L.11.382KD.11.378 Amende þow itL.11.382: LCrWR alone read þow it, although a correction in Hm places it before þow and F simply has it. The most common B reading is þow alone. if þow myȝte · for my tyme is to abyde
Cr1.11.381KD.11.378 Amende þou it if thou myght , for my tyme is to abide
C.11.379KD.11.378 Amende þow if þou myȝt · for my tyme is nouȝt to abide
F.9.55KD.11.378A-mende it / þou myght not / but tyȝme y a-byȝde.F.9.55: This line represents a succession of small errors followed by scribal smoothing in an attempt to make sense of botched
copy. Bx reads as follows: "Amende þow it if þow myȝt for my tyme is to abide."