Cr1.11.387KD.11.395 De re que te non molestat noli certare .
C.11.385KD.11.395 de re que te non molestat noli certare
O.11.389KD.11.395De re que te non molestat noli certareO.11.389: This line is written in the right margin.
De re quieteque te non molestat noliteR.11.411: Beta reads noly while F has non. In a completely revised verse passage homologous with this one,
the C version cites this same Latin tag. In that set of witnesses, the
predominant reading (attested by copies from both major families, including manuscripts X
and P) is beta's, noly. However, a sizeable minority agrees
with the form cited by R. certare .
F.9.74KD.11.395De re que te non molestat non certaueris . & in iudicioiniudic ioF.9.74: F alone adds "& in iudicio," from Ecclus. 11:9 which reads "De ea re quae te non molestat ne certeris; et in iudicio peccantium ne consistas."