L.11.344KD.11.340 And in euenynges also · ȝe[þ]eL.11.344: L's erroneous ȝe instead of þe is noted by the corrector's <+> in the margin. males fro femeles
Cr1.11.343KD.11.340 And in eueninges also , the males ben from the females
C.11.343KD.11.340 And in euenynges also · the males fro femeles
O.11.345KD.11.340InO.11.345: OC2 alone lack introductory And. euenynges also þe males fro þe femeles
And in eueninges also ȝedeR.11.355: Most beta copies have a simple þe for R's ȝede, but L's reading, ȝe, suggests itself as a likely
channel of error from the authorial reading to beta and that R's reading may be original
(both for lexical specificity and alliteration); F omits the line.
males from females .
[Not found.]