L.11.153KD.11.149-150 Grace wyth-outen any bede-byddynge · his bone was vnderfongeL.11.153: The remains of an erased red box can be seen around the last word.
Cr1.11.152KD.11.149-150 Grace without any bede bydding , his bone was vnderfogenvnderfongen
C.11.152KD.11.148-149 And after that he wepte · and wilned me graunted were
C.11.153KD.11.150 Grace with-outen any bede biddyng · his boone was vndirf?ange
G.12.154KD.11.149-150 grace wyth-owte beydeG.12.154: Kane and Donaldson adopt the G reading beyde. Most B manuscripts read any bede. byddyng hys bone was vndrefonge
O.11.154KD.11.149-150Grace . wiþ-outen any bede biddyng his boone loueO.11.154: Because marginal loue is placed directly above boone, and both are accompanied by a solidus/punctus, it seems likely that it is intended as a substitution. Perhaps a gloss, and
not substitution, is intended; however, the words do not have the same meaning, and it seems unlikely that the word boone would have been unfamiliar to any reader. was vndirfongen