Cr1.11.321KD.11.318 This loking on lewd priests I am leapt from pouerti
C.11.321KD.11.318 ¶ This lokyng on lewed prestes · has done me lepe fra pouertee
O.11.323KD.11.318Þis lokyng ofO.11.323: OGC2F alone have of in place of on. lewid preestis haþ doon me lepe fro pouerte
R.11.333KD.11.318 ¶ Þis lokynge on lewde prestes
hath do me luppeR.11.333: Although there is no semantic difference from the majority
here, R's luppe is a unique form, minimally attested by
OED2, s. v.
leap, and MED, s. v.
lepen; F has lope while most of the beta copies read
lepe. fram pouerte .
F.8.324KD.11.318Þe lookenge of lewede prestis / haþ do me lopeF.8.324: F's lope ["leap" (cf. ON laupa)] is unique. Beta witnesses have lepe. fram pouerte.