Cr1.11.277KD.11.279 For failed neuer man meat , that mightful god serueth
C.11.277KD.11.279 For failled neuere man mete · that mygtful god serued
. nota .O.11.278: The word nota is surrounded at left, right, and bottom by flourishes in black and red.
O.11.279KD.11.279.1Non vidi iustum derelictum nec semen eius querens panemO.11.279: This line, which occurs here only in OC2, is written in the right margin. It is divided after derelictum, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. The word nota is surrounded at left, right, and bottom by flourishes in black and red. This line has occurred previously at 7.98; Kane
and Donaldson (221) exclude it as a "contamination," probably inserted from memory.