Readings for line KD.11.245

Þere neuere segge hym seigh · in secte of þe riche
There neuere segge hym seigh  in secte of þe riche .
There neuer segge him see , in sette of the ryche
Ther neuere segge hym seiȝ . in secte of þe riche           W.11.241:nota
there neuere segge hym seiȝe · yn secte of þe ryche ·
There neuere segge mane hym sawe · in secte of the riche
they neuer segh hym segge In þe secte off the ryche
ÞatO.11.242: OC2 alone have Þat; most B manuscripts have Ther. neuere segge hym seyȝ  in secte of þe riche
to punysh m
\ þe Between these two lines, Hand2 has tried to indicate an insertion point for þe in the previous line where the scribe had already written þe. Also Hand2 has drawn a tail on the original character's descender to make its identity more explicit. Apparently, he understood the scribe's form in line 251 as ye and was attempting to fix it.
Þere neuere segge hym seyȝ  in secte of þe riche .
Þere neuere segge hym seyȝ / with syghte / lyk þe ryche.F.8.246: The b-verse in Bx reads "in secte of þe riche." F habitually avoids secte, substituting sewte (F10.734), seut (F11.248), or even selue (F5.499). However, note that at 7.223 F alone reads sekt in place of Bx's book.