M.11.253KD.11.257PraisedenM.11.253: M shares the past tense Praiseden with W; other B manuscripts have the present. pouerte for þeM.11.253: M shares the reading þe with Cot; other B manuscripts omit it. beste lif if pacience it folwe .
Cr1.11.253KD.11.257 Praysen pouerty for best lyfe , if patience folowe ,
W.11.254KD.11.257 PreisedenW.11.254: The past tense Preiseden is shared with M; other B manuscripts have Preisen. pouerte for best lif . if Pacience it folwedW.11.254: W alone reads folwed; most other B manuscripts have folwe.
C.11.253KD.11.257 Praisen pouerte for beste lif · if pacience it folowe
R.11.264KD.11.257 Preisen pouerte for best lyf if pacience it wolde .R.11.264: R's fourth stave, wolde, is a unique reading; cf. beta's
folwe and F's welde. Cx agrees
with beta.
F.8.257KD.11.257Preyse pouerte for best lyf / if pacyence it welde.F.8.257: F's welde is unique. R has wolde, and beta manuscripts have folwe.