hym · and caste hym in arrarege
R.11.132KD.11.131 Ac reson schal rekne with hym and rebuken hym at þe laste . Beta omits KD11.131b-32a, presumably as a result of eyeskip involving
with hym, which occurs midline in both lines. Cx
agrees completely with alpha here.
F.8.129KD.11.131Ȝit resoun shal rykne with hym / & rebewke hym at þe laste. Beta omits 129b-130a from Bx by eye-skip on "with him."