L.11.2KD.11.2 And lakked me in latyne · and liȝte by me she sette
Cr1.11.2KD.11.2 And lacked me in latyn & light be me she sette
C.11.2KD.11.2 And lakked me in latyn · and light by me sette
G.12.2KD.11.2 & lakked me In latyn & lyghtG.12.2: The loop on the <l> of lyght has been added in brown ink. by me sett
R.11.2KD.11.2 And lakked me a latynR.11.2: Beta agrees with the P family of C manuscripts in reading
this phrase as in latyne; Russell-Kane opt for that reading as
representing Cx as well, but the X family of C
manuscripts clearly agrees with R, and probably alpha (F reads this line eccentrically), in
rendering it a latyn. There is, of course, no semantic difference between
these two phrases. & liȝt by me heR.11.2:He, "she." sette . In
the right margin, in black ink, there is an early ownership stamp for the Bodleian
F.7.499KD.11.2For me lakkede latyn / lyght by me heF.7.499: he: Manuscripts WHmCrLM read she; others omit the pronoun as do Kane and Donaldson. An unlikely form of the feminine nominative singular in this scribe's
dialect, it is here a relict from alpha which in turn reflects Langland's own usage. See F14.156 for an instance in which
RF have he for "she" and where alliteration shows that the reading with an "h-" form of the pronoun is original. Cf. F8.104, where
F uses he to refer to Scripture. See also M. L. Samuels, "Dialect and Grammar," in A Companion to Piers Plowman, ed. John A. Alford (Berkeley and Los Angeles: U of California P, 1988), p. 109. sette.