Cr1.11.173KD.11.181 And commaundeth ech creature to conforme him to loue ,
W.11.174KD.11.181 CristW.11.174: W alone reads Crist; F reads he; other B manuscripts have And. comaundeþ ech a creature . to conformen hym to louye W.11.174:nota
C.11.174KD.11.181 And comande Ilk creature · to confourme hym to louye
O.11.175KD.11.181And comaundedeO.11.175: OC2RF alone have the preterite form. iche creature to conforme hym to louye
R.11.183KD.11.181 And comaundedR.11.183: Although O agrees with alpha in reading a preterite verb form here, beta
clearly had the present form comaundeth. vch
creature to conforme hym to louye .
F.8.180KD.11.181He comandideF.8.180: Alpha is responsible for the preterite comandide, though the reading is shared by C2O. Other beta witnesses have the present tense. ech creature / to conforme hym to love god.