Cr1.11.136KD.11.134 For his arerages rewarden hym there , tyl domes day
C.11.137KD.11.134 For his arrerage rewarde hym ther · to the day of dome
AndR.11.135: Beta omits And from the opening of this line. The cognate
C line is slightly revised from B, but its opening
phrase is the same (as is the previous line). Most of the P family copies support the beta
omission while most of the X family support alpha's reading for his a-rerages rewarden hym þere riȝteR.11.135: Beta completely omits this alliterative stave-word; F rewrites the b-verse
completely and is irrelevant. The a-verse of Cx is slightly revised from
B, but its b-verse is identical to R's and affirms the authority of riȝte. to þe day of dome .
F.8.132KD.11.134&F.8.132: F's & is unique. Beta witnesses have For, and R has And for. hise reragys rewarde hym þere / til oo day komynge.