L.11.204KD.11.209 For-þi loue we as leue bretheren shal · and vche man laughe vpL.11.204: LMR read vp and, although BCY have vpon, a majority of B witnesses record of. other
# quia Iocundum est habitare Fratres in vnum
M.11.203KD.11.209For-thi loue we as leue bretheren shal and eche man laughe vp other .
Cr1.11.203KD.11.209 Forthy loue we as leue brether , & ech man leue other
W.11.204KD.11.209 ¶ For-þi loue we as leue breþeren . and ech man laughe of ooþer W.11.204:nota
C.11.203KD.11.209 For-thy loue we as leue bretheren shal · and Ilk man laughe vp onother
G.12.205KD.11.209 forthy louve we as bretheren shall & eche man laghe onerG.12.205: The scribe originally wrote ouer. After the deletion of the abbreviation for -er the two <u> minims function as the <n> of on. other
O.11.205KD.11.209For-þi . lyueO.11.205: O alone has lyue in place of loue. we as leue breþeren schul & iche man lawȝhe onO.11.205: GOC2F alone have on; most B manuscripts have of. oþer
R.11.214KD.11.209 ¶ For-þi loue we as leue childernR.11.214: Beta has bretheren, but Cx agrees
with alpha's childern. schal & vch man lauȝh vp
oþer .