M.11.217KD.11.222For it is ouer-longe er logyke any lessoun tassoilleM.11.217: A small <t> is added faintly before assoile. It is not in other B manuscripts.
Cr1.11.217KD.11.222 For it is ouer long or logyke , any lesson assoyle
Hm.12.93KD.11.222 for itusHm.12.93: The scribe has written itus in the display script in which his Latin is normally written. He may have taken the reading to be the Latin noun itus, "a departure" or "an introduction to an argument." More probably, he may simply have made a minim error. ouerlonge · or logyke any lessoun assoyle ·
C.11.217KD.11.222 For it is ouerlonge · or logik any lesson assoille
G.12.219KD.11.222 for ytt ys ouerlong er logykG.12.219:There is possibly a second very tiny <o> here (giving loogyk). any leyssone assoyle
F.8.225KD.11.222For it is ouer-longe ofo[r]F.8.225: or, "ere." F has replaced Bx's er with of. logyk / ony lessoun a-soyle.